# To run this entire stack (contains all services): # 1. Verify you have docker and docker-compose # 2. Make sure this repository is cloned recursively (check if the `pokevidious` folder has stuff in it) # 3. Proceed either to Section A or Section B # Section A : Local development # 1. Add this to your hosts file /etc/hosts (Linux) or C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts (Windows) # # poketube.test image-proxy.poketube.test eu-proxy.poketube.test p.poketube.test # # 2. Run `docker-compose up -d` or `docker compose up -d` (notice the dash) # 3. Visit `http://poketube.test` in your browser # Section B : Production # 3. Adjust domains in `docker/Caddyfile` and `docker/config.json` # 3.1 DO NOT touch tubeApi, invapi, invchannel, videourl in `docker/config.json` unless you know what you are doing # 3.2 As for the others, make sure they're all https in both files # 3.2 You don't need to touch the other config files unless you know what you are doing # 4. Run `docker-compose up -d` or `docker compose up -d` (notice the dash) # 5. Visit your domain in your browser services: poketube: # port 6003 # image: quay.io/sudovanilla/poketube build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile depends_on: - invidious - lighttube - january restart: unless-stopped volumes: - ./docker/poke.json:/poketube/config.json:ro # lighttube - tubeApi lighttube: # port 80 image: docker.io/kuylar/lighttube:20220711 depends_on: - mongo restart: unless-stopped volumes: - ./docker/lighttube.yaml:/etc/lighttube.yml:ro mongo: # port 27017 image: docker.io/mongo:latest env_file: ./docker/mongo.env restart: unless-stopped volumes: - ./docker/data/mongo:/data/db # invidious - invapi, invchannel and videourl invidious: # port 3000 image: quay.io/invidious/invidious:latest # build: # context: pokevidious # dockerfile: docker/Dockerfile depends_on: postgres: condition: service_healthy restart: unless-stopped deploy: replicas: 2 # Adjust number depending on server load volumes: - ./docker/invidious.yaml:/invidious/config/config.yml:ro postgres: # port 5432 image: docker.io/library/postgres:14 env_file: ./docker/postgres.env restart: unless-stopped healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U $POSTGRES_USER"] interval: 10s timeout: 5s retries: 10 volumes: - ./docker/data/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data - ./pokevidious/config/sql:/config/sql:ro - ./pokevidious/docker/init-invidious-db.sh:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init-invidious-db.sh:ro # january - media_proxy january: # port 7000 # image: ghcr.io/revoltchat/january:latest build: context: january dockerfile: Dockerfile restart: unless-stopped # p / pproxy - some kind of proxy idk pproxy: # port 6014 build: context: p dockerfile: Dockerfile volumes: - ./docker/pproxy.json:/pproxy/whitelist.json:ro restart: unless-stopped # caddy - reverse proxy to connect everything together caddy: # exposed ports 80, 443 / 8090 image: docker.io/caddy:latest restart: unless-stopped volumes: - ./docker/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile:ro - ./docker/data/caddy:/data ports: # Notice this is the only service with ports exposed - 80:80 - 443:443 # If you are running another proxy on the host and the ports are taken # ... use this instead, and proxy the relevant domains to # Be aware that browsers will refuse # -