
> Instance-agnostic share page for the Fediverse. **[Share₂Fedi]** (pronounced ‘share-to-fedi’) allows you to share stuff on Mastodon, GoToSocial, Pleroma, and other federated social networks, instance-agnostic. Just type in the post text and the instance URL, and click ‘Post!’ Or, open this page with the prefilled `text` URL parameter—it will be automatically inserted into the text field. The same goes for the `instance` URL parameter. This can be used to build custom share buttons for the federated social networks: ```html Share on ``` The instance URL can be saved in your `localStorage` to be automatically appended if used later—handy! > [!IMPORTANT] > I know I provide [a Share₂Fedi instance]( for others to > use, but if you want to use Share₂Fedi for your share buttons, **please > consider self-hosting it**. Although it's free now, running my instance may > become too expensive for me in the future. ## Hosting ### Vercel, Netlify, Cloudflare Pages **Share₂Fedi** was designed to run on [Vercel](, but you can also run it on [Netlify]( or [Cloudflare Pages]( To deploy it yourself (it's free!), you can use the following buttons: [![Deploy to Vercel](]( [![Deploy to Netlify](]( To deploy to Cloudflare Pages, fork the repo and [follow the instructions]( ### Host it yourself Self-hosting **Share₂Fedi** outside of Vercel requires some extra setup: **Prerequisites:** modern Node.js (v16 or later), `pnpm`. You can host with Deno, but Node.js is still required. 1. Install dependencies. ```sh pnpm install ``` 2. Build. ```sh pnpm build ``` If you want to use Deno, add the `--s2f-use-deno` flag: ```sh pnpm build --s2f-use-deno ``` 3. Run server. > By default, this will only listen on localhost port 3000. To enable > listening on a ceratin host and/or port, set the `HOST` and `PORT` > environment variables, respectively. ```sh node dist/server/entry.mjs ``` In production, you might want to use a process manager, like [PM2]( ```sh # Start the app, restart on file changes (except node_modules) pm2 start dist/server/entry.mjs --name "Share2Fedi" --watch --ignore-watch="node_modules" ``` > More information about self-hosting an Astro website with Node: > If you've built Share₂Fedi for Deno: ```sh deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-env ./dist/server/entry.mjs ``` > More information about self-hosting an Astro website with Deno: > 4. Set up a reverse proxy. Basically, you need to run a reverse proxy that would redirect all incoming requests to `localhost:3000`. Here's how to achieve this in various HTTP servers: 1. Apache ```apacheconf ProxyPass "/" "http://localhost:3000/" ``` 2. Nginx ```nginxconf location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:3000/; } ``` 3. Caddy ```caddy reverse_proxy :3000 ``` ### Docker If you _really_ have to use Docker, there is [a good guide on building Astro apps with Docker]( **I will not** provide support for Docker-based deployments in the observable future. ## See also **[📯 Shareon](** (lightweight, stylish, and ethical share buttons) uses **Share₂Fedi** under the hood! ## Licence © 2020–2023 [Nikita Karamov]\ Licensed under the [GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later][AGPL-3.0]. --- This project is hosted on GitHub: [AGPL-3.0]: [Nikita Karamov]: [Share₂Fedi]: