mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 16:21:57 -05:00
♻️ Simplify components-v2 migration functions impl
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 192 additions and 168 deletions
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
[app.common.geom.rect :as grc]
[app.common.geom.shapes :as gsh]
[app.common.logging :as l]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.svg :as csvg]
[app.common.svg.shapes-builder :as sbuilder]
[app.common.types.component :as ctk]
@ -48,7 +49,8 @@
[buddy.core.codecs :as bc]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[datoteka.io :as io]
[promesa.core :as p]))
[promesa.exec :as px]
[promesa.util :as pu]))
(def ^:dynamic *stats*
"A dynamic var for setting up state for collect stats globally."
@ -67,6 +69,10 @@
internal functions without the need to explicitly pass it top down."
(def ^:dynamic ^:private *team-id*
"A dynamic var that holds the current processing team-id."
(def ^:dynamic ^:private *file-stats*
"An internal dynamic var for collect stats by file."
@ -575,32 +581,40 @@
(if (> ext-idx 0) (subs filename 0 ext-idx) filename)))
(defn- collect-and-persist-images
[svg-data file-id]
[svg-data file-id media-id]
(letfn [(process-image [{:keys [href] :as item}]
(let [item (if (str/starts-with? href "data:")
(let [[mtype data] (parse-datauri href)
size (alength data)
path (tmp/tempfile :prefix "penpot.media.download.")
written (io/write-to-file! data path :size size)]
(let [item (if (str/starts-with? href "data:")
(let [[mtype data] (parse-datauri href)
size (alength data)
path (tmp/tempfile :prefix "penpot.media.download.")
written (io/write-to-file! data path :size size)]
(when (not= written size)
(ex/raise :type :internal
:code :mismatch-write-size
:hint "unexpected state: unable to write to file"))
(when (not= written size)
(ex/raise :type :internal
:code :mismatch-write-size
:hint "unexpected state: unable to write to file"))
(-> item
(assoc :size size)
(assoc :path path)
(assoc :filename "tempfile")
(assoc :mtype mtype)))
(-> item
(assoc :size size)
(assoc :path path)
(assoc :filename "tempfile")
(assoc :mtype mtype)))
(let [result (cmd.media/download-image *system* href)]
(-> (merge item result)
(assoc :name (extract-name href)))))]
(let [result (cmd.media/download-image *system* href)]
(-> (merge item result)
(assoc :name (extract-name href)))))]
;; The media processing adds the data to the
;; input map and returns it.
(media/run {:cmd :info :input item})))
;; The media processing adds the data to the
;; input map and returns it.
(media/run {:cmd :info :input item}))
(catch Throwable _
(let [team-id *team-id*]
(l/wrn :hint "unable to process embedded images on svg file"
:team-id (str team-id)
:file-id (str file-id)
:media-id (str media-id)))
(persist-image [acc {:keys [path size width height mtype href] :as item}]
(let [storage (::sto/storage *system*)
@ -639,9 +653,7 @@
(defn- resolve-sobject-id
(let [fmobject (db/get *system* :file-media-object {:id id}
{::db/check-deleted false
::db/remove-deleted false
::sql/columns [:media-id]})]
{::sql/columns [:media-id]})]
(:media-id fmobject)))
(defn- get-sobject-content
@ -660,12 +672,11 @@
(assoc :name (:name mobj)))))
sid (resolve-sobject-id id)
svg-data (if (cache/cache? *cache*)
(cache/get *cache* sid get-svg)
(cache/get *cache* sid (px/wrap-bindings get-svg))
(get-svg sid))
svg-data (collect-and-persist-images file-id)]
svg-data (collect-and-persist-images svg-data file-id id)]
(sbuilder/create-svg-shapes svg-data position objects frame-id frame-id #{} false)))
@ -724,25 +735,49 @@
(defn- create-media-grid
[fdata page-id frame-id grid media-group]
(letfn [(process [fdata mobj position]
(letfn [(process-media-object [fdata mobj position]
(let [position (gpt/add position (gpt/point grid-gap grid-gap))
tp (dt/tpoint)]
tp (dt/tpoint)
err (volatile! false)]
(let [changes (process-media-object fdata page-id frame-id mobj position)]
(cp/process-changes fdata changes false))
(catch Throwable cause
(if *skip-on-graphic-error*
(l/wrn :hint "unable to process file media object (skiping)"
:file-id (str (:id fdata))
:id (str (:id mobj))
:cause cause)
(throw cause))
(vreset! err true)
(let [cause (pu/unwrap-exception cause)
edata (ex-data cause)
team-id *team-id*]
(instance? org.xml.sax.SAXParseException cause)
(l/inf :hint "skip processing media object: invalid svg found"
:team-id (str team-id)
:file-id (str (:id fdata))
:id (str (:id mobj)))
(= (:type edata) :not-found)
(l/inf :hint "skip processing media object: underlying object does not exist"
:team-id (str team-id)
:file-id (str (:id fdata))
:id (str (:id mobj)))
(let [skip? *skip-on-graphic-error*]
(l/wrn :hint "unable to process file media object"
:skiped skip?
:team-id (str team-id)
:file-id (str (:id fdata))
:id (str (:id mobj))
:cause cause)
(when-not skip?
(throw cause))))
(let [elapsed (tp)]
(l/trc :hint "graphic processed"
:file-id (str (:id fdata))
:media-id (str (:id mobj))
:error @err
:elapsed (dt/format-duration elapsed)))))))]
(->> (d/zip media-group grid)
@ -750,7 +785,8 @@
(sse/tap {:type :migration-progress
:section :graphics
:name (:name mobj)})
(or (process fdata mobj position) fdata))
(or (process-media-object fdata mobj position)
(assoc-in fdata [:options :components-v2] true)))))
(defn- migrate-graphics
@ -822,7 +858,6 @@
(update :data fdata/process-pointers deref)
(defn- get-team
[system team-id]
(-> (db/get system :team {:id team-id}
@ -870,12 +905,13 @@
(dissoc file :data)))
(def ^:private sql:get-and-lock-team-files
"SELECT f.id
FROM file AS f
JOIN project AS p ON (p.id = f.project_id)
WHERE p.team_id = ?
AND p.deleted_at IS NULL
AND f.deleted_at IS NULL
(defn- get-and-lock-files
@ -900,14 +936,26 @@
(binding [*file-stats* (atom {})
*skip-on-graphic-error* skip-on-graphic-error?]
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:file:start" :file-id (str file-id))
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:file:start"
:file-id (str file-id)
:validate validate?
:skip-on-graphics-error skip-on-graphic-error?)
(let [system (update system ::sto/storage media/configure-assets-storage)]
(db/tx-run! system
(fn [system]
(binding [*system* system]
(fsnap/take-file-snapshot! system {:file-id file-id :label "migration/components-v2"})
(process-file system file-id :validate? validate?)))))
(binding [*system* system]
(fsnap/take-file-snapshot! system {:file-id file-id :label "migration/components-v2"})
(process-file system file-id :validate? validate?))
(catch Throwable cause
(let [team-id *team-id*]
(l/wrn :hint "error on processing file"
:team-id (str team-id)
:file-id (str file-id))
(throw cause)))))))
(let [elapsed (tpoint)
components (get @*file-stats* :processed/components 0)
@ -917,6 +965,7 @@
:file-id (str file-id)
:graphics graphics
:components components
:validate validate?
:elapsed (dt/format-duration elapsed))
(some-> *stats* (swap! update :processed/files (fnil inc 0)))
@ -929,6 +978,7 @@
:team-id (dm/str team-id))
(let [tpoint (dt/tpoint)
err (volatile! false)
(fn [system file-id]
@ -948,7 +998,8 @@
(update-team-features! conn id features)))]
(binding [*team-stats* (atom {})]
(binding [*team-stats* (atom {})
*team-id* team-id]
(db/tx-run! system (fn [system]
(db/exec-one! system ["SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0"])
@ -956,6 +1007,10 @@
(if (contains? (:features team) "components/v2")
(l/inf :hint "team already migrated")
(migrate-team system team)))))
(catch Throwable cause
(vreset! err true)
(throw cause))
(let [elapsed (tpoint)
components (get @*team-stats* :processed/components 0)
@ -964,9 +1019,21 @@
(some-> *stats* (swap! update :processed/teams (fnil inc 0)))
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:team:end"
:team-id (dm/str team-id)
:files files
:components components
:graphics graphics
:elapsed (dt/format-duration elapsed))))))))
(if (cache/cache? *cache*)
(let [cache-stats (cache/stats *cache*)]
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:team:end"
:team-id (dm/str team-id)
:files files
:components components
:graphics graphics
:crt (mth/to-fixed (:hit-rate cache-stats) 2)
:crq (str (:req-count cache-stats))
:error @err
:elapsed (dt/format-duration elapsed)))
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:team:end"
:team-id (dm/str team-id)
:files files
:components components
:graphics graphics
:elapsed (dt/format-duration elapsed)))))))))
@ -10,10 +10,12 @@
[app.common.pprint :as pp]
[app.db :as db]
[app.features.components-v2 :as feat]
[app.main :as main]
[app.svgo :as svgo]
[app.util.cache :as cache]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[app.worker :as-alias wrk]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[promesa.core :as p]
[promesa.exec :as px]
[promesa.exec.semaphore :as ps]
[promesa.util :as pu]))
@ -36,8 +38,7 @@
(fn [_ _ oldv newv]
(when (not= (:processed/files oldv)
(:processed/files newv))
(let [completed (:processed/files newv)
elapsed (tpoint)]
(let [elapsed (tpoint)]
(l/dbg :hint "progress"
:completed (:processed/files newv)
:elapsed (dt/format-duration elapsed))))))
@ -56,71 +57,13 @@
:completed completed
:elapsed elapsed)))))
(defn- get-total-files
[pool & {:keys [team-id]}]
(if (some? team-id)
(let [sql (str/concat
"SELECT count(f.id) AS count FROM file AS f "
" JOIN project AS p ON (p.id = f.project_id) "
" WHERE p.team_id = ? AND f.deleted_at IS NULL "
" AND p.deleted_at IS NULL")
res (db/exec-one! pool [sql team-id])]
(:count res))
(def ^:private sql:get-teams-1
"SELECT id, features
FROM team
WHERE deleted_at IS NULL
ORDER BY created_at DESC")
(let [sql (str/concat
"SELECT count(id) AS count FROM file "
" WHERE deleted_at IS NULL")
res (db/exec-one! pool [sql])]
(:count res))))
(defn- get-total-teams
(let [sql (str/concat
"SELECT count(id) AS count FROM team "
" WHERE deleted_at IS NULL")
res (db/exec-one! pool [sql])]
(:count res)))
(defn- mark-team-migration!
[{:keys [::db/pool]} team-id]
;; We execute this out of transaction because we want this
;; change to be visible to all other sessions before starting
;; the migration
(let [sql (str "UPDATE team SET features = "
" array_append(features, 'ephimeral/v2-migration') "
" WHERE id = ?")]
(db/exec-one! pool [sql team-id])))
(defn- unmark-team-migration!
[{:keys [::db/pool]} team-id]
;; We execute this out of transaction because we want this
;; change to be visible to all other sessions before starting
;; the migration
(let [sql (str "UPDATE team SET features = "
" array_remove(features, 'ephimeral/v2-migration') "
" WHERE id = ?")]
(db/exec-one! pool [sql team-id])))
;; (def ^:private sql:get-teams
;; "SELECT id, features
;; FROM team
;; WHERE deleted_at IS NULL
;; ORDER BY created_at DESC")
;; (def ^:private sql:get-teams
;; "SELECT t.id, t.features,
;; (SELECT count(*)
;; FROM file_media_object AS fmo
;; JOIN file AS f ON (f.id = fmo.file_id)
;; JOIN project AS p ON (p.id = f.project_id)
;; WHERE p.team_id = t.id
;; AND fmo.mtype = 'image/svg+xml'
;; AND fmo.is_local = false) AS graphics
;; FROM team AS t
;; ORDER BY t.created_at DESC")
(def ^:private sql:get-teams
(def ^:private sql:get-teams-2
"WITH teams AS (
SELECT t.id, t.features,
(SELECT count(*)
@ -136,20 +79,37 @@
SELECT * FROM teams ")
(defn- read-pred
[[op val field]]
(let [field (name field)]
(case op
:lt [(str/ffmt "WHERE % < ?" field) val]
:lte [(str/ffmt "WHERE % <= ?" field) val]
:gt [(str/ffmt "WHERE % > ?" field) val]
:gte [(str/ffmt "WHERE % >= ?" field) val]
:eq [(str/ffmt "WHERE % = ?" field) val]
(let [entries (if (and (vector? entries)
(keyword? (first entries)))
(loop [params []
queries []
entries (seq entries)]
(if-let [[op val field] (first entries)]
(let [field (name field)
cond (case op
:lt (str/ffmt "% < ?" field)
:lte (str/ffmt "% <= ?" field)
:gt (str/ffmt "% > ?" field)
:gte (str/ffmt "% >= ?" field)
:eq (str/ffmt "% = ?" field))]
(recur (conj params val)
(conj queries cond)
(rest entries)))
(let [sql (apply str "WHERE " (str/join " AND " queries))]
(apply vector sql params))))))
(defn- get-teams
[conn pred]
(let [[sql & params] (read-pred pred)]
(->> (db/cursor conn (apply vector (str sql:get-teams sql) params))
(let [sql (if pred
(let [[sql & params] (read-pred pred)]
(apply vector (str sql:get-teams-2 sql) params))
(->> (db/cursor conn sql)
(map feat/decode-row)
(remove (fn [{:keys [features]}]
(or (contains? features "ephimeral/v2-migration")
@ -162,8 +122,7 @@
(defn migrate-file!
[system file-id & {:keys [rollback?] :or {rollback? true}}]
[file-id & {:keys [rollback? validate?] :or {rollback? true validate? false}}]
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:start" :rollback rollback?)
(let [tpoint (dt/tpoint)
file-id (if (string? file-id)
@ -171,8 +130,8 @@
(binding [feat/*stats* (atom {})]
(-> (assoc system ::db/rollback rollback?)
(feat/migrate-file! file-id))
(-> (assoc main/system ::db/rollback rollback?)
(feat/migrate-file! file-id :validate? validate?))
(-> (deref feat/*stats*)
(assoc :elapsed (dt/format-duration (tpoint))))
@ -185,12 +144,10 @@
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:end" :rollback rollback? :elapsed elapsed)))))))
(defn migrate-team!
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as system} team-id & {:keys [rollback? skip-on-graphic-error? validate? skip-mark?]
:or {rollback? true
validate? true
skip-on-graphic-error? false
skip-mark? false}
:as opts}]
[team-id & {:keys [rollback? skip-on-graphic-error? validate?]
:or {rollback? true
validate? true
skip-on-graphic-error? false}}]
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:start" :rollback rollback?)
@ -204,10 +161,7 @@
(binding [feat/*stats* stats]
(when-not skip-mark?
(mark-team-migration! system team-id))
(-> (assoc system ::db/rollback rollback?)
(-> (assoc main/system ::db/rollback rollback?)
(feat/migrate-team! team-id
:validate? validate?
:skip-on-graphics-error? skip-on-graphic-error?))
@ -219,9 +173,6 @@
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:error" :cause cause))
(when-not skip-mark?
(unmark-team-migration! system team-id))
(let [elapsed (dt/format-duration (tpoint))]
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:end" :rollback rollback? :elapsed elapsed)))))))
@ -232,28 +183,31 @@
until thw maximum number of jobs is reached which by default has the
value of `1`. This is controled with the `:max-jobs` option."
[{:keys [::db/pool] :as system} & {:keys [max-jobs max-items max-time
rollback? validate? preset
pred max-procs skip-mark?
on-start on-progress on-error on-end]
:or {validate? true
rollback? true
preset :shutdown-on-failure
skip-mark? true
max-jobs 1
max-items Long/MAX_VALUE}
:as opts}]
[& {:keys [max-jobs max-items max-time rollback? validate?
pred max-procs cache on-start on-progress on-error on-end
:or {validate? false
rollback? true
max-jobs 1
skip-on-graphic-error? true
max-items Long/MAX_VALUE}}]
(let [stats (atom {})
tpoint (dt/tpoint)
mtime (some-> max-time dt/duration)
factory (px/thread-factory :virtual false :prefix "penpot/migration/compv2/")
factory (px/thread-factory :virtual false :prefix "penpot/migration/")
executor (px/cached-executor :factory factory)
max-procs (or max-procs max-jobs)
sjobs (ps/create :permits max-jobs)
sprocs (ps/create :permits max-procs)
cache (if (int? cache)
(cache/create :executor (::wrk/executor main/system)
:max-items cache)
(fn [team-id]
(ps/acquire! sjobs)
@ -268,18 +222,18 @@
(px/run! executor (fn []
(when-not skip-mark?
(mark-team-migration! system team-id))
(-> (assoc system ::db/rollback rollback?)
(feat/migrate-team! team-id :validate? validate?))
(-> (assoc main/system ::db/rollback rollback?)
(feat/migrate-team! team-id
:validate? validate?
:skip-on-graphics-error? skip-on-graphic-error?))
(catch Throwable cause
(l/err :hint "unexpected error on processing team (skiping)"
(l/wrn :hint "unexpected error on processing team (skiping)"
:team-id (str team-id)
:cause cause))
(ps/release! sjobs)
(when-not skip-mark?
(unmark-team-migration! system team-id)))))))))]
(ps/release! sjobs))))))))]
(l/dbg :hint "migrate:start"
:rollback rollback?
@ -289,14 +243,17 @@
(add-watch stats :progress-report (report-progress-teams tpoint on-progress))
(binding [feat/*stats* stats
feat/*cache* cache
svgo/*semaphore* sprocs]
(when (fn? on-start)
(on-start {:rollback rollback?}))
(db/tx-run! system
(db/tx-run! main/system
(fn [{:keys [::db/conn]}]
(run! (partial migrate-team)
(db/exec! conn ["SET statement_timeout = 0;"])
(db/exec! conn ["SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0;"])
(run! migrate-team
(->> (get-teams conn pred)
(take max-items)))))
Add table
Reference in a new issue