import componentLibrary from './plugins/component-library'; import testingPlugin from './plugins/create-board-text-rect'; import flex from './plugins/create-flexlayout'; import grid from './plugins/create-gridlayout'; import rulerGuides from './plugins/create-ruler-guides'; import createText from './plugins/create-text'; import group from './plugins/group'; import insertSvg from './plugins/insert-svg'; import pluginData from './plugins/plugin-data'; import comments from './plugins/create-comments'; import { Agent } from './utils/agent'; describe('Plugins', () => { it('create board - text - rectable', async () => { const agent = await Agent(); const result = await agent.runCode(testingPlugin.toString(), { screenshot: 'create-board-text-rect', }); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('create flex layout', async () => { const agent = await Agent(); const result = await agent.runCode(flex.toString(), { screenshot: 'create-flexlayout', }); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('create grid layout', async () => { const agent = await Agent(); const result = await agent.runCode(grid.toString(), { screenshot: 'create-gridlayout', }); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('group and ungroup', async () => { const agent = await Agent(); const result = await agent.runCode(group.toString(), { screenshot: 'group-ungroup', }); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('insert svg', async () => { const agent = await Agent(); const result = await agent.runCode(insertSvg.toString(), { screenshot: 'insert-svg', }); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('plugin data', async () => { const agent = await Agent(); const result = await agent.runCode(pluginData.toString()); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('component library', async () => { const agent = await Agent(); const result = await agent.runCode(componentLibrary.toString(), { screenshot: 'component-library', }); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('text and textrange', async () => { const agent = await Agent(); const result = await agent.runCode(createText.toString(), { screenshot: 'create-text', }); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('ruler guides', async () => { const agent = await Agent(); const result = await agent.runCode(rulerGuides.toString(), { screenshot: 'create-ruler-guides', }); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it('comments', async () => { const agent = await Agent(); const result = await agent.runCode(comments.toString(), { screenshot: 'create-comments', avoidSavedStatus: true, }); expect(result).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });