diff --git a/backend/src/app/http.clj b/backend/src/app/http.clj
index 976f42d6e..6cb6b398c 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/http.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/http.clj
@@ -91,9 +91,7 @@
               (let [params  (:path-params match)
                     result  (:result match)
                     handler (or (:handler result) not-found-handler)
-                    request (-> request
-                                (assoc :path-params params)
-                                (update :params merge params))]
+                    request (assoc request :path-params params)]
                 (handler request respond raise))
               (not-found-handler request respond raise)))
diff --git a/backend/src/app/rpc.clj b/backend/src/app/rpc.clj
index 01d2c1330..cdda84a0b 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/rpc.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/rpc.clj
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
 (defn- rpc-query-handler
   "Ring handler that dispatches query requests and convert between
   internal async flow into ring async flow."
-  [methods {:keys [profile-id session-id params] :as request} respond raise]
-  (let [type   (keyword (:type params))
+  [methods {:keys [profile-id session-id path-params params] :as request} respond raise]
+  (let [type   (keyword (:type path-params))
         data   (-> params
                    (assoc ::request-at (dt/now))
                    (assoc ::http/request request))
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@
 (defn- rpc-mutation-handler
   "Ring handler that dispatches mutation requests and convert between
   internal async flow into ring async flow."
-  [methods {:keys [profile-id session-id params] :as request} respond raise]
-  (let [type   (keyword (:type params))
+  [methods {:keys [profile-id session-id path-params params] :as request} respond raise]
+  (let [type   (keyword (:type path-params))
         data   (-> params
                    (assoc ::request-at (dt/now))
                    (assoc ::http/request request))
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@
 (defn- rpc-command-handler
   "Ring handler that dispatches cmd requests and convert between
   internal async flow into ring async flow."
-  [methods {:keys [profile-id session-id params] :as request} respond raise]
-  (let [cmd    (keyword (:type params))
+  [methods {:keys [profile-id session-id path-params params] :as request} respond raise]
+  (let [cmd    (keyword (:type path-params))
         etag   (yrq/get-header request "if-none-match")
         data   (-> params