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(ns uxbox.impl.routing
(:require [clojure.core.async :as a]
[cats.monad.exception :as exc]
[cats.core :as m]
[promissum.core :as p]
[catacumba.core :as ct]
[catacumba.serializers :as sz]
[catacumba.impl.websocket :as ws]
[catacumba.impl.handlers :as hs]))
;; Helpers
(defn encode
(sz/bytes->str (sz/encode data :transit+json)))
(defn decode
(sz/decode (sz/str->bytes data) :transit+json))
;; Protocol Definition
(defprotocol IHandlerResponse
(-handle-response [_ context frameid options] "Handle the response."))
;; Implementation
(declare response)
(defn- generic-error-handler
[context error]
(if (instance? clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo error)
(response :error {:message (.getMessage error)
:data (ex-data error)})
(response :error {:message (str error)})))
(defn- handle-error
[error frameid context options]
(let [on-error (::on-error options generic-error-handler)
response (on-error context error)]
(-handle-response response context frameid options)))
(defmulti handle-frame
(fn [frame handler context options]
(:cmd frame)))
(defmethod handle-frame :default
[frame handler context options]
(let [frameid (:id frame)
response (exc/try-on (handler context frame))]
(if (exc/success? response)
(-handle-response @response context frameid options)
(let [error (m/extract response)]
(handle-error error frameid context options)))))
(defmethod handle-frame :pong
[frame _ context options]
(let [state (:state context)]
(defn- send-decode-error
[{:keys [out]}]
(let [frame {:cmd :error :id nil :data "Error on deserializing frame."}]
(a/go (a/>! out (encode frame)))))
(defn- initialize
[{:keys [in out ctrl] :as context} options]
(let [received (a/<! in)
result (exc/try-on (decode received))]
(if (and (exc/success? result)
(= (:cmd @result) :hello))
(a/>! out (encode {:cmd :hello}))
(a/<! (send-decode-error context))
(a/close! out))))))
(def ^:private
(map decode)
(filter #(= (:cmd %) :pong))))
(def ^:private
(map decode)
(filter #(not= (:cmd %) :pong))))
(defn- pong-frames
[mult context]
(let [ch (a/chan 1 pong-frames-xform (fn [_] (send-decode-error context)))]
(a/tap mult ch true)))
(defn- user-frames
[mult context]
(let [ch (a/chan 1 user-frames-xform (fn [_] (send-decode-error context)))]
(a/tap mult ch true)))
(defn- keepalive-loop
[{:keys [out] :as context} mult]
(let [in (ping-frames mult context)]
(a/go-loop []
(let [frame {:cmd :ping :id (random-uuid)}]
(a/>! out (encode frame))
(let [[v ch] (a/alts! [in (a/timeout 1000)])]
(if (= ch in)
(a/<! (a/timeout 1000))
(a/close! out)))))))
(defn- messages-loop
[{:keys [out] :as context} mult]
(let [in (user-frames mult context)]
(a/go-loop []
(when-let [frame (a/<! in)]
(let [result (exc/try-on (decode frame))]
(if (exc/success? result)
(handle-frame @result handler context options)
(a/<! (send-decode-error context))))
(defn- dispatcher-loop
[{:keys [in] :as context} handler options]
(let [mult (a/mult in)]
(keepalive-loop context mult)
(messages-loop context mult)))
(defn- dispatcher
[{:keys [in out ctrl] :as context} handler options]
(a/go-loop []
(when-let [msg (a/<! ctrl)]
(if (= msg :close)
(let [container (::on-close-handlers context)]
(doseq [item @container]
(exc/try-on (item)))
(reset! container []))
(a/<! (initialize context options))
;; Start dispatcher loop
(a/<! (dispatcher-loop context handler options))
;; closing in any case
(a/close! out)))
(extend-type java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
(-handle-response [response context frameid options]
(letfn [(on-resolve [response]
(-handle-response response context frameid options))
(on-reject [error]
(handle-error error frameid context options))]
(-> response
(p/then on-resolve)
(p/catch on-reject)))))
(defrecord Response [data cmd]
(-handle-response [this context frameid options]
(let [frame (into {:id frameid} this)
output (:out context)]
(a/put! output (encode frame)))))
;; Public Api
(defn response
(response :response data))
([type data]
(map->Response {:data data :cmd type})))
(defn on-close
[context handler]
{:pre [(fn? handler) (::on-close-handlers context)]}
(let [container (::on-close-handlers context)]
(swap! container conj handler)))
(defn router
(router handler {}))
([handler options]
(fn [context]
(let [context (assoc context
::on-close-handlers (atom [])
:state (atom {}))]
(ws/websocket context #(dispatcher % handler options))))))