# Plyx-Player > Currently in beta stages. ### To Do List - Add colors as root colors (Make changable by developer) - Add mobile support - Create options - Create layouts - Create custom context-menu - Create demo - Create documentations ## Installing The Plyx Player is available to download from SudoVanilla's registry, run: ```bash npm set registry https://packages.sudovanilla.com/ ``` (This registry is also a proxy for NPM) Then, for your project, install Plyx: ```bash npm install @sudovanilla/plyx-player ``` ## Usage ### HTML5 Add the stylesheet and script: ```html ``` Also add the Font Awesome that the Pylx uses: ```html ```
About this Font Awesome Pro Kit This kit is a Pro kit provided by SudoVanilla, it has only a limited amount icons that can be used since subsetting is used.
Then, add the class name `plyx-player` to the `