> [!CAUTION] > This repository is a **work in progress**. Please do **NOT** use this code for production environments. # Penpot Helm Chart This repository contains charts for Penpot (https://penpot.app) project. ## What is Penpot Penpot is the first **open-source** design tool for design and code collaboration. Designers can create stunning designs, interactive prototypes, design systems at scale, while developers enjoy ready-to-use code and make their workflow easy and fast. And all of this with no handoff drama. Penpot is available on browser and [self host](https://penpot.app/self-host). It’s web-based and works with open standards (SVG, CSS and HTML). And last but not least, it’s free! ## Usage The charts can be added using following command: ``` helm repo add argo https://helm.penpot.app/ ``` ## Contributing ## We'd love to have you contribute! Please refer to our [contribution guidelines](/CONTRIBUTING.md) for details if you want to contribute to this repository or visit the [Contributing](https://github.com/penpot/penpot/tree/develop?tab=readme-ov-file#contributing) section in the main project repository to discover other ways to contribute. ## Community We love the Open Source software community. Contributing is our passion and if it’s yours too, participate and [improve](https://community.penpot.app/c/help-us-improve-penpot/7) Penpot. All your designs, code and ideas are welcome! If you need help or have any questions; if you’d like to share your experience using Penpot or get inspired; if you’d rather meet our community of developers and designers, [join our Community](https://community.penpot.app/)! You will find the following categories: - [Ask the Community](https://community.penpot.app/c/ask-for-help-using-penpot/6) - [Troubleshooting](https://community.penpot.app/c/technical/8) - [Help us Improve Penpot](https://community.penpot.app/c/help-us-improve-penpot/7) - [#MadeWithPenpot](https://community.penpot.app/c/madewithpenpot/9) - [Events and Announcements](https://community.penpot.app/c/announcements/5) - [Inside Penpot](https://community.penpot.app/c/inside-penpot/21) - [Penpot in your language](https://community.penpot.app/c/penpot-in-your-language/12) - [Design and Code Essentials](https://community.penpot.app/c/design-and-code-essentials/22) ## Resources You can ask and answer questions, have open-ended conversations, and follow along on decisions affecting the project. 💾 [Documentation](https://help.penpot.app/technical-guide/) 🚀 [Getting Started](https://help.penpot.app/technical-guide/getting-started/) ✏️ [Tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgcCPfOv5v54WpXhHmNO7T-YC7AE-SRsr) 🏘️ [Architecture](https://help.penpot.app/technical-guide/developer/architecture/) 📚 [Dev Diaries](https://penpot.app/dev-diaries.html) ## License ## ``` This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. Copyright (c) KALEIDOS INC ``` Penpot is a Kaleidos’ [open source project](https://kaleidos.net/)