2021-02-15 12:15:16 +01:00
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
2021-04-10 09:43:04 +02:00
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
2021-02-15 12:15:16 +01:00
2020-06-29 16:07:48 +02:00
(ns app.config
2021-05-05 09:28:12 +02:00
(:refer-clojure :exclude [get])
2020-06-29 16:07:48 +02:00
["process" :as process]
2021-05-05 09:28:12 +02:00
[cuerdas.core :as str]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[cljs.spec.alpha :as s]
[cljs.core :as c]
[lambdaisland.uri :as u]))
2020-06-29 16:07:48 +02:00
2021-05-05 09:28:12 +02:00
(def defaults
{:public-uri "http://localhost:3449"
:http-server-port 6061
:browser-concurrency 5
:browser-strategy :incognito})
2020-06-29 16:07:48 +02:00
2021-05-05 09:28:12 +02:00
(s/def ::public-uri ::us/string)
(s/def ::http-server-port ::us/integer)
(s/def ::browser-concurrency ::us/integer)
(s/def ::browser-strategy ::us/keyword)
2020-06-29 16:07:48 +02:00
2021-05-05 09:28:12 +02:00
(s/def ::config
(s/keys :opt-un [::public-uri
(defn- read-env
(let [env (unchecked-get process "env")
kwd (fn [s] (-> (str/kebab s) (str/keyword)))
prefix (str prefix "-")
len (count prefix)]
(reduce (fn [res key]
(cond-> res
(str/starts-with? key prefix)
(assoc (kwd (subs key len))
(unchecked-get env key))))
(js/Object.keys env))))
(def config
(atom (->> (read-env "penpot")
(merge defaults)
(us/conform ::config))))
(defn get
"A configuration getter."
(c/get @config key))
([key default]
(c/get @config key default)))