import * as React from "react"; import * as ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import "./ui.css"; import * as penpot from "./penpot.js"; import { extractLinearGradientParamsFromTransform } from "@figma-plugin/helpers"; import slugify from "slugify"; declare function require(path: string): any; // Open resources/gfonts.json and create a set of matched font names const gfonts = new Set(); require("./gfonts.json").forEach((font) => gfonts.add(font)); type PenpotExporterProps = { } type FigmaImageData = { value: string, width: number, height: number } type PenpotExporterState = { isDebug: boolean, penpotFileData: string missingFonts: Set figmaFileData: string figmaRootNode: NodeData images: { [id: string] : FigmaImageData; }; } export default class PenpotExporter extends React.Component { state: PenpotExporterState = { isDebug: false, penpotFileData: "", figmaFileData: "", missingFonts: new Set(), figmaRootNode: null, images: {} }; componentDidMount = () => { window.addEventListener("message", this.onMessage); } componentDidUpdate = () => { this.setDimensions(); } componentWillUnmount = () =>{ window.removeEventListener('message', this.onMessage); } rgbToHex = (color) => { const r = Math.round(255 * color.r); const g = Math.round(255 * color.g); const b = Math.round(255 * color.b); const rgb = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0); return '#' + (0x1000000 + rgb).toString(16).slice(1); } translateSolidFill(fill){ return { fillColor: this.rgbToHex(fill.color), fillOpacity: fill.opacity } } translateGradientLinearFill(fill, width, height){ const points = extractLinearGradientParamsFromTransform(width, height, fill.gradientTransform); return { fillColorGradient: { type: Symbol.for("linear"), width: 1, startX: points.start[0] / width, startY: points.start[1] / height, endX: points.end[0] / width, endY: points.end[1] / height, stops: [{ color: this.rgbToHex(fill.gradientStops[0].color), offset: fill.gradientStops[0].position, opacity: fill.gradientStops[0].color.a * fill.opacity }, { color: this.rgbToHex(fill.gradientStops[1].color), offset: fill.gradientStops[1].position, opacity: fill.gradientStops[1].color.a * fill.opacity } ] } } } translateFill(fill, width, height){ if (fill.type === "SOLID"){ return this.translateSolidFill(fill); } else if (fill.type === "GRADIENT_LINEAR"){ return this.translateGradientLinearFill(fill, width, height); } else { console.error('Color type '+fill.type+' not supported yet'); return null; } } translateFills(fills, width, height){ let penpotFills = []; let penpotFill = null; for (var fill of fills){ penpotFill = this.translateFill(fill, width, height); // Penpot does not track fill visibility, so if the Figma fill is invisible we // force opacity to 0 if (fill.visible === false){ penpotFill.fillOpacity = 0; } if (penpotFill !== null){ penpotFills.unshift(penpotFill); } } return penpotFills; } addFontWarning(font){ const newMissingFonts = this.state.missingFonts; newMissingFonts.add(font); this.setState(_ => ({missingFonts: newMissingFonts })); } createPenpotPage(file, node){ file.addPage(; for (var child of node.children){ this.createPenpotItem(file, child, 0, 0); } file.closePage(); } createPenpotBoard(file, node, baseX, baseY){ file.addArtboard({ name:, x: node.x + baseX, y: node.y + baseY, width: node.width, height: node.height, fills: this.translateFills(node.fills, node.width, node.height) }); for (var child of node.children){ this.createPenpotItem(file, child, node.x + baseX, node.y + baseY); } file.closeArtboard(); } createPenpotGroup(file, node, baseX, baseY){ file.addGroup({name:}); for (var child of node.children){ this.createPenpotItem(file, child, baseX, baseY); } file.closeGroup(); } createPenpotRectangle(file, node, baseX, baseY){ file.createRect({ name:, x: node.x + baseX, y: node.y + baseY, width: node.width, height: node.height, fills: this.translateFills(node.fills, node.width, node.height), }); } createPenpotCircle(file, node, baseX, baseY){ file.createCircle({ name:, x: node.x + baseX, y: node.y + baseY, width: node.width, height: node.height, fills: this.translateFills(node.fills, node.width, node.height), }); } translateHorizontalAlign(align: string){ if (align === "RIGHT"){ return Symbol.for("right"); } if (align === "CENTER"){ return Symbol.for("center"); } return Symbol.for("left") } translateVerticalAlign(align: string){ if (align === "BOTTOM"){ return Symbol.for("bottom"); } if (align === "CENTER"){ return Symbol.for("center"); } return Symbol.for("top") } translateFontStyle(style:string){ return style.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "") } getTextDecoration(node){ const textDecoration = node.textDecoration; if (textDecoration === "STRIKETHROUGH"){ return "line-through"; } if (textDecoration === "UNDERLINE"){ return "underline"; } return "none"; } getTextTransform(node){ const textCase = node.textCase; if (textCase === "UPPER"){ return "uppercase"; } if (textCase === "LOWER"){ return "lowercase"; } if (textCase === "TITLE"){ return "capitalize"; } return "none"; } validateFont(fontName) { const name = slugify(; if (!gfonts.has(name)) { this.addFontWarning(name); } } createPenpotText(file, node, baseX, baseY){ const children = => { this.validateFont(val.fontName); return { lineHeight: val.lineHeight, fontStyle: "normal", textAlign: this.translateHorizontalAlign(node.textAlignHorizontal), fontId: "gfont-" + slugify(, fontSize: val.fontSize.toString(), fontWeight: val.fontWeight.toString(), fontVariantId: this.translateFontStyle(, textDecoration: this.getTextDecoration(val), textTransform: this.getTextTransform(val), letterSpacing: val.letterSpacing, fills: this.translateFills(val.fills, node.width, node.height), fontFamily:, text: val.characters } }); this.validateFont(node.fontName); file.createText({ name:, x: node.x + baseX, y: node.y + baseY, width: node.width, height: node.height, rotation: 0, type: Symbol.for("text"), content: { type: "root", verticalAlign: this.translateVerticalAlign(node.textAlignVertical), children: [{ type: "paragraph-set", children: [{ lineHeight: node.lineHeight, fontStyle: "normal", children: children, textTransform: this.getTextTransform(node), textAlign: this.translateHorizontalAlign(node.textAlignHorizontal), fontId: "gfont-" + slugify(, fontSize: node.fontSize.toString(), fontWeight: node.fontWeight.toString(), type: "paragraph", textDecoration: this.getTextDecoration(node), letterSpacing: node.letterSpacing, fills: this.translateFills(node.fills, node.width, node.height), fontFamily: }] }] } }); } createPenpotImage(file, node, baseX, baseY, image){ file.createImage({ name:, x: node.x + baseX, y: node.y + baseY, width: image.width, height: image.height, metadata: { width: image.width, height: image.height }, dataUri: image.value }); } calculateAdjustment(node){ // For each child, check whether the X or Y position is less than 0 and less than the // current adjustment. let adjustedX = 0; let adjustedY = 0; for (var child of node.children){ if (child.x < adjustedX){ adjustedX = child.x; } if (child.y < adjustedY){ adjustedY = child.y; } } return [adjustedX, adjustedY]; } createPenpotItem(file, node, baseX, baseY){ // We special-case images because an image in figma is a shape with one or many // image fills. Given that handling images in Penpot is a bit different, we // rasterize a figma shape with any image fills to a PNG and then add it as a single // Penpot image. Implication is that any node that has an image fill will only be // treated as an image, so we skip node type checks. const hasImageFill = node.fills?.some(fill => fill.type === "IMAGE"); if (hasImageFill){ // If the nested frames extended the bounds of the rasterized image, we need to // account for this both in position on the canvas and the calculated width and // height of the image. const [adjustedX, adjustedY] = this.calculateAdjustment(node); const width = node.width + Math.abs(adjustedX); const height = node.height + Math.abs(adjustedY); this.createPenpotImage(file, node, baseX + adjustedX, baseY + adjustedY, this.state.images[]); } else if (node.type == "PAGE"){ this.createPenpotPage(file, node); } else if (node.type == "FRAME"){ this.createPenpotBoard(file, node, baseX, baseY); } else if (node.type == "GROUP"){ this.createPenpotGroup(file, node,baseX, baseY); } else if (node.type == "RECTANGLE"){ this.createPenpotRectangle(file, node, baseX, baseY); } else if (node.type == "ELLIPSE"){ this.createPenpotCircle(file, node, baseX, baseY); } else if (node.type == "TEXT"){ this.createPenpotText(file, node, baseX, baseY); } } createPenpotFile(){ let node = this.state.figmaRootNode; const file = penpot.createFile(; for (var page of node.children){ this.createPenpotItem(file, page, 0, 0); } return file; } onCreatePenpot = () => { const file = this.createPenpotFile(); const penpotFileMap = file.asMap(); this.setState(state => ({penpotFileData: JSON.stringify(penpotFileMap, (key, value) => (value instanceof Map ? [...value] : value), 4)})); file.export() }; onCancel = () => { parent.postMessage({ pluginMessage: { type: "cancel" } }, "*"); }; onMessage = (event) => { if ( == "FIGMAFILE") { this.setState(state => ({ figmaFileData: JSON.stringify(, (key, value) => (value instanceof Map ? [...value] : value), 4), figmaRootNode:})); } else if ( == "IMAGE") { const data =; const image = document.createElement('img'); const thisObj = this; image.addEventListener('load', function() { // Get byte array from response thisObj.setState(state => { state.images[] = { value: data.value, width: image.naturalWidth, height: image.naturalHeight }; return state; } ); }); image.src = data.value; } } setDimensions = () => { const isMissingFonts = this.state.missingFonts.size > 0; let width = 300; let height = 280; if (isMissingFonts) { height += (this.state.missingFonts.size * 20); width = 400; } if (this.state.isDebug){ height += 600; width = 800; } parent.postMessage({ pluginMessage: { type: "resize", width: width, height: height } }, "*"); } toggleDebug = (event) => { const isDebug = event.currentTarget.checked; this.setState (state => ({isDebug: isDebug})); } renderFontWarnings = () => { return ( ); } render() { // Update the dimensions of the plugin window based on available data and selections return (

Penpot Exporter

0 ? "inline" : "none"}}>
{this.state.missingFonts.size} non-default font{this.state.missingFonts.size > 1 ? 's' : ''}:
Ensure fonts are installed in Penpot before importing.