/// This mixin allows you to add styles to a specific Media query inside the style selector specifying which Breaking Point you want to choose.
/// @group Mixins
/// @parameter $point - This parameter decide which one of Breaking Point you want to use: "bp-papabear" (Desktop), "bp-mamabear" (Tablet) and "bp-babybear" (Mobile).
/// Center an element vertically and horizontally with an absolute position.
/// @group Mixins
@mixin centerer{
@include absolute(50%,null,null,50%);
/// This mixing allow you to add placeholder colors in all availables browsers
/// @group Mixins
@mixin placeholder{
&:-moz-placeholder{/* Firefox 18- */
&::-moz-placeholder{/* Firefox 19+ */
/// Allows you to visually
/// @group Mixins
@mixin hide-text{
/// Shortcut mixin to add new font-face compatible with all browser. To work you need to add the follow formats of font:".eot", ".woff", ".ttf" and "svg".
/// @group Mixins
/// @parameter $style-name - Name of the font style
/// @parameter $file - Name of the font file.
/// @parameter $weight [normal] - With this variable you can add how much weight you want to add to this specific font. EX: Bold
/// @parameter $style [normal] - With this variable you can add a font style to this specific font. EX: Italic