2016-11-20 20:04:52 +01:00
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
2021-03-30 14:55:19 +02:00
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
2016-11-20 20:04:52 +01:00
2020-08-18 19:26:37 +02:00
(ns app.main
2020-01-23 17:53:26 +01:00
2020-12-24 14:32:19 +01:00
[app.common.data :as d]
2021-03-30 14:55:19 +02:00
[app.config :as cf]
2021-04-06 23:25:34 +02:00
[app.util.logging :as l]
2020-12-24 14:32:19 +01:00
[app.util.time :as dt]
[integrant.core :as ig]))
2020-01-31 19:12:58 +01:00
2021-03-30 14:55:19 +02:00
(def system-config
{:uri (cf/get :database-uri)
:username (cf/get :database-username)
:password (cf/get :database-password)
:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)
:migrations (ig/ref :app.migrations/all)
:name :main
:min-pool-size 0
:max-pool-size 20}
{:name "actions_profile_register_count"
:help "A global counter of user registrations."
:type :counter}
{:name "actions_profile_activation_count"
:help "A global counter of profile activations"
:type :counter}}}
{:main (ig/ref :app.migrations/migrations)}
{:backend (cf/get :msgbus-backend :redis)
:redis-uri (cf/get :redis-uri)}
{:sprops (ig/ref :app.setup/props)}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:storage (ig/ref :app.storage/storage)
:min-age (dt/duration {:hours 2})}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:storage (ig/ref :app.storage/storage)}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:cookie-name (cf/get :http-session-cookie-name)}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:max-age (cf/get :http-session-idle-max-age)}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)
:executor (ig/ref :app.worker/executor)
:session (ig/ref :app.http.session/session)
:max-batch-age (cf/get :http-session-updater-batch-max-age)
:max-batch-size (cf/get :http-session-updater-batch-max-size)}
{:tokens (ig/ref :app.tokens/tokens)
:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)}
{:port (cf/get :http-server-port)
:router (ig/ref :app.http/router)
:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)
:ws {"/ws/notifications" (ig/ref :app.notifications/handler)}}
:rpc (ig/ref :app.rpc/rpc)
:session (ig/ref :app.http.session/session)
:tokens (ig/ref :app.tokens/tokens)
:public-uri (cf/get :public-uri)
:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)
:oauth (ig/ref :app.http.oauth/all)
:assets (ig/ref :app.http.assets/handlers)
:storage (ig/ref :app.storage/storage)
:sns-webhook (ig/ref :app.http.awsns/handler)
:feedback (ig/ref :app.http.feedback/handler)
:error-report-handler (ig/ref :app.loggers.mattermost/handler)}
{:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)
:assets-path (cf/get :assets-path)
:storage (ig/ref :app.storage/storage)
:cache-max-age (dt/duration {:hours 24})
:signature-max-age (dt/duration {:hours 24 :minutes 5})}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)}
{:google (ig/ref :app.http.oauth/google)
:gitlab (ig/ref :app.http.oauth/gitlab)
:github (ig/ref :app.http.oauth/github)}
{:rpc (ig/ref :app.rpc/rpc)
:session (ig/ref :app.http.session/session)
:tokens (ig/ref :app.tokens/tokens)
:public-uri (cf/get :public-uri)
:client-id (cf/get :google-client-id)
:client-secret (cf/get :google-client-secret)}
{:rpc (ig/ref :app.rpc/rpc)
:session (ig/ref :app.http.session/session)
:tokens (ig/ref :app.tokens/tokens)
:public-uri (cf/get :public-uri)
:client-id (cf/get :github-client-id)
:client-secret (cf/get :github-client-secret)}
{:rpc (ig/ref :app.rpc/rpc)
:session (ig/ref :app.http.session/session)
:tokens (ig/ref :app.tokens/tokens)
:public-uri (cf/get :public-uri)
:base-uri (cf/get :gitlab-base-uri)
:client-id (cf/get :gitlab-client-id)
:client-secret (cf/get :gitlab-client-secret)}
;; RLimit definition for password hashing
(cf/get :rlimits-password)
;; RLimit definition for image processing
(cf/get :rlimits-image)
;; A collection of rlimits as hash-map.
{:password (ig/ref :app.rlimits/password)
:image (ig/ref :app.rlimits/image)}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:session (ig/ref :app.http.session/session)
:tokens (ig/ref :app.tokens/tokens)
:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)
:storage (ig/ref :app.storage/storage)
:msgbus (ig/ref :app.msgbus/msgbus)
:rlimits (ig/ref :app.rlimits/all)
:public-uri (cf/get :public-uri)}
{:msgbus (ig/ref :app.msgbus/msgbus)
:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:session (ig/ref :app.http.session/session)
:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)
:executor (ig/ref :app.worker/executor)}
{:min-threads 0
:max-threads 256
:idle-timeout 60000
:name :worker}
{:executor (ig/ref :app.worker/executor)
:tasks (ig/ref :app.worker/registry)
:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)
:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)}
{:executor (ig/ref :app.worker/executor)
:tasks (ig/ref :app.worker/registry)
:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
[{:cron #app/cron "0 0 0 */1 * ? *" ;; daily
:task :file-media-gc}
{:cron #app/cron "0 0 */1 * * ?" ;; hourly
:task :file-xlog-gc}
{:cron #app/cron "0 0 1 */1 * ?" ;; daily (1 hour shift)
:task :storage-deleted-gc}
{:cron #app/cron "0 0 2 */1 * ?" ;; daily (2 hour shift)
:task :storage-touched-gc}
{:cron #app/cron "0 0 3 */1 * ?" ;; daily (3 hour shift)
:task :session-gc}
{:cron #app/cron "0 0 */1 * * ?" ;; hourly
:task :storage-recheck}
{:cron #app/cron "0 0 0 */1 * ?" ;; daily
:task :tasks-gc}
(when (cf/get :telemetry-enabled)
{:cron #app/cron "0 0 */6 * * ?" ;; every 6h
:task :telemetry})]}
{:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)
{:sendmail (ig/ref :app.emails/sendmail-handler)
:delete-object (ig/ref :app.tasks.delete-object/handler)
:delete-profile (ig/ref :app.tasks.delete-profile/handler)
:file-media-gc (ig/ref :app.tasks.file-media-gc/handler)
:file-xlog-gc (ig/ref :app.tasks.file-xlog-gc/handler)
:storage-deleted-gc (ig/ref :app.storage/gc-deleted-task)
:storage-touched-gc (ig/ref :app.storage/gc-touched-task)
:storage-recheck (ig/ref :app.storage/recheck-task)
:tasks-gc (ig/ref :app.tasks.tasks-gc/handler)
:telemetry (ig/ref :app.tasks.telemetry/handler)
:session-gc (ig/ref :app.http.session/gc-task)}}
{:host (cf/get :smtp-host)
:port (cf/get :smtp-port)
:ssl (cf/get :smtp-ssl)
:tls (cf/get :smtp-tls)
:enabled (cf/get :smtp-enabled)
:username (cf/get :smtp-username)
:password (cf/get :smtp-password)
:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)
:default-reply-to (cf/get :smtp-default-reply-to)
:default-from (cf/get :smtp-default-from)}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:max-age (dt/duration {:hours 24})
:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:storage (ig/ref :app.storage/storage)
:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)
:max-age (dt/duration {:hours 48})}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:metrics (ig/ref :app.metrics/metrics)
:max-age (dt/duration {:hours 48})}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:version (:full cf/version)
:uri (cf/get :telemetry-uri)
:sprops (ig/ref :app.setup/props)}
{:port (cf/get :srepl-port)
:host (cf/get :srepl-host)}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)}
{:endpoint (cf/get :loggers-zmq-uri)}
{:uri (cf/get :loggers-loki-uri)
:receiver (ig/ref :app.loggers.zmq/receiver)
:executor (ig/ref :app.worker/executor)}
{:uri (cf/get :error-report-webhook)
:receiver (ig/ref :app.loggers.zmq/receiver)
:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:executor (ig/ref :app.worker/executor)}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)}
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)
:executor (ig/ref :app.worker/executor)
:backend (cf/get :storage-backend :fs)
:backends {:s3 (ig/ref [::main :app.storage.s3/backend])
:db (ig/ref [::main :app.storage.db/backend])
:fs (ig/ref [::main :app.storage.fs/backend])
:tmp (ig/ref [::tmp :app.storage.fs/backend])}}
[::main :app.storage.s3/backend]
{:region (cf/get :storage-s3-region)
:bucket (cf/get :storage-s3-bucket)}
[::main :app.storage.fs/backend]
{:directory (cf/get :storage-fs-directory)}
[::tmp :app.storage.fs/backend]
{:directory "/tmp/penpot"}
[::main :app.storage.db/backend]
{:pool (ig/ref :app.db/pool)}})
2020-12-27 22:47:31 +01:00
2020-12-24 14:32:19 +01:00
(defmethod ig/init-key :default [_ data] data)
2021-01-25 09:29:41 +01:00
(defmethod ig/prep-key :default
[_ data]
(if (map? data)
(d/without-nils data)
2020-12-24 14:32:19 +01:00
2021-01-05 12:31:16 +01:00
(def system nil)
2020-12-24 14:32:19 +01:00
(defn start
2021-03-30 14:55:19 +02:00
(ig/load-namespaces system-config)
(alter-var-root #'system (fn [sys]
(when sys (ig/halt! sys))
(-> system-config
2021-04-06 23:25:34 +02:00
(l/info :msg "welcome to penpot"
:version (:full cf/version)))
2020-12-24 14:32:19 +01:00
(defn stop
(alter-var-root #'system (fn [sys]
(when sys (ig/halt! sys))
2020-08-18 18:46:39 +02:00
(defn -main
2020-12-02 12:36:08 +01:00
[& _args]
2020-12-24 14:32:19 +01:00