2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
2021-04-10 09:43:04 +02:00
;; Copyright (c) UXBOX Labs SL
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(ns app.storage
"File Storage abstraction layer."
[app.common.data :as d]
[app.common.exceptions :as ex]
[app.common.spec :as us]
[app.common.uuid :as uuid]
[app.db :as db]
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
[app.storage.db :as sdb]
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
[app.storage.fs :as sfs]
[app.storage.impl :as impl]
[app.storage.s3 :as ss3]
2021-04-06 23:25:34 +02:00
[app.util.logging :as l]
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
[app.util.time :as dt]
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
[app.worker :as wrk]
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[cuerdas.core :as str]
2021-01-25 16:14:54 +01:00
[datoteka.core :as fs]
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
[integrant.core :as ig]
2021-01-19 14:54:34 +01:00
[promesa.exec :as px])
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
;; Storage Module State
(s/def ::backend ::us/keyword)
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
(s/def ::s3 ::ss3/backend)
(s/def ::fs ::sfs/backend)
(s/def ::db ::sdb/backend)
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(s/def ::backends
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
(s/keys :opt-un [::s3 ::fs ::db]))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(defmethod ig/pre-init-spec ::storage [_]
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(s/keys :req-un [::backend ::wrk/executor ::db/pool ::backends]))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(defmethod ig/prep-key ::storage
[_ {:keys [backends] :as cfg}]
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(-> (d/without-nils cfg)
(assoc :backends (d/without-nils backends))))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(defmethod ig/init-key ::storage
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
[_ cfg]
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
2021-01-25 16:14:54 +01:00
(s/def ::storage
(s/keys :req-un [::backends ::wrk/executor ::db/pool ::backend]))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
;; Database Objects
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
(defrecord StorageObject [id size created-at expired-at backend])
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
2021-01-31 11:50:21 +01:00
(defn storage-object?
(instance? StorageObject v))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(def ^:private
"insert into storage_object (id, size, backend, metadata)
values (?, ?, ?, ?::jsonb)
returning *")
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
(def ^:private
"insert into storage_object (id, size, backend, metadata, deleted_at)
values (?, ?, ?, ?::jsonb, ?)
returning *")
(defn- insert-object
[conn id size backend mdata expiration]
(if expiration
(db/exec-one! conn [sql:insert-storage-object-with-expiration id size backend mdata expiration])
(db/exec-one! conn [sql:insert-storage-object id size backend mdata])))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(defn- create-database-object
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
[{:keys [conn backend]} {:keys [content] :as object}]
(if (instance? StorageObject object)
2021-01-30 11:28:11 +01:00
;; If we in this condition branch, this means we come from the
;; clone-object, so we just need to clone it with a new backend.
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(let [id (uuid/random)
mdata (meta object)
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
result (insert-object conn
(:size object)
(name backend)
(db/tjson mdata)
(:expired-at object))]
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(assoc object
:id (:id result)
2021-01-19 13:43:09 +01:00
:backend backend
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
:created-at (:created-at result)))
(let [id (uuid/random)
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
mdata (dissoc object :content :expired-at)
result (insert-object conn
(count content)
(name backend)
(db/tjson mdata)
(:expired-at object))]
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(StorageObject. (:id result)
(:size result)
(:created-at result)
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
(:deleted-at result)
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(def ^:private sql:retrieve-storage-object
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
"select * from storage_object where id = ? and (deleted_at is null or deleted_at > now())")
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
2021-01-19 15:04:28 +01:00
(defn row->storage-object [res]
(let [mdata (some-> (:metadata res) (db/decode-transit-pgobject))]
(StorageObject. (:id res)
(:size res)
(:created-at res)
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
(:deleted-at res)
2021-01-19 15:04:28 +01:00
(keyword (:backend res))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(defn- retrieve-database-object
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
[{:keys [conn] :as storage} id]
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(when-let [res (db/exec-one! conn [sql:retrieve-storage-object id])]
2021-01-19 15:04:28 +01:00
(row->storage-object res)))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(def sql:delete-storage-object
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
"update storage_object set deleted_at=now() where id=?")
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(defn- delete-database-object
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
[{:keys [conn] :as storage} id]
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(let [result (db/exec-one! conn [sql:delete-storage-object id])]
(pos? (:next.jdbc/update-count result))))
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(defn- register-recheck
[{:keys [pool] :as storage} backend id]
(db/insert! pool :storage-pending {:id id :backend (name backend)}))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
;; API
(declare resolve-backend)
2021-01-30 11:28:11 +01:00
(defn object->relative-path
[{:keys [id] :as obj}]
(impl/id->path id))
(defn file-url->path
(fs/path (java.net.URI. (str url))))
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(defn content
([data] (impl/content data nil))
([data size] (impl/content data size)))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(defn get-object
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
[{:keys [conn pool] :as storage} id]
2021-01-25 16:14:54 +01:00
(us/assert ::storage storage)
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(-> (assoc storage :conn (or conn pool))
(retrieve-database-object id)))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(defn put-object
2021-01-30 11:28:11 +01:00
"Creates a new object with the provided content."
2021-01-19 13:43:09 +01:00
[{:keys [pool conn backend executor] :as storage} {:keys [content] :as params}]
2021-01-25 16:14:54 +01:00
(us/assert ::storage storage)
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(us/assert impl/content? content)
(let [storage (assoc storage :conn (or conn pool))
2021-01-19 13:43:09 +01:00
object (create-database-object storage params)]
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
;; Schedule to execute in background; in an other transaction and
;; register the currently created storage object id for a later
;; recheck.
(px/run! executor #(register-recheck storage backend (:id object)))
;; Store the data finally on the underlying storage subsystem.
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(-> (resolve-backend storage backend)
(impl/put-object object content))
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(defn clone-object
2021-01-30 11:28:11 +01:00
"Creates a clone of the provided object using backend basded efficient
method. Always clones objects to the configured default."
2021-01-31 19:25:26 +01:00
[{:keys [pool conn] :as storage} object]
2021-01-25 16:14:54 +01:00
(us/assert ::storage storage)
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(let [storage (assoc storage :conn (or conn pool))
object* (create-database-object storage object)]
2021-01-19 13:43:09 +01:00
(if (= (:backend object) (:backend storage))
;; if the source and destination backends are the same, we
;; proceed to use the fast path with specific copy
;; implementation on backend.
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(-> (resolve-backend storage (:backend storage))
2021-01-19 13:43:09 +01:00
(impl/copy-object object object*))
;; if the source and destination backends are different, we just
;; need to obtain the streams and proceed full copy of the data
2021-01-19 14:54:34 +01:00
(with-open [^InputStream input
(-> (resolve-backend storage (:backend object))
(impl/get-object-data object))]
2021-01-19 13:43:09 +01:00
(-> (resolve-backend storage (:backend storage))
(impl/put-object object* (impl/content input (:size object))))))
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
2021-01-19 13:43:09 +01:00
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(defn get-object-data
[{:keys [pool conn] :as storage} object]
2021-01-25 16:14:54 +01:00
(us/assert ::storage storage)
2021-01-31 11:50:21 +01:00
(when (or (nil? (:expired-at object))
(dt/is-after? (:expired-at object) (dt/now)))
(-> (assoc storage :conn (or conn pool))
(resolve-backend (:backend object))
(impl/get-object-data object))))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(defn get-object-url
([storage object]
(get-object-url storage object nil))
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
([{:keys [conn pool] :as storage} object options]
2021-01-25 16:14:54 +01:00
(us/assert ::storage storage)
2021-01-31 11:50:21 +01:00
(when (or (nil? (:expired-at object))
(dt/is-after? (:expired-at object) (dt/now)))
(-> (assoc storage :conn (or conn pool))
(resolve-backend (:backend object))
(impl/get-object-url object options)))))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
2021-01-30 11:28:11 +01:00
(defn get-object-path
"Get the Path to the object. Only works with `:fs` type of
2021-01-31 19:25:26 +01:00
[storage object]
2021-01-30 11:28:11 +01:00
(let [backend (resolve-backend storage (:backend object))]
(when (not= :fs (:type backend))
(ex/raise :type :internal
:code :operation-not-allowed
:hint "get-object-path only works with fs type backends"))
2021-01-31 11:50:21 +01:00
(when (or (nil? (:expired-at object))
(dt/is-after? (:expired-at object) (dt/now)))
(-> (impl/get-object-url backend object nil)
2021-01-25 16:14:54 +01:00
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(defn del-object
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
[{:keys [conn pool] :as storage} id-or-obj]
2021-01-25 16:14:54 +01:00
(us/assert ::storage storage)
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(-> (assoc storage :conn (or conn pool))
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
(delete-database-object (if (uuid? id-or-obj) id-or-obj (:id id-or-obj)))))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
;; --- impl
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(defn resolve-backend
2021-01-08 12:37:32 +01:00
[{:keys [conn pool] :as storage} backend-id]
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(let [backend (get-in storage [:backends backend-id])]
(when-not backend
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(ex/raise :type :internal
:code :backend-not-configured
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
:hint (str/fmt "backend '%s' not configured" backend-id)))
2021-01-08 12:37:32 +01:00
(assoc backend :conn (or conn pool))))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
2021-01-29 23:56:11 +01:00
;; Garbage Collection: Permanently delete objects
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
;; A task responsible to permanently delete already marked as deleted
;; storage files.
(declare sql:retrieve-deleted-objects)
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
(s/def ::min-age ::dt/duration)
2021-01-29 23:56:11 +01:00
(defmethod ig/pre-init-spec ::gc-deleted-task [_]
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
(s/keys :req-un [::storage ::db/pool ::min-age]))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
2021-01-29 23:56:11 +01:00
(defmethod ig/init-key ::gc-deleted-task
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
[_ {:keys [pool storage min-age] :as cfg}]
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
(letfn [(group-by-backend [rows]
(let [conj (fnil conj [])]
[(reduce (fn [acc {:keys [id backend]}]
(update acc (keyword backend) conj id))
(count rows)]))
(retrieve-deleted-objects [conn]
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
(let [min-age (db/interval min-age)
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
rows (db/exec! conn [sql:retrieve-deleted-objects min-age])]
(some-> (seq rows) (group-by-backend))))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
(delete-in-bulk [conn [backend ids]]
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(let [backend (resolve-backend storage backend)
backend (assoc backend :conn conn)]
(impl/del-objects-in-bulk backend ids)))]
2021-01-31 19:25:26 +01:00
(fn [_]
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(db/with-atomic [conn pool]
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
(loop [n 0]
(if-let [[groups total] (retrieve-deleted-objects conn)]
(run! (partial delete-in-bulk conn) groups)
2021-02-15 21:03:24 +01:00
(recur (+ n ^long total)))
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
2021-04-06 23:25:34 +02:00
(l/info :task "gc-deleted"
:action "permanently delete items"
:count n)
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
{:deleted n})))))))
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
(def sql:retrieve-deleted-objects
"with items_part as (
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
select s.id
from storage_object as s
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
where s.deleted_at is not null
2021-01-25 15:22:39 +01:00
and s.deleted_at < (now() - ?::interval)
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
order by s.deleted_at
2021-06-04 09:41:42 +02:00
limit 100
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
delete from storage_object
where id in (select id from items_part)
returning *;")
2021-01-29 23:56:11 +01:00
;; Garbage Collection: Analize touched objects
;; This task is part of the garbage collection of storage objects and
;; is responsible on analizing the touched objects and mark them for deletion
;; if corresponds.
;; When file_media_object is deleted, the depending storage_object are
;; marked as touched. This means that some files that depend on a
;; concrete storage_object are no longer exists and maybe this
;; storage_object is no longer necessary and can be ellegible for
;; elimination. This task peridically analizes touched objects and
;; mark them as freeze (means that has other references and the object
;; is still valid) or deleted (no more references to this object so is
;; ready to be deleted).
(declare sql:retrieve-touched-objects)
(defmethod ig/pre-init-spec ::gc-touched-task [_]
(s/keys :req-un [::db/pool]))
(defmethod ig/init-key ::gc-touched-task
[_ {:keys [pool] :as cfg}]
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
(letfn [(group-results [rows]
2021-01-29 23:56:11 +01:00
(let [conj (fnil conj [])]
(reduce (fn [acc {:keys [id nrefs]}]
(if (pos? nrefs)
(update acc :to-freeze conj id)
(update acc :to-delete conj id)))
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
(retrieve-touched [conn]
(let [rows (db/exec! conn [sql:retrieve-touched-objects])]
(some-> (seq rows) (group-results))))
2021-01-29 23:56:11 +01:00
(mark-delete-in-bulk [conn ids]
(db/exec-one! conn ["update storage_object set deleted_at=now(), touched_at=null where id = ANY(?)"
(db/create-array conn "uuid" (into-array java.util.UUID ids))]))
(mark-freeze-in-bulk [conn ids]
(db/exec-one! conn ["update storage_object set touched_at=null where id = ANY(?)"
(db/create-array conn "uuid" (into-array java.util.UUID ids))]))]
2021-01-31 19:25:26 +01:00
(fn [_]
2021-01-29 23:56:11 +01:00
(db/with-atomic [conn pool]
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
(loop [cntf 0
cntd 0]
(if-let [{:keys [to-delete to-freeze]} (retrieve-touched conn)]
(when (seq to-delete) (mark-delete-in-bulk conn to-delete))
(when (seq to-freeze) (mark-freeze-in-bulk conn to-freeze))
(recur (+ cntf (count to-freeze))
(+ cntd (count to-delete))))
2021-04-06 23:25:34 +02:00
(l/info :task "gc-touched"
:action "mark freeze"
:count cntf)
(l/info :task "gc-touched"
:action "mark for deletion"
:count cntd)
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
{:freeze cntf :delete cntd})))))))
2021-01-29 23:56:11 +01:00
(def sql:retrieve-touched-objects
"select so.id,
((select count(*) from file_media_object where media_id = so.id) +
(select count(*) from file_media_object where thumbnail_id = so.id)) as nrefs
from storage_object as so
where so.touched_at is not null
order by so.touched_at
2021-06-04 09:41:42 +02:00
limit 100;")
2020-12-30 14:38:00 +01:00
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
;; Recheck Stalled Task
2021-01-25 16:14:54 +01:00
;; Because the physical storage (filesystem, s3, ... except db) is not
;; transactional, in some situations we can found physical object
;; leakage. That situations happens when the transaction that writes
;; the file aborts, leaving the file written to the underlying storage
;; but the reference on the database is lost with the rollback.
;; For this situations we need to write a "log" of inserted files that
;; are checked in some time in future. If physical file exists but the
;; database refence does not exists means that leaked file is found
;; and is inmediatelly deleted. The responsability of this task is
;; check that write log for possible leaked files.
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
(def recheck-min-age (dt/duration {:hours 1}))
(declare sql:retrieve-pending-to-recheck)
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(declare sql:exists-storage-object)
(defmethod ig/pre-init-spec ::recheck-task [_]
(s/keys :req-un [::storage ::db/pool]))
(defmethod ig/init-key ::recheck-task
[_ {:keys [pool storage] :as cfg}]
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
(letfn [(group-results [rows]
(let [conj (fnil conj [])]
2021-01-31 19:25:26 +01:00
(reduce (fn [acc {:keys [id exist] :as row}]
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
(cond-> (update acc :all conj id)
(false? exist)
(update :to-delete conj (dissoc row :exist))))
(group-by-backend [rows]
(let [conj (fnil conj [])]
(reduce (fn [acc {:keys [id backend]}]
(update acc (keyword backend) conj id))
(retrieve-pending [conn]
(let [rows (db/exec! conn [sql:retrieve-pending-to-recheck (db/interval recheck-min-age)])]
(some-> (seq rows) (group-results))))
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
(delete-group [conn [backend ids]]
(let [backend (resolve-backend storage backend)
backend (assoc backend :conn conn)]
(impl/del-objects-in-bulk backend ids)))
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
(delete-all [conn ids]
(let [ids (db/create-array conn "uuid" (into-array java.util.UUID ids))]
(db/exec-one! conn ["delete from storage_pending where id = ANY(?)" ids])))]
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
2021-01-31 19:25:26 +01:00
(fn [_]
2021-01-04 18:41:05 +01:00
(db/with-atomic [conn pool]
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
(loop [n 0 d 0]
(if-let [{:keys [all to-delete]} (retrieve-pending conn)]
(let [groups (group-by-backend to-delete)]
(run! (partial delete-group conn) groups)
(delete-all conn all)
(recur (+ n (count all))
(+ d (count to-delete))))
2021-04-06 23:25:34 +02:00
(l/info :task "recheck"
:action "recheck items"
:processed n
:deleted n)
2021-01-31 17:00:22 +01:00
{:processed n :deleted d})))))))
(def sql:retrieve-pending-to-recheck
"select sp.id,
(case when count(so.id) > 0 then true
else false
end) as exist
from storage_pending as sp
left join storage_object as so
on (so.id = sp.id)
where sp.created_at < now() - ?::interval
group by 1,2,3
order by sp.created_at asc
limit 100")