mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 15:51:37 -05:00
Add many improvements to geom ns.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 68 additions and 311 deletions
@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
;; Copyright (c) 2016 Andrey Antukh <niwi@niwi.nz>
(ns uxbox.main.geom
(:require [uxbox.util.geom.matrix :as gmt]
(:require [cljs.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[uxbox.util.geom.matrix :as gmt]
[uxbox.util.geom.point :as gpt]
[uxbox.util.math :as mth]
[uxbox.store :as st]))
;; --- Relative Movement
;; TODO: revisit, maybe dead code
(declare move-rect)
(declare move-path)
(declare move-circle)
@ -87,16 +87,16 @@
"A specialized function for absolute moviment
for rect-like shapes."
[shape {:keys [x y] :as pos}]
(let [dx (if x (- (:x1 shape) x) 0)
dy (if y (- (:y1 shape) y) 0)]
(let [dx (if x (- x (:x1 shape)) 0)
dy (if y (- y (:y1 shape)) 0)]
(move shape (gpt/point dx dy))))
(defn- absolute-move-circle
"A specialized function for absolute moviment
for rect-like shapes."
[shape {:keys [x y] :as pos}]
(let [dx (if x (- (:cx shape) x) 0)
dy (if y (- (:cy shape) y) 0)]
(let [dx (if x (- x(:cx shape)) 0)
dy (if y (- y (:cy shape)) 0)]
(move shape (gpt/point dx dy))))
(defn- absolute-move-group
@ -161,117 +161,6 @@
(merge shape {:width (* rx 2)
:height (* ry 2)}))
;; --- Vertex Access
(declare get-rect-vertext-point)
(declare get-circle-vertext-point)
(defn get-vertex-point
[shape id]
(case (:type shape)
:icon (get-rect-vertext-point shape id)
:image (get-rect-vertext-point shape id)
:rect (get-rect-vertext-point shape id)
:circle (get-circle-vertext-point shape id)
:text (get-rect-vertext-point shape id)))
(defn- get-rect-vertext-point
[{:keys [x1 y1 x2 y2]} id]
(case id
:top-left (gpt/point x1 y1)
:top-right (gpt/point x2 y1)
:bottom-left (gpt/point x1 y2)
:bottom-right (gpt/point x2 y2)
:top (gpt/point (/ (+ x1 x2) 2) y1)
:right (gpt/point x2 (/ (+ y1 y2) 2))
:left (gpt/point x1 (/ (+ y1 y2) 2))
:bottom (gpt/point (/ (+ x1 x2) 2)
(/ (+ y1 y2) 2))))
(defn- get-circle-vertext-point
[{:keys [rx ry]} id]
(gpt/point rx ry))
;; --- Vertex Movement (Relative)
(declare move-rect-vertex)
(declare move-circle-vertex)
(defn move-vertex
"Resize the shape moving one of its vertex using
relative delta."
[shape vid dpoint]
(case (:type shape)
:rect (move-rect-vertex shape vid dpoint)
:text (move-rect-vertex shape vid dpoint)
:icon (move-rect-vertex shape vid dpoint)
:image (move-rect-vertex shape vid dpoint)
:path (move-rect-vertex shape vid dpoint)
:circle (move-circle-vertex shape vid dpoint)))
(defn- move-rect-vertex
"A specialized function for vertex movement
for rect-like shapes."
[shape vid {dx :x dy :y lock? :lock}]
(letfn [(handle-positioning [{:keys [x1 x2 y1 y2] :as shape}]
(case vid
:top-left (assoc shape
:x1 (min x2 (+ x1 dx))
:y1 (min y2 (+ y1 dy)))
:top-right (assoc shape
:x2 (max x1 (+ x2 dx))
:y1 (min y2 (+ y1 dy)))
:bottom-left (assoc shape
:x1 (min x2 (+ x1 dx))
:y2 (max y1 (+ y2 dy)))
:bottom-right (assoc shape
:x2 (max x1 (+ x2 dx))
:y2 (max y1 (+ y2 dy)))
:top (assoc shape :y1 (min y2 (+ y1 dy)))
:right (assoc shape :x2 (max x1 (+ x2 dx)))
:bottom (assoc shape :y2 (max y1 (+ y2 dy)))
:left (assoc shape :x1 (min x2 (+ x1 dx)))))
(handle-proportion [{:keys [y1 proportion proportion-lock] :as shape}]
(let [{:keys [width height]} (size shape)]
(if (or lock? proportion-lock)
(assoc shape :y2 (+ y1 (/ width proportion)))
(-> shape
(defn- move-circle-vertex
"A specialized function for vertex movement
for circle shapes."
[shape vid {dx :x dy :y lock? :lock}]
(letfn [(handle-positioning [shape]
(case vid
:top-left (assoc shape
:rx (max 0 (- (:rx shape) dx))
:ry (max 0 (- (:ry shape) dy)))
:top-right (assoc shape
:rx (max 0 (+ (:rx shape) dx))
:ry (max 0 (- (:ry shape) dy)))
:bottom-left (assoc shape
:rx (max 0 (- (:rx shape) dx))
:ry (max 0 (+ (:ry shape) dy)))
:bottom-right (assoc shape
:rx (max 0 (+ (:rx shape) dx))
:ry (max 0 (+ (:ry shape) dy)))
:top (assoc shape :ry (max 0 (- (:ry shape) dy)))
:right (assoc shape :rx (max 0 (+ (:rx shape) dx)))
:bottom (assoc shape :ry (max 0 (+ (:ry shape) dy)))
:left (assoc shape :rx (max 0 (+ (:rx shape) dx)))))
(handle-proportion [{:keys [rx proportion proportion-lock] :as shape}]
(let [{:keys [width height]} (size shape)]
(if (or lock? proportion-lock)
(assoc shape :ry (/ rx proportion))
(-> shape
;; --- Paths
(defn update-path-point
@ -500,7 +389,7 @@
(defn shapes->rect-shape
([shapes] (shapes->rect-shape @st/state shapes))
([state shapes]
([state [shape :as shapes]]
{:pre [(seq shapes)]}
(let [shapes (map shape->rect-shape shapes)
minx (apply min (map :x1 shapes))
@ -511,12 +400,14 @@
:y1 miny
:x2 maxx
:y2 maxy
::shapes shapes})))
:type :rect})))
(defn- group->rect-shape
[state {:keys [items] :as group}]
[state {:keys [id items rotation] :as group}]
(let [shapes (map #(get-in state [:shapes %]) items)]
(shapes->rect-shape state shapes)))
(-> (shapes->rect-shape state shapes)
(assoc :rotation rotation)
(assoc :id id))))
(defn- path->rect-shape
[state {:keys [points] :as shape}]
@ -604,162 +495,66 @@
;; --- Outer Rect
(declare outer-rect-generic)
(declare outer-rect-circle)
(declare outer-rect-path)
(declare outer-rect-group)
(declare apply-rotation-transformation)
(declare apply-parent-deltas)
(declare selection-rect-generic)
(declare selection-rect-group)
(defn outer-rect
(defn rotation-matrix
"Generate a rotation matrix from shape."
[{:keys [x1 y1 rotation] :as shape}]
(let [{:keys [width height]} (size shape)
x-center (+ x1 (/ width 2))
y-center (+ y1 (/ height 2))]
(-> (gmt/matrix)
;; (gmt/rotate* rotation (gpt/point x-center y-center)))))
(gmt/translate x-center y-center)
(gmt/rotate rotation)
(gmt/translate (- x-center) (- y-center)))))
(defn rotate-shape
"Apply the transformation matrix to the shape."
(let [mtx (rotation-matrix (size shape))]
(transform shape mtx)))
(defn selection-rect
"Return the selection rect for the shape."
(outer-rect @st/state shape))
(selection-rect @st/state shape))
([state shape]
(let [shape (case (:type shape)
:path (outer-rect-path state shape)
:circle (outer-rect-circle state shape)
:group (outer-rect-group state shape)
(outer-rect-generic state shape))]
(if (:group shape)
(let [group (get-in state [:shapes (:group shape)])]
(apply-parent-deltas state shape (:group group)))
(case (:type shape)
:group (selection-rect-group state shape)
(selection-rect-generic state shape))))
(defn- apply-parent-deltas
[state {:keys [x y] :as shape} id]
(if-let [group (get-in state [:shapes id])]
(let [props {:x (+ x (:dx group 0))
:y (+ y (:dy group 0))}]
(apply-parent-deltas state (merge shape props) (:group group)))
(defn- selection-rect-generic
[state {:keys [id x1 y1 x2 y2] :as shape}]
(let [resize-xf (:tmp-resize-xform shape (gmt/matrix))
displc-xf (-> (:tmp-displacement shape (gpt/point 0 0))
(-> (shape->rect-shape shape)
(assoc :type :rect :id id)
(transform resize-xf)
(transform displc-xf)
(defn- outer-rect-generic
[state {:keys [x1 y1 x2 y2 group] :as shape}]
(let [group (get-in state [:shapes group])
props {:x (+ x1 (:dx group 0))
:y (+ y1 (:dy group 0))
:width (- x2 x1)
:height (- y2 y1)}]
(-> (merge shape props)
(defn- outer-rect-circle
[state {:keys [cx cy rx ry group] :as shape}]
(let [group (get-in state [:shapes group])
props {:x (+ (- cx rx) (:dx group 0))
:y (+ (- cy ry) (:dy group 0))
:width (* rx 2)
:height (* ry 2)}]
(-> (merge shape props)
(defn- outer-rect-path
[state {:keys [points group] :as shape}]
(let [group (get-in state [:shapes group])
minx (apply min (map :x points))
miny (apply min (map :y points))
maxx (apply max (map :x points))
maxy (apply max (map :y points))
props {:x (+ minx (:dx group 0))
:y (+ miny (:dy group 0))
:width (- maxx minx)
:height (- maxy miny)}]
(-> (merge shape props)
(defn- outer-rect-group
[state {:keys [id group rotation dx dy] :as shape}]
(let [shapes (->> (:items shape)
(defn- selection-rect-group
[state {:keys [id group items] :as shape}]
(let [resize-xf (:tmp-resize-xform shape (gmt/matrix))
displc-xf (-> (:tmp-displacement shape (gpt/point 0 0))
shapes (->> items
(map #(get-in state [:shapes %]))
(map #(outer-rect state %)))
x (apply min (map :x shapes))
y (apply min (map :y shapes))
x' (apply max (map (fn [{:keys [x width]}] (+ x width)) shapes))
y' (apply max (map (fn [{:keys [y height]}] (+ y height)) shapes))
width (- x' x)
height (- y' y)]
(-> (merge shape {:width width :height height :x x :y y})
(map #(selection-rect state %)))]
(declare apply-rotation)
(defn- apply-rotation-transformation
[{:keys [x y width height rotation] :as shape}]
(let [center-x (+ x (/ width 2))
center-y (+ y (/ height 2))
angle (mth/radians (or rotation 0))
x1 (- x center-x)
y1 (- y center-y)
x2 (- (+ x width) center-x)
y2 (- y center-y)
[rx1 ry1] (apply-rotation [x1 y1] rotation)
[rx2 ry2] (apply-rotation [x2 y2] rotation)
[d1 d2] (cond
(and (>= rotation 0)
(< rotation 90))
[(mth/abs ry1)
(mth/abs rx2)]
(and (>= rotation 90)
(< rotation 180))
[(mth/abs ry2)
(mth/abs rx1)]
(and (>= rotation 180)
(< rotation 270))
[(mth/abs ry1)
(mth/abs rx2)]
(and (>= rotation 270)
(<= rotation 360))
[(mth/abs ry2)
(mth/abs rx1)])
final-x (- center-x d2)
final-y (- center-y d1)
final-width (* d2 2)
final-height (* d1 2)]
(merge shape
{:x final-x
:y final-y
:width final-width
:height final-height})))
;; --- Outer Rect Coll
(defn outer-rect-coll
{:pre [(seq shapes)]}
(let [shapes (map outer-rect shapes)
x (apply min (map :x shapes))
y (apply min (map :y shapes))
x' (apply max (map (fn [{:keys [x width]}] (+ x width)) shapes))
y' (apply max (map (fn [{:keys [y height]}] (+ y height)) shapes))
width (- x' x)
height (- y' y)]
{:width width
:height height
:x x
:y y}))
(-> (shapes->rect-shape shapes)
(assoc :id id)
(transform resize-xf)
(transform displc-xf)
;; --- Helpers
(defn apply-rotation
[[x y :as v] rotation]
(let [angle (mth/radians rotation)
rx (- (* x (mth/cos angle))
(* y (mth/sin angle)))
ry (+ (* x (mth/sin angle))
(* y (mth/cos angle)))]
(let [r [(mth/precision rx 6)
(mth/precision ry 6)]]
(defn resolve-parent
"Recursively resolve the real shape parent."
@ -773,47 +568,9 @@
"Check if a shape is contained in the
provided selection rect."
[shape selrect]
(let [sx1 (:x selrect)
sx2 (+ sx1 (:width selrect))
sy1 (:y selrect)
sy2 (+ sy1 (:height selrect))
rx1 (:x shape)
rx2 (+ rx1 (:width shape))
ry1 (:y shape)
ry2 (+ ry1 (:height shape))]
(and (neg? (- (:y selrect) (:y shape)))
(neg? (- (:x selrect) (:x shape)))
(pos? (- (+ (:y selrect)
(:height selrect))
(+ (:y shape)
(:height shape))))
(pos? (- (+ (:x selrect)
(:width selrect))
(+ (:x shape)
(:width shape)))))))
;; TODO: maybe remove, seems it not used anymore.
(defn translate-coords
"Given a shape and initial coords, transform
it mapping its coords to new provided initial coords."
([shape x y]
(translate-coords shape x y -))
([shape x y op]
(let [x' (:x shape)
y' (:y shape)]
(assoc shape :x (op x' x) :y (op y' y)))))
;; This function will be deleted when selrect is implemented properly
(defn parent-satisfies?
"Resolve the first parent that satisfies a condition."
[{:keys [group] :as shape} pred]
(let [shapes-by-id (:shapes @st/state)]
(if group
(loop [parent (get shapes-by-id group)]
(pred parent) true
(:group parent) (recur (get shapes-by-id (:group parent)))
:else false))
(let [{sx1 :x1 sx2 :x2 sy1 :y1 sy2 :y2} selrect
{rx1 :x1 rx2 :x2 ry1 :y1 ry2 :y2} shape]
(and (neg? (- sy1 ry1))
(neg? (- sx1 rx1))
(pos? (- sy2 ry2))
(pos? (- sx2 rx2)))))
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