Since Zorn is built for the MinPluto project, there are scenarios where the video source has no audio to get higher quality options, so Zorn has an opion to add a seprated audio source to include.
Make sure to add `muted` to the `VideoAttributes` option, just in case.
## References
**Poster** - `Poster`
Setting a thumbnail for the video player is done using the [`poster`]( attribute. Just use a valid URL.
**Video Source** - `Video`
The main part of the video player, is of course the video. You can set any video source you want, local or remote.
> Use the `/public/` folder in your Astro project.
**Audio Source** - `Audio`
If you're in a scenario where the video source is missing audio, but you do have the audio itself, you can add that audio source to the video player. A separated `<audio/>` element is used, this will use a sync function in JavaScript to make sure the video and audio are synced. As before with the video source, it can be local or remote.
> Use the `/public/` folder in your Astro project.
**Custom Controls** - `CustomControls`
Use the custom controls for Zorn. If this is not applied, no controls will appears.
If you want to use the built-in player from the web browser, then use `VideoAttributes="controls"`.
The Milieu option is an attempt to copy YouTube's ambient player feature. Where it adds a blurry glow around the player. This uses two `<canvas/>`s behind the player to make a smooth transition when it changes.