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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-13 16:21:57 -05:00

Add guides UI

This commit is contained in:
alonso.torres 2022-01-18 10:57:51 +01:00
parent 540e1fc492
commit 0766938f98
8 changed files with 693 additions and 160 deletions

View file

@ -15,4 +15,5 @@
(def info "#59B9E2")
(def test "#fabada")
(def white "#FFFFFF")
(def primary "#31EFB8")

View file

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
[app.main.data.workspace.drawing :as dwd]
[app.main.data.workspace.fix-bool-contents :as fbc]
[app.main.data.workspace.groups :as dwg]
[app.main.data.workspace.guides :as dwgu]
[app.main.data.workspace.interactions :as dwi]
[app.main.data.workspace.layers :as dwly]
[app.main.data.workspace.libraries :as dwl]
@ -2033,3 +2034,8 @@
;; Shapes to path
(d/export dwps/convert-selected-to-path)
;; Guides
(d/export dwgu/update-guides)
(d/export dwgu/remove-guide)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.main.data.workspace.guides
[app.main.data.workspace.changes :as dwc]
[app.main.data.workspace.state-helpers :as wsh]
[beicon.core :as rx]
[potok.core :as ptk]))
(defn make-update-guide [guide]
(fn [other]
(cond-> other
(= (:id other) (:id guide))
(merge guide))))
(defn update-guides [guide]
(ptk/reify ::update-guides
(watch [it state _]
(let [page-id (:current-page-id state)
guides (-> state wsh/lookup-page-options (:guides []))
guides-ids? (into #{} (map :id) guides)
(if (guides-ids? (:id guide))
;; Update existing guide
(mapv (make-update-guide guide) guides)
;; Add new guide
(conj guides guide))
rch [{:type :set-option
:page-id page-id
:option :guides
:value new-guides}]
uch [{:type :set-option
:page-id page-id
:option :guides
:value guides}]]
{:redo-changes rch
:undo-changes uch
:origin it}))))))
(defn remove-guide [guide]
(ptk/reify ::remove-guide
(watch [it state _]
(let [page-id (:current-page-id state)
guides (-> state wsh/lookup-page-options (:guides []))
new-guides (filterv #(not= (:id %) (:id guide)) guides)
rch [{:type :set-option
:page-id page-id
:option :guides
:value new-guides}]
uch [{:type :set-option
:page-id page-id
:option :guides
:value guides}]]
{:redo-changes rch
:undo-changes uch
:origin it}))))))

View file

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
[app.main.ui.workspace.header :refer [header]]
[app.main.ui.workspace.left-toolbar :refer [left-toolbar]]
[app.main.ui.workspace.rules :refer [horizontal-rule vertical-rule]]
[app.main.ui.workspace.sidebar :refer [left-sidebar right-sidebar]]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport :refer [viewport]]
[app.util.dom :as dom]
@ -31,45 +30,22 @@
;; --- Workspace
(mf/defc workspace-rules
{::mf/wrap-props false
::mf/wrap [mf/memo]}
(let [zoom (or (obj/get props "zoom") 1)
vbox (obj/get props "vbox")
vport (obj/get props "vport")
colorpalette? (obj/get props "colorpalette?")]
[:& horizontal-rule {:zoom zoom
:vbox vbox
:vport vport}]
[:& vertical-rule {:zoom zoom
:vbox vbox
:vport vport}]
[:& coordinates/coordinates {:colorpalette? colorpalette?}]]))
(mf/defc workspace-content
{::mf/wrap-props false}
(let [selected (mf/deref refs/selected-shapes)
local (mf/deref refs/viewport-data)
{:keys [zoom vbox vport options-mode]} local
{:keys [options-mode]} local
file (obj/get props "file")
layout (obj/get props "layout")]
layout (obj/get props "layout")
colorpalette? (:colorpalette layout)]
(when (:colorpalette layout)
[:& colorpalette])
(when colorpalette? [:& colorpalette])
(when (contains? layout :rules)
[:& workspace-rules {:zoom zoom
:vbox vbox
:vport vport
:colorpalette? (contains? layout :colorpalette)}])
[:& coordinates/coordinates {:colorpalette? colorpalette?}]
[:& viewport {:file file
:local local

View file

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.rules
[app.common.colors :as colors]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.util.object :as obj]
[rumext.alpha :as mf]))
(defn- calculate-step-size
(< 0 zoom 0.008) 10000
(< 0.008 zoom 0.015) 5000
(< 0.015 zoom 0.04) 2500
(< 0.04 zoom 0.07) 1000
(< 0.07 zoom 0.2) 500
(< 0.2 zoom 0.5) 250
(< 0.5 zoom 1) 100
(<= 1 zoom 2) 50
(< 2 zoom 4) 25
(< 4 zoom 6) 10
(< 6 zoom 15) 5
(< 15 zoom 25) 2
(< 25 zoom) 1
:else 1))
(defn draw-rule!
[dctx {:keys [zoom size start type]}]
(when start
(let [txfm (- (* (- 0 start) zoom) 20)
step (calculate-step-size zoom)
minv (max (mth/round start) -100000)
minv (* (mth/ceil (/ minv step)) step)
maxv (min (mth/round (+ start (/ size zoom))) 100000)
maxv (* (mth/floor (/ maxv step)) step)
path (js/Path2D.)]
(if (= type :horizontal)
(.translate dctx txfm 0)
(.translate dctx 0 txfm))
(obj/set! dctx "font" "12px worksans")
(obj/set! dctx "fillStyle" colors/gray-30)
(obj/set! dctx "strokeStyle" colors/gray-30)
(obj/set! dctx "textAlign" "center")
(loop [i minv]
(if (<= i maxv)
(let [pos (+ (* i zoom) 0)]
(.save dctx)
(if (= type :horizontal)
;; Write the rule numbers
(.fillText dctx (str i) pos 13)
;; Build the rules lines
(.moveTo path pos 17)
(.lineTo path pos 20))
;; Write the rule numbers
(.translate dctx 12 pos)
(.rotate dctx (/ (* 270 js/Math.PI) 180))
(.fillText dctx (str i) 0 0)
;; Build the rules lines
(.moveTo path 17 pos)
(.lineTo path 20 pos)))
(.restore dctx)
(recur (+ i step)))
;; Put the path in the canvas
(.stroke dctx path))))))
(mf/defc horizontal-rule
[{:keys [zoom vbox vport] :as props}]
(let [canvas (mf/use-ref)
width (- (:width vport) 20)]
(mf/deps zoom width (:x vbox))
(fn []
(let [node (mf/ref-val canvas)
dctx (.getContext ^js node "2d")]
(obj/set! node "width" width)
(draw-rule! dctx {:zoom zoom
:type :horizontal
:size width
:start (+ (:x vbox) (:left-offset vbox))}))))
{:ref canvas
:width width
:height 20}]))
(mf/defc vertical-rule
[{:keys [zoom vbox vport] :as props}]
(let [canvas (mf/use-ref)
height (- (:height vport) 20)]
(mf/deps zoom height (:y vbox))
(fn []
(let [node (mf/ref-val canvas)
dctx (.getContext ^js node "2d")]
(obj/set! node "height" height)
(draw-rule! dctx {:zoom zoom
:type :vertical
:size height
:count 100
:start (:y vbox)}))))
{:ref canvas
:width 20
:height height}]))

View file

@ -21,11 +21,13 @@
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.drawarea :as drawarea]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.frame-grid :as frame-grid]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.gradients :as gradients]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.guides :as guides]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.hooks :as hooks]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.interactions :as interactions]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.outline :as outline]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.pixel-overlay :as pixel-overlay]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.presence :as presence]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.rules :as rules]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.selection :as selection]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.snap-distances :as snap-distances]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.snap-points :as snap-points]
@ -89,6 +91,13 @@
move-stream (mf/use-memo #(rx/subject))
frame-parent (mf/use-memo
(mf/deps @hover-ids base-objects)
(fn []
(let [parent (get base-objects (last @hover-ids))]
(when (= :frame (:type parent))
zoom (d/check-num zoom 1)
drawing-tool (:tool drawing)
drawing-obj (:object drawing)
@ -145,7 +154,11 @@
(or drawing-obj transform))
show-selrect? (and selrect (empty? drawing))
show-measures? (and (not transform) (not node-editing?) show-distances?)
show-artboard-names? (contains? layout :display-artboard-names)]
show-artboard-names? (contains? layout :display-artboard-names)
show-rules? (contains? layout :rules)
show-guides? true]
(hooks/setup-dom-events viewport-ref zoom disable-paste in-viewport?)
(hooks/setup-viewport-size viewport-ref)
@ -157,6 +170,8 @@
(hooks/setup-shortcuts node-editing? drawing-path?)
(hooks/setup-active-frames base-objects vbox hover active-frames)
@ -294,7 +309,9 @@
(when show-grids?
[:& frame-grid/frame-grid
{:zoom zoom :selected selected :transform transform}])
{:zoom zoom
:selected selected
:transform transform}])
(when show-pixel-grid?
[:& widgets/pixel-grid
@ -325,12 +342,6 @@
{:zoom zoom
:tooltip tooltip}])
(when show-presence?
[:& presence/active-cursors
{:page-id page-id}])
[:& widgets/viewport-actions]
(when show-prototypes?
[:& interactions/interactions
{:selected selected
@ -341,5 +352,22 @@
(when show-selrect?
[:& widgets/selection-rect {:data selrect
:zoom zoom}])]]]))
:zoom zoom}])
(when show-presence?
[:& presence/active-cursors
{:page-id page-id}])
[:& widgets/viewport-actions]
(when show-rules?
[:& rules/rules
{:zoom zoom
:vbox vbox}])
(when show-guides?
[:& guides/viewport-guides
{:zoom zoom
:vbox vbox
:hover-frame frame-parent}])]]]))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.guides
[app.common.colors :as colors]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.main.data.workspace :as dw]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.streams :as ms]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.rules :as rules]
[app.util.dom :as dom]
[rumext.alpha :as mf]))
(def guide-width 1)
(def guide-opacity 0.7)
(def guide-opacity-hover 1)
(def guide-color colors/primary)
(def guide-pill-width 34)
(def guide-pill-height 20)
(def guide-pill-corner-radius 4)
(def guide-active-area 16)
(defn use-guide
"Hooks to support drag/drop for existing guides and new guides"
[on-guide-change get-hover-frame zoom {:keys [position axis frame-id]}]
(let [dragging-ref (mf/use-ref false)
start-ref (mf/use-ref nil)
start-pos-ref (mf/use-ref nil)
state (mf/use-state {:hover false
:new-position nil
:new-frame-id frame-id})
frame-id (:new-frame-id @state)
frame-ref (mf/use-memo (mf/deps frame-id) #(refs/object-by-id frame-id))
frame (mf/deref frame-ref)
(fn []
(swap! state assoc :hover true)))
(fn []
(swap! state assoc :hover false)))
(fn [event]
(dom/capture-pointer event)
(mf/set-ref-val! dragging-ref true)
(mf/set-ref-val! start-ref (dom/get-client-position event))
(mf/set-ref-val! start-pos-ref (get @ms/mouse-position axis))))
(mf/deps (select-keys @state [:new-position :new-frame-id]) on-guide-change)
(fn []
(when (some? on-guide-change)
(when (some? (:new-position @state))
(on-guide-change {:position (:new-position @state)
:frame-id (:new-frame-id @state)})))))
(fn [event]
(dom/release-pointer event)
(mf/set-ref-val! dragging-ref false)
(mf/set-ref-val! start-ref nil)
(mf/set-ref-val! start-pos-ref nil)
(swap! state assoc :new-position nil)))
(mf/deps position zoom)
(fn [event]
(when-let [_ (mf/ref-val dragging-ref)]
(let [start-pt (mf/ref-val start-ref)
start-pos (mf/ref-val start-pos-ref)
current-pt (dom/get-client-position event)
delta (/ (- (get current-pt axis) (get start-pt axis)) zoom)
new-position (if (some? position)
(+ position delta)
(+ start-pos delta))
;; TODO: Change when pixel-grid flag exists
new-position (mth/round new-position)
new-frame-id (:id (get-hover-frame))]
#_(prn ">>" new-position new-frame-id)
(swap! state assoc
:new-position new-position
:new-frame-id new-frame-id)))))]
{:on-pointer-enter on-pointer-enter
:on-pointer-leave on-pointer-leave
:on-pointer-down on-pointer-down
:on-pointer-up on-pointer-up
:on-lost-pointer-capture on-lost-pointer-capture
:on-mouse-move on-mouse-move
:state state
:frame frame}))
;; This functions are auxiliary to get the coords of components depending on the axis
;; we're handling
(defn guide-area-axis
[pos vbox zoom frame axis]
(let [rules-pos (/ rules/rules-pos zoom)
guide-active-area (/ guide-active-area zoom)]
(and (some? frame) (= axis :x))
{:x (- pos (/ guide-active-area 2))
:y (:y frame)
:width guide-active-area
:height (:height frame)}
(some? frame)
{:x (:x frame)
:y (- pos (/ guide-active-area 2))
:width (:width frame)
:height guide-active-area}
(= axis :x)
{:x (- pos (/ guide-active-area 2))
:y (+ (:y vbox) rules-pos)
:width guide-active-area
:height (:height vbox)}
{:x (+ (:x vbox) rules-pos)
:y (- pos (/ guide-active-area 2))
:width (:width vbox)
:height guide-active-area}
(defn guide-line-axis
([pos vbox axis]
(if (= axis :x)
{:x1 pos
:y1 (:y vbox)
:x2 pos
:y2 (+ (:y vbox) (:height vbox))}
{:x1 (:x vbox)
:y1 pos
:x2 (+ (:x vbox) (:width vbox))
:y2 pos}))
([pos vbox frame axis]
(if (= axis :x)
{:l1-x1 pos
:l1-y1 (:y vbox)
:l1-x2 pos
:l1-y2 (:y frame)
:l2-x1 pos
:l2-y1 (:y frame)
:l2-x2 pos
:l2-y2 (+ (:y frame) (:height frame))
:l3-x1 pos
:l3-y1 (+ (:y frame) (:height frame))
:l3-x2 pos
:l3-y2 (+ (:y vbox) (:height vbox))}
{:l1-x1 (:x vbox)
:l1-y1 pos
:l1-x2 (:x frame)
:l1-y2 pos
:l2-x1 (:x frame)
:l2-y1 pos
:l2-x2 (+ (:x frame) (:width frame))
:l2-y2 pos
:l3-x1 (+ (:x frame) (:width frame))
:l3-y1 pos
:l3-x2 (+ (:x vbox) (:width vbox))
:l3-y2 pos})))
(defn guide-pill-axis
[pos vbox zoom axis]
(let [rules-pos (/ rules/rules-pos zoom)
guide-pill-width (/ guide-pill-width zoom)
guide-pill-height (/ guide-pill-height zoom)]
(if (= axis :x)
{:rect-x (- pos (/ guide-pill-width 2))
:rect-y (+ (:y vbox) rules-pos (- (/ guide-pill-width 2)) (/ 2 zoom))
:rect-width guide-pill-width
:rect-height guide-pill-height
:text-x pos
:text-y (+ (:y vbox) rules-pos (- (/ 3 zoom)))}
{:rect-x (+ (:x vbox) rules-pos (- (/ guide-pill-height 2)) (- (/ 5 zoom)))
:rect-y (- pos (/ guide-pill-width 2))
:rect-width guide-pill-height
:rect-height guide-pill-width
:text-x (+ (:x vbox) rules-pos (- (/ 3 zoom)))
:text-y pos})))
(defn guide-inside-vbox?
(partial guide-inside-vbox? vbox))
([{:keys [x y width height]} {:keys [axis position]}]
(let [x1 x
x2 (+ x width)
y1 y
y2 (+ y height)]
(if (= axis :x)
(and (>= position x1)
(<= position x2))
(and (>= position y1)
(<= position y2))))))
(defn guide-creation-area
[vbox zoom axis]
(if (= axis :x)
{:x (:x vbox)
:y (:y vbox)
:width (/ 24 zoom)
:height (:height vbox)}
{:x (:x vbox)
:y (:y vbox)
:width (:width vbox)
:height (/ 24 zoom)}))
(mf/defc guide
{::mf/wrap [mf/memo]}
[{:keys [guide hover? on-guide-change get-hover-frame vbox zoom hover-frame]}]
(let [axis (:axis guide)
(mf/deps on-guide-change)
(fn [changes]
(when on-guide-change
(on-guide-change (merge guide changes)))))
{:keys [on-pointer-enter
frame]} (use-guide handle-change-position get-hover-frame zoom guide)
frame (or frame hover-frame)
pos (or (:new-position @state) (:position guide))
guide-width (/ guide-width zoom)
guide-pill-corner-radius (/ guide-pill-corner-radius zoom)]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} (guide-area-axis pos vbox zoom frame axis)]
[:rect {:x x
:y y
:width width
:height height
:style {:fill "none"
:pointer-events "fill"
:cursor (if (= axis :x) "ew-resize" "ns-resize")}
:on-pointer-enter on-pointer-enter
:on-pointer-leave on-pointer-leave
:on-pointer-down on-pointer-down
:on-pointer-up on-pointer-up
:on-lost-pointer-capture on-lost-pointer-capture
:on-mouse-move on-mouse-move}])
(if (some? frame)
(let [{:keys [l1-x1 l1-y1 l1-x2 l1-y2
l2-x1 l2-y1 l2-x2 l2-y2
l3-x1 l3-y1 l3-x2 l3-y2]}
(guide-line-axis pos vbox frame axis)]
(when (or hover? (:hover @state))
[:line {:x1 l1-x1
:y1 l1-y1
:x2 l1-x2
:y2 l1-y2
:style {:stroke guide-color
:stroke-opacity guide-opacity-hover
:stroke-dasharray (str "0, " (/ 6 zoom))
:stroke-linecap "round"
:stroke-width guide-width}}])
[:line {:x1 l2-x1
:y1 l2-y1
:x2 l2-x2
:y2 l2-y2
:style {:stroke guide-color
:stroke-width guide-width
:stroke-opacity (if (or hover? (:hover @state))
(when (or hover? (:hover @state))
[:line {:x1 l3-x1
:y1 l3-y1
:x2 l3-x2
:y2 l3-y2
:style {:stroke guide-color
:stroke-opacity guide-opacity-hover
:stroke-width guide-width
:stroke-dasharray (str "0, " (/ 6 zoom))
:stroke-linecap "round"}}])])
(let [{:keys [x1 y1 x2 y2]} (guide-line-axis pos vbox axis)]
[:line {:x1 x1
:y1 y1
:x2 x2
:y2 y2
:style {:stroke guide-color
:stroke-width guide-width
:stroke-opacity (if (or hover? (:hover @state))
(when (or hover? (:hover @state))
(let [{:keys [rect-x rect-y rect-width rect-height text-x text-y]}
(guide-pill-axis pos vbox zoom axis)]
[:rect {:x rect-x
:y rect-y
:width rect-width
:height rect-height
:rx guide-pill-corner-radius
:ry guide-pill-corner-radius
:style {:fill guide-color}}]
[:text {:x text-x
:y text-y
:text-anchor "middle"
:dominant-baseline "middle"
:transform (when (= axis :y) (str "rotate(-90 " text-x "," text-y ")"))
:style {:font-size (/ 13 zoom)
:font-family "sourcesanspro"
:fill colors/black}}
(str (mth/round pos))]]))]))
(mf/defc new-guide-area
[{:keys [vbox zoom axis get-hover-frame]}]
(let [on-guide-change
(mf/deps vbox)
(fn [guide]
(let [guide (-> guide
(assoc :id (uuid/next)
:axis axis))]
(when (guide-inside-vbox? vbox guide)
(st/emit! (dw/update-guides guide))))))
{:keys [on-pointer-enter
frame]} (use-guide on-guide-change get-hover-frame zoom {:axis axis})]
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} (guide-creation-area vbox zoom axis)]
[:rect {:x x
:y y
:width width
:height height
:on-pointer-enter on-pointer-enter
:on-pointer-leave on-pointer-leave
:on-pointer-down on-pointer-down
:on-pointer-up on-pointer-up
:on-lost-pointer-capture on-lost-pointer-capture
:on-mouse-move on-mouse-move
:style {:fill "none"
:pointer-events "fill"
:cursor (if (= axis :x) "ew-resize" "ns-resize")}}])
(when (:new-position @state)
[:& guide {:guide {:axis axis
:position (:new-position @state)}
:get-hover-frame get-hover-frame
:vbox vbox
:zoom zoom
:hover? true
:hover-frame frame}])]))
(mf/defc viewport-guides
{::mf/wrap [mf/memo]}
[{:keys [zoom vbox hover-frame]}]
(let [page (mf/deref refs/workspace-page)
guides (->> (get-in page [:options :guides] [])
(filter (guide-inside-vbox? vbox)))
hover-frame-ref (mf/use-ref nil)
;; We use the ref to not redraw every guide everytime the hovering frame change
;; we're only interested to get the frame in the guide we're moving
(fn []
(mf/ref-val hover-frame-ref)))
(mf/deps vbox)
(fn [guide]
(if (guide-inside-vbox? vbox guide)
(st/emit! (dw/update-guides guide))
(st/emit! (dw/remove-guide guide)))))]
#_(mf/use-effect (mf/deps guides) #(.log js/console (clj->js guides)))
(mf/deps hover-frame)
(fn []
#_(.log js/console "set" (clj->js hover-frame))
(mf/set-ref-val! hover-frame-ref hover-frame)))
[:g.guides {:pointer-events "none"}
[:& new-guide-area {:vbox vbox :zoom zoom :axis :x :get-hover-frame get-hover-frame}]
[:& new-guide-area {:vbox vbox :zoom zoom :axis :y :get-hover-frame get-hover-frame}]
(for [current guides]
[:& guide {:key (str "guide-" (:id current))
:guide current
:vbox vbox
:zoom zoom
:get-hover-frame get-hover-frame
:on-guide-change on-guide-change}])]))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
(ns app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.rules
[app.common.colors :as colors]
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.util.object :as obj]
[rumext.alpha :as mf]))
(def rules-pos 15)
(def rules-size 4)
(def rules-width 1)
;; ----------------
;; ----------------
(defn- calculate-step-size
(< 0 zoom 0.008) 10000
(< 0.008 zoom 0.015) 5000
(< 0.015 zoom 0.04) 2500
(< 0.04 zoom 0.07) 1000
(< 0.07 zoom 0.2) 500
(< 0.2 zoom 0.5) 250
(< 0.5 zoom 1) 100
(<= 1 zoom 2) 50
(< 2 zoom 4) 25
(< 4 zoom 6) 10
(< 6 zoom 15) 5
(< 15 zoom 25) 2
(< 25 zoom) 1
:else 1))
(defn get-clip-area
[vbox zoom axis]
(if (= axis :x)
(let [x (+ (:x vbox) (/ 25 zoom))
y (:y vbox)
width (- (:width vbox) (/ 21 zoom))
height (/ 25 zoom)]
{:x x :y y :width width :height height})
(let [x (:x vbox)
y (+ (:y vbox) (/ 25 zoom))
width (/ 25 zoom)
height (- (:height vbox) (/ 21 zoom))]
{:x x :y y :width width :height height})))
(defn get-rule-params
[vbox axis]
(if (= axis :x)
(let [start (:x vbox)
end (+ start (:width vbox))]
{:start start :end end})
(let [start (:y vbox)
end (+ start (:height vbox))]
{:start start :end end})))
(defn get-rule-axis
[val vbox zoom axis]
(let [rules-pos (/ rules-pos zoom)
rules-size (/ rules-size zoom)]
(if (= axis :x)
{:text-x val
:text-y (+ (:y vbox) (- rules-pos (/ 4 zoom)))
:line-x1 val
:line-y1 (+ (:y vbox) rules-pos (/ 2 zoom))
:line-x2 val
:line-y2 (+ (:y vbox) rules-pos (/ 2 zoom) rules-size)}
{:text-x (+ (:x vbox) (- rules-pos (/ 4 zoom)))
:text-y val
:line-x1 (+ (:x vbox) rules-pos (/ 2 zoom))
:line-y1 val
:line-x2 (+ (:x vbox) rules-pos (/ 2 zoom) rules-size)
:line-y2 val})))
(mf/defc rules-axis
[{:keys [zoom vbox axis]}]
(let [rules-width (/ rules-width zoom)
step (calculate-step-size zoom)
clip-id (str "clip-rule-" (d/name axis))]
[:g.rules {:clipPath (str "url(#" clip-id ")")}
[:clipPath {:id clip-id}
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} (get-clip-area vbox zoom axis)]
[:rect {:x x :y y :width width :height height}])]]
(let [{:keys [start end]} (get-rule-params vbox axis)
minv (max (mth/round start) -100000)
minv (* (mth/ceil (/ minv step)) step)
maxv (min (mth/round end) 100000)
maxv (* (mth/floor (/ maxv step)) step)]
(for [step-val (range minv (inc maxv) step)]
(let [{:keys [text-x text-y line-x1 line-y1 line-x2 line-y2]}
(get-rule-axis step-val vbox zoom axis)]
[:text {:key (str "text-" (d/name axis) "-" step-val)
:x text-x
:y text-y
:text-anchor "middle"
:dominant-baseline "middle"
:transform (when (= axis :y) (str "rotate(-90 " text-x "," text-y ")"))
:style {:font-size (/ 13 zoom)
:font-family "sourcesanspro"
:fill colors/gray-30}}
(str (mth/round step-val))]
[:line {:key (str "line-" (d/name axis) "-" step-val)
:x1 line-x1
:y1 line-y1
:x2 line-x2
:y2 line-y2
:style {:stroke colors/gray-30
:stroke-width rules-width}}]])))]))
(mf/defc rules
{::mf/wrap-props false
::mf/wrap [mf/memo]}
(let [zoom (obj/get props "zoom")
vbox (obj/get props "vbox")]
(when (some? vbox)
[:g.rules {:pointer-events "none"}
[:& rules-axis {:zoom zoom :vbox vbox :axis :x}]
[:& rules-axis {:zoom zoom :vbox vbox :axis :y}]])))