This guide walks you through the steps to create a plugin for our platform. You'll start by setting up the basic structure, configuring necessary files, and then running a local server to preview your plugin.
If you prefer to create the plugin with angular, there's also a [Creating a Plugin (angular)](./
Keep in mind that this guide is for creating a plugin **inside `penpot-plugins` monorepo**. If you want to create a plugin outside our environment you can check the [Penpot Plugin Starter Template]( or the documentation at [Create a Plugin](
Replace `module.exports = [` with `export default [` and const `baseConfig = require('../../eslint.base.config.js');` with `import baseConfig from '../../eslint.config.js';`.
Next, create a `manifest.json` file inside the `/public` directory. This file is crucial as it defines key properties of your plugin, including permissions and the entry point script.
To load your plugin into Penpot you can use the shortcut `Ctrl + Alt + P` to directly open the Plugin manager modal. There you need to provide the plugin's manifest URL (example: `http://plugin.example/manifest.json`) for the installation. If there's no issues the plugin will be installed and then you would be able to open it whenever you like.