PokeTube Source Code

this is the source code of PokeTube! the youtube front-end that doesnt tracks you ^^

for matomos source code,see here.

see https://poketube.fun/domains for the istances of PokeTube :^

to self host you'll need [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) (which comes with [npm](http://npmjs.com)) installed on your computer. when you do,simpliy download the repo and run "node server.js" or npm start in the terminal. btw you probably need alot of ram to host this :P ( i recommend like 8 gigs free )
## Why PokeTube? - Lyrics for songs! - Beautiful UI (Dont expect much tho lol) - No cookies,no data collection - Javascript-free on frontend - No ads & Tracking - % 100 free software - See Dislike counts from [Return YouTube Dislike Api](https://www.returnyoutubedislike.com/)! - Uses LightTube api - Custom sdk! ## Legal Privacy Policy: https://poketube.fun/privacy (TL;DR:we dont collect or share your personal info lol)