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🐛 Fix problems with mask elements modifiers when moving child

This commit is contained in:
alonso.torres 2023-01-17 16:30:51 +01:00
parent 24f45fafbf
commit 0d96b5b798

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@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
[app.common.geom.matrix :as gmt]
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.common.pages.helpers :as cph]
[app.common.types.modifiers :as ctm]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.ui.hooks :as hooks]
@ -30,14 +31,14 @@
(defn get-nodes
"Retrieve the DOM nodes to apply the matrix transformation"
[base-node {:keys [id type masked-group?] :as shape}]
[base-node {:keys [id parent-id] :as shape}]
(when (some? base-node)
(let [shape-node (get-shape-node base-node id)
frame? (= :frame type)
group? (= :group type)
text? (= :text type)
mask? (and group? masked-group?)]
(let [shape-node (get-shape-node base-node id)
parent-node (get-shape-node base-node parent-id)
frame? (cph/frame-shape? shape)
group? (cph/group-shape? shape)
text? (cph/text-shape? shape)
masking-child? (:masking-child? (meta shape))]
@ -48,9 +49,10 @@
;; For groups we don't want to transform the whole group but only
;; its filters/masks
[(dom/query shape-node ".mask-clip-path")
(dom/query shape-node ".mask-shape")]
(dom/query parent-node ".mask-clip-path")
(dom/query parent-node ".mask-shape")]
(let [shape-defs (dom/query shape-node "defs")]
@ -74,10 +76,12 @@
(-> (dom/get-attribute node "data-old-width") d/parse-double)
(-> (dom/get-attribute node "data-old-height") d/parse-double))
(gsh/transform-selrect modifiers))]
(dom/set-attribute! node "x" x)
(dom/set-attribute! node "y" y)
(dom/set-attribute! node "width" width)
(dom/set-attribute! node "height" height)))
(when (and (some? x) (some? y) (some? width) (some? height))
(dom/set-attribute! node "x" x)
(dom/set-attribute! node "y" y)
(dom/set-attribute! node "width" width)
(dom/set-attribute! node "height" height))))
(defn start-transform!
[base-node shapes]
@ -169,6 +173,11 @@
(or (= (dom/get-tag-name node) "mask")
(= (dom/get-tag-name node) "filter"))
(dom/set-attribute! node "x" (dom/get-attribute node "data-old-x"))
(dom/set-attribute! node "y" (dom/get-attribute node "data-old-y"))
(dom/set-attribute! node "width" (dom/get-attribute node "data-old-width"))
(dom/set-attribute! node "height" (dom/get-attribute node "data-old-height"))
(dom/remove-attribute! node "data-old-x")
(dom/remove-attribute! node "data-old-y")
(dom/remove-attribute! node "data-old-width")
@ -190,6 +199,18 @@
(-> modifiers
(ctm/resize scalev (-> shape' :points first) (:transform shape') (:transform-inverse shape')))))
(defn add-masking-child?
"Adds to the object the information about if the current shape is a masking child. We use the metadata
to not adding new parameters to the object."
(fn [{:keys [id parent-id] :as shape}]
(let [parent (get objects parent-id)
masking-child? (and (cph/mask-shape? parent) (= id (first (:shapes parent))))]
(cond-> shape
(with-meta {:masking-child? true})))))
(defn use-dynamic-modifiers
[objects node modifiers]
@ -198,11 +219,15 @@
(mf/deps modifiers)
(fn []
(when (some? modifiers)
(d/mapm (fn [id {modifiers :modifiers}]
(d/mapm (fn [id {current-modifiers :modifiers}]
(let [shape (get objects id)
adapt-text? (and (= :text (:type shape)) (not (ctm/only-move? modifiers)))
modifiers (cond-> modifiers adapt-text? (adapt-text-modifiers shape))]
(ctm/modifiers->transform modifiers)))
adapt-text? (and (= :text (:type shape)) (not (ctm/only-move? current-modifiers)))
(cond-> current-modifiers
(adapt-text-modifiers shape))]
(ctm/modifiers->transform current-modifiers)))
add-children (mf/use-memo (mf/deps modifiers) #(ctm/added-children-frames modifiers))
@ -215,7 +240,7 @@
(fn []
(->> (keys transforms)
(filter #(some? (get transforms %)))
(mapv (d/getf objects)))))
(mapv (comp (add-masking-child? objects) (d/getf objects))))))
prev-shapes (mf/use-var nil)
prev-modifiers (mf/use-var nil)
@ -252,7 +277,6 @@
(mf/deps transforms)
(fn []
(let [curr-shapes-set (into #{} (map :id) shapes)
prev-shapes-set (into #{} (map :id) @prev-shapes)
@ -266,7 +290,7 @@
(update-transform! node shapes transforms modifiers))
(when (d/not-empty? removed-shapes)
(remove-transform! node @prev-shapes)))
(remove-transform! node removed-shapes)))
(reset! prev-modifiers modifiers)
(reset! prev-transforms transforms)