mirror of
synced 2025-01-20 05:34:23 -05:00
Merge pull request #365 from tokens-studio/sets-naming
Rename sets paths/name to match guidelines
This commit is contained in:
12 changed files with 170 additions and 107 deletions
@ -820,13 +820,13 @@
(defn delete-token-set-path
[changes token-set-path]
[changes prefixed-full-set-path]
(assert-library! changes)
(let [library-data (::library-data (meta changes))
prev-token-sets (some-> (get library-data :tokens-lib)
(ctob/get-path-sets token-set-path))]
(ctob/get-sets-at-prefix-path prefixed-full-set-path))]
(-> changes
(update :redo-changes conj {:type :del-token-set-path :path token-set-path})
(update :redo-changes conj {:type :del-token-set-path :path prefixed-full-set-path})
(update :undo-changes conj {:type :add-token-sets :token-sets prev-token-sets})
@ -183,49 +183,54 @@
(def set-separator "/")
(defn join-set-path [set-path]
(join-path set-path set-separator))
(defn join-set-path [path]
(join-path path set-separator))
(defn split-set-prefix [set-path]
(some->> set-path
(defn split-set-str-path-prefix
"Split set-path
E.g.: \"S-some-set\" -> [\"S-\" \"some-set\"]
\"G-some-group\" -> [\"G-\" \"some-group\"]"
(some->> path-str
(re-matches #"^([SG]-)(.*)")
(defn add-set-prefix [set-name]
(str set-prefix set-name))
(defn add-set-path-prefix [set-name-str]
(str set-prefix set-name-str))
(defn add-set-group-prefix [group-path]
(str set-group-prefix group-path))
(defn add-set-path-group-prefix [group-path-str]
(str set-group-prefix group-path-str))
(defn add-token-set-paths-prefix
(defn set-full-path->set-prefixed-full-path
"Returns token-set paths with prefixes to differentiate between sets and set-groups.
Sets will be prefixed with `set-prefix` (S-).
Set groups will be prefixed with `set-group-prefix` (G-)."
(let [set-path (mapv add-set-group-prefix (butlast paths))
set-name (add-set-prefix (last paths))]
(let [set-path (mapv add-set-path-group-prefix (butlast full-path))
set-name (add-set-path-prefix (last full-path))]
(conj set-path set-name)))
(defn split-token-set-path [token-set-path]
(split-path token-set-path set-separator))
(defn split-token-set-path [path]
(split-path path set-separator))
(defn split-token-set-name [token-set-name]
(-> (split-token-set-path token-set-name)
(defn set-name->prefixed-full-path [name-str]
(-> (split-token-set-path name-str)
(defn get-token-set-path [token-set]
(defn get-token-set-prefixed-path [token-set]
(let [path (get-path token-set set-separator)]
(add-token-set-paths-prefix path)))
(set-full-path->set-prefixed-full-path path)))
(defn set-name->set-path-string [set-name]
(-> (split-token-set-name set-name)
(defn set-name-string->prefixed-set-path-string [name-str]
(-> (set-name->prefixed-full-path name-str)
(defn set-path->set-name [set-path]
(->> (split-token-set-path set-path)
(defn prefixed-set-path-string->set-name-string [path-str]
(->> (split-token-set-path path-str)
(map (fn [path-part]
(or (-> (split-set-prefix path-part)
(or (-> (split-set-str-path-prefix path-part)
@ -263,7 +268,7 @@
(delete-token [_ token-name] "delete a token from the list")
(get-token [_ token-name] "return token by token-name")
(get-tokens [_] "return an ordered sequence of all tokens in the set")
(get-set-path [_] "returns name of set converted to the path with prefix identifiers")
(get-set-prefixed-path-string [_] "convert set name to prefixed full path string")
(get-tokens-tree [_] "returns a tree of tokens split & nested by their name path")
(get-dtcg-tokens-tree [_] "returns tokens tree formated to the dtcg spec"))
@ -312,8 +317,8 @@
(get-tokens [_]
(vals tokens))
(get-set-path [_]
(set-name->set-path-string name))
(get-set-prefixed-path-string [_]
(set-name-string->prefixed-set-path-string name))
(get-tokens-tree [_]
(tokens-tree tokens))
@ -358,9 +363,23 @@
;; === TokenSets (collection)
(defprotocol ITokenSets
"Collection of sets and set groups.
Naming conventions:
Set name: the complete name as a string, without prefix \"some-group/some-subgroup/some-set\".
Set final name or fname: the last part of the name \"some-set\".
Set path: the groups part of the name, as a vector [\"some-group\" \"some-subgroup\"].
Set path str: the set path as a string \"some-group/some-subgroup\".
Set full path: the path including the fname, as a vector [\"some-group\", \"some-subgroup\", \"some-set\"].
Set full path str: the set full path as a string \"some-group/some-subgroup/some-set\".
Set prefix: the two-characters prefix added to a full path item \"G-\" / \"S-\".
Prefixed set path or ppath: a path wit added prefixes [\"G-some-group\", \"G-some-subgroup\"].
Prefixed set full path or pfpath: a full path wit prefixes [\"G-some-group\", \"G-some-subgroup\", \"S-some-set\"].
Prefixed set final name or pfname: a final name with prefix \"S-some-set\"."
(add-set [_ token-set] "add a set to the library, at the end")
(add-sets [_ token-set] "add a collection of sets to the library, at the end")
(update-set [_ set-name f] "modify a set in the ilbrary")
(update-set [_ set-name f] "modify a set in the library")
(delete-set-path [_ set-path] "delete a set in the library")
(move-set-before [_ set-name before-set-name] "move a set with `set-name` before a set with `before-set-name` in the library.
When `before-set-name` is nil, move set to bottom")
@ -368,7 +387,7 @@ When `before-set-name` is nil, move set to bottom")
(get-set-tree [_] "get a nested tree of all sets in the library")
(get-in-set-tree [_ path] "get `path` in nested tree of all sets in the library")
(get-sets [_] "get an ordered sequence of all sets in the library")
(get-path-sets [_ path] "get an ordered sequence of sets at `path` in the library")
(get-sets-at-prefix-path [_ path] "get an ordered sequence of sets at `path` in the library")
(get-ordered-set-names [_] "get an ordered sequence of all sets names in the library")
(get-set [_ set-name] "get one set looking for name")
(get-neighbor-set-name [_ set-name index-offset] "get neighboring set name offset by `index-offset`"))
@ -613,7 +632,7 @@ When `before-set-name` is nil, move set to bottom")
(add-set [_ token-set]
(dm/assert! "expected valid token set" (check-token-set! token-set))
(let [path (get-token-set-path token-set)]
(let [path (get-token-set-prefixed-path token-set)]
(TokensLib. (d/oassoc-in sets path token-set)
@ -625,18 +644,18 @@ When `before-set-name` is nil, move set to bottom")
this token-sets))
(update-set [this set-name f]
(let [path (split-token-set-name set-name)
set (get-in sets path)]
(let [prefixed-full-path (set-name->prefixed-full-path set-name)
set (get-in sets prefixed-full-path)]
(if set
(let [set' (-> (make-token-set (f set))
(assoc :modified-at (dt/now)))
path' (get-token-set-path set')
prefixed-full-path' (get-token-set-prefixed-path set')
name-changed? (not= (:name set) (:name set'))]
(check-token-set! set')
(if name-changed?
(TokensLib. (-> sets
(d/oassoc-in-before path path' set')
(d/dissoc-in path))
(d/oassoc-in-before prefixed-full-path prefixed-full-path' set')
(d/dissoc-in prefixed-full-path))
(fn [form]
(if (instance? TokenTheme form)
@ -644,33 +663,34 @@ When `before-set-name` is nil, move set to bottom")
(TokensLib. (d/oassoc-in sets path set')
(TokensLib. (d/oassoc-in sets prefixed-full-path set')
(delete-set-path [_ set-path]
(let [path (split-token-set-path set-path)
set-node (get-in sets path)
set-group? (not (instance? TokenSet set-node))]
(TokensLib. (d/dissoc-in sets path)
(delete-set-path [_ prefixed-set-name]
(let [prefixed-set-path (split-token-set-path prefixed-set-name)
set-node (get-in sets prefixed-set-path)
set-group? (not (instance? TokenSet set-node))
set-name-string (prefixed-set-path-string->set-name-string prefixed-set-name)]
(TokensLib. (d/dissoc-in sets prefixed-set-path)
;; TODO: When deleting a set-group, also deactivate the child sets
(if set-group?
(fn [form]
(if (instance? TokenTheme form)
(disable-set form set-path)
(disable-set form set-name-string)
;; TODO Handle groups and nesting
(move-set-before [this set-name before-set-name]
(let [source-path (split-token-set-name set-name)
(let [source-path (set-name->prefixed-full-path set-name)
token-set (-> (get-set this set-name)
(assoc :modified-at (dt/now)))
target-path (split-token-set-name before-set-name)]
target-path (set-name->prefixed-full-path before-set-name)]
(if before-set-name
(TokensLib. (d/oassoc-in-before sets target-path source-path token-set)
@ -691,7 +711,7 @@ When `before-set-name` is nil, move set to bottom")
(->> (tree-seq d/ordered-map? vals sets)
(filter (partial instance? TokenSet))))
(get-path-sets [_ path]
(get-sets-at-prefix-path [_ path]
(some->> (get-in sets (split-token-set-path path))
(tree-seq d/ordered-map? vals)
(filter (partial instance? TokenSet))))
@ -703,7 +723,7 @@ When `before-set-name` is nil, move set to bottom")
(count (get-sets this)))
(get-set [_ set-name]
(let [path (split-token-set-name set-name)]
(let [path (set-name->prefixed-full-path set-name)]
(get-in sets path)))
(get-neighbor-set-name [this set-name index-offset]
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@
(->> (ctob/move-set-before tokens-lib set-name before-set-name)
(into [])))]
;; TODO Nested moving doesn't work as expected
(t/testing "regular moving"
(t/is (= ["A" "Move" "B"] (move "Move" "B")))
(t/is (= ["B" "A" "Move"] (move "A" "Move"))))
@ -241,11 +240,10 @@
(ctob/delete-set-path "S-not-existing-set"))
token-set' (ctob/get-set tokens-lib' "updated-name")
;;token-theme' (ctob/get-theme tokens-lib' "" "test-token-theme")
token-theme' (ctob/get-theme tokens-lib' "" "test-token-theme")]
(t/is (= (ctob/set-count tokens-lib') 0))
;; (t/is (= (:sets token-theme') #{})) TODO: fix this
(t/is (= (:sets token-theme') #{}))
(t/is (nil? token-set'))))
(t/deftest active-themes-set-names
@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ export class WorkspacePage extends BaseWebSocketPage {
this.tokenThemesSetsSidebar = page.getByTestId("token-themes-sets-sidebar");
this.tokenSetItems = page.getByTestId("tokens-set-item");
this.tokenSetGroupItems = page.getByTestId("tokens-set-group-item");
async goToWorkspace({
@ -18,14 +18,21 @@ const setupFileWithTokens = async (page) => {
const tokensTabButton = page.getByRole("tab", { name: "Tokens" });
await tokensTabButton.click();
return { workspacePage };
return {
tokensUpdateCreateModal: workspacePage.tokensUpdateCreateModal,
tokenThemesSetsSidebar: workspacePage.tokenThemesSetsSidebar,
tokenSetItems: workspacePage.tokenSetItems,
tokenSetGroupItems: workspacePage.tokenSetGroupItems,
test.describe("Tokens: Tab", () => {
test.describe("Tokens: Tokens Tab", () => {
test("Clicking tokens tab button opens tokens sidebar tab", async ({
}) => {
const { workspacePage } = await setupFileWithTokens(page);
const { workspacePage, tokensUpdateCreateModal, tokenThemesSetsSidebar } =
await setupFileWithTokens(page);
const tokensTabPanel = page.getByRole("tabpanel", { name: "tokens" });
@ -36,18 +43,18 @@ test.describe("Tokens: Tab", () => {
test("User creates color token and auto created set show up in the sidebar", async ({
}) => {
const { workspacePage } = await setupFileWithTokens(page);
const { workspacePage, tokensUpdateCreateModal, tokenThemesSetsSidebar } =
await setupFileWithTokens(page);
const tokensTabPanel = page.getByRole("tabpanel", { name: "tokens" });
await tokensTabPanel.getByTitle("Add token: Color").click();
// Create color token with mouse
await expect(workspacePage.tokensUpdateCreateModal).toBeVisible();
await expect(tokensUpdateCreateModal).toBeVisible();
const nameField = workspacePage.tokensUpdateCreateModal.getByLabel("Name");
const valueField =
const nameField = tokensUpdateCreateModal.getByLabel("Name");
const valueField = tokensUpdateCreateModal.getByLabel("Value");
await nameField.click();
await nameField.fill("color.primary");
@ -55,12 +62,9 @@ test.describe("Tokens: Tab", () => {
await valueField.click();
await valueField.fill("red");
const submitButton = workspacePage.tokensUpdateCreateModal.getByRole(
name: "Save",
const submitButton = tokensUpdateCreateModal.getByRole("button", {
name: "Save",
await expect(submitButton).toBeEnabled();
await submitButton.click();
@ -69,7 +73,7 @@ test.describe("Tokens: Tab", () => {
// Create token referencing the previous one with keyboard
await tokensTabPanel.getByTitle("Add token: Color").click();
await expect(workspacePage.tokensUpdateCreateModal).toBeVisible();
await expect(tokensUpdateCreateModal).toBeVisible();
await nameField.click();
await nameField.fill("color.secondary");
@ -89,14 +93,51 @@ test.describe("Tokens: Tab", () => {
// Global set has been auto created and is active
await expect(
workspacePage.tokenThemesSetsSidebar.getByRole("button", {
tokenThemesSetsSidebar.getByRole("button", {
name: "Global",
await expect(
workspacePage.tokenThemesSetsSidebar.getByRole("button", {
tokenThemesSetsSidebar.getByRole("button", {
name: "Global",
).toHaveAttribute("aria-checked", "true");
test.describe("Tokens: Sets Tab", () => {
const createSet = async (sidebar, setName, finalKey = "Enter") => {
const tokensTabButton = sidebar
.getByRole("button", { name: "Add set" })
const setInput = sidebar.locator("input:focus");
await expect(setInput).toBeVisible();
await setInput.fill(setName);
await setInput.press(finalKey);
test("User creates sets tree structure by entering a set path", async ({
}) => {
const {
} = await setupFileWithTokens(page);
const tokensTabButton = tokenThemesSetsSidebar
.getByRole("button", { name: "Add set" })
await createSet(tokenThemesSetsSidebar, "core/colors/light");
await createSet(tokenThemesSetsSidebar, "core/colors/dark");
// User cancels during editing
await createSet(tokenThemesSetsSidebar, "core/colors/dark", "Escape");
await expect(tokenSetItems).toHaveCount(2);
await expect(tokenSetGroupItems).toHaveCount(2);
@ -88,20 +88,20 @@
(let [workspace-data (deref refs/workspace-data)]
(get (:tokens workspace-data) id)))
(defn set-selected-token-set-id
(ptk/reify ::set-selected-token-set-id
(defn set-selected-token-set-path
(ptk/reify ::set-selected-token-set-path
(update [_ state]
(wtts/assoc-selected-token-set-id state id))))
(wtts/assoc-selected-token-set-path state full-path))))
(defn set-selected-token-set-id-from-name
(defn set-selected-token-set-path-from-name
(ptk/reify ::set-selected-token-set-id-from-name
(ptk/reify ::set-selected-token-set-path-from-name
(update [_ state]
(->> (ctob/set-name->set-path-string token-set-name)
(wtts/assoc-selected-token-set-id state)))))
(->> (ctob/set-name-string->prefixed-set-path-string token-set-name)
(wtts/assoc-selected-token-set-path state)))))
(defn create-token-theme [token-theme]
(let [new-token-theme token-theme]
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
(let [changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(pcb/add-token-set new-token-set))]
(set-selected-token-set-id-from-name (:name new-token-set))
(set-selected-token-set-path-from-name (:name new-token-set))
(dch/commit-changes changes)))))))
(defn update-token-set [set-name token-set]
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(pcb/update-token-set token-set prev-token-set))]
(set-selected-token-set-id-from-name (:name token-set))
(set-selected-token-set-path-from-name (:name token-set))
(dch/commit-changes changes))))))
(defn toggle-token-set [{:keys [token-set-name]}]
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(pcb/with-library-data data)
(pcb/set-tokens-lib lib))]
@ -219,14 +219,14 @@
(defn delete-token-set-path [token-set-path]
(defn delete-token-set-path [prefixed-full-set-path]
(ptk/reify ::delete-token-set-path
(watch [it state _]
(let [data (get state :workspace-data)
changes (-> (pcb/empty-changes it)
(pcb/with-library-data data)
(pcb/delete-token-set-path token-set-path))]
(pcb/delete-token-set-path prefixed-full-set-path))]
(dch/commit-changes changes)
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
(pcb/update-token (pcb/empty-changes) (:name token-set) token prev-token)
(pcb/add-token (pcb/empty-changes) (:name token-set) token)))]
(set-selected-token-set-id-from-name token-set-name)
(set-selected-token-set-path-from-name token-set-name)
(dch/commit-changes changes))))))
(defn delete-token
@ -490,8 +490,8 @@
(def workspace-token-themes-no-hidden
(l/derived #(remove ctob/hidden-temporary-theme? %) workspace-token-themes))
(def workspace-selected-token-set-id
(l/derived wtts/get-selected-token-set-id st/state))
(def workspace-selected-token-set-path
(l/derived wtts/get-selected-token-set-path st/state))
(def workspace-token-set-group-selected?
(l/derived wtts/token-group-selected? st/state))
@ -204,10 +204,10 @@
(generic-attribute-actions #{:x} "X" (assoc context-data :on-update-shape wtch/update-shape-position))
(generic-attribute-actions #{:y} "Y" (assoc context-data :on-update-shape wtch/update-shape-position))))}))
(defn default-actions [{:keys [token selected-token-set-id]}]
(defn default-actions [{:keys [token selected-token-set-path]}]
(let [{:keys [modal]} (wtty/get-token-properties token)]
[{:title "Delete Token"
:action #(st/emit! (dt/delete-token (ctob/set-path->set-name selected-token-set-id) (:name token)))}
:action #(st/emit! (dt/delete-token (ctob/prefixed-set-path-string->set-name-string selected-token-set-path) (:name token)))}
{:title "Duplicate Token"
:action #(st/emit! (dt/duplicate-token (:name token)))}
{:title "Edit Token"
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
:position :right
:fields fields
:action "edit"
:selected-token-set-id selected-token-set-id
:selected-token-set-path selected-token-set-path
:token token})))}]))
(defn selection-actions [{:keys [type token] :as context-data}]
@ -311,11 +311,11 @@
selected-shapes (into [] (keep (d/getf objects)) selected)
token-name (:token-name mdata)
token (mf/deref (refs/workspace-selected-token-set-token token-name))
selected-token-set-id (mf/deref refs/workspace-selected-token-set-id)]
selected-token-set-path (mf/deref refs/workspace-selected-token-set-path)]
[:ul {:class (stl/css :context-list)}
[:& menu-tree {:submenu-offset width
:token token
:selected-token-set-id selected-token-set-id
:selected-token-set-path selected-token-set-path
:selected-shapes selected-shapes}]]))
(mf/defc token-context-menu
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ Token names should only contain letters and digits separated by . characters.")}
(mf/defc form
{::mf/wrap-props false}
[{:keys [token token-type action selected-token-set-id]}]
[{:keys [token token-type action selected-token-set-path]}]
(let [token (or token {:type token-type})
token-properties (wtty/get-token-properties token)
color? (wtt/color-token? token)
@ -348,11 +348,11 @@ Token names should only contain letters and digits separated by . characters.")}
(mf/deps selected-token-set-id)
(mf/deps selected-token-set-path)
(fn [e]
(dom/prevent-default e)
(st/emit! (dt/delete-token (ctob/set-path->set-name selected-token-set-id) (:name token)))))
(st/emit! (dt/delete-token (ctob/prefixed-set-path-string->set-name-string selected-token-set-path) (:name token)))))
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
(mf/defc token-update-create-modal
{::mf/wrap-props false}
[{:keys [x y position token token-type action selected-token-set-id] :as _args}]
[{:keys [x y position token token-type action selected-token-set-path] :as _args}]
(let [wrapper-style (use-viewport-position-style x y position)
close-modal (mf/use-fn
(fn []
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
:aria-label (tr "labels.close")}]
[:& form {:token token
:action action
:selected-token-set-id selected-token-set-id
:selected-token-set-path selected-token-set-path
:token-type token-type}]]))
;; Modals ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
(st/emit! (wdt/toggle-token-set {:token-set-name token-set-name})))
(defn on-select-token-set-click [tree-path]
(st/emit! (wdt/set-selected-token-set-id tree-path)))
(st/emit! (wdt/set-selected-token-set-path tree-path)))
(defn on-update-token-set [set-name token-set]
(st/emit! (wdt/update-token-set set-name token-set)))
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
:tree-path tree-path})))))]
[:div {;; :ref dref
:role "button"
:data-testid "tokens-set-group-item"
:style {"--tree-depth" tree-depth}
:class (stl/css-case :set-item-container true
:selected-set selected?)
@ -133,6 +134,7 @@
:tree-path tree-path})))))]
[:div {;; :ref dref
:role "button"
:data-testid "tokens-set-item"
:style {"--tree-depth" tree-depth}
:class (stl/css-case :set-item-container true
:selected-set selected?)
@ -167,7 +169,7 @@
[{:keys [set-path set-node tree-depth tree-path on-select selected? on-toggle active? editing? on-edit on-edit-reset on-edit-submit]
:or {tree-depth 0}
:as props}]
(let [[set-prefix set-path'] (some-> set-path (ctob/split-set-prefix))
(let [[set-prefix set-path'] (some-> set-path (ctob/split-set-str-path-prefix))
set? (instance? ctob/TokenSet set-node)
set-group? (= ctob/set-group-prefix set-prefix)
root? (= tree-depth 0)
@ -270,11 +272,11 @@
(mf/defc sets-list
[{:keys []}]
(let [token-sets (mf/deref refs/workspace-token-sets-tree)
selected-token-set-id (mf/deref refs/workspace-selected-token-set-id)
selected-token-set-path (mf/deref refs/workspace-selected-token-set-path)
token-set-selected? (mf/use-fn
(mf/deps token-sets selected-token-set-id)
(mf/deps token-sets selected-token-set-path)
(fn [tree-path]
(= tree-path selected-token-set-id)))
(= tree-path selected-token-set-path)))
active-token-set-names (mf/deref refs/workspace-active-set-names)
token-set-active? (mf/use-fn
(mf/deps active-token-set-names)
@ -36,15 +36,15 @@
;; === Set selection
(defn get-selected-token-set-id [state]
(or (get-in state [:workspace-local :selected-token-set-id])
(defn get-selected-token-set-path [state]
(or (get-in state [:workspace-local :selected-token-set-path])
(some-> (get-workspace-tokens-lib state)
(defn get-selected-token-set-node [state]
(when-let [path (some-> (get-selected-token-set-id state)
(when-let [path (some-> (get-selected-token-set-path state)
(some-> (get-workspace-tokens-lib state)
(ctob/get-in-set-tree path))))
@ -66,5 +66,5 @@
(defn token-group-selected? [state]
(some? (get-selected-token-set-group state)))
(defn assoc-selected-token-set-id [state id]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :selected-token-set-id] id))
(defn assoc-selected-token-set-path [state id]
(assoc-in state [:workspace-local :selected-token-set-path] id))
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