- [ ] Build Components: - [x] Asides - [ ] Badges - [ ] Buttons - [ ] Cards - [ ] Carousel - [x] Code - [ ] Dialog - [ ] File Tree* - [ ] Gallery - [ ] Image - [ ] Image Comparer - [ ] Link Cards - [ ] Menu - [x] Search - [ ] Steps - [ ] Tabs - [ ] Sidebar - [x] Make configurable - [ ] Multi - [ ] Closable - [ ] Mobile friendly - [ ] Optimizations - [ ] Mobile Friendly - [x] Error Handling - [x] Custom Error Pages - [x] Add Integrations: - [x] Analytics and Event Tracking for: - [x] Umami - [x] Feedback: - [x] Feelback - [x] [Zorn](https://zorn.docs.sudovanilla.org) Support - [ ] Provide Docker Image for AMD64 and ARM64 - [x] AMD64 - [ ] ARM64 - [x] Docker, test with: - [o] ~~Docker Desktop~~ (Discouraged) - [x] Docker Engine - [x] Dockge - [x] Dokemon > * Subject to change