# Parser This library exports `cleanObject()` and `getSelectedUuids()` funtions and the model `Selection`. The `cleanObject()` function cleans up objects from useless properties and transforms the remaining ones to camelCase. It returns `unknown`. The `getSelectedUuids()` functions, given an `Selection` object, returns the selected Uuids as an array of string. ## Helpers ### File Helper #### File Helper functions - `setData()` You can either pass the data in the constructor or use the `setData()` function. example: ```ts const fileHelper = new FileHelper(); fileHelper.setData(data); ``` or ```ts const fileHelper = new FileHelper(data); ``` - `getCleanData()` Gets the cleaned up data. It deletes useless properties and and transforms the remaining ones to camelCase. example: ```ts const clean = fileHelper.getCleanData(); ``` ### Page Helper #### Page Helper functions - `setData()` You can either pass the data in the constructor or use the `setData()` function. example: ```ts const pageHelper = new PageHelper(); pageHelper.setData(data); ``` or ```ts const pageHelper = new PageHelper(data); ``` - `getCleanData()` Gets the cleaned up data. It deletes useless properties and and transforms the remaining ones to camelCase. example: ```ts const clean = pageHelper.getCleanData(); ``` - `getObjectsArray()` Returns the objects array, which can contain heavily nested arrays with objects data. example: ```ts const objects = pageHelper.getObjectsArray(); ``` - `getObjectById(id: string)` Returns an object by given uuid. The object is cleaned up and formatted as a `PObject`. ```ts const obj: PObject = pageHelper.getObjectById( '3aba0744-11fe-4c41-80fb-1b42aa7ef3e5' ); ``` ### Selection Helper #### Selection Helper functions - `static getUuids(selection: Selection)` Returns the selected items in an array. example: ```ts const ids = SelectionHelper.getUuids(selection); ```