2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
;; This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
;; License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
;; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
2022-09-20 23:23:22 +02:00
;; Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
2021-05-28 13:50:42 +02:00
(ns app.bounce-handling-test
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
[app.db :as db]
2021-05-28 13:50:42 +02:00
[app.emails :as emails]
[app.http.awsns :as awsns]
[app.test-helpers :as th]
2022-08-30 14:26:54 +02:00
[app.tokens :as tokens]
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
[app.util.time :as dt]
2021-05-28 13:50:42 +02:00
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[clojure.test :as t]
[mockery.core :refer [with-mocks]]))
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
(t/use-fixtures :once th/state-init)
(t/use-fixtures :each th/database-reset)
(defn- decode-row
[{:keys [content] :as row}]
(cond-> row
(db/pgobject? content)
(assoc :content (db/decode-transit-pgobject content))))
(defn bounce-report
[{:keys [token email] :or {email "user@example.com"}}]
{"notificationType" "Bounce",
"bounce" {"feedbackId""010701776d7dd251-c08d280d-9f47-41aa-b959-0094fec779d9-000000",
"bounceType" "Permanent",
"bounceSubType" "General",
"bouncedRecipients" [{"emailAddress" email,
"action" "failed",
"status" "5.1.1",
"diagnosticCode" "smtp; 550 5.1.1 user unknown"}]
"timestamp" "2021-02-04T14:41:38.000Z",
"remoteMtaIp" "",
"reportingMTA" "dsn; b224-13.smtp-out.eu-central-1.amazonses.com"}
"mail" {"timestamp" "2021-02-04T14:41:37.020Z",
"source" "no-reply@penpot.app",
"sourceArn" "arn:aws:ses:eu-central-1:1111111111:identity/penpot.app",
"sourceIp" "",
"sendingAccountId" "1111111111",
"messageId" "010701776d7dccfc-3c0094e7-01d7-458d-8100-893320186028-000000",
"destination" [email],
"headersTruncated" false,
"headers" [{"name" "Received","value" "from app-pre"},
{"name" "Date","value" "Thu, 4 Feb 2021 14:41:36 +0000 (UTC)"},
{"name" "From","value" "Penpot <no-reply@penpot.app>"},
{"name" "Reply-To","value" "Penpot <no-reply@penpot.app>"},
{"name" "To","value" email},
{"name" "Message-ID","value" "<2054501.5.1612449696846@penpot.app>"},
{"name" "Subject","value" "test"},
{"name" "MIME-Version","value" "1.0"},
{"name" "Content-Type","value" "multipart/mixed; boundary=\"----=_Part_3_1150363050.1612449696845\""},
{"name" "X-Penpot-Data","value" token}],
"commonHeaders" {"from" ["Penpot <no-reply@penpot.app>"],
"replyTo" ["Penpot <no-reply@penpot.app>"],
"date" "Thu, 4 Feb 2021 14:41:36 +0000 (UTC)",
"to" [email],
"messageId" "<2054501.5.1612449696846@penpot.app>",
"subject" "test"}}})
(defn complaint-report
[{:keys [token email] :or {email "user@example.com"}}]
{"notificationType" "Complaint",
"complaint" {"feedbackId" "0107017771528618-dcf4d61f-c889-4c8b-a6ff-6f0b6553b837-000000",
"complaintSubType" nil,
"complainedRecipients" [{"emailAddress" email}],
"timestamp" "2021-02-05T08:32:49.000Z",
"userAgent" "Yahoo!-Mail-Feedback/2.0",
"complaintFeedbackType" "abuse",
"arrivalDate" "2021-02-05T08:31:15.000Z"},
"mail" {"timestamp" "2021-02-05T08:31:13.715Z",
"source" "no-reply@penpot.app",
"sourceArn" "arn:aws:ses:eu-central-1:111111111:identity/penpot.app",
"sourceIp" "",
"sendingAccountId" "11111111111",
"messageId" "0107017771510f33-a0696d28-859c-4f08-9211-8392d1b5c226-000000",
"destination" ["user@yahoo.com"],
"headersTruncated" false,
"headers" [{"name" "Received","value" "from smtp"},
{"name" "Date","value" "Fri, 5 Feb 2021 08:31:13 +0000 (UTC)"},
{"name" "From","value" "Penpot <no-reply@penpot.app>"},
{"name" "Reply-To","value" "Penpot <no-reply@penpot.app>"},
{"name" "To","value" email},
{"name" "Message-ID","value" "<1833063698.279.1612513873536@penpot.app>"},
{"name" "Subject","value" "Verify email."},
{"name" "MIME-Version","value" "1.0"},
{"name" "Content-Type","value" "multipart/mixed; boundary=\"----=_Part_276_1174403980.1612513873535\""},
{"name" "X-Penpot-Data","value" token}],
"commonHeaders" {"from" ["Penpot <no-reply@penpot.app>"],
"replyTo" ["Penpot <no-reply@penpot.app>"],
"date" "Fri, 5 Feb 2021 08:31:13 +0000 (UTC)",
"to" [email],
"messageId" "<1833063698.279.1612513873536@penpot.app>",
"subject" "Verify email."}}})
(t/deftest test-parse-bounce-report
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
2022-08-30 14:26:54 +02:00
sprops (:app.setup/props th/*system*)
cfg {:sprops sprops}
report (bounce-report {:token (tokens/generate sprops
{:iss :profile-identity
:profile-id (:id profile)})})
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
result (#'awsns/parse-notification cfg report)]
;; (pprint result)
(t/is (= "bounce" (:type result)))
(t/is (= "permanent" (:kind result)))
(t/is (= "general" (:category result)))
(t/is (= ["user@example.com"] (mapv :email (:recipients result))))
(t/is (= (:id profile) (:profile-id result)))
(t/deftest test-parse-complaint-report
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
2022-08-30 14:26:54 +02:00
sprops (:app.setup/props th/*system*)
cfg {:sprops sprops}
report (complaint-report {:token (tokens/generate sprops
{:iss :profile-identity
:profile-id (:id profile)})})
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
result (#'awsns/parse-notification cfg report)]
;; (pprint result)
(t/is (= "complaint" (:type result)))
(t/is (= "abuse" (:kind result)))
(t/is (= nil (:category result)))
(t/is (= ["user@example.com"] (into [] (:recipients result))))
(t/is (= (:id profile) (:profile-id result)))
(t/deftest test-parse-complaint-report-without-token
2022-08-30 14:26:54 +02:00
(let [sprops (:app.setup/props th/*system*)
cfg {:sprops sprops}
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
report (complaint-report {:token ""})
result (#'awsns/parse-notification cfg report)]
(t/is (= "complaint" (:type result)))
(t/is (= "abuse" (:kind result)))
(t/is (= nil (:category result)))
(t/is (= ["user@example.com"] (into [] (:recipients result))))
(t/is (= nil (:profile-id result)))
(t/deftest test-process-bounce-report
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
2022-08-30 14:26:54 +02:00
sprops (:app.setup/props th/*system*)
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*)
2022-08-30 14:26:54 +02:00
cfg {:sprops sprops :pool pool}
report (bounce-report {:token (tokens/generate sprops
{:iss :profile-identity
:profile-id (:id profile)})})
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
report (#'awsns/parse-notification cfg report)]
(#'awsns/process-report cfg report)
(let [rows (->> (db/query pool :profile-complaint-report {:profile-id (:id profile)})
(mapv decode-row))]
(t/is (= 1 (count rows)))
(t/is (= "bounce" (get-in rows [0 :type])))
(t/is (= "2021-02-04T14:41:38.000Z" (get-in rows [0 :content :timestamp]))))
(let [rows (->> (db/query pool :global-complaint-report :all)
(mapv decode-row))]
(t/is (= 1 (count rows)))
(t/is (= "bounce" (get-in rows [0 :type])))
(t/is (= "user@example.com" (get-in rows [0 :email]))))
(let [prof (db/get-by-id pool :profile (:id profile))]
(t/is (false? (:is-muted prof))))
(t/deftest test-process-complaint-report
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
2022-08-30 14:26:54 +02:00
sprops (:app.setup/props th/*system*)
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*)
2022-08-30 14:26:54 +02:00
cfg {:sprops sprops :pool pool}
report (complaint-report {:token (tokens/generate sprops
{:iss :profile-identity
:profile-id (:id profile)})})
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
report (#'awsns/parse-notification cfg report)]
(#'awsns/process-report cfg report)
(let [rows (->> (db/query pool :profile-complaint-report {:profile-id (:id profile)})
(mapv decode-row))]
(t/is (= 1 (count rows)))
(t/is (= "complaint" (get-in rows [0 :type])))
(t/is (= "2021-02-05T08:31:15.000Z" (get-in rows [0 :content :timestamp]))))
(let [rows (->> (db/query pool :global-complaint-report :all)
(mapv decode-row))]
(t/is (= 1 (count rows)))
(t/is (= "complaint" (get-in rows [0 :type])))
(t/is (= "user@example.com" (get-in rows [0 :email]))))
(let [prof (db/get-by-id pool :profile (:id profile))]
(t/is (false? (:is-muted prof))))
(t/deftest test-process-bounce-report-to-self
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
2022-08-30 14:26:54 +02:00
sprops (:app.setup/props th/*system*)
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*)
2022-08-30 14:26:54 +02:00
cfg {:sprops sprops :pool pool}
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
report (bounce-report {:email (:email profile)
2022-08-30 14:26:54 +02:00
:token (tokens/generate sprops
{:iss :profile-identity
:profile-id (:id profile)})})
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
report (#'awsns/parse-notification cfg report)]
(#'awsns/process-report cfg report)
(let [rows (db/query pool :profile-complaint-report {:profile-id (:id profile)})]
(t/is (= 1 (count rows))))
(let [rows (db/query pool :global-complaint-report :all)]
(t/is (= 1 (count rows))))
(let [prof (db/get-by-id pool :profile (:id profile))]
(t/is (true? (:is-muted prof))))))
(t/deftest test-process-complaint-report-to-self
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
2022-08-30 14:26:54 +02:00
sprops (:app.setup/props th/*system*)
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*)
2022-08-30 14:26:54 +02:00
cfg {:sprops sprops :pool pool}
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
report (complaint-report {:email (:email profile)
2022-08-30 14:26:54 +02:00
:token (tokens/generate sprops
{:iss :profile-identity
:profile-id (:id profile)})})
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
report (#'awsns/parse-notification cfg report)]
(#'awsns/process-report cfg report)
(let [rows (db/query pool :profile-complaint-report {:profile-id (:id profile)})]
(t/is (= 1 (count rows))))
(let [rows (db/query pool :global-complaint-report :all)]
(t/is (= 1 (count rows))))
(let [prof (db/get-by-id pool :profile (:id profile))]
(t/is (true? (:is-muted prof))))))
(t/deftest test-allow-send-messages-predicate-with-bounces
(with-mocks [mock {:target 'app.config/get
2022-09-21 14:20:26 +02:00
:return (th/config-get-mock
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
{:profile-bounce-threshold 3
:profile-complaint-threshold 2})}]
2022-09-21 14:20:26 +02:00
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*)]
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :id (:id profile) :created-at (dt/in-past {:days 8})})
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :id (:id profile)})
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :id (:id profile)})
(t/is (true? (emails/allow-send-emails? pool profile)))
2022-09-21 14:20:26 +02:00
(t/is (= 4 (:call-count @mock)))
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :id (:id profile)})
(t/is (false? (emails/allow-send-emails? pool profile))))))
(t/deftest test-allow-send-messages-predicate-with-complaints
(with-mocks [mock {:target 'app.config/get
2022-09-21 14:20:26 +02:00
:return (th/config-get-mock
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
{:profile-bounce-threshold 3
:profile-complaint-threshold 2})}]
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*)]
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :id (:id profile) :created-at (dt/in-past {:days 8})})
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :id (:id profile) :created-at (dt/in-past {:days 8})})
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :id (:id profile)})
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :id (:id profile)})
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :complaint :id (:id profile)})
(t/is (true? (emails/allow-send-emails? pool profile)))
2022-09-21 14:20:26 +02:00
(t/is (= 4 (:call-count @mock)))
2021-02-11 17:57:41 +01:00
(th/create-complaint-for pool {:type :complaint :id (:id profile)})
(t/is (false? (emails/allow-send-emails? pool profile))))))
(t/deftest test-has-complaint-reports-predicate
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*)]
(t/is (false? (emails/has-complaint-reports? pool (:email profile))))
(th/create-global-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :email (:email profile)})
(t/is (false? (emails/has-complaint-reports? pool (:email profile))))
(th/create-global-complaint-for pool {:type :complaint :email (:email profile)})
(t/is (true? (emails/has-complaint-reports? pool (:email profile))))))
(t/deftest test-has-bounce-reports-predicate
(let [profile (th/create-profile* 1)
pool (:app.db/pool th/*system*)]
(t/is (false? (emails/has-bounce-reports? pool (:email profile))))
(th/create-global-complaint-for pool {:type :complaint :email (:email profile)})
(t/is (false? (emails/has-bounce-reports? pool (:email profile))))
(th/create-global-complaint-for pool {:type :bounce :email (:email profile)})
(t/is (true? (emails/has-bounce-reports? pool (:email profile))))))