diff --git a/backend/src/app/loggers/audit.clj b/backend/src/app/loggers/audit.clj
index 853e9709c..d400d6387 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/loggers/audit.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/loggers/audit.clj
@@ -170,21 +170,24 @@
     (when (and (contains? cf/flags :webhooks)
                (::webhooks/event? event))
       (let [batch-key     (::webhooks/batch-key event)
-            batch-timeout (::webhooks/batch-timeout event)]
+            batch-timeout (::webhooks/batch-timeout event)
+            label-suffix  (when (ifn? batch-key)
+                            (str/ffmt ":%" (batch-key (:props params))))
+            dedupe?       (boolean
+                           (and batch-key batch-timeout))]
         (wrk/submit! ::wrk/conn pool
                      ::wrk/task :process-webhook-event
                      ::wrk/queue :webhooks
                      ::wrk/max-retries 0
                      ::wrk/delay (or batch-timeout 0)
-                     ::wrk/label (cond
-                                   (fn? batch-key)        (batch-key (:props event))
-                                   (keyword? batch-key)   (name batch-key)
-                                   (string? batch-key)    batch-key
-                                   :else                  "default")
-                     ::wrk/dedupe true
-                     ::webhooks/event (-> params
-                                          (dissoc :ip-addr)
-                                          (dissoc :type)))))))
+                     ::wrk/dedupe dedupe?
+                     ::wrk/label
+                     (str/ffmt "rpc:%1%2" (:name params) label-suffix)
+                     ::webhooks/event
+                     (-> params
+                         (dissoc :ip-addr)
+                         (dissoc :type)))))))
 (defn submit!
   "Submit audit event to the collector."
diff --git a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files/update.clj b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files/update.clj
index 264d29615..991dcadef 100644
--- a/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files/update.clj
+++ b/backend/src/app/rpc/commands/files/update.clj
@@ -123,16 +123,12 @@
 ;; set is different than the persisted one, update it on the
 ;; database.
-(defn webhook-batch-keyfn
-  [props]
-  (str "rpc:update-file:" (:id props)))
 (sv/defmethod ::update-file
   {::climit/queue :update-file
    ::climit/key-fn :id
    ::webhooks/event? true
    ::webhooks/batch-timeout (dt/duration "2m")
-   ::webhooks/batch-key webhook-batch-keyfn
+   ::webhooks/batch-key :id
    ::doc/added "1.17"}
   [{:keys [pool] :as cfg} {:keys [id profile-id] :as params}]
   (db/with-atomic [conn pool]