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mirror of https://github.com/penpot/penpot.git synced 2025-03-16 01:31:22 -05:00

🎉 Add team-id channel subscriptions.

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Antukh 2020-09-10 13:48:46 +02:00 committed by Alonso Torres
parent 60b241e867
commit 065fc157bf
4 changed files with 188 additions and 194 deletions

View file

@ -27,14 +27,24 @@
(s/def ::websocket-params
(s/keys :req-un [::file-id ::session-id]))
(def sql:retrieve-file
"select f.id as id,
p.team_id as team_id
from file as f
join project as p on (p.id = f.project_id)
where f.id = ?")
(defn retrieve-file
[conn id]
(db/exec-one! conn [sql:retrieve-file id]))
(defn websocket
[{:keys [profile-id] :as req}]
(let [params (us/conform ::websocket-params (:params req))
file (db/get-by-id db/pool :file (:file-id params))
file (retrieve-file db/pool (:file-id params))
params (assoc params
:profile-id profile-id
:file file)]
:team-id (:team-id file))]
(not profile-id)
{:error {:code 403 :message "Authentication required"}}

View file

@ -35,10 +35,8 @@
(defn subscribe
(redis/subscribe client topic))
([topic xf]
(redis/subscribe client topic xf)))
(redis/subscribe client opts))
(defn run!
[cmd params]

View file

@ -15,173 +15,19 @@
[app.db :as db]
[app.metrics :as mtx]
[app.redis :as redis]
[app.util.async :as aa]
[app.util.time :as dt]
[app.util.transit :as t]
[clojure.core.async :as a :refer [>! <!]]
[clojure.core.async :as a]
[clojure.tools.logging :as log]
[promesa.core :as p]
[ring.adapter.jetty9 :as jetty]))
(defmacro go-try
[& body]
(catch Throwable e# e#))))
(defmacro <?
`(let [r# (a/<! ~ch)]
(if (instance? Throwable r#)
(throw r#)
(defmacro thread-try
[& body]
(catch Throwable e#
(defn- publish
[channel message]
(let [message (t/encode-str message)]
(<? (redis/run :publish {:channel (str channel)
:message message})))))
(def ^:private
"select * from presence
where file_id=?
and (clock_timestamp() - updated_at) < '5 min'::interval")
(defn- retrieve-presence
(let [rows (db/exec! db/pool [sql:retrieve-presence file-id])]
(mapv (juxt :session-id :profile-id) rows))))
(def ^:private
"insert into presence (file_id, session_id, profile_id, updated_at)
values (?, ?, ?, clock_timestamp())
on conflict (file_id, session_id, profile_id)
do update set updated_at=clock_timestamp()")
(defn- update-presence
[file-id session-id profile-id]
(let [now (dt/now)
sql [sql:update-presence file-id session-id profile-id]]
(db/exec-one! db/pool sql))))
(defn- delete-presence
[file-id session-id profile-id]
(db/delete! db/pool :presence {:file-id file-id
:profile-id profile-id
:session-id session-id})))
;; --- WebSocket Messages Handling
(defmulti handle-message
(fn [ws message] (:type message)))
;; TODO: check permissions for join a file-id channel (probably using
;; single use token for avoid explicit database query).
(defmethod handle-message :connect
[{:keys [file-id profile-id session-id output] :as ws} message]
(log/debugf "profile '%s' is connected to file '%s'" profile-id file-id)
(<? (update-presence file-id session-id profile-id))
(let [members (<? (retrieve-presence file-id))]
(<? (publish file-id {:type :presence :sessions members})))))
(defmethod handle-message :disconnect
[{:keys [profile-id file-id session-id] :as ws} message]
(log/debugf "profile '%s' is disconnected from '%s'" profile-id file-id)
(<? (delete-presence file-id session-id profile-id))
(let [members (<? (retrieve-presence file-id))]
(<? (publish file-id {:type :presence :sessions members})))))
(defmethod handle-message :keepalive
[{:keys [profile-id file-id session-id] :as ws} message]
(update-presence file-id session-id profile-id))
(defmethod handle-message :pointer-update
[{:keys [profile-id file-id session-id] :as ws} message]
(let [message (assoc message
:profile-id profile-id
:session-id session-id)]
(publish file-id message)))
(defmethod handle-message :default
[ws message]
(log/warnf "received unexpected message: " message)))
;; WebSocket Handler
;; WebSocket Http Handler
(defn- forward-message
[{:keys [out session-id profile-id] :as ws} message]
(when-not (= (:session-id message) session-id)
(>! out message))))
(defn start-loop!
[{:keys [in out sub] :as ws}]
(loop []
(let [timeout (a/timeout 30000)
[val port] (a/alts! [in sub timeout])]
;; (prn "alts" val "from" (cond (= port in) "input"
;; (= port sub) "redis"
;; :else "timeout"))
;; Process message coming from connected client
(and (= port in) (not (nil? val)))
(<? (handle-message ws val))
;; Forward message to the websocket
(and (= port sub) (not (nil? val)))
(<? (forward-message ws val))
;; Timeout channel signaling
(= port timeout)
(>! out {:type :ping})
(defn disconnect!
(let [session (.getSession conn)]
(when session
(.disconnect session))))
(defn- on-subscribed
[{:keys [conn] :as ws}]
(<? (handle-message ws {:type :connect}))
(<? (start-loop! ws))
(<? (handle-message ws {:type :disconnect}))
(catch Throwable err
(log/errorf err "Unexpected exception on websocket handler.")
(disconnect! conn)))))
(declare on-connect)
(defrecord WebSocket [conn in out sub])
@ -194,17 +40,17 @@
:help "A total number of messages handled by the notifications service."}))
(defn websocket
[{:keys [file-id profile-id] :as params}]
[{:keys [file-id team-id profile-id] :as params}]
(let [in (a/chan 32)
out (a/chan 32)]
(fn [conn]
(metrics-active-connections :inc)
(let [xf (map t/decode-str)
sub (redis/subscribe (str file-id) xf)
(let [sub (redis/subscribe {:xform (map t/decode-str)
:topics [file-id team-id]})
ws (WebSocket. conn in out sub nil params)]
;; message forwarding loop
(a/go-loop []
(let [val (a/<! out)]
(when-not (nil? val)
@ -212,7 +58,7 @@
(a/<! (on-subscribed ws))
(a/<! (on-connect ws))
(a/close! sub))))
@ -235,4 +81,135 @@
(constantly nil)}))
(declare handle-message)
(declare start-loop!)
(defn- on-connect
[{:keys [conn] :as ws}]
(aa/<? (handle-message ws {:type :connect}))
(aa/<? (start-loop! ws))
(aa/<? (handle-message ws {:type :disconnect}))
(catch Throwable err
(log/errorf err "Unexpected exception on websocket handler.")
(let [session (.getSession conn)]
(when session
(.disconnect session)))))))
(defn- start-loop!
[{:keys [in out sub session-id] :as ws}]
(loop []
(let [timeout (a/timeout 30000)
[val port] (a/alts! [in sub timeout])]
;; (prn "alts" val "from" (cond (= port in) "input"
;; (= port sub) "redis"
;; :else "timeout"))
;; Process message coming from connected client
(and (= port in) (not (nil? val)))
(aa/<? (handle-message ws val))
;; Forward message to the websocket
(and (= port sub) (not (nil? val)))
(when-not (= (:session-id val) session-id)
(a/>! out val))
;; Timeout channel signaling
(= port timeout)
(a/>! out {:type :ping})
;; Incoming Messages Handling
;; --- Impl
(defn- publish
[channel message]
(let [message (t/encode-str message)]
(aa/<? (redis/run :publish {:channel (str channel)
:message message})))))
(def ^:private
"select * from presence
where file_id=?
and (clock_timestamp() - updated_at) < '5 min'::interval")
(defn- retrieve-presence
(let [rows (db/exec! db/pool [sql:retrieve-presence file-id])]
(mapv (juxt :session-id :profile-id) rows))))
(def ^:private
"insert into presence (file_id, session_id, profile_id, updated_at)
values (?, ?, ?, clock_timestamp())
on conflict (file_id, session_id, profile_id)
do update set updated_at=clock_timestamp()")
(defn- update-presence
[file-id session-id profile-id]
(let [now (dt/now)
sql [sql:update-presence file-id session-id profile-id]]
(db/exec-one! db/pool sql))))
(defn- delete-presence
[file-id session-id profile-id]
(db/delete! db/pool :presence {:file-id file-id
:profile-id profile-id
:session-id session-id})))
(defmulti handle-message
(fn [ws message] (:type message)))
;; TODO: check permissions for join a file-id channel (probably using
;; single use token for avoid explicit database query).
(defmethod handle-message :connect
[{:keys [file-id profile-id session-id output] :as ws} message]
(log/debugf "profile '%s' is connected to file '%s'" profile-id file-id)
(aa/<? (update-presence file-id session-id profile-id))
(let [members (aa/<? (retrieve-presence file-id))]
(aa/<? (publish file-id {:type :presence :sessions members})))))
(defmethod handle-message :disconnect
[{:keys [profile-id file-id session-id] :as ws} message]
(log/debugf "profile '%s' is disconnected from '%s'" profile-id file-id)
(aa/<? (delete-presence file-id session-id profile-id))
(let [members (aa/<? (retrieve-presence file-id))]
(aa/<? (publish file-id {:type :presence :sessions members})))))
(defmethod handle-message :keepalive
[{:keys [profile-id file-id session-id] :as ws} message]
(update-presence file-id session-id profile-id))
(defmethod handle-message :pointer-update
[{:keys [profile-id file-id session-id] :as ws} message]
(let [message (assoc message
:profile-id profile-id
:session-id session-id)]
(publish file-id message)))
(defmethod handle-message :default
[ws message]
(log/warnf "received unexpected message: " message)))

View file

@ -22,32 +22,38 @@
(defrecord Client [client uri]
(close [_]
(.shutdown ^RedisClient client)))
(defrecord Client [^RedisClient inner
^RedisURI uri]
(deref [_] inner)
(defrecord Connection [^RedisAsyncCommands cmd]
(close [_]
(let [conn (.getStatefulConnection cmd)]
(.close ^StatefulRedisConnection conn))))
(.shutdown inner)))
(defrecord Connection [^StatefulRedisConnection inner
^RedisAsyncCommands cmd]
(deref [_] inner)
(close [_]
(.close ^StatefulRedisConnection inner)))
(defn client
(->Client (RedisClient/create) (RedisURI/create uri)))
(->Client (RedisClient/create)
(RedisURI/create uri)))
(defn connect
(let [^RedisURI uri (:uri client)
^RedisClient client (:client client)
^StatefulRedisConnection conn (.connect client StringCodec/UTF8 uri)]
(->Connection (.async conn))))
[{:keys [uri] :as client}]
(let [conn (.connect ^RedisClient @client StringCodec/UTF8 ^RedisURI uri)]
(->Connection conn (.async ^StatefulRedisConnection conn))))
(defn- impl-subscribe
[^String topic xf ^StatefulRedisPubSubConnection conn]
[topics xform ^StatefulRedisPubSubConnection conn]
(let [cmd (.sync conn)
output (a/chan 1 (comp (filter string?) xf))
output (a/chan 1 (comp (filter string?) xform))
buffer (a/chan (a/sliding-buffer 64))
sub (reify RedisPubSubListener
(message [it pattern channel message])
@ -60,8 +66,8 @@
(punsubscribed [it pattern count])
(subscribed [it channel count])
(unsubscribed [it channel count]))]
(.addListener conn sub)
;; Start message event-loop (with keepalive mechanism)
(a/go-loop []
(let [[val port] (a/alts! [buffer (a/timeout 5000)])
message (if (= port buffer) val ::keepalive)]
@ -73,17 +79,20 @@
(when (.isOpen conn)
(.close conn))))))
(.subscribe ^RedisPubSubCommands cmd (into-array String [topic]))
;; Synchronously subscribe to topics
(.addListener conn sub)
(.subscribe ^RedisPubSubCommands cmd topics)
;; Return the output channel
(defn subscribe
([client topic]
(subscribe client topic (map identity)))
([client topic xf]
(let [^RedisURI uri (:uri client)
^RedisClient client (:client client)]
(->> (.connectPubSub client StringCodec/UTF8 uri)
(impl-subscribe topic xf)))))
[{:keys [uri] :as client} {:keys [topic topics xform]}]
(let [topics (if (vector? topics)
(into-array String (map str topics))
(into-array String [(str topics)]))]
(->> (.connectPubSub ^RedisClient @client StringCodec/UTF8 ^RedisURI uri)
(impl-subscribe topics xform))))
(defn- resolve-to-bool