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chore: update api doc

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Marina López 2024-06-26 14:12:15 +02:00
parent a7fc0d87c0
commit 00a1565209

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@ -884,102 +884,144 @@ interface PenpotPathCommand {
* TODO PenpotLayoutChildProperties
* Properties for defining the layout of a child element in Penpot.
export interface PenpotLayoutChildProperties {
* TODO absolute
* Specifies whether the child element is positioned absolutely.
* When set to true, the element is taken out of the normal document flow and positioned relative to its nearest positioned ancestor.
absolute: boolean;
* TODO zIndex
* Defines the stack order of the child element
* Elements with a higher zIndex will be displayed in front of those with a lower zIndex.
zIndex: number;
* TODO horizontalSizing
* Determines the horizontal sizing behavior of the child element
* - 'auto': The width is determined by the content.
* - 'fill': The element takes up the available width.
* - 'fix': The width is fixed.
horizontalSizing: 'auto' | 'fill' | 'fix';
* TODO verticalSizing
* Determines the vertical sizing behavior of the child element.
* - 'auto': The height is determined by the content.
* - 'fill': The element takes up the available height.
* - 'fix': The height is fixed.
verticalSizing: 'auto' | 'fill' | 'fix';
* TODO alignSelf
* Aligns the child element within its container.
* - 'auto': Default alignment.
* - 'start': Aligns the element at the start of the container.
* - 'center': Centers the element within the container.
* - 'end': Aligns the element at the end of the container.
* - 'stretch': Stretches the element to fill the container.
alignSelf: 'auto' | 'start' | 'center' | 'end' | 'stretch';
* TODO horizontalMargin
* Sets the horizontal margin of the child element.
* This is the space on the left and right sides of the element.
horizontalMargin: number;
* TODO verticalMargin
* Sets the vertical margin of the child element.
* This is the space on the top and bottom sides of the element.
verticalMargin: number;
* TODO topMargin
* Sets the top margin of the child element.
* This is the space above the element.
topMargin: number;
* TODO rightMargin
* Sets the right margin of the child element.
* This is the space to the right of the element.
rightMargin: number;
* TODO bottomMargin
* Sets the bottom margin of the child element.
* This is the space below the element.
bottomMargin: number;
* TODO leftMargin
* Sets the left margin of the child element.
* This is the space to the left of the element.
leftMargin: number;
* TODO maxWidth
* Defines the maximum width of the child element.
* If set to null, there is no maximum width constraint.
maxWidth: number | null;
* TODO maxHeight
* Defines the maximum height of the child element.
* If set to null, there is no maximum height constraint.
maxHeight: number | null;
* TODO minWidth
* Defines the minimum width of the child element.
* If set to null, there is no minimum width constraint.
minWidth: number | null;
* TODO minHeight
* Defines the minimum height of the child element.
* If set to null, there is no minimum height constraint.
minHeight: number | null;
* TODO PenpotLayoutCellProperties
* Properties for defining the layout of a cell in Penpot.
export interface PenpotLayoutCellProperties {
* TODO row
* The row index of the cell.
* This value is optional and indicates the starting row of the cell.
row?: number;
* TODO rowSpan
* The number of rows the cell should span.
* This value is optional and determines the vertical span of the cell.
rowSpan?: number;
* TODO column
* The column index of the cell.
* This value is optional and indicates the starting column of the cell.
column?: number;
* TODO columnSpan
* The number of columns the cell should span.
* This value is optional and determines the horizontal span of the cell.
columnSpan?: number;
* TODO areaName
* The name of the grid area that this cell belongs to.
* This value is optional and can be used to define named grid areas.
areaName?: string;
* TODO position
* The positioning mode of the cell.
* This value can be 'auto', 'manual', or 'area' and determines how the cell is positioned within the layout.
position?: 'auto' | 'manual' | 'area';
@ -1335,7 +1377,8 @@ export interface PenpotGroup extends PenpotShapeBase {
insertChild(index: number, child: PenpotShape): void;
* Checks if the group is currently a mask.
* A mask defines a clipping path for its child shapes.
isMask(): boolean;
@ -1489,32 +1532,34 @@ export interface PenpotTextRange {
textTransform: string | 'mixed';
* TODO textDecoration
* The text decoration applied to the text range. It can be a specific text decoration or 'mixed' if multiple text decorations are used.
textDecoration: string | 'mixed';
* TODO direction
* The text direction for the text range. It can be a specific direction or 'mixed' if multiple directions are used.
direction: string | 'mixed';
* TODO fills
* The fill styles applied to the text range.
fills: PenpotFill[];
* TODO align
* The horizontal alignment of the text range. It can be a specific alignment or 'mixed' if multiple alignments are used.
align: string | 'mixed';
* TODO verticalAlign
* The vertical alignment of the text range. It can be a specific alignment or 'mixed' if multiple alignments are used.
verticalAlign: string | 'mixed';
* TODO applyTypography
* Applies a typography style to the text range.
* This method sets various typography properties for the text range according to the given typography style.
* @param typography - The typography style to apply.
applyTypography(typography: PenpotLibraryTypography): void;
@ -1587,32 +1632,38 @@ export interface PenpotText extends PenpotShapeBase {
textTransform: string | 'mixed';
* TODO textDecoration
* The text decoration applied to the text shape, or 'mixed' if multiple text decorations are used.
textDecoration: string | 'mixed';
* TODO direction
* The text direction for the text shape, or 'mixed' if multiple directions are used.
direction: string | 'mixed';
* TODO align
* The horizontal alignment of the text shape. It can be a specific alignment or 'mixed' if multiple alignments are used.
align: string | 'mixed';
* TODO verticalAlign
* The vertical alignment of the text shape. It can be a specific alignment or 'mixed' if multiple alignments are used.
verticalAlign: string | 'mixed';
* TODO getRange
* Gets a text range within the text shape.
* Returns a PenpotTextRange object representing the specified text range.
* @param start - The start index of the text range.
* @param end - The end index of the text range.
getRange(start: number, end: number): PenpotTextRange;
* TODO applyTypography
* Applies a typography style to the text shape.
* @param typography - The typography style to apply.
* @remarks
* This method sets various typography properties for the text shape according to the given typography style.
applyTypography(typography: PenpotLibraryTypography): void;
@ -1873,7 +1924,13 @@ export interface PenpotLibraryTypography extends PenpotLibraryElement {
applyToTextRange(range: PenpotTextRange): void;
* TODO setFont
* Sets the font and optionally its variant for the typography element.
* @param font - The font to set.
* @param variant - The font variant to set (optional).
* @example
* ```js
* typographyElement.setFont(newFont, newVariant);
* ```
setFont(font: PenpotFont, variant?: PenpotFontVariant): void;
@ -1899,45 +1956,48 @@ export interface PenpotLibraryComponent extends PenpotLibraryElement {
mainInstance: PenpotShape;
* Represents a summary of a Penpot library.
* This interface provides properties for summarizing various aspects of a Penpot library.
export interface PenpotLibrarySummary {
* TODO id
* The unique identifier of the library.
readonly id: string;
* TODO name
* The name of the library.
readonly name: string;
* TODO numColors
* The number of colors in the library.
readonly numColors: number;
* TODO numComponents
* The number of components in the library.
readonly numComponents: number;
* TODO numTypographies
* The number of typographies in the library.
readonly numTypographies: number;
* Represents a library in Penpot, containing colors, typographies, and components.
* This type provides methods to create new color, typography, and component elements within the library.
export interface PenpotLibrary extends PenpotPluginData {
* TODO id
* The unique identifier of the library.
readonly id: string;
* TODO name
* The name of the library.
readonly name: string;
@ -2012,102 +2072,146 @@ export type PenpotLibraryContext = {
readonly connected: PenpotLibrary[];
* TODO: availableLibraries
* Retrieves a summary of available libraries that can be connected to.
* Returns a promise that resolves to an array of `PenpotLibrarySummary` objects representing available libraries.
* @example
* ```js
* const availableLibraries = await libraryContext.availableLibraries();
* ```
availableLibraries(): Promise<PenpotLibrarySummary[]>;
* TODO: linkToFile
* Connects to a specific library identified by its ID.
* Returns a promise that resolves to the `PenpotLibrary` object representing the connected library.
* @param libraryId - The ID of the library to connect to.
* @example
* ```js
* const connectedLibrary = await libraryContext.connectLibrary('library-id');
* ```
connectLibrary(libraryId: string): Promise<PenpotLibrary>;
* TODO PenpotFontVariant
* Represents a font variant in Penpot, which defines a specific style variation of a font.
* This interface provides properties for describing the characteristics of a font variant.
export interface PenpotFontVariant {
* TODO name
* The name of the font variant.
name: string;
* TODO fontVariantId
* The unique identifier of the font variant.
fontVariantId: string;
* TODO fontWeight
* The font weight of the font variant.
fontWeight: string;
* TODO fontStyle
* The font style of the font variant.
fontStyle: string;
* TODO PenpotFont
* Represents a font in Penpot, which includes details about the font family, variants, and styling options.
* This interface provides properties and methods for describing and applying fonts within Penpot.
export interface PenpotFont {
* TODO name
* This property holds the human-readable name of the font.
name: string;
* TODO fontId
* The unique identifier of the font.
fontId: string;
* TODO fontFamily
* The font family of the font.
fontFamily: string;
* TODO fontStyle
* The default font style of the font.
fontStyle: string;
* TODO fontVariantId
* The default font variant ID of the font.
fontVariantId: string;
* TODO fontWeight
* The default font weight of the font.
fontWeight: string;
* TODO variants
* An array of font variants available for the font.
variants: PenpotFontVariant[];
* TODO applyToText
* Applies the font styles to a text shape.
* @param text - The text shape to apply the font styles to.
* @param variant - Optional. The specific font variant to apply. If not provided, applies the default variant.
applyToText(text: PenpotText, variant?: PenpotFontVariant): void;
* TODO applyToRange
* Applies the font styles to a text range within a text shape.
* @param range - The text range to apply the font styles to.
* @param variant - Optional. The specific font variant to apply. If not provided, applies the default variant.
applyToRange(range: PenpotTextRange, variant?: PenpotFontVariant): void;
* TODO PenpotFontsContext
* Represents the context for managing fonts in Penpot.
* This interface provides methods to interact with fonts, such as retrieving fonts by ID or name.
export interface PenpotFontsContext {
* TODO all
* An array containing all available fonts.
all: PenpotFont[];
* TODO findById
* Finds a font by its unique identifier.
* Returns the `PenpotFont` object if found, otherwise `null`.
* @param id - The ID of the font to find.
findById(id: string): PenpotFont | null;
* TODO findByName
* Finds a font by its name.
* Returns the `PenpotFont` object if found, otherwise `null`.
* @param name - The name of the font to find.
findByName(name: string): PenpotFont | null;
* TODO findAllById
* Finds all fonts matching a specific ID.
* Returns an array of `PenpotFont` objects matching the provided ID.
* @param id - The ID to match against.
findAllById(id: string): PenpotFont[];
* TODO findAllByName
* Finds all fonts matching a specific name.
* Returns an array of `PenpotFont` objects matching the provided name.
* @param name - The name to match against.
findAllByName(name: string): PenpotFont[];
@ -2222,7 +2326,7 @@ export interface PenpotContext {
readonly library: PenpotLibraryContext;
* The fonts context in the Penpot context, providing methods to manage fonts.
readonly fonts: PenpotFontsContext;
@ -2289,12 +2393,13 @@ export interface PenpotContext {
getSelectedShapes(): PenpotShape[];
* TODO: shapesColors
* Retrieves colors applied to the given shapes in Penpot.
* Returns an array of colors and their shape information.
shapesColors(shapes: PenpotShape[]): (PenpotColor & PenpotColorShapeInfo)[];
* TODO: replaceColor
* Replaces a specified old color with a new color in the given shapes.
shapes: PenpotShape[],
@ -2455,67 +2560,99 @@ export interface PenpotContext {
* TODO PenpotContextGeometryUtils
* Utility methods for geometric calculations in Penpot.
export interface PenpotContextGeometryUtils {
* TODO center
* Calculates the center point of a given array of shapes.
* This method computes the geometric center (centroid) of the bounding boxes of the provided shapes.
* Returns the center point as an object with `x` and `y` coordinates, or null if the array is empty.
* @param shapes - The array of shapes to calculate the center for.
center(shapes: PenpotShape[]): { x: number; y: number } | null;
* TODO PenpotContextTypesUtils
* Utility methods for determining the types of Penpot shapes.
export interface PenpotContextTypesUtils {
* TODO isFrame
* Checks if the given shape is a frame.
* Returns true if the shape is a PenpotFrame, otherwise false.
* @param shape - The shape to check.
isFrame(shape: PenpotShape): shape is PenpotFrame;
* TODO isGroup
* Checks if the given shape is a group.
* Returns true if the shape is a PenpotGroup, otherwise false.
* @param shape - The shape to check.
isGroup(shape: PenpotShape): shape is PenpotGroup;
* TODO isMask
* Checks if the given shape is a mask.
* Returns true if the shape is a PenpotGroup (acting as a mask), otherwise false.
* @param shape - The shape to check.
isMask(shape: PenpotShape): shape is PenpotGroup;
* TODO isBool
* Checks if the given shape is a boolean operation.
* Returns true if the shape is a PenpotBool, otherwise false.
* @param shape - The shape to check.
isBool(shape: PenpotShape): shape is PenpotBool;
* TODO isRectangle
* Checks if the given shape is a rectangle.
* Returns true if the shape is a PenpotRectangle, otherwise false.
* @param shape - The shape to check.
isRectangle(shape: PenpotShape): shape is PenpotRectangle;
* TODO isPath
* Checks if the given shape is a path.
* Returns true if the shape is a PenpotPath, otherwise false.
* @param shape - The shape to check.
isPath(shape: PenpotShape): shape is PenpotPath;
* TODO isText
* Checks if the given shape is a text element.
* Returns true if the shape is a PenpotText, otherwise false.
* @param shape - The shape to check.
isText(shape: PenpotShape): shape is PenpotText;
* TODO isEllipse
* Checks if the given shape is an ellipse.
* Returns true if the shape is a PenpotEllipse, otherwise false.
* @param shape - The shape to check.
isEllipse(shape: PenpotShape): shape is PenpotEllipse;
* Checks if the given shape is an SVG.
* Returns true if the shape is a PenpotSvgRaw, otherwise false.
* @param shape - The shape to check.
isSVG(shape: PenpotShape): shape is PenpotSvgRaw;
* TODO PenpotContextUtils
* Utility methods for various operations in Penpot.
export interface PenpotContextUtils {
* TODO PenpotContextGeometryUtils
* Geometry utility methods for Penpot.
* Provides methods for geometric calculations, such as finding the center of a group of shapes.
readonly geometry: PenpotContextGeometryUtils;
* TODO PenpotContextTypesUtils
* Type utility methods for Penpot.
* Provides methods for determining the types of various shapes in Penpot.
readonly types: PenpotContextTypesUtils;
@ -2569,7 +2706,7 @@ export interface Penpot
onMessage: <T>(callback: (message: T) => void) => void;
* TODO: utils
* Provides access to utility functions and context-specific operations.
utils: PenpotContextUtils;