mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 01:31:22 -05:00
✨ Resize tracks from editor
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 222 additions and 136 deletions
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
[app.common.geom.point :as gpt]
[app.common.geom.shapes.grid-layout :as gsg]
[app.common.geom.shapes.points :as gpo]
[app.common.math :as mth]
[app.common.types.modifiers :as ctm]
[app.common.types.shape.layout :as ctl]
[app.main.data.workspace.grid-layout.editor :as dwge]
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@
[app.main.data.workspace.shape-layout :as dwsl]
[app.main.refs :as refs]
[app.main.store :as st]
[app.main.ui.formats :as fmt]
[app.main.ui.workspace.viewport.viewport-ref :as uwvv]
[app.util.dom :as dom]
[app.util.keyboard :as kbd]
@ -31,9 +33,9 @@
(defn format-size [{:keys [type value]}]
(case type
:fixed (str value "PX")
:percent (str value "%")
:flex (str value "FR")
:fixed (dm/str (fmt/format-number value) "PX")
:percent (dm/str (fmt/format-number value) "%")
:flex (dm/str (fmt/format-number value) "FR")
:auto "AUTO"))
(mf/defc track-marker
@ -255,7 +257,6 @@
{:keys [handle-pointer-down handle-lost-pointer-capture handle-pointer-move]}
(use-drag {:on-drag-position handle-drag-position
;;:on-drag-start handle-drag-start
:on-drag-end handle-drag-end})]
{:x x
@ -336,47 +337,81 @@
:direction dir
:layout-data layout-data}])]))]))
(mf/defc resize-handler
(mf/defc resize-track-handler
{::mf/wrap-props false}
(let [shape (unchecked-get props "shape")
index (unchecked-get props "index")
track-before (unchecked-get props "track-before")
track-after (unchecked-get props "track-after")
{:keys [column-total-size column-total-gap row-total-size row-total-gap]} (unchecked-get props "layout-data")
start-p (unchecked-get props "start-p")
type (unchecked-get props "type")
zoom (unchecked-get props "zoom")
dragging-ref (mf/use-ref false)
start-ref (mf/use-ref nil)
[layout-gap-row layout-gap-col] (ctl/gaps shape)
start-size-before (mf/use-var nil)
start-size-after (mf/use-var nil)
snap-pixel? (mf/deref refs/snap-pixel?)
(fn [event]
(dom/capture-pointer event)
(mf/set-ref-val! dragging-ref true)
(mf/set-ref-val! start-ref (dom/get-client-position event))))
(mf/deps shape track-before track-after)
(fn []
(reset! start-size-before (:size track-before))
(reset! start-size-after (:size track-after))
(let [tracks-prop
(if (= :column type) :layout-grid-columns :layout-grid-rows)
(-> shape
(cond-> (some? track-before)
(update-in [tracks-prop (dec index)] merge {:type :fixed :value (:size track-before)}))
(cond-> (some? track-after)
(update-in [tracks-prop index] merge {:type :fixed :value (:size track-after)})))
(-> (ctm/empty)
(ctm/change-property tracks-prop (get shape tracks-prop)))]
(st/emit! (dwm/set-modifiers (dwm/create-modif-tree [(:id shape)] modifiers))))))
(fn [event]
(dom/release-pointer event)
(mf/set-ref-val! dragging-ref false)
(mf/set-ref-val! start-ref nil)))
(mf/deps shape track-before track-after)
(fn [position]
(let [[tracks-prop axis]
(if (= :column type) [:layout-grid-columns :x] [:layout-grid-rows :y])
precision (if snap-pixel? mth/round identity)
delta (get position axis)
(-> shape
(cond-> (some? track-before)
(update-in [tracks-prop (dec index)] merge {:type :fixed :value (precision (+ @start-size-before delta))}))
(cond-> (some? track-after)
(update-in [tracks-prop index] merge {:type :fixed :value (precision (- @start-size-after delta))})))
(-> (ctm/empty)
(ctm/change-property tracks-prop (get shape tracks-prop)))]
(st/emit! (dwm/set-modifiers (dwm/create-modif-tree [(:id shape)] modifiers))))))
(fn [event]
(when (mf/ref-val dragging-ref)
(let [start (mf/ref-val start-ref)
pos (dom/get-client-position event)
_delta (-> (gpt/to-vec start pos)
(get (if (= type :column) :x :y)))]
;; TODO Implement resize
#_(prn ">Delta" delta)))))
(mf/deps track-before track-after)
(fn []
(reset! start-size-before nil)
(reset! start-size-after nil)
(st/emit! (dwm/apply-modifiers))))
{:keys [handle-pointer-down handle-lost-pointer-capture handle-pointer-move]}
(use-drag {:on-drag-start handle-drag-start
:on-drag-delta handle-drag-position
:on-drag-end handle-drag-end})
[x y width height]
(if (= type :column)
@ -390,7 +425,7 @@
(+ column-total-size column-total-gap (/ 40 zoom))
(max layout-gap-row (/ 16 zoom))])]
{:x x
:y y
:class (if (= type :column)
@ -398,64 +433,54 @@
:height height
:width width
:on-pointer-down on-pointer-down
:on-lost-pointer-capture on-lost-pointer-capture
:on-pointer-move on-pointer-move
:on-pointer-down handle-pointer-down
:on-lost-pointer-capture handle-lost-pointer-capture
:on-pointer-move handle-pointer-move
:style {:fill "transparent"}}]))
(mf/defc editor
(mf/defc track
{::mf/wrap [mf/memo]
::mf/wrap-props false}
(let [shape (unchecked-get props "shape")
zoom (unchecked-get props "zoom")
type (unchecked-get props "type")
index (unchecked-get props "index")
track-data (unchecked-get props "track-data")
layout-data (unchecked-get props "layout-data")
(let [shape (unchecked-get props "shape")
objects (unchecked-get props "objects")
zoom (unchecked-get props "zoom")
view-only (unchecked-get props "view-only")
bounds (:points shape)
;; We need to know the state unmodified so we can create the modifiers
shape-ref (mf/use-memo (mf/deps (:id shape)) #(refs/object-by-id (:id shape)))
base-shape (mf/deref shape-ref)
grid-edition-id-ref (mf/use-memo #(refs/workspace-grid-edition-id (:id shape)))
grid-edition (mf/deref grid-edition-id-ref)
hover-cells (:hover grid-edition)
selected-cells (:selected grid-edition)
children (->> (:shapes shape)
(map (d/getf objects))
(remove :hidden)
(map #(vector (gpo/parent-coords-bounds (:points %) (:points shape)) %)))
hv #(gpo/start-hv bounds %)
vv #(gpo/start-vv bounds %)
width (gpo/width-points bounds)
height (gpo/height-points bounds)
origin (gpo/origin bounds)
track-input-ref (mf/use-ref)
[layout-gap-row layout-gap-col] (ctl/gaps shape)
bounds (:points shape)
vv #(gpo/start-vv bounds %)
hv #(gpo/start-hv bounds %)
{:keys [row-tracks column-tracks] :as layout-data}
(gsg/calc-layout-data shape children bounds)
start-p (:start-p track-data)
(if (= type :column)
(-> start-p
(gpt/subtract (vv (/ 20 zoom)))
(cond-> (not= index 0)
(gpt/subtract (hv (/ layout-gap-col 2)))))
(-> start-p
(gpt/subtract (hv (/ 20 zoom)))
(cond-> (not= index 0)
(gpt/subtract (vv (/ layout-gap-row 2))))))
(mf/deps (:id shape))
(fn []
(st/emit! (st/emit! (dwsl/add-layout-track [(:id shape)] :column ctl/default-track-value)))))
(mf/deps (:id shape))
(fn []
(st/emit! (st/emit! (dwsl/add-layout-track [(:id shape)] :row ctl/default-track-value)))))
(if (= type :column)
(-> start-p
(gpt/subtract (vv (/ 36 zoom))))
(-> start-p
(gpt/subtract (hv (/ (:size track-data) 2)))
(gpt/subtract (hv (/ 16 zoom)))
(gpt/add (vv (/ (:size track-data) 2)))
(gpt/subtract (vv (/ 18 zoom)))))
(mf/deps (:id shape))
(fn [track-type index event]
(fn [event]
(let [target (-> event dom/get-target)
value (-> target dom/get-input-value str/upper)
value-int (d/parse-integer value)
@ -474,9 +499,9 @@
(or (= value "AUTO") (= "" value))
[:auto nil])]
(if (some? type)
(do (obj/set! target "value" (format-size {:type type :value value}))
(dom/set-attribute! target "data-default-value" (format-size {:type type :value value}))
(st/emit! (dwsl/change-layout-track [(:id shape)] track-type index {:type type :value value})))
(do (dom/set-value! target (format-size {:type type :value value}))
(dom/set-data! target "default-value" (format-size {:type type :value value}))
(st/emit! (dwsl/change-layout-track [(:id shape)] type index {:type type :value value})))
(obj/set! target "value" (dom/get-attribute target "data-default-value"))))))
@ -487,7 +512,92 @@
(when enter?
(dom/blur! (dom/get-target event)))
(when esc?
(dom/blur! (dom/get-target event))))))]
(dom/blur! (dom/get-target event))))))
track-list-prop (if (= type :column) :column-tracks :row-tracks)
[text-x text-y text-width text-height]
(if (= type :column)
[(:x text-p) (:y text-p) (max 0 (- (:size track-data) 4)) (/ 32 zoom)]
[(:x text-p) (:y text-p) (:size track-data) (/ 36 zoom)])]
(mf/deps track-data)
(fn []
(dom/set-value! (mf/ref-val track-input-ref) (format-size track-data))))
[:g {:transform (when (= type :row) (dm/fmt "rotate(-90 % %)" (:x marker-p) (:y marker-p)))}
[:& track-marker {:center marker-p
:value (dm/str (inc index))
:zoom zoom}]]
[:g {:transform (when (= type :row) (dm/fmt "rotate(-90 % %)" (+ (:x text-p) (/ (:size track-data) 2)) (+ (:y text-p) (/ 36 zoom 2))))}
[:foreignObject {:x text-x :y text-y :width text-width :height text-height}
{:ref track-input-ref
:class (css :grid-editor-label)
:type "text"
:default-value (format-size track-data)
:data-default-value (format-size track-data)
:on-key-down handle-keydown-track-input
:on-blur handle-blur-track-input}]]]
(let [track-before (get-in layout-data [track-list-prop (dec index)])]
[:& resize-track-handler
{:index index
:shape shape
:layout-data layout-data
:start-p start-p
:type type
:track-before track-before
:track-after track-data
:zoom zoom}])]))
(mf/defc editor
{::mf/wrap [mf/memo]
::mf/wrap-props false}
(let [shape (unchecked-get props "shape")
objects (unchecked-get props "objects")
zoom (unchecked-get props "zoom")
view-only (unchecked-get props "view-only")
;; We need to know the state unmodified so we can create the modifiers
shape-ref (mf/use-memo (mf/deps (:id shape)) #(refs/object-by-id (:id shape)))
base-shape (mf/deref shape-ref)
grid-edition-id-ref (mf/use-memo #(refs/workspace-grid-edition-id (:id shape)))
grid-edition (mf/deref grid-edition-id-ref)
hover-cells (:hover grid-edition)
selected-cells (:selected grid-edition)
children (->> (:shapes shape)
(map (d/getf objects))
(remove :hidden)
(map #(vector (gpo/parent-coords-bounds (:points %) (:points shape)) %)))
bounds (:points shape)
hv #(gpo/start-hv bounds %)
vv #(gpo/start-vv bounds %)
width (gpo/width-points bounds)
height (gpo/height-points bounds)
origin (gpo/origin bounds)
{:keys [row-tracks column-tracks] :as layout-data}
(gsg/calc-layout-data shape children bounds)
(mf/deps (:id shape))
(fn []
(st/emit! (st/emit! (dwsl/add-layout-track [(:id shape)] :column ctl/default-track-value)))))
(mf/deps (:id shape))
(fn []
(st/emit! (st/emit! (dwsl/add-layout-track [(:id shape)] :row ctl/default-track-value)))))]
(fn []
@ -511,67 +621,43 @@
:on-click handle-add-row}])])
(for [[idx column-data] (d/enumerate column-tracks)]
(let [start-p (:start-p column-data)
marker-p (-> start-p
(gpt/subtract (vv (/ 20 zoom)))
(cond-> (not= idx 0)
(gpt/subtract (hv (/ layout-gap-col 2)))))
[:& track {:key (dm/str "column-track-" idx)
:shape shape
:zoom zoom
:type :column
:index idx
:layout-data layout-data
:track-data column-data}])
text-p (-> start-p
(gpt/subtract (vv (/ 36 zoom))))]
[:* {:key (dm/str "column-" idx)}
[:& track-marker {:center marker-p
:value (dm/str (inc idx))
:zoom zoom}]
[:foreignObject {:x (:x text-p) :y (:y text-p) :width (max 0 (- (:size column-data) 4)) :height (/ 32 zoom)}
{:class (css :grid-editor-label)
:type "text"
:default-value (format-size column-data)
:data-default-value (format-size column-data)
:on-key-down handle-keydown-track-input
:on-blur #(handle-blur-track-input :column idx %)}]]
(when (not= idx 0)
[:& resize-handler {:shape shape
:layout-data layout-data
:start-p start-p
:type :column
:zoom zoom}])]))
;; Last track resize handler
(let [last-track (last column-tracks)
start-p (:start-p (last column-tracks))
marker-p (-> start-p
(gpt/subtract (vv (/ 20 zoom)))
(gpt/add (hv (:size last-track))))]
[:& track-marker {:center marker-p
:value (dm/str (inc (count column-tracks)))
:zoom zoom}]
[:& resize-track-handler
{:index (count column-tracks)
:shape shape
:layout-data layout-data
:start-p (-> start-p
(gpt/add (hv (:size last-track)))
(gpt/add (hv (/ 20 zoom))))
:type :column
:track-before (last column-tracks)
:zoom zoom}]])
(for [[idx row-data] (d/enumerate row-tracks)]
(let [start-p (:start-p row-data)
marker-p (-> start-p
(gpt/subtract (hv (/ 20 zoom)))
(cond-> (not= idx 0)
(gpt/subtract (vv (/ layout-gap-row 2)))))
text-p (-> start-p
(gpt/subtract (hv (/ (:size row-data) 2)))
(gpt/subtract (hv (/ 16 zoom)))
(gpt/add (vv (/ (:size row-data) 2)))
(gpt/subtract (vv (/ 18 zoom))))]
[:* {:key (dm/str "row-" idx)}
[:g {:transform (dm/fmt "rotate(-90 % %)" (:x marker-p) (:y marker-p))}
[:& track-marker {:center marker-p
:value (dm/str (inc idx))
:zoom zoom}]]
[:g {:transform (dm/fmt "rotate(-90 % %)" (+ (:x text-p) (/ (:size row-data) 2)) (+ (:y text-p) (/ 36 zoom 2)))}
[:foreignObject {:x (:x text-p) :y (:y text-p) :width (:size row-data) :height (/ 36 zoom)}
{:class (css :grid-editor-label)
:type "text"
:default-value (format-size row-data)
:data-default-value (format-size row-data)
:on-key-down handle-keydown-track-input
:on-blur #(handle-blur-track-input :row idx %)}]]]
(when (not= idx 0)
[:& resize-handler {:shape shape
:layout-data layout-data
:start-p start-p
:type :column
:zoom zoom}])]))
[:& track {:key (dm/str "row-track-" idx)
:shape shape
:zoom zoom
:type :row
:index idx
:layout-data layout-data
:track-data row-data}])
(for [[_ cell] (:layout-grid-cells shape)]
[:& grid-cell {:key (dm/str "cell-" (:id cell))
Add table
Reference in a new issue