/* * Video.js Hotkeys For Poke * https://github.com/ctd1500/videojs-hotkeys * * forked for poke - non-fork version copyright: * Copyright (c) 2015 Chris Dougherty * Licensed under the Apache-2.0 license. * * fork copy(left)right: * Copyleft (c) 2024 Poke (Ashley) * Licensed under the GNU GPL 3.0 or later license. */ ;(function(root, factory) { if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.videojs) { factory(window.videojs); } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('videojs-hotkeys', ['video.js'], function (module) { return factory(module.default || module); }); } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { var videojs = require('video.js'); module.exports = factory(videojs.default || videojs); } }(this, function (videojs) { "use strict"; if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { window['videojs_hotkeys'] = { version: "0.2.29-poke" }; } var hotkeys = function(options) { var player = this; var pEl = player.el(); var doc = document; var def_options = { volumeStep: 0.1, seekStep: 5, enableMute: false, enableVolumeScroll: false, enableHoverScroll: false, enableFullscreen: true, enableNumbers: true, enableJogStyle: false, alwaysCaptureHotkeys: false, captureDocumentHotkeys: false, documentHotkeysFocusElementFilter: function () { return false }, enableModifiersForNumbers: true, enableInactiveFocus: true, skipInitialFocus: false, playPauseKey: playPauseKey, rewindKey: rewindKey, forwardKey: forwardKey, volumeUpKey: volumeUpKey, volumeDownKey: volumeDownKey, muteKey: muteKey, fullscreenKey: fullscreenKey, customKeys: {} }; var cPlay = 1, cRewind = 2, cForward = 3, cVolumeUp = 4, cVolumeDown = 5, cMute = 6, cFullscreen = 7; // Use built-in merge function from Video.js v5.0+ or v4.4.0+ var mergeOptions = videojs.mergeOptions || videojs.util.mergeOptions; options = mergeOptions(def_options, options || {}); var volumeStep = options.volumeStep, seekStep = options.seekStep, enableMute = options.enableMute, enableVolumeScroll = options.enableVolumeScroll, enableHoverScroll = options.enableHoverScroll, enableFull = options.enableFullscreen, enableNumbers = options.enableNumbers, enableJogStyle = options.enableJogStyle, alwaysCaptureHotkeys = options.alwaysCaptureHotkeys, captureDocumentHotkeys = options.captureDocumentHotkeys, documentHotkeysFocusElementFilter = options.documentHotkeysFocusElementFilter, enableModifiersForNumbers = options.enableModifiersForNumbers, enableInactiveFocus = options.enableInactiveFocus, skipInitialFocus = options.skipInitialFocus; var videojsVer = videojs.VERSION; // Set default player tabindex to handle keydown and doubleclick events if (!pEl.hasAttribute('tabIndex')) { pEl.setAttribute('tabIndex', '-1'); } // Remove player outline to fix video performance issue pEl.style.outline = "none"; if (alwaysCaptureHotkeys || !player.autoplay()) { if (!skipInitialFocus) { player.one('play', function() { pEl.focus(); // Fixes the .vjs-big-play-button handing focus back to body instead of the player }); } } if (enableInactiveFocus) { player.on('userinactive', function() { // When the control bar fades, re-apply focus to the player if last focus was a control button var cancelFocusingPlayer = function() { clearTimeout(focusingPlayerTimeout); }; var focusingPlayerTimeout = setTimeout(function() { player.off('useractive', cancelFocusingPlayer); var activeElement = doc.activeElement; var controlBar = pEl.querySelector('.vjs-control-bar'); if (activeElement && activeElement.parentElement == controlBar) { pEl.focus(); } }, 10); player.one('useractive', cancelFocusingPlayer); }); } player.on('play', function() { // Fix allowing the YouTube plugin to have hotkey support. var ifblocker = pEl.querySelector('.iframeblocker'); if (ifblocker && ifblocker.style.display === '') { ifblocker.style.display = "block"; ifblocker.style.bottom = "39px"; } }); var keyDown = function keyDown(event) { var ewhich = event.which, wasPlaying, seekTime; var ePreventDefault = event.preventDefault.bind(event); var duration = player.duration(); // When controls are disabled, hotkeys will be disabled as well if (player.controls()) { // Don't catch keys if any control buttons are focused, unless alwaysCaptureHotkeys is true var activeEl = doc.activeElement; if ( alwaysCaptureHotkeys || (captureDocumentHotkeys && documentHotkeysFocusElementFilter(activeEl)) || activeEl == pEl || activeEl == pEl.querySelector('.vjs-tech') || activeEl == pEl.querySelector('.vjs-control-bar') || activeEl == pEl.querySelector('.iframeblocker') ) { switch (checkKeys(event, player)) { // Spacebar toggles play/pause case cPlay: ePreventDefault(); if (alwaysCaptureHotkeys || captureDocumentHotkeys) { // Prevent control activation with space event.stopPropagation(); } if (player.paused()) { silencePromise(player.play()); } else { player.pause(); } break; // Seeking with the left/right arrow keys case cRewind: // Seek Backward wasPlaying = !player.paused(); ePreventDefault(); if (wasPlaying) { player.pause(); } seekTime = player.currentTime() - seekStepD(event); // The flash player tech will allow you to seek into negative // numbers and break the seekbar, so try to prevent that. if (seekTime <= 0) { seekTime = 0; } player.currentTime(seekTime); if (wasPlaying) { silencePromise(player.play()); } break; case cForward: // Seek Forward wasPlaying = !player.paused(); ePreventDefault(); if (wasPlaying) { player.pause(); } seekTime = player.currentTime() + seekStepD(event); // Fixes the player not sending the end event if you // try to seek past the duration on the seekbar. if (seekTime >= duration) { seekTime = wasPlaying ? duration - .001 : duration; } player.currentTime(seekTime); if (wasPlaying) { silencePromise(player.play()); } break; // Volume control with the up/down arrow keys case cVolumeDown: ePreventDefault(); if (!enableJogStyle) { player.volume(player.volume() - volumeStep); } else { seekTime = player.currentTime() - 1; if (player.currentTime() <= 1) { seekTime = 0; } player.currentTime(seekTime); } break; case cVolumeUp: ePreventDefault(); if (!enableJogStyle) { player.volume(player.volume() + volumeStep); } else { seekTime = player.currentTime() + 1; if (seekTime >= duration) { seekTime = duration; } player.currentTime(seekTime); } break; // Toggle Mute with the M key case cMute: if (enableMute) { player.muted(!player.muted()); } break; // Toggle Fullscreen with the F key case cFullscreen: if (enableFull) { if (player.isFullscreen()) { player.exitFullscreen(); } else { player.requestFullscreen(); } } break; default: // Number keys from 0-9 skip to a percentage of the video. 0 is 0% and 9 is 90% if ((ewhich > 47 && ewhich < 59) || (ewhich > 95 && ewhich < 106)) { // Do not handle if enableModifiersForNumbers set to false and keys are Ctrl, Cmd or Alt if (enableModifiersForNumbers || !(event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || event.altKey)) { if (enableNumbers) { var sub = 48; if (ewhich > 95) { sub = 96; } var number = ewhich - sub; ePreventDefault(); player.currentTime(player.duration() * number * 0.1); } } } // Handle any custom hotkeys for (var customKey in options.customKeys) { var customHotkey = options.customKeys[customKey]; // Check for well formed custom keys if (customHotkey && customHotkey.key && customHotkey.handler) { // Check if the custom key's condition matches if (customHotkey.key(event)) { ePreventDefault(); customHotkey.handler(player, options, event); } } } } } } }; var doubleClick = function doubleClick(event) { // Video.js added double-click fullscreen in 7.1.0 if (videojsVer != null && videojsVer <= "7.1.0") { // When controls are disabled, hotkeys will be disabled as well if (player.controls()) { // Don't catch clicks if any control buttons are focused var activeEl = event.relatedTarget || event.toElement || doc.activeElement; if (activeEl == pEl || activeEl == pEl.querySelector('.vjs-tech') || activeEl == pEl.querySelector('.iframeblocker')) { if (enableFull) { if (player.isFullscreen()) { player.exitFullscreen(); } else { player.requestFullscreen(); } } } } } }; var volumeHover = false; var volumeSelector = pEl.querySelector('.vjs-volume-menu-button') || pEl.querySelector('.vjs-volume-panel'); if (volumeSelector != null) { volumeSelector.onmouseover = function() { volumeHover = true; }; volumeSelector.onmouseout = function() { volumeHover = false; }; } var mouseScroll = function mouseScroll(event) { if (enableHoverScroll) { // If we leave this undefined then it can match non-existent elements below var activeEl = 0; } else { var activeEl = doc.activeElement; } // When controls are disabled, hotkeys will be disabled as well if (player.controls()) { if (alwaysCaptureHotkeys || activeEl == pEl || activeEl == pEl.querySelector('.vjs-tech') || activeEl == pEl.querySelector('.iframeblocker') || activeEl == pEl.querySelector('.vjs-control-bar') || volumeHover) { } } }; var checkKeys = function checkKeys(e, player) { // Allow some modularity in defining custom hotkeys // Play/Pause check if (options.playPauseKey(e, player)) { return cPlay; } // Seek Backward check if (options.rewindKey(e, player)) { return cRewind; } // Seek Forward check if (options.forwardKey(e, player)) { return cForward; } // Volume Up check if (options.volumeUpKey(e, player)) { return cVolumeUp; } // Volume Down check if (options.volumeDownKey(e, player)) { return cVolumeDown; } // Mute check if (options.muteKey(e, player)) { return cMute; } // Fullscreen check if (options.fullscreenKey(e, player)) { return cFullscreen; } }; function playPauseKey(e) { // Space bar or MediaPlayPause return (e.which === 32 || e.which === 179); } function rewindKey(e) { // Left Arrow or MediaRewind return (e.which === 37 || e.which === 177); } function forwardKey(e) { // Right Arrow or MediaForward return (e.which === 39 || e.which === 176); } function volumeUpKey(e) { // Up Arrow return (e.which === 38); } function volumeDownKey(e) { // Down Arrow return (e.which === 40); } function muteKey(e) { // M key return (e.which === 77); } function fullscreenKey(e) { // F key return (e.which === 70); } function seekStepD(e) { // SeekStep caller, returns an int, or a function returning an int return (typeof seekStep === "function" ? seekStep(e) : seekStep); } function silencePromise(value) { if (value != null && typeof value.then === 'function') { value.then(null, function(e) {}); } } if (captureDocumentHotkeys) { var capDocHK = function (event) { keyDown(event) }; document.addEventListener('keydown', capDocHK); this.dispose = function () { document.removeEventListener('keydown', capDocHK); } } else { player.on('keydown', keyDown); } player.on('dblclick', doubleClick); player.on('mousewheel', mouseScroll); player.on("DOMMouseScroll", mouseScroll); return this; }; var registerPlugin = videojs.registerPlugin || videojs.plugin; registerPlugin('hotkeys', hotkeys); }));