// source/node/TreeIterator.ts var SHOW_ELEMENT = 1; var SHOW_TEXT = 4; var SHOW_ELEMENT_OR_TEXT = 5; var always = () => true; var TreeIterator = class { constructor(root, nodeType, filter) { this.root = root; this.currentNode = root; this.nodeType = nodeType; this.filter = filter || always; } isAcceptableNode(node) { const nodeType = node.nodeType; const nodeFilterType = nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ? SHOW_ELEMENT : nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? SHOW_TEXT : 0; return !!(nodeFilterType & this.nodeType) && this.filter(node); } nextNode() { const root = this.root; let current = this.currentNode; let node; while (true) { node = current.firstChild; while (!node && current) { if (current === root) { break; } node = current.nextSibling; if (!node) { current = current.parentNode; } } if (!node) { return null; } if (this.isAcceptableNode(node)) { this.currentNode = node; return node; } current = node; } } previousNode() { const root = this.root; let current = this.currentNode; let node; while (true) { if (current === root) { return null; } node = current.previousSibling; if (node) { while (current = node.lastChild) { node = current; } } else { node = current.parentNode; } if (!node) { return null; } if (this.isAcceptableNode(node)) { this.currentNode = node; return node; } current = node; } } // Previous node in post-order. previousPONode() { const root = this.root; let current = this.currentNode; let node; while (true) { node = current.lastChild; while (!node && current) { if (current === root) { break; } node = current.previousSibling; if (!node) { current = current.parentNode; } } if (!node) { return null; } if (this.isAcceptableNode(node)) { this.currentNode = node; return node; } current = node; } } }; // source/Constants.ts var ELEMENT_NODE = 1; var TEXT_NODE = 3; var DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11; var ZWS = "\u200B"; var ua = navigator.userAgent; var isMac = /Mac OS X/.test(ua); var isWin = /Windows NT/.test(ua); var isIOS = /iP(?:ad|hone|od)/.test(ua) || isMac && !!navigator.maxTouchPoints; var isAndroid = /Android/.test(ua); var isGecko = /Gecko\//.test(ua); var isLegacyEdge = /Edge\//.test(ua); var isWebKit = !isLegacyEdge && /WebKit\//.test(ua); var ctrlKey = isMac || isIOS ? "Meta-" : "Ctrl-"; var cantFocusEmptyTextNodes = isWebKit; var supportsInputEvents = "onbeforeinput" in document && "inputType" in new InputEvent("input"); var notWS = /[^ \t\r\n]/; // source/node/Category.ts var inlineNodeNames = /^(?:#text|A(?:BBR|CRONYM)?|B(?:R|D[IO])?|C(?:ITE|ODE)|D(?:ATA|EL|FN)|EM|FONT|HR|I(?:FRAME|MG|NPUT|NS)?|KBD|Q|R(?:P|T|UBY)|S(?:AMP|MALL|PAN|TR(?:IKE|ONG)|U[BP])?|TIME|U|VAR|WBR)$/; var leafNodeNames = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["BR", "HR", "IFRAME", "IMG", "INPUT"]); var UNKNOWN = 0; var INLINE = 1; var BLOCK = 2; var CONTAINER = 3; var cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); var resetNodeCategoryCache = () => { cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); }; var isLeaf = (node) => { return leafNodeNames.has(node.nodeName); }; var getNodeCategory = (node) => { switch (node.nodeType) { case TEXT_NODE: return INLINE; case ELEMENT_NODE: case DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: if (cache.has(node)) { return cache.get(node); } break; default: return UNKNOWN; } let nodeCategory; if (!Array.from(node.childNodes).every(isInline)) { nodeCategory = CONTAINER; } else if (inlineNodeNames.test(node.nodeName)) { nodeCategory = INLINE; } else { nodeCategory = BLOCK; } cache.set(node, nodeCategory); return nodeCategory; }; var isInline = (node) => { return getNodeCategory(node) === INLINE; }; var isBlock = (node) => { return getNodeCategory(node) === BLOCK; }; var isContainer = (node) => { return getNodeCategory(node) === CONTAINER; }; // source/node/Node.ts var createElement = (tag, props, children) => { const el = document.createElement(tag); if (props instanceof Array) { children = props; props = null; } if (props) { for (const attr in props) { const value = props[attr]; if (value !== void 0) { el.setAttribute(attr, value); } } } if (children) { children.forEach((node) => el.appendChild(node)); } return el; }; var areAlike = (node, node2) => { if (isLeaf(node)) { return false; } if (node.nodeType !== node2.nodeType || node.nodeName !== node2.nodeName) { return false; } if (node instanceof HTMLElement && node2 instanceof HTMLElement) { return node.nodeName !== "A" && node.className === node2.className && node.style.cssText === node2.style.cssText; } return true; }; var hasTagAttributes = (node, tag, attributes) => { if (node.nodeName !== tag) { return false; } for (const attr in attributes) { if (!("getAttribute" in node) || node.getAttribute(attr) !== attributes[attr]) { return false; } } return true; }; var getNearest = (node, root, tag, attributes) => { while (node && node !== root) { if (hasTagAttributes(node, tag, attributes)) { return node; } node = node.parentNode; } return null; }; var getNodeBeforeOffset = (node, offset) => { let children = node.childNodes; while (offset && node instanceof Element) { node = children[offset - 1]; children = node.childNodes; offset = children.length; } return node; }; var getNodeAfterOffset = (node, offset) => { let returnNode = node; if (returnNode instanceof Element) { const children = returnNode.childNodes; if (offset < children.length) { returnNode = children[offset]; } else { while (returnNode && !returnNode.nextSibling) { returnNode = returnNode.parentNode; } if (returnNode) { returnNode = returnNode.nextSibling; } } } return returnNode; }; var getLength = (node) => { return node instanceof Element || node instanceof DocumentFragment ? node.childNodes.length : node instanceof CharacterData ? node.length : 0; }; var empty = (node) => { const frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); let child = node.firstChild; while (child) { frag.appendChild(child); child = node.firstChild; } return frag; }; var detach = (node) => { const parent = node.parentNode; if (parent) { parent.removeChild(node); } return node; }; var replaceWith = (node, node2) => { const parent = node.parentNode; if (parent) { parent.replaceChild(node2, node); } }; // source/node/Whitespace.ts var notWSTextNode = (node) => { return node instanceof Element ? node.nodeName === "BR" : ( // okay if data is 'undefined' here. notWS.test(node.data) ); }; var isLineBreak = (br, isLBIfEmptyBlock) => { let block = br.parentNode; while (isInline(block)) { block = block.parentNode; } const walker = new TreeIterator( block, SHOW_ELEMENT_OR_TEXT, notWSTextNode ); walker.currentNode = br; return !!walker.nextNode() || isLBIfEmptyBlock && !walker.previousNode(); }; var removeZWS = (root, keepNode) => { const walker = new TreeIterator(root, SHOW_TEXT); let textNode; let index; while (textNode = walker.nextNode()) { while ((index = textNode.data.indexOf(ZWS)) > -1 && // eslint-disable-next-line no-unmodified-loop-condition (!keepNode || textNode.parentNode !== keepNode)) { if (textNode.length === 1) { let node = textNode; let parent = node.parentNode; while (parent) { parent.removeChild(node); walker.currentNode = parent; if (!isInline(parent) || getLength(parent)) { break; } node = parent; parent = node.parentNode; } break; } else { textNode.deleteData(index, 1); } } } }; // source/range/Boundaries.ts var START_TO_START = 0; var START_TO_END = 1; var END_TO_END = 2; var END_TO_START = 3; var isNodeContainedInRange = (range, node, partial) => { const nodeRange = document.createRange(); nodeRange.selectNode(node); if (partial) { const nodeEndBeforeStart = range.compareBoundaryPoints(END_TO_START, nodeRange) > -1; const nodeStartAfterEnd = range.compareBoundaryPoints(START_TO_END, nodeRange) < 1; return !nodeEndBeforeStart && !nodeStartAfterEnd; } else { const nodeStartAfterStart = range.compareBoundaryPoints(START_TO_START, nodeRange) < 1; const nodeEndBeforeEnd = range.compareBoundaryPoints(END_TO_END, nodeRange) > -1; return nodeStartAfterStart && nodeEndBeforeEnd; } }; var moveRangeBoundariesDownTree = (range) => { let { startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset } = range; while (!(startContainer instanceof Text)) { let child = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset]; if (!child || isLeaf(child)) { if (startOffset) { child = startContainer.childNodes[startOffset - 1]; if (child instanceof Text) { let textChild = child; let prev; while (!textChild.length && (prev = textChild.previousSibling) && prev instanceof Text) { textChild.remove(); textChild = prev; } startContainer = textChild; startOffset = textChild.data.length; } } break; } startContainer = child; startOffset = 0; } if (endOffset) { while (!(endContainer instanceof Text)) { const child = endContainer.childNodes[endOffset - 1]; if (!child || isLeaf(child)) { if (child && child.nodeName === "BR" && !isLineBreak(child, false)) { endOffset -= 1; continue; } break; } endContainer = child; endOffset = getLength(endContainer); } } else { while (!(endContainer instanceof Text)) { const child = endContainer.firstChild; if (!child || isLeaf(child)) { break; } endContainer = child; } } range.setStart(startContainer, startOffset); range.setEnd(endContainer, endOffset); }; var moveRangeBoundariesUpTree = (range, startMax, endMax, root) => { let startContainer = range.startContainer; let startOffset = range.startOffset; let endContainer = range.endContainer; let endOffset = range.endOffset; let parent; if (!startMax) { startMax = range.commonAncestorContainer; } if (!endMax) { endMax = startMax; } while (!startOffset && startContainer !== startMax && startContainer !== root) { parent = startContainer.parentNode; startOffset = Array.from(parent.childNodes).indexOf( startContainer ); startContainer = parent; } while (true) { if (endContainer === endMax || endContainer === root) { break; } if (endContainer.nodeType !== TEXT_NODE && endContainer.childNodes[endOffset] && endContainer.childNodes[endOffset].nodeName === "BR" && !isLineBreak(endContainer.childNodes[endOffset], false)) { endOffset += 1; } if (endOffset !== getLength(endContainer)) { break; } parent = endContainer.parentNode; endOffset = Array.from(parent.childNodes).indexOf(endContainer) + 1; endContainer = parent; } range.setStart(startContainer, startOffset); range.setEnd(endContainer, endOffset); }; var moveRangeBoundaryOutOf = (range, tag, root) => { let parent = getNearest(range.endContainer, root, tag); if (parent && (parent = parent.parentNode)) { const clone = range.cloneRange(); moveRangeBoundariesUpTree(clone, parent, parent, root); if (clone.endContainer === parent) { range.setStart(clone.endContainer, clone.endOffset); range.setEnd(clone.endContainer, clone.endOffset); } } return range; }; // source/node/MergeSplit.ts var fixCursor = (node) => { let fixer = null; if (node instanceof Text) { return node; } if (isInline(node)) { let child = node.firstChild; if (cantFocusEmptyTextNodes) { while (child && child instanceof Text && !child.data) { node.removeChild(child); child = node.firstChild; } } if (!child) { if (cantFocusEmptyTextNodes) { fixer = document.createTextNode(ZWS); } else { fixer = document.createTextNode(""); } } } else if (node instanceof Element && !node.querySelector("BR")) { fixer = createElement("BR"); let parent = node; let child; while ((child = parent.lastElementChild) && !isInline(child)) { parent = child; } } if (fixer) { try { node.appendChild(fixer); } catch (error) { } } return node; }; var fixContainer = (container, root) => { let wrapper = null; Array.from(container.childNodes).forEach((child) => { const isBR = child.nodeName === "BR"; if (!isBR && isInline(child)) { if (!wrapper) { wrapper = createElement("DIV"); } wrapper.appendChild(child); } else if (isBR || wrapper) { if (!wrapper) { wrapper = createElement("DIV"); } fixCursor(wrapper); if (isBR) { container.replaceChild(wrapper, child); } else { container.insertBefore(wrapper, child); } wrapper = null; } if (isContainer(child)) { fixContainer(child, root); } }); if (wrapper) { container.appendChild(fixCursor(wrapper)); } return container; }; var split = (node, offset, stopNode, root) => { if (node instanceof Text && node !== stopNode) { if (typeof offset !== "number") { throw new Error("Offset must be a number to split text node!"); } if (!node.parentNode) { throw new Error("Cannot split text node with no parent!"); } return split(node.parentNode, node.splitText(offset), stopNode, root); } let nodeAfterSplit = typeof offset === "number" ? offset < node.childNodes.length ? node.childNodes[offset] : null : offset; const parent = node.parentNode; if (!parent || node === stopNode || !(node instanceof Element)) { return nodeAfterSplit; } const clone = node.cloneNode(false); while (nodeAfterSplit) { const next = nodeAfterSplit.nextSibling; clone.appendChild(nodeAfterSplit); nodeAfterSplit = next; } if (node instanceof HTMLOListElement && getNearest(node, root, "BLOCKQUOTE")) { clone.start = (+node.start || 1) + node.childNodes.length - 1; } fixCursor(node); fixCursor(clone); parent.insertBefore(clone, node.nextSibling); return split(parent, clone, stopNode, root); }; var _mergeInlines = (node, fakeRange) => { const children = node.childNodes; let l = children.length; const frags = []; while (l--) { const child = children[l]; const prev = l ? children[l - 1] : null; if (prev && isInline(child) && areAlike(child, prev)) { if (fakeRange.startContainer === child) { fakeRange.startContainer = prev; fakeRange.startOffset += getLength(prev); } if (fakeRange.endContainer === child) { fakeRange.endContainer = prev; fakeRange.endOffset += getLength(prev); } if (fakeRange.startContainer === node) { if (fakeRange.startOffset > l) { fakeRange.startOffset -= 1; } else if (fakeRange.startOffset === l) { fakeRange.startContainer = prev; fakeRange.startOffset = getLength(prev); } } if (fakeRange.endContainer === node) { if (fakeRange.endOffset > l) { fakeRange.endOffset -= 1; } else if (fakeRange.endOffset === l) { fakeRange.endContainer = prev; fakeRange.endOffset = getLength(prev); } } detach(child); if (child instanceof Text) { prev.appendData(child.data); } else { frags.push(empty(child)); } } else if (child instanceof Element) { let frag; while (frag = frags.pop()) { child.appendChild(frag); } _mergeInlines(child, fakeRange); } } }; var mergeInlines = (node, range) => { const element = node instanceof Text ? node.parentNode : node; if (element instanceof Element) { const fakeRange = { startContainer: range.startContainer, startOffset: range.startOffset, endContainer: range.endContainer, endOffset: range.endOffset }; _mergeInlines(element, fakeRange); range.setStart(fakeRange.startContainer, fakeRange.startOffset); range.setEnd(fakeRange.endContainer, fakeRange.endOffset); } }; var mergeWithBlock = (block, next, range, root) => { let container = next; let parent; let offset; while ((parent = container.parentNode) && parent !== root && parent instanceof Element && parent.childNodes.length === 1) { container = parent; } detach(container); offset = block.childNodes.length; const last = block.lastChild; if (last && last.nodeName === "BR") { block.removeChild(last); offset -= 1; } block.appendChild(empty(next)); range.setStart(block, offset); range.collapse(true); mergeInlines(block, range); }; var mergeContainers = (node, root) => { const prev = node.previousSibling; const first = node.firstChild; const isListItem = node.nodeName === "LI"; if (isListItem && (!first || !/^[OU]L$/.test(first.nodeName))) { return; } if (prev && areAlike(prev, node)) { if (!isContainer(prev)) { if (isListItem) { const block = createElement("DIV"); block.appendChild(empty(prev)); prev.appendChild(block); } else { return; } } detach(node); const needsFix = !isContainer(node); prev.appendChild(empty(node)); if (needsFix) { fixContainer(prev, root); } if (first) { mergeContainers(first, root); } } else if (isListItem) { const block = createElement("DIV"); node.insertBefore(block, first); fixCursor(block); } }; // source/Clean.ts var styleToSemantic = { "font-weight": { regexp: /^bold|^700/i, replace() { return createElement("B"); } }, "font-style": { regexp: /^italic/i, replace() { return createElement("I"); } }, "font-family": { regexp: notWS, replace(classNames, family) { return createElement("SPAN", { class: classNames.fontFamily, style: "font-family:" + family }); } }, "font-size": { regexp: notWS, replace(classNames, size) { return createElement("SPAN", { class: classNames.fontSize, style: "font-size:" + size }); } }, "text-decoration": { regexp: /^underline/i, replace() { return createElement("U"); } } }; var replaceStyles = (node, _, config) => { const style = node.style; let newTreeBottom; let newTreeTop; for (const attr in styleToSemantic) { const converter = styleToSemantic[attr]; const css = style.getPropertyValue(attr); if (css && converter.regexp.test(css)) { const el = converter.replace(config.classNames, css); if (el.nodeName === node.nodeName && el.className === node.className) { continue; } if (!newTreeTop) { newTreeTop = el; } if (newTreeBottom) { newTreeBottom.appendChild(el); } newTreeBottom = el; node.style.removeProperty(attr); } } if (newTreeTop && newTreeBottom) { newTreeBottom.appendChild(empty(node)); if (node.style.cssText) { node.appendChild(newTreeTop); } else { replaceWith(node, newTreeTop); } } return newTreeBottom || node; }; var replaceWithTag = (tag) => { return (node, parent) => { const el = createElement(tag); const attributes = node.attributes; for (let i = 0, l = attributes.length; i < l; i += 1) { const attribute = attributes[i]; el.setAttribute(attribute.name, attribute.value); } parent.replaceChild(el, node); el.appendChild(empty(node)); return el; }; }; var fontSizes = { "1": "10", "2": "13", "3": "16", "4": "18", "5": "24", "6": "32", "7": "48" }; var stylesRewriters = { STRONG: replaceWithTag("B"), EM: replaceWithTag("I"), INS: replaceWithTag("U"), STRIKE: replaceWithTag("S"), SPAN: replaceStyles, FONT: (node, parent, config) => { const font = node; const face = font.face; const size = font.size; let color = font.color; const classNames = config.classNames; let fontSpan; let sizeSpan; let colorSpan; let newTreeBottom; let newTreeTop; if (face) { fontSpan = createElement("SPAN", { class: classNames.fontFamily, style: "font-family:" + face }); newTreeTop = fontSpan; newTreeBottom = fontSpan; } if (size) { sizeSpan = createElement("SPAN", { class: classNames.fontSize, style: "font-size:" + fontSizes[size] + "px" }); if (!newTreeTop) { newTreeTop = sizeSpan; } if (newTreeBottom) { newTreeBottom.appendChild(sizeSpan); } newTreeBottom = sizeSpan; } if (color && /^#?([\dA-F]{3}){1,2}$/i.test(color)) { if (color.charAt(0) !== "#") { color = "#" + color; } colorSpan = createElement("SPAN", { class: classNames.color, style: "color:" + color }); if (!newTreeTop) { newTreeTop = colorSpan; } if (newTreeBottom) { newTreeBottom.appendChild(colorSpan); } newTreeBottom = colorSpan; } if (!newTreeTop || !newTreeBottom) { newTreeTop = newTreeBottom = createElement("SPAN"); } parent.replaceChild(newTreeTop, font); newTreeBottom.appendChild(empty(font)); return newTreeBottom; }, TT: (node, parent, config) => { const el = createElement("SPAN", { class: config.classNames.fontFamily, style: 'font-family:menlo,consolas,"courier new",monospace' }); parent.replaceChild(el, node); el.appendChild(empty(node)); return el; } }; var allowedBlock = /^(?:A(?:DDRESS|RTICLE|SIDE|UDIO)|BLOCKQUOTE|CAPTION|D(?:[DLT]|IV)|F(?:IGURE|IGCAPTION|OOTER)|H[1-6]|HEADER|L(?:ABEL|EGEND|I)|O(?:L|UTPUT)|P(?:RE)?|SECTION|T(?:ABLE|BODY|D|FOOT|H|HEAD|R)|COL(?:GROUP)?|UL)$/; var blacklist = /^(?:HEAD|META|STYLE)/; var cleanTree = (node, config, preserveWS) => { const children = node.childNodes; let nonInlineParent = node; while (isInline(nonInlineParent)) { nonInlineParent = nonInlineParent.parentNode; } const walker = new TreeIterator( nonInlineParent, SHOW_ELEMENT_OR_TEXT ); for (let i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i += 1) { let child = children[i]; const nodeName = child.nodeName; const rewriter = stylesRewriters[nodeName]; if (child instanceof HTMLElement) { const childLength = child.childNodes.length; if (rewriter) { child = rewriter(child, node, config); } else if (blacklist.test(nodeName)) { node.removeChild(child); i -= 1; l -= 1; continue; } else if (!allowedBlock.test(nodeName) && !isInline(child)) { i -= 1; l += childLength - 1; node.replaceChild(empty(child), child); continue; } if (childLength) { cleanTree(child, config, preserveWS || nodeName === "PRE"); } } else { if (child instanceof Text) { let data = child.data; const startsWithWS = !notWS.test(data.charAt(0)); const endsWithWS = !notWS.test(data.charAt(data.length - 1)); if (preserveWS || !startsWithWS && !endsWithWS) { continue; } if (startsWithWS) { walker.currentNode = child; let sibling; while (sibling = walker.previousPONode()) { if (sibling.nodeName === "IMG" || sibling instanceof Text && notWS.test(sibling.data)) { break; } if (!isInline(sibling)) { sibling = null; break; } } data = data.replace(/^[ \t\r\n]+/g, sibling ? " " : ""); } if (endsWithWS) { walker.currentNode = child; let sibling; while (sibling = walker.nextNode()) { if (sibling.nodeName === "IMG" || sibling instanceof Text && notWS.test(sibling.data)) { break; } if (!isInline(sibling)) { sibling = null; break; } } data = data.replace(/[ \t\r\n]+$/g, sibling ? " " : ""); } if (data) { child.data = data; continue; } } node.removeChild(child); i -= 1; l -= 1; } } return node; }; var removeEmptyInlines = (node) => { const children = node.childNodes; let l = children.length; while (l--) { const child = children[l]; if (child instanceof Element && !isLeaf(child)) { removeEmptyInlines(child); if (isInline(child) && !child.firstChild) { node.removeChild(child); } } else if (child instanceof Text && !child.data) { node.removeChild(child); } } }; var cleanupBRs = (node, root, keepForBlankLine) => { const brs = node.querySelectorAll("BR"); const brBreaksLine = []; let l = brs.length; for (let i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { brBreaksLine[i] = isLineBreak(brs[i], keepForBlankLine); } while (l--) { const br = brs[l]; const parent = br.parentNode; if (!parent) { continue; } if (!brBreaksLine[l]) { detach(br); } else if (!isInline(parent)) { fixContainer(parent, root); } } }; var escapeHTML = (text) => { return text.split("&").join("&").split("<").join("<").split(">").join(">").split('"').join("""); }; // source/node/Block.ts var getBlockWalker = (node, root) => { const walker = new TreeIterator(root, SHOW_ELEMENT, isBlock); walker.currentNode = node; return walker; }; var getPreviousBlock = (node, root) => { const block = getBlockWalker(node, root).previousNode(); return block !== root ? block : null; }; var getNextBlock = (node, root) => { const block = getBlockWalker(node, root).nextNode(); return block !== root ? block : null; }; var isEmptyBlock = (block) => { return !block.textContent && !block.querySelector("IMG"); }; // source/range/Block.ts var getStartBlockOfRange = (range, root) => { const container = range.startContainer; let block; if (isInline(container)) { block = getPreviousBlock(container, root); } else if (container !== root && container instanceof HTMLElement && isBlock(container)) { block = container; } else { const node = getNodeBeforeOffset(container, range.startOffset); block = getNextBlock(node, root); } return block && isNodeContainedInRange(range, block, true) ? block : null; }; var getEndBlockOfRange = (range, root) => { const container = range.endContainer; let block; if (isInline(container)) { block = getPreviousBlock(container, root); } else if (container !== root && container instanceof HTMLElement && isBlock(container)) { block = container; } else { let node = getNodeAfterOffset(container, range.endOffset); if (!node || !root.contains(node)) { node = root; let child; while (child = node.lastChild) { node = child; } } block = getPreviousBlock(node, root); } return block && isNodeContainedInRange(range, block, true) ? block : null; }; var isContent = (node) => { return node instanceof Text ? notWS.test(node.data) : node.nodeName === "IMG"; }; var rangeDoesStartAtBlockBoundary = (range, root) => { const startContainer = range.startContainer; const startOffset = range.startOffset; let nodeAfterCursor; if (startContainer instanceof Text) { const text = startContainer.data; for (let i = startOffset; i > 0; i -= 1) { if (text.charAt(i - 1) !== ZWS) { return false; } } nodeAfterCursor = startContainer; } else { nodeAfterCursor = getNodeAfterOffset(startContainer, startOffset); if (nodeAfterCursor && !root.contains(nodeAfterCursor)) { nodeAfterCursor = null; } if (!nodeAfterCursor) { nodeAfterCursor = getNodeBeforeOffset(startContainer, startOffset); if (nodeAfterCursor instanceof Text && nodeAfterCursor.length) { return false; } } } const block = getStartBlockOfRange(range, root); if (!block) { return false; } const contentWalker = new TreeIterator( block, SHOW_ELEMENT_OR_TEXT, isContent ); contentWalker.currentNode = nodeAfterCursor; return !contentWalker.previousNode(); }; var rangeDoesEndAtBlockBoundary = (range, root) => { const endContainer = range.endContainer; const endOffset = range.endOffset; let currentNode; if (endContainer instanceof Text) { const text = endContainer.data; const length = text.length; for (let i = endOffset; i < length; i += 1) { if (text.charAt(i) !== ZWS) { return false; } } currentNode = endContainer; } else { currentNode = getNodeBeforeOffset(endContainer, endOffset); } const block = getEndBlockOfRange(range, root); if (!block) { return false; } const contentWalker = new TreeIterator( block, SHOW_ELEMENT_OR_TEXT, isContent ); contentWalker.currentNode = currentNode; return !contentWalker.nextNode(); }; var expandRangeToBlockBoundaries = (range, root) => { const start = getStartBlockOfRange(range, root); const end = getEndBlockOfRange(range, root); let parent; if (start && end) { parent = start.parentNode; range.setStart(parent, Array.from(parent.childNodes).indexOf(start)); parent = end.parentNode; range.setEnd(parent, Array.from(parent.childNodes).indexOf(end) + 1); } }; // source/range/InsertDelete.ts function createRange(startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset) { const range = document.createRange(); range.setStart(startContainer, startOffset); if (endContainer && typeof endOffset === "number") { range.setEnd(endContainer, endOffset); } else { range.setEnd(startContainer, startOffset); } return range; } var insertNodeInRange = (range, node) => { let { startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset } = range; let children; if (startContainer instanceof Text) { const parent = startContainer.parentNode; children = parent.childNodes; if (startOffset === startContainer.length) { startOffset = Array.from(children).indexOf(startContainer) + 1; if (range.collapsed) { endContainer = parent; endOffset = startOffset; } } else { if (startOffset) { const afterSplit = startContainer.splitText(startOffset); if (endContainer === startContainer) { endOffset -= startOffset; endContainer = afterSplit; } else if (endContainer === parent) { endOffset += 1; } startContainer = afterSplit; } startOffset = Array.from(children).indexOf( startContainer ); } startContainer = parent; } else { children = startContainer.childNodes; } const childCount = children.length; if (startOffset === childCount) { startContainer.appendChild(node); } else { startContainer.insertBefore(node, children[startOffset]); } if (startContainer === endContainer) { endOffset += children.length - childCount; } range.setStart(startContainer, startOffset); range.setEnd(endContainer, endOffset); }; var extractContentsOfRange = (range, common, root) => { const frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); if (range.collapsed) { return frag; } if (!common) { common = range.commonAncestorContainer; } if (common instanceof Text) { common = common.parentNode; } const startContainer = range.startContainer; const startOffset = range.startOffset; let endContainer = split(range.endContainer, range.endOffset, common, root); let endOffset = 0; let node = split(startContainer, startOffset, common, root); while (node && node !== endContainer) { const next = node.nextSibling; frag.appendChild(node); node = next; } if (startContainer instanceof Text && endContainer instanceof Text) { startContainer.appendData(endContainer.data); detach(endContainer); endContainer = startContainer; endOffset = startOffset; } range.setStart(startContainer, startOffset); if (endContainer) { range.setEnd(endContainer, endOffset); } else { range.setEnd(common, common.childNodes.length); } fixCursor(common); return frag; }; var getAdjacentInlineNode = (iterator, method, node) => { iterator.currentNode = node; let nextNode; while (nextNode = iterator[method]()) { if (nextNode instanceof Text || isLeaf(nextNode)) { return nextNode; } if (!isInline(nextNode)) { return null; } } return null; }; var deleteContentsOfRange = (range, root) => { const startBlock = getStartBlockOfRange(range, root); let endBlock = getEndBlockOfRange(range, root); const needsMerge = startBlock !== endBlock; if (startBlock && endBlock) { moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); moveRangeBoundariesUpTree(range, startBlock, endBlock, root); } const frag = extractContentsOfRange(range, null, root); moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); if (needsMerge) { endBlock = getEndBlockOfRange(range, root); if (startBlock && endBlock && startBlock !== endBlock) { mergeWithBlock(startBlock, endBlock, range, root); } } if (startBlock) { fixCursor(startBlock); } const child = root.firstChild; if (!child || child.nodeName === "BR") { fixCursor(root); if (root.firstChild) { range.selectNodeContents(root.firstChild); } } range.collapse(true); const startContainer = range.startContainer; const startOffset = range.startOffset; const iterator = new TreeIterator(root, SHOW_ELEMENT_OR_TEXT); let afterNode = startContainer; let afterOffset = startOffset; if (!(afterNode instanceof Text) || afterOffset === afterNode.data.length) { afterNode = getAdjacentInlineNode(iterator, "nextNode", afterNode); afterOffset = 0; } let beforeNode = startContainer; let beforeOffset = startOffset - 1; if (!(beforeNode instanceof Text) || beforeOffset === -1) { beforeNode = getAdjacentInlineNode( iterator, "previousPONode", afterNode || (startContainer instanceof Text ? startContainer : startContainer.childNodes[startOffset] || startContainer) ); if (beforeNode instanceof Text) { beforeOffset = beforeNode.data.length; } } let node = null; let offset = 0; if (afterNode instanceof Text && afterNode.data.charAt(afterOffset) === " " && rangeDoesStartAtBlockBoundary(range, root)) { node = afterNode; offset = afterOffset; } else if (beforeNode instanceof Text && beforeNode.data.charAt(beforeOffset) === " ") { if (afterNode instanceof Text && afterNode.data.charAt(afterOffset) === " " || rangeDoesEndAtBlockBoundary(range, root)) { node = beforeNode; offset = beforeOffset; } } if (node) { node.replaceData(offset, 1, "\xA0"); } range.setStart(startContainer, startOffset); range.collapse(true); return frag; }; var insertTreeFragmentIntoRange = (range, frag, root) => { const firstInFragIsInline = frag.firstChild && isInline(frag.firstChild); let node; fixContainer(frag, root); node = frag; while (node = getNextBlock(node, root)) { fixCursor(node); } if (!range.collapsed) { deleteContentsOfRange(range, root); } moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); range.collapse(false); const stopPoint = getNearest(range.endContainer, root, "BLOCKQUOTE") || root; let block = getStartBlockOfRange(range, root); let blockContentsAfterSplit = null; const firstBlockInFrag = getNextBlock(frag, frag); const replaceBlock = !firstInFragIsInline && !!block && isEmptyBlock(block); if (block && firstBlockInFrag && !replaceBlock && // Don't merge table cells or PRE elements into block !getNearest(firstBlockInFrag, frag, "PRE") && !getNearest(firstBlockInFrag, frag, "TABLE")) { moveRangeBoundariesUpTree(range, block, block, root); range.collapse(true); let container = range.endContainer; let offset = range.endOffset; cleanupBRs(block, root, false); if (isInline(container)) { const nodeAfterSplit = split( container, offset, getPreviousBlock(container, root) || root, root ); container = nodeAfterSplit.parentNode; offset = Array.from(container.childNodes).indexOf( nodeAfterSplit ); } if ( /*isBlock( container ) && */ offset !== getLength(container) ) { blockContentsAfterSplit = document.createDocumentFragment(); while (node = container.childNodes[offset]) { blockContentsAfterSplit.appendChild(node); } } mergeWithBlock(container, firstBlockInFrag, range, root); offset = Array.from(container.parentNode.childNodes).indexOf( container ) + 1; container = container.parentNode; range.setEnd(container, offset); } if (getLength(frag)) { if (replaceBlock && block) { range.setEndBefore(block); range.collapse(false); detach(block); } moveRangeBoundariesUpTree(range, stopPoint, stopPoint, root); let nodeAfterSplit = split( range.endContainer, range.endOffset, stopPoint, root ); const nodeBeforeSplit = nodeAfterSplit ? nodeAfterSplit.previousSibling : stopPoint.lastChild; stopPoint.insertBefore(frag, nodeAfterSplit); if (nodeAfterSplit) { range.setEndBefore(nodeAfterSplit); } else { range.setEnd(stopPoint, getLength(stopPoint)); } block = getEndBlockOfRange(range, root); moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); const container = range.endContainer; const offset = range.endOffset; if (nodeAfterSplit && isContainer(nodeAfterSplit)) { mergeContainers(nodeAfterSplit, root); } nodeAfterSplit = nodeBeforeSplit && nodeBeforeSplit.nextSibling; if (nodeAfterSplit && isContainer(nodeAfterSplit)) { mergeContainers(nodeAfterSplit, root); } range.setEnd(container, offset); } if (blockContentsAfterSplit && block) { const tempRange = range.cloneRange(); mergeWithBlock(block, blockContentsAfterSplit, tempRange, root); range.setEnd(tempRange.endContainer, tempRange.endOffset); } moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); }; // source/range/Contents.ts var getTextContentsOfRange = (range) => { if (range.collapsed) { return ""; } const startContainer = range.startContainer; const endContainer = range.endContainer; const walker = new TreeIterator( range.commonAncestorContainer, SHOW_ELEMENT_OR_TEXT, (node2) => { return isNodeContainedInRange(range, node2, true); } ); walker.currentNode = startContainer; let node = startContainer; let textContent = ""; let addedTextInBlock = false; let value; if (!(node instanceof Element) && !(node instanceof Text) || !walker.filter(node)) { node = walker.nextNode(); } while (node) { if (node instanceof Text) { value = node.data; if (value && /\S/.test(value)) { if (node === endContainer) { value = value.slice(0, range.endOffset); } if (node === startContainer) { value = value.slice(range.startOffset); } textContent += value; addedTextInBlock = true; } } else if (node.nodeName === "BR" || addedTextInBlock && !isInline(node)) { textContent += "\n"; addedTextInBlock = false; } node = walker.nextNode(); } textContent = textContent.replace(/ /g, " "); return textContent; }; // source/Clipboard.ts var indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf; var extractRangeToClipboard = (event, range, root, removeRangeFromDocument, toCleanHTML, toPlainText, plainTextOnly) => { const clipboardData = event.clipboardData; if (isLegacyEdge || !clipboardData) { return false; } let text = toPlainText ? "" : getTextContentsOfRange(range); const startBlock = getStartBlockOfRange(range, root); const endBlock = getEndBlockOfRange(range, root); let copyRoot = root; if (startBlock === endBlock && startBlock?.contains(range.commonAncestorContainer)) { copyRoot = startBlock; } let contents; if (removeRangeFromDocument) { contents = deleteContentsOfRange(range, root); } else { range = range.cloneRange(); moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); moveRangeBoundariesUpTree(range, copyRoot, copyRoot, root); contents = range.cloneContents(); } let parent = range.commonAncestorContainer; if (parent instanceof Text) { parent = parent.parentNode; } while (parent && parent !== copyRoot) { const newContents = parent.cloneNode(false); newContents.appendChild(contents); contents = newContents; parent = parent.parentNode; } let html; if (contents.childNodes.length === 1 && contents.childNodes[0] instanceof Text) { text = contents.childNodes[0].data.replace(/ /g, " "); plainTextOnly = true; } else { const node = createElement("DIV"); node.appendChild(contents); html = node.innerHTML; if (toCleanHTML) { html = toCleanHTML(html); } } if (plainTextOnly) { } else if (toPlainText && html !== void 0) { text = toPlainText(html); } if (isWin) { text = text.replace(/\r?\n/g, "\r\n"); } if (!plainTextOnly && html && text !== html) { clipboardData.setData("text/html", html); } clipboardData.setData("text/plain", text); event.preventDefault(); return true; }; var _onCut = function(event) { const range = this.getSelection(); const root = this._root; if (range.collapsed) { event.preventDefault(); return; } this.saveUndoState(range); const handled = extractRangeToClipboard( event, range, root, true, this._config.willCutCopy, this._config.toPlainText, false ); if (!handled) { setTimeout(() => { try { this._ensureBottomLine(); } catch (error) { this._config.didError(error); } }, 0); } this.setSelection(range); }; var _onCopy = function(event) { extractRangeToClipboard( event, this.getSelection(), this._root, false, this._config.willCutCopy, this._config.toPlainText, false ); }; var _monitorShiftKey = function(event) { this._isShiftDown = event.shiftKey; }; var _onPaste = function(event) { const clipboardData = event.clipboardData; const items = clipboardData?.items; const choosePlain = this._isShiftDown; let hasRTF = false; let hasImage = false; let plainItem = null; let htmlItem = null; if (items) { let l = items.length; while (l--) { const item = items[l]; const type = item.type; if (type === "text/html") { htmlItem = item; } else if (type === "text/plain" || type === "text/uri-list") { plainItem = item; } else if (type === "text/rtf") { hasRTF = true; } else if (/^image\/.*/.test(type)) { hasImage = true; } } if (hasImage && !(hasRTF && htmlItem)) { event.preventDefault(); this.fireEvent("pasteImage", { clipboardData }); return; } if (!isLegacyEdge) { event.preventDefault(); if (htmlItem && (!choosePlain || !plainItem)) { htmlItem.getAsString((html) => { this.insertHTML(html, true); }); } else if (plainItem) { plainItem.getAsString((text) => { let isLink = false; const range2 = this.getSelection(); if (!range2.collapsed && notWS.test(range2.toString())) { const match = this.linkRegExp.exec(text); isLink = !!match && match[0].length === text.length; } if (isLink) { this.makeLink(text); } else { this.insertPlainText(text, true); } }); } return; } } const types = clipboardData?.types; if (!isLegacyEdge && types && (indexOf.call(types, "text/html") > -1 || !isGecko && indexOf.call(types, "text/plain") > -1 && indexOf.call(types, "text/rtf") < 0)) { event.preventDefault(); let data; if (!choosePlain && (data = clipboardData.getData("text/html"))) { this.insertHTML(data, true); } else if ((data = clipboardData.getData("text/plain")) || (data = clipboardData.getData("text/uri-list"))) { this.insertPlainText(data, true); } return; } const body = document.body; const range = this.getSelection(); const startContainer = range.startContainer; const startOffset = range.startOffset; const endContainer = range.endContainer; const endOffset = range.endOffset; let pasteArea = createElement("DIV", { contenteditable: "true", style: "position:fixed; overflow:hidden; top:0; right:100%; width:1px; height:1px;" }); body.appendChild(pasteArea); range.selectNodeContents(pasteArea); this.setSelection(range); setTimeout(() => { try { let html = ""; let next = pasteArea; let first; while (pasteArea = next) { next = pasteArea.nextSibling; detach(pasteArea); first = pasteArea.firstChild; if (first && first === pasteArea.lastChild && first instanceof HTMLDivElement) { pasteArea = first; } html += pasteArea.innerHTML; } this.setSelection( createRange( startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset ) ); if (html) { this.insertHTML(html, true); } } catch (error) { this._config.didError(error); } }, 0); }; var _onDrop = function(event) { if (!event.dataTransfer) { return; } const types = event.dataTransfer.types; let l = types.length; let hasPlain = false; let hasHTML = false; while (l--) { switch (types[l]) { case "text/plain": hasPlain = true; break; case "text/html": hasHTML = true; break; default: return; } } if (hasHTML || hasPlain && this.saveUndoState) { this.saveUndoState(); } }; // source/keyboard/Enter.ts var Enter = (self, event, range) => { event.preventDefault(); self.splitBlock(event.shiftKey, range); }; // source/keyboard/KeyHelpers.ts var afterDelete = (self, range) => { try { if (!range) { range = self.getSelection(); } let node = range.startContainer; if (node instanceof Text) { node = node.parentNode; } let parent = node; while (isInline(parent) && (!parent.textContent || parent.textContent === ZWS)) { node = parent; parent = node.parentNode; } if (node !== parent) { range.setStart( parent, Array.from(parent.childNodes).indexOf(node) ); range.collapse(true); parent.removeChild(node); if (!isBlock(parent)) { parent = getPreviousBlock(parent, self._root) || self._root; } fixCursor(parent); moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); } if (node === self._root && (node = node.firstChild) && node.nodeName === "BR") { detach(node); } self._ensureBottomLine(); self.setSelection(range); self._updatePath(range, true); } catch (error) { self._config.didError(error); } }; var detachUneditableNode = (node, root) => { let parent; while (parent = node.parentNode) { if (parent === root || parent.isContentEditable) { break; } node = parent; } detach(node); }; var linkifyText = (self, textNode, offset) => { if (getNearest(textNode, self._root, "A")) { return; } const data = textNode.data || ""; const searchFrom = Math.max( data.lastIndexOf(" ", offset - 1), data.lastIndexOf("\xA0", offset - 1) ) + 1; const searchText = data.slice(searchFrom, offset); const match = self.linkRegExp.exec(searchText); if (match) { const selection = self.getSelection(); self._docWasChanged(); self._recordUndoState(selection); self._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark(selection); const index = searchFrom + match.index; const endIndex = index + match[0].length; const needsSelectionUpdate = selection.startContainer === textNode; const newSelectionOffset = selection.startOffset - endIndex; if (index) { textNode = textNode.splitText(index); } const defaultAttributes = self._config.tagAttributes.a; const link = createElement( "A", Object.assign( { href: match[1] ? /^(?:ht|f)tps?:/i.test(match[1]) ? match[1] : "http://" + match[1] : "mailto:" + match[0] }, defaultAttributes ) ); link.textContent = data.slice(index, endIndex); textNode.parentNode.insertBefore(link, textNode); textNode.data = data.slice(endIndex); if (needsSelectionUpdate) { selection.setStart(textNode, newSelectionOffset); selection.setEnd(textNode, newSelectionOffset); } self.setSelection(selection); } }; // source/keyboard/Backspace.ts var Backspace = (self, event, range) => { const root = self._root; self._removeZWS(); self.saveUndoState(range); if (!range.collapsed) { event.preventDefault(); deleteContentsOfRange(range, root); afterDelete(self, range); } else if (rangeDoesStartAtBlockBoundary(range, root)) { event.preventDefault(); const startBlock = getStartBlockOfRange(range, root); if (!startBlock) { return; } let current = startBlock; fixContainer(current.parentNode, root); const previous = getPreviousBlock(current, root); if (previous) { if (!previous.isContentEditable) { detachUneditableNode(previous, root); return; } mergeWithBlock(previous, current, range, root); current = previous.parentNode; while (current !== root && !current.nextSibling) { current = current.parentNode; } if (current !== root && (current = current.nextSibling)) { mergeContainers(current, root); } self.setSelection(range); } else if (current) { if (getNearest(current, root, "UL") || getNearest(current, root, "OL")) { self.decreaseListLevel(range); return; } else if (getNearest(current, root, "BLOCKQUOTE")) { self.removeQuote(range); return; } self.setSelection(range); self._updatePath(range, true); } } else { moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); const text = range.startContainer; const offset = range.startOffset; const a = text.parentNode; if (text instanceof Text && a instanceof HTMLAnchorElement && offset && a.href.includes(text.data)) { text.deleteData(offset - 1, 1); self.setSelection(range); self.removeLink(); event.preventDefault(); } else { self.setSelection(range); setTimeout(() => { afterDelete(self); }, 0); } } }; // source/keyboard/Delete.ts var Delete = (self, event, range) => { const root = self._root; let current; let next; let originalRange; let cursorContainer; let cursorOffset; let nodeAfterCursor; self._removeZWS(); self.saveUndoState(range); if (!range.collapsed) { event.preventDefault(); deleteContentsOfRange(range, root); afterDelete(self, range); } else if (rangeDoesEndAtBlockBoundary(range, root)) { event.preventDefault(); current = getStartBlockOfRange(range, root); if (!current) { return; } fixContainer(current.parentNode, root); next = getNextBlock(current, root); if (next) { if (!next.isContentEditable) { detachUneditableNode(next, root); return; } mergeWithBlock(current, next, range, root); next = current.parentNode; while (next !== root && !next.nextSibling) { next = next.parentNode; } if (next !== root && (next = next.nextSibling)) { mergeContainers(next, root); } self.setSelection(range); self._updatePath(range, true); } } else { originalRange = range.cloneRange(); moveRangeBoundariesUpTree(range, root, root, root); cursorContainer = range.endContainer; cursorOffset = range.endOffset; if (cursorContainer instanceof Element) { nodeAfterCursor = cursorContainer.childNodes[cursorOffset]; if (nodeAfterCursor && nodeAfterCursor.nodeName === "IMG") { event.preventDefault(); detach(nodeAfterCursor); moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); afterDelete(self, range); return; } } self.setSelection(originalRange); setTimeout(() => { afterDelete(self); }, 0); } }; // source/keyboard/Tab.ts var Tab = (self, event, range) => { const root = self._root; self._removeZWS(); if (range.collapsed && rangeDoesStartAtBlockBoundary(range, root)) { let node = getStartBlockOfRange(range, root); let parent; while (parent = node.parentNode) { if (parent.nodeName === "UL" || parent.nodeName === "OL") { event.preventDefault(); self.increaseListLevel(range); break; } node = parent; } } }; var ShiftTab = (self, event, range) => { const root = self._root; self._removeZWS(); if (range.collapsed && rangeDoesStartAtBlockBoundary(range, root)) { const node = range.startContainer; if (getNearest(node, root, "UL") || getNearest(node, root, "OL")) { event.preventDefault(); self.decreaseListLevel(range); } } }; // source/keyboard/Space.ts var Space = (self, event, range) => { let node; const root = self._root; self._recordUndoState(range); self._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark(range); if (!range.collapsed) { deleteContentsOfRange(range, root); self._ensureBottomLine(); self.setSelection(range); self._updatePath(range, true); } else if (rangeDoesEndAtBlockBoundary(range, root)) { const block = getStartBlockOfRange(range, root); if (block && block.nodeName !== "PRE") { const text = block.textContent?.trimEnd().replace(ZWS, ""); if (text === "*" || text === "1.") { event.preventDefault(); const walker = new TreeIterator(block, SHOW_TEXT); let textNode; while (textNode = walker.nextNode()) { textNode.data = cantFocusEmptyTextNodes ? ZWS : ""; } if (text === "*") { self.makeUnorderedList(); } else { self.makeOrderedList(); } return; } } } node = range.endContainer; if (range.endOffset === getLength(node)) { do { if (node.nodeName === "A") { range.setStartAfter(node); break; } } while (!node.nextSibling && (node = node.parentNode) && node !== root); } if (self._config.addLinks) { const linkRange = range.cloneRange(); moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(linkRange); const textNode = linkRange.startContainer; const offset = linkRange.startOffset; setTimeout(() => { linkifyText(self, textNode, offset); }, 0); } self.setSelection(range); }; // source/keyboard/KeyHandlers.ts var keys = { 8: "Backspace", 9: "Tab", 13: "Enter", 27: "Escape", 32: "Space", 33: "PageUp", 34: "PageDown", 37: "ArrowLeft", 38: "ArrowUp", 39: "ArrowRight", 40: "ArrowDown", 46: "Delete", 191: "/", 219: "[", 220: "\\", 221: "]" }; var _onKey = function(event) { const code = event.keyCode; let key = keys[code]; let modifiers = ""; const range = this.getSelection(); if (event.defaultPrevented) { return; } if (!key) { key = String.fromCharCode(code).toLowerCase(); if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]$/.test(key)) { key = ""; } } if (111 < code && code < 124) { key = "F" + (code - 111); } if (key !== "Backspace" && key !== "Delete") { if (event.altKey) { modifiers += "Alt-"; } if (event.ctrlKey) { modifiers += "Ctrl-"; } if (event.metaKey) { modifiers += "Meta-"; } if (event.shiftKey) { modifiers += "Shift-"; } } if (isWin && event.shiftKey && key === "Delete") { modifiers += "Shift-"; } key = modifiers + key; if (this._keyHandlers[key]) { this._keyHandlers[key](this, event, range); } else if (!range.collapsed && // !event.isComposing stops us from blatting Kana-Kanji conversion in // Safari !event.isComposing && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && (event.key || key).length === 1) { this.saveUndoState(range); deleteContentsOfRange(range, this._root); this._ensureBottomLine(); this.setSelection(range); this._updatePath(range, true); } }; var keyHandlers = { "Backspace": Backspace, "Delete": Delete, "Tab": Tab, "Shift-Tab": ShiftTab, "Space": Space, "ArrowLeft"(self) { self._removeZWS(); }, "ArrowRight"(self, event, range) { self._removeZWS(); const root = self.getRoot(); if (rangeDoesEndAtBlockBoundary(range, root)) { moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); let node = range.endContainer; do { if (node.nodeName === "CODE") { let next = node.nextSibling; if (!(next instanceof Text)) { const textNode = document.createTextNode("\xA0"); node.parentNode.insertBefore(textNode, next); next = textNode; } range.setStart(next, 1); self.setSelection(range); event.preventDefault(); break; } } while (!node.nextSibling && (node = node.parentNode) && node !== root); } } }; if (!supportsInputEvents) { keyHandlers.Enter = Enter; keyHandlers["Shift-Enter"] = Enter; } if (!isMac && !isIOS) { keyHandlers.PageUp = (self) => { self.moveCursorToStart(); }; keyHandlers.PageDown = (self) => { self.moveCursorToEnd(); }; } var mapKeyToFormat = (tag, remove) => { remove = remove || null; return (self, event) => { event.preventDefault(); const range = self.getSelection(); if (self.hasFormat(tag, null, range)) { self.changeFormat(null, { tag }, range); } else { self.changeFormat({ tag }, remove, range); } }; }; keyHandlers[ctrlKey + "b"] = mapKeyToFormat("B"); keyHandlers[ctrlKey + "i"] = mapKeyToFormat("I"); keyHandlers[ctrlKey + "u"] = mapKeyToFormat("U"); keyHandlers[ctrlKey + "Shift-7"] = mapKeyToFormat("S"); keyHandlers[ctrlKey + "Shift-5"] = mapKeyToFormat("SUB", { tag: "SUP" }); keyHandlers[ctrlKey + "Shift-6"] = mapKeyToFormat("SUP", { tag: "SUB" }); keyHandlers[ctrlKey + "Shift-8"] = (self, event) => { event.preventDefault(); const path = self.getPath(); if (!/(?:^|>)UL/.test(path)) { self.makeUnorderedList(); } else { self.removeList(); } }; keyHandlers[ctrlKey + "Shift-9"] = (self, event) => { event.preventDefault(); const path = self.getPath(); if (!/(?:^|>)OL/.test(path)) { self.makeOrderedList(); } else { self.removeList(); } }; keyHandlers[ctrlKey + "["] = (self, event) => { event.preventDefault(); const path = self.getPath(); if (/(?:^|>)BLOCKQUOTE/.test(path) || !/(?:^|>)[OU]L/.test(path)) { self.decreaseQuoteLevel(); } else { self.decreaseListLevel(); } }; keyHandlers[ctrlKey + "]"] = (self, event) => { event.preventDefault(); const path = self.getPath(); if (/(?:^|>)BLOCKQUOTE/.test(path) || !/(?:^|>)[OU]L/.test(path)) { self.increaseQuoteLevel(); } else { self.increaseListLevel(); } }; keyHandlers[ctrlKey + "d"] = (self, event) => { event.preventDefault(); self.toggleCode(); }; keyHandlers[ctrlKey + "z"] = (self, event) => { event.preventDefault(); self.undo(); }; keyHandlers[ctrlKey + "y"] = keyHandlers[ctrlKey + "Shift-z"] = (self, event) => { event.preventDefault(); self.redo(); }; // source/Editor.ts var Squire = class { constructor(root, config) { /** * Subscribing to these events won't automatically add a listener to the * document node, since these events are fired in a custom manner by the * editor code. */ this.customEvents = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ "pathChange", "select", "input", "pasteImage", "undoStateChange" ]); // --- this.startSelectionId = "squire-selection-start"; this.endSelectionId = "squire-selection-end"; /* linkRegExp = new RegExp( // Only look on boundaries '\\b(?:' + // Capture group 1: URLs '(' + // Add links to URLS // Starts with: '(?:' + // http(s):// or ftp:// '(?:ht|f)tps?:\\/\\/' + // or '|' + // www. 'www\\d{0,3}[.]' + // or '|' + // foo90.com/ '[a-z0-9][a-z0-9.\\-]*[.][a-z]{2,}\\/' + ')' + // Then we get one or more: '(?:' + // Run of non-spaces, non ()<> '[^\\s()<>]+' + // or '|' + // balanced parentheses (one level deep only) '\\([^\\s()<>]+\\)' + ')+' + // And we finish with '(?:' + // Not a space or punctuation character '[^\\s?&`!()\\[\\]{};:\'".,<>«»“”‘’]' + // or '|' + // Balanced parentheses. '\\([^\\s()<>]+\\)' + ')' + // Capture group 2: Emails ')|(' + // Add links to emails '[\\w\\-.%+]+@(?:[\\w\\-]+\\.)+[a-z]{2,}\\b' + // Allow query parameters in the mailto: style '(?:' + '[?][^&?\\s]+=[^\\s?&`!()\\[\\]{};:\'".,<>«»“”‘’]+' + '(?:&[^&?\\s]+=[^\\s?&`!()\\[\\]{};:\'".,<>«»“”‘’]+)*' + ')?' + '))', 'i' ); */ this.linkRegExp = /\b(?:((?:(?:ht|f)tps?:\/\/|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9][a-z0-9.\-]*[.][a-z]{2,}\/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\([^\s()<>]+\))+(?:[^\s?&`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>«»“”‘’]|\([^\s()<>]+\)))|([\w\-.%+]+@(?:[\w\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,}\b(?:[?][^&?\s]+=[^\s?&`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>«»“”‘’]+(?:&[^&?\s]+=[^\s?&`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>«»“”‘’]+)*)?))/i; this.tagAfterSplit = { DT: "DD", DD: "DT", LI: "LI", PRE: "PRE" }; this._root = root; this._config = this._makeConfig(config); this._isFocused = false; this._lastSelection = createRange(root, 0); this._willRestoreSelection = false; this._mayHaveZWS = false; this._lastAnchorNode = null; this._lastFocusNode = null; this._path = ""; this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._undoIndex = -1; this._undoStack = []; this._undoStackLength = 0; this._isInUndoState = false; this._ignoreChange = false; this._ignoreAllChanges = false; this.addEventListener("selectionchange", this._updatePathOnEvent); this.addEventListener("blur", this._enableRestoreSelection); this.addEventListener("mousedown", this._disableRestoreSelection); this.addEventListener("touchstart", this._disableRestoreSelection); this.addEventListener("focus", this._restoreSelection); this._isShiftDown = false; this.addEventListener("cut", _onCut); this.addEventListener("copy", _onCopy); this.addEventListener("paste", _onPaste); this.addEventListener("drop", _onDrop); this.addEventListener( "keydown", _monitorShiftKey ); this.addEventListener("keyup", _monitorShiftKey); this.addEventListener("keydown", _onKey); this._keyHandlers = Object.create(keyHandlers); const mutation = new MutationObserver(() => this._docWasChanged()); mutation.observe(root, { childList: true, attributes: true, characterData: true, subtree: true }); this._mutation = mutation; root.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true"); this.addEventListener( "beforeinput", this._beforeInput ); this.setHTML(""); } destroy() { this._events.forEach((_, type) => { this.removeEventListener(type); }); this._mutation.disconnect(); this._undoIndex = -1; this._undoStack = []; this._undoStackLength = 0; } _makeConfig(userConfig) { const config = { blockTag: "DIV", blockAttributes: null, tagAttributes: {}, classNames: { color: "color", fontFamily: "font", fontSize: "size", highlight: "highlight" }, undo: { documentSizeThreshold: -1, // -1 means no threshold undoLimit: -1 // -1 means no limit }, addLinks: true, willCutCopy: null, toPlainText: null, sanitizeToDOMFragment: (html) => { const frag = DOMPurify.sanitize(html, { ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS: true, WHOLE_DOCUMENT: false, RETURN_DOM: true, RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT: true, FORCE_BODY: false }); return frag ? document.importNode(frag, true) : document.createDocumentFragment(); }, didError: (error) => console.log(error) }; if (userConfig) { Object.assign(config, userConfig); config.blockTag = config.blockTag.toUpperCase(); } return config; } setKeyHandler(key, fn) { this._keyHandlers[key] = fn; return this; } _beforeInput(event) { switch (event.inputType) { case "insertText": if (isAndroid && event.data && event.data.includes("\n")) { event.preventDefault(); } break; case "insertLineBreak": event.preventDefault(); this.splitBlock(true); break; case "insertParagraph": event.preventDefault(); this.splitBlock(false); break; case "insertOrderedList": event.preventDefault(); this.makeOrderedList(); break; case "insertUnoderedList": event.preventDefault(); this.makeUnorderedList(); break; case "historyUndo": event.preventDefault(); this.undo(); break; case "historyRedo": event.preventDefault(); this.redo(); break; case "formatBold": event.preventDefault(); this.bold(); break; case "formaItalic": event.preventDefault(); this.italic(); break; case "formatUnderline": event.preventDefault(); this.underline(); break; case "formatStrikeThrough": event.preventDefault(); this.strikethrough(); break; case "formatSuperscript": event.preventDefault(); this.superscript(); break; case "formatSubscript": event.preventDefault(); this.subscript(); break; case "formatJustifyFull": case "formatJustifyCenter": case "formatJustifyRight": case "formatJustifyLeft": { event.preventDefault(); let alignment = event.inputType.slice(13).toLowerCase(); if (alignment === "full") { alignment = "justify"; } this.setTextAlignment(alignment); break; } case "formatRemove": event.preventDefault(); this.removeAllFormatting(); break; case "formatSetBlockTextDirection": { event.preventDefault(); let dir = event.data; if (dir === "null") { dir = null; } this.setTextDirection(dir); break; } case "formatBackColor": event.preventDefault(); this.setHighlightColor(event.data); break; case "formatFontColor": event.preventDefault(); this.setTextColor(event.data); break; case "formatFontName": event.preventDefault(); this.setFontFace(event.data); break; } } // --- Events handleEvent(event) { this.fireEvent(event.type, event); } fireEvent(type, detail) { let handlers = this._events.get(type); if (/^(?:focus|blur)/.test(type)) { const isFocused = this._root === document.activeElement; if (type === "focus") { if (!isFocused || this._isFocused) { return this; } this._isFocused = true; } else { if (isFocused || !this._isFocused) { return this; } this._isFocused = false; } } if (handlers) { const event = detail instanceof Event ? detail : new CustomEvent(type, { detail }); handlers = handlers.slice(); for (const handler of handlers) { try { if ("handleEvent" in handler) { handler.handleEvent(event); } else { handler.call(this, event); } } catch (error) { this._config.didError(error); } } } return this; } addEventListener(type, fn) { let handlers = this._events.get(type); let target = this._root; if (!handlers) { handlers = []; this._events.set(type, handlers); if (!this.customEvents.has(type)) { if (type === "selectionchange") { target = document; } target.addEventListener(type, this, true); } } handlers.push(fn); return this; } removeEventListener(type, fn) { const handlers = this._events.get(type); let target = this._root; if (handlers) { if (fn) { let l = handlers.length; while (l--) { if (handlers[l] === fn) { handlers.splice(l, 1); } } } else { handlers.length = 0; } if (!handlers.length) { this._events.delete(type); if (!this.customEvents.has(type)) { if (type === "selectionchange") { target = document; } target.removeEventListener(type, this, true); } } } return this; } // --- Focus focus() { this._root.focus({ preventScroll: true }); return this; } blur() { this._root.blur(); return this; } // --- Selection and bookmarking _enableRestoreSelection() { this._willRestoreSelection = true; } _disableRestoreSelection() { this._willRestoreSelection = false; } _restoreSelection() { if (this._willRestoreSelection) { this.setSelection(this._lastSelection); } } // --- _removeZWS() { if (!this._mayHaveZWS) { return; } removeZWS(this._root); this._mayHaveZWS = false; } _saveRangeToBookmark(range) { let startNode = createElement("INPUT", { id: this.startSelectionId, type: "hidden" }); let endNode = createElement("INPUT", { id: this.endSelectionId, type: "hidden" }); let temp; insertNodeInRange(range, startNode); range.collapse(false); insertNodeInRange(range, endNode); if (startNode.compareDocumentPosition(endNode) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING) { startNode.id = this.endSelectionId; endNode.id = this.startSelectionId; temp = startNode; startNode = endNode; endNode = temp; } range.setStartAfter(startNode); range.setEndBefore(endNode); } _getRangeAndRemoveBookmark(range) { const root = this._root; const start = root.querySelector("#" + this.startSelectionId); const end = root.querySelector("#" + this.endSelectionId); if (start && end) { let startContainer = start.parentNode; let endContainer = end.parentNode; const startOffset = Array.from(startContainer.childNodes).indexOf( start ); let endOffset = Array.from(endContainer.childNodes).indexOf(end); if (startContainer === endContainer) { endOffset -= 1; } start.remove(); end.remove(); if (!range) { range = document.createRange(); } range.setStart(startContainer, startOffset); range.setEnd(endContainer, endOffset); mergeInlines(startContainer, range); if (startContainer !== endContainer) { mergeInlines(endContainer, range); } if (range.collapsed) { startContainer = range.startContainer; if (startContainer instanceof Text) { endContainer = startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset]; if (!endContainer || !(endContainer instanceof Text)) { endContainer = startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset - 1]; } if (endContainer && endContainer instanceof Text) { range.setStart(endContainer, 0); range.collapse(true); } } } } return range || null; } getSelection() { const selection = window.getSelection(); const root = this._root; let range = null; if (this._isFocused && selection && selection.rangeCount) { range = selection.getRangeAt(0).cloneRange(); const startContainer = range.startContainer; const endContainer = range.endContainer; if (startContainer && isLeaf(startContainer)) { range.setStartBefore(startContainer); } if (endContainer && isLeaf(endContainer)) { range.setEndBefore(endContainer); } } if (range && root.contains(range.commonAncestorContainer)) { this._lastSelection = range; } else { range = this._lastSelection; if (!document.contains(range.commonAncestorContainer)) { range = null; } } if (!range) { range = createRange(root.firstElementChild || root, 0); } return range; } setSelection(range) { this._lastSelection = range; if (!this._isFocused) { this._enableRestoreSelection(); } else { const selection = window.getSelection(); if (selection) { if ("setBaseAndExtent" in Selection.prototype) { selection.setBaseAndExtent( range.startContainer, range.startOffset, range.endContainer, range.endOffset ); } else { selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } } return this; } // --- _moveCursorTo(toStart) { const root = this._root; const range = createRange(root, toStart ? 0 : root.childNodes.length); moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); this.setSelection(range); return this; } moveCursorToStart() { return this._moveCursorTo(true); } moveCursorToEnd() { return this._moveCursorTo(false); } // --- getCursorPosition() { const range = this.getSelection(); let rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); if (rect && !rect.top) { this._ignoreChange = true; const node = createElement("SPAN"); node.textContent = ZWS; insertNodeInRange(range, node); rect = node.getBoundingClientRect(); const parent = node.parentNode; parent.removeChild(node); mergeInlines(parent, range); } return rect; } // --- Path getPath() { return this._path; } _updatePathOnEvent() { if (this._isFocused) { this._updatePath(this.getSelection()); } } _updatePath(range, force) { const anchor = range.startContainer; const focus = range.endContainer; let newPath; if (force || anchor !== this._lastAnchorNode || focus !== this._lastFocusNode) { this._lastAnchorNode = anchor; this._lastFocusNode = focus; newPath = anchor && focus ? anchor === focus ? this._getPath(focus) : "(selection)" : ""; if (this._path !== newPath) { this._path = newPath; this.fireEvent("pathChange", { path: newPath }); } } this.fireEvent(range.collapsed ? "cursor" : "select", { range }); } _getPath(node) { const root = this._root; const config = this._config; let path = ""; if (node && node !== root) { const parent = node.parentNode; path = parent ? this._getPath(parent) : ""; if (node instanceof HTMLElement) { const id = node.id; const classList = node.classList; const classNames = Array.from(classList).sort(); const dir = node.dir; const styleNames = config.classNames; path += (path ? ">" : "") + node.nodeName; if (id) { path += "#" + id; } if (classNames.length) { path += "."; path += classNames.join("."); } if (dir) { path += "[dir=" + dir + "]"; } if (classList.contains(styleNames.highlight)) { path += "[backgroundColor=" + node.style.backgroundColor.replace(/ /g, "") + "]"; } if (classList.contains(styleNames.color)) { path += "[color=" + node.style.color.replace(/ /g, "") + "]"; } if (classList.contains(styleNames.fontFamily)) { path += "[fontFamily=" + node.style.fontFamily.replace(/ /g, "") + "]"; } if (classList.contains(styleNames.fontSize)) { path += "[fontSize=" + node.style.fontSize + "]"; } } } return path; } // --- History modifyDocument(modificationFn) { const mutation = this._mutation; if (mutation) { if (mutation.takeRecords().length) { this._docWasChanged(); } mutation.disconnect(); } this._ignoreAllChanges = true; modificationFn(); this._ignoreAllChanges = false; if (mutation) { mutation.observe(this._root, { childList: true, attributes: true, characterData: true, subtree: true }); this._ignoreChange = false; } return this; } _docWasChanged() { resetNodeCategoryCache(); this._mayHaveZWS = true; if (this._ignoreAllChanges) { return; } if (this._ignoreChange) { this._ignoreChange = false; return; } if (this._isInUndoState) { this._isInUndoState = false; this.fireEvent("undoStateChange", { canUndo: true, canRedo: false }); } this.fireEvent("input"); } /** * Leaves bookmark. */ _recordUndoState(range, replace) { if (!this._isInUndoState || replace) { let undoIndex = this._undoIndex; const undoStack = this._undoStack; const undoConfig = this._config.undo; const undoThreshold = undoConfig.documentSizeThreshold; const undoLimit = undoConfig.undoLimit; if (!replace) { undoIndex += 1; } if (undoIndex < this._undoStackLength) { undoStack.length = this._undoStackLength = undoIndex; } if (range) { this._saveRangeToBookmark(range); } const html = this._getRawHTML(); if (undoThreshold > -1 && html.length * 2 > undoThreshold) { if (undoLimit > -1 && undoIndex > undoLimit) { undoStack.splice(0, undoIndex - undoLimit); undoIndex = undoLimit; this._undoStackLength = undoLimit; } } undoStack[undoIndex] = html; this._undoIndex = undoIndex; this._undoStackLength += 1; this._isInUndoState = true; } return this; } saveUndoState(range) { if (!range) { range = this.getSelection(); } this._recordUndoState(range, this._isInUndoState); this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark(range); return this; } undo() { if (this._undoIndex !== 0 || !this._isInUndoState) { this._recordUndoState(this.getSelection(), false); this._undoIndex -= 1; this._setRawHTML(this._undoStack[this._undoIndex]); const range = this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark(); if (range) { this.setSelection(range); } this._isInUndoState = true; this.fireEvent("undoStateChange", { canUndo: this._undoIndex !== 0, canRedo: true }); this.fireEvent("input"); } return this; } redo() { const undoIndex = this._undoIndex; const undoStackLength = this._undoStackLength; if (undoIndex + 1 < undoStackLength && this._isInUndoState) { this._undoIndex += 1; this._setRawHTML(this._undoStack[this._undoIndex]); const range = this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark(); if (range) { this.setSelection(range); } this.fireEvent("undoStateChange", { canUndo: true, canRedo: undoIndex + 2 < undoStackLength }); this.fireEvent("input"); } return this; } // --- Get and set data getRoot() { return this._root; } _getRawHTML() { return this._root.innerHTML; } _setRawHTML(html) { const root = this._root; root.innerHTML = html; let node = root; const child = node.firstChild; if (!child || child.nodeName === "BR") { const block = this.createDefaultBlock(); if (child) { node.replaceChild(block, child); } else { node.appendChild(block); } } else { while (node = getNextBlock(node, root)) { fixCursor(node); } } this._ignoreChange = true; return this; } getHTML(withBookmark) { let range; if (withBookmark) { range = this.getSelection(); this._saveRangeToBookmark(range); } const html = this._getRawHTML().replace(/\u200B/g, ""); if (withBookmark) { this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark(range); } return html; } setHTML(html) { const frag = this._config.sanitizeToDOMFragment(html, this); const root = this._root; cleanTree(frag, this._config); cleanupBRs(frag, root, false); fixContainer(frag, root); let node = frag; let child = node.firstChild; if (!child || child.nodeName === "BR") { const block = this.createDefaultBlock(); if (child) { node.replaceChild(block, child); } else { node.appendChild(block); } } else { while (node = getNextBlock(node, root)) { fixCursor(node); } } this._ignoreChange = true; while (child = root.lastChild) { root.removeChild(child); } root.appendChild(frag); this._undoIndex = -1; this._undoStack.length = 0; this._undoStackLength = 0; this._isInUndoState = false; const range = this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark() || createRange(root.firstElementChild || root, 0); this.saveUndoState(range); this.setSelection(range); this._updatePath(range, true); return this; } /** * Insert HTML at the cursor location. If the selection is not collapsed * insertTreeFragmentIntoRange will delete the selection so that it is * replaced by the html being inserted. */ insertHTML(html, isPaste) { const config = this._config; let frag = config.sanitizeToDOMFragment(html, this); const range = this.getSelection(); this.saveUndoState(range); try { const root = this._root; if (config.addLinks) { this.addDetectedLinks(frag, frag); } cleanTree(frag, this._config); cleanupBRs(frag, root, false); removeEmptyInlines(frag); frag.normalize(); let node = frag; while (node = getNextBlock(node, frag)) { fixCursor(node); } let doInsert = true; if (isPaste) { const event = new CustomEvent("willPaste", { detail: { fragment: frag } }); this.fireEvent("willPaste", event); frag = event.detail.fragment; doInsert = !event.defaultPrevented; } if (doInsert) { insertTreeFragmentIntoRange(range, frag, root); range.collapse(false); moveRangeBoundaryOutOf(range, "A", root); this._ensureBottomLine(); } this.setSelection(range); this._updatePath(range, true); if (isPaste) { this.focus(); } } catch (error) { this._config.didError(error); } return this; } insertElement(el, range) { if (!range) { range = this.getSelection(); } range.collapse(true); if (isInline(el)) { insertNodeInRange(range, el); range.setStartAfter(el); } else { const root = this._root; const startNode = getStartBlockOfRange( range, root ); let splitNode = startNode || root; let nodeAfterSplit = null; while (splitNode !== root && !splitNode.nextSibling) { splitNode = splitNode.parentNode; } if (splitNode !== root) { const parent = splitNode.parentNode; nodeAfterSplit = split( parent, splitNode.nextSibling, root, root ); } if (startNode && isEmptyBlock(startNode)) { detach(startNode); } root.insertBefore(el, nodeAfterSplit); const blankLine = this.createDefaultBlock(); root.insertBefore(blankLine, nodeAfterSplit); range.setStart(blankLine, 0); range.setEnd(blankLine, 0); moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); } this.focus(); this.setSelection(range); this._updatePath(range); return this; } insertImage(src, attributes) { const img = createElement( "IMG", Object.assign( { src }, attributes ) ); this.insertElement(img); return img; } insertPlainText(plainText, isPaste) { const range = this.getSelection(); if (range.collapsed && getNearest(range.startContainer, this._root, "PRE")) { const startContainer = range.startContainer; let offset = range.startOffset; let textNode; if (!startContainer || !(startContainer instanceof Text)) { const text = document.createTextNode(""); startContainer.insertBefore( text, startContainer.childNodes[offset] ); textNode = text; offset = 0; } else { textNode = startContainer; } let doInsert = true; if (isPaste) { const event = new CustomEvent("willPaste", { detail: { text: plainText } }); this.fireEvent("willPaste", event); plainText = event.detail.text; doInsert = !event.defaultPrevented; } if (doInsert) { textNode.insertData(offset, plainText); range.setStart(textNode, offset + plainText.length); range.collapse(true); } this.setSelection(range); return this; } const lines = plainText.split("\n"); const config = this._config; const tag = config.blockTag; const attributes = config.blockAttributes; const closeBlock = ""; let openBlock = "<" + tag; for (const attr in attributes) { openBlock += " " + attr + '="' + escapeHTML(attributes[attr]) + '"'; } openBlock += ">"; for (let i = 0, l = lines.length; i < l; i += 1) { let line = lines[i]; line = escapeHTML(line).replace(/ (?=(?: |$))/g, " "); if (i) { line = openBlock + (line || "
") + closeBlock; } lines[i] = line; } return this.insertHTML(lines.join(""), isPaste); } getSelectedText(range) { return getTextContentsOfRange(range || this.getSelection()); } // --- Inline formatting /** * Extracts the font-family and font-size (if any) of the element * holding the cursor. If there's a selection, returns an empty object. */ getFontInfo(range) { const fontInfo = { color: void 0, backgroundColor: void 0, fontFamily: void 0, fontSize: void 0 }; if (!range) { range = this.getSelection(); } let seenAttributes = 0; let element = range.commonAncestorContainer; if (range.collapsed || element instanceof Text) { if (element instanceof Text) { element = element.parentNode; } while (seenAttributes < 4 && element) { const style = element.style; if (style) { const color = style.color; if (!fontInfo.color && color) { fontInfo.color = color; seenAttributes += 1; } const backgroundColor = style.backgroundColor; if (!fontInfo.backgroundColor && backgroundColor) { fontInfo.backgroundColor = backgroundColor; seenAttributes += 1; } const fontFamily = style.fontFamily; if (!fontInfo.fontFamily && fontFamily) { fontInfo.fontFamily = fontFamily; seenAttributes += 1; } const fontSize = style.fontSize; if (!fontInfo.fontSize && fontSize) { fontInfo.fontSize = fontSize; seenAttributes += 1; } } element = element.parentNode; } } return fontInfo; } /** * Looks for matching tag and attributes, so won't work if * instead of etc. */ hasFormat(tag, attributes, range) { tag = tag.toUpperCase(); if (!attributes) { attributes = {}; } if (!range) { range = this.getSelection(); } if (!range.collapsed && range.startContainer instanceof Text && range.startOffset === range.startContainer.length && range.startContainer.nextSibling) { range.setStartBefore(range.startContainer.nextSibling); } if (!range.collapsed && range.endContainer instanceof Text && range.endOffset === 0 && range.endContainer.previousSibling) { range.setEndAfter(range.endContainer.previousSibling); } const root = this._root; const common = range.commonAncestorContainer; if (getNearest(common, root, tag, attributes)) { return true; } if (common instanceof Text) { return false; } const walker = new TreeIterator(common, SHOW_TEXT, (node2) => { return isNodeContainedInRange(range, node2, true); }); let seenNode = false; let node; while (node = walker.nextNode()) { if (!getNearest(node, root, tag, attributes)) { return false; } seenNode = true; } return seenNode; } changeFormat(add, remove, range, partial) { if (!range) { range = this.getSelection(); } this.saveUndoState(range); if (remove) { range = this._removeFormat( remove.tag.toUpperCase(), remove.attributes || {}, range, partial ); } if (add) { range = this._addFormat( add.tag.toUpperCase(), add.attributes || {}, range ); } this.setSelection(range); this._updatePath(range, true); return this.focus(); } _addFormat(tag, attributes, range) { const root = this._root; if (range.collapsed) { const el = fixCursor(createElement(tag, attributes)); insertNodeInRange(range, el); const focusNode = el.firstChild || el; const focusOffset = focusNode instanceof Text ? focusNode.length : 0; range.setStart(focusNode, focusOffset); range.collapse(true); let block = el; while (isInline(block)) { block = block.parentNode; } removeZWS(block, el); } else { const walker = new TreeIterator( range.commonAncestorContainer, SHOW_ELEMENT_OR_TEXT, (node) => { return (node instanceof Text || node.nodeName === "BR" || node.nodeName === "IMG") && isNodeContainedInRange(range, node, true); } ); let { startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset } = range; walker.currentNode = startContainer; if (!(startContainer instanceof Element) && !(startContainer instanceof Text) || !walker.filter(startContainer)) { const next = walker.nextNode(); if (!next) { return range; } startContainer = next; startOffset = 0; } do { let node = walker.currentNode; const needsFormat = !getNearest(node, root, tag, attributes); if (needsFormat) { if (node === endContainer && node.length > endOffset) { node.splitText(endOffset); } if (node === startContainer && startOffset) { node = node.splitText(startOffset); if (endContainer === startContainer) { endContainer = node; endOffset -= startOffset; } else if (endContainer === startContainer.parentNode) { endOffset += 1; } startContainer = node; startOffset = 0; } const el = createElement(tag, attributes); replaceWith(node, el); el.appendChild(node); } } while (walker.nextNode()); range = createRange( startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset ); } return range; } _removeFormat(tag, attributes, range, partial) { this._saveRangeToBookmark(range); let fixer; if (range.collapsed) { if (cantFocusEmptyTextNodes) { fixer = document.createTextNode(ZWS); } else { fixer = document.createTextNode(""); } insertNodeInRange(range, fixer); } let root = range.commonAncestorContainer; while (isInline(root)) { root = root.parentNode; } const startContainer = range.startContainer; const startOffset = range.startOffset; const endContainer = range.endContainer; const endOffset = range.endOffset; const toWrap = []; const examineNode = (node, exemplar) => { if (isNodeContainedInRange(range, node, false)) { return; } let child; let next; if (!isNodeContainedInRange(range, node, true)) { if (!(node instanceof HTMLInputElement) && (!(node instanceof Text) || node.data)) { toWrap.push([exemplar, node]); } return; } if (node instanceof Text) { if (node === endContainer && endOffset !== node.length) { toWrap.push([exemplar, node.splitText(endOffset)]); } if (node === startContainer && startOffset) { node.splitText(startOffset); toWrap.push([exemplar, node]); } } else { for (child = node.firstChild; child; child = next) { next = child.nextSibling; examineNode(child, exemplar); } } }; const formatTags = Array.from( root.getElementsByTagName(tag) ).filter((el) => { return isNodeContainedInRange(range, el, true) && hasTagAttributes(el, tag, attributes); }); if (!partial) { formatTags.forEach((node) => { examineNode(node, node); }); } toWrap.forEach(([el, node]) => { el = el.cloneNode(false); replaceWith(node, el); el.appendChild(node); }); formatTags.forEach((el) => { replaceWith(el, empty(el)); }); this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark(range); if (fixer) { range.collapse(false); } mergeInlines(root, range); return range; } // --- bold() { return this.changeFormat({ tag: "B" }); } removeBold() { return this.changeFormat(null, { tag: "B" }); } italic() { return this.changeFormat({ tag: "I" }); } removeItalic() { return this.changeFormat(null, { tag: "I" }); } underline() { return this.changeFormat({ tag: "U" }); } removeUnderline() { return this.changeFormat(null, { tag: "U" }); } strikethrough() { return this.changeFormat({ tag: "S" }); } removeStrikethrough() { return this.changeFormat(null, { tag: "S" }); } subscript() { return this.changeFormat({ tag: "SUB" }, { tag: "SUP" }); } removeSubscript() { return this.changeFormat(null, { tag: "SUB" }); } superscript() { return this.changeFormat({ tag: "SUP" }, { tag: "SUB" }); } removeSuperscript() { return this.changeFormat(null, { tag: "SUP" }); } // --- makeLink(url, attributes) { const range = this.getSelection(); if (range.collapsed) { let protocolEnd = url.indexOf(":") + 1; if (protocolEnd) { while (url[protocolEnd] === "/") { protocolEnd += 1; } } insertNodeInRange( range, document.createTextNode(url.slice(protocolEnd)) ); } attributes = Object.assign( { href: url }, this._config.tagAttributes.a, attributes ); return this.changeFormat( { tag: "A", attributes }, { tag: "A" }, range ); } removeLink() { return this.changeFormat( null, { tag: "A" }, this.getSelection(), true ); } addDetectedLinks(searchInNode, root) { const walker = new TreeIterator( searchInNode, SHOW_TEXT, (node2) => !getNearest(node2, root || this._root, "A") ); const linkRegExp = this.linkRegExp; const defaultAttributes = this._config.tagAttributes.a; let node; while (node = walker.nextNode()) { const parent = node.parentNode; let data = node.data; let match; while (match = linkRegExp.exec(data)) { const index = match.index; const endIndex = index + match[0].length; if (index) { parent.insertBefore( document.createTextNode(data.slice(0, index)), node ); } const child = createElement( "A", Object.assign( { href: match[1] ? /^(?:ht|f)tps?:/i.test(match[1]) ? match[1] : "http://" + match[1] : "mailto:" + match[0] }, defaultAttributes ) ); child.textContent = data.slice(index, endIndex); parent.insertBefore(child, node); node.data = data = data.slice(endIndex); } } return this; } // --- setFontFace(name) { const className = this._config.classNames.fontFamily; return this.changeFormat( name ? { tag: "SPAN", attributes: { class: className, style: "font-family: " + name + ", sans-serif;" } } : null, { tag: "SPAN", attributes: { class: className } } ); } setFontSize(size) { const className = this._config.classNames.fontSize; return this.changeFormat( size ? { tag: "SPAN", attributes: { class: className, style: "font-size: " + (typeof size === "number" ? size + "px" : size) } } : null, { tag: "SPAN", attributes: { class: className } } ); } setTextColor(color) { const className = this._config.classNames.color; return this.changeFormat( color ? { tag: "SPAN", attributes: { class: className, style: "color:" + color } } : null, { tag: "SPAN", attributes: { class: className } } ); } setHighlightColor(color) { const className = this._config.classNames.highlight; return this.changeFormat( color ? { tag: "SPAN", attributes: { class: className, style: "background-color:" + color } } : null, { tag: "SPAN", attributes: { class: className } } ); } // --- Block formatting _ensureBottomLine() { const root = this._root; const last = root.lastElementChild; if (!last || last.nodeName !== this._config.blockTag || !isBlock(last)) { root.appendChild(this.createDefaultBlock()); } } createDefaultBlock(children) { const config = this._config; return fixCursor( createElement(config.blockTag, config.blockAttributes, children) ); } splitBlock(lineBreakOnly, range) { if (!range) { range = this.getSelection(); } const root = this._root; let block; let parent; let node; let nodeAfterSplit; this._recordUndoState(range); this._removeZWS(); this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark(range); if (!range.collapsed) { deleteContentsOfRange(range, root); } if (this._config.addLinks) { moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); const textNode = range.startContainer; const offset2 = range.startOffset; setTimeout(() => { linkifyText(this, textNode, offset2); }, 0); } block = getStartBlockOfRange(range, root); if (block && (parent = getNearest(block, root, "PRE"))) { moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); node = range.startContainer; const offset2 = range.startOffset; if (!(node instanceof Text)) { node = document.createTextNode(""); parent.insertBefore(node, parent.firstChild); } if (!lineBreakOnly && node instanceof Text && (node.data.charAt(offset2 - 1) === "\n" || rangeDoesStartAtBlockBoundary(range, root)) && (node.data.charAt(offset2) === "\n" || rangeDoesEndAtBlockBoundary(range, root))) { node.deleteData(offset2 && offset2 - 1, offset2 ? 2 : 1); nodeAfterSplit = split( node, offset2 && offset2 - 1, root, root ); node = nodeAfterSplit.previousSibling; if (!node.textContent) { detach(node); } node = this.createDefaultBlock(); nodeAfterSplit.parentNode.insertBefore(node, nodeAfterSplit); if (!nodeAfterSplit.textContent) { detach(nodeAfterSplit); } range.setStart(node, 0); } else { node.insertData(offset2, "\n"); fixCursor(parent); if (node.length === offset2 + 1) { range.setStartAfter(node); } else { range.setStart(node, offset2 + 1); } } range.collapse(true); this.setSelection(range); this._updatePath(range, true); this._docWasChanged(); return this; } if (!block || lineBreakOnly || /^T[HD]$/.test(block.nodeName)) { moveRangeBoundaryOutOf(range, "A", root); insertNodeInRange(range, createElement("BR")); range.collapse(false); this.setSelection(range); this._updatePath(range, true); return this; } if (parent = getNearest(block, root, "LI")) { block = parent; } if (isEmptyBlock(block)) { if (getNearest(block, root, "UL") || getNearest(block, root, "OL")) { this.decreaseListLevel(range); return this; } else if (getNearest(block, root, "BLOCKQUOTE")) { this.removeQuote(range); return this; } } node = range.startContainer; const offset = range.startOffset; let splitTag = this.tagAfterSplit[block.nodeName]; nodeAfterSplit = split( node, offset, block.parentNode, this._root ); const config = this._config; let splitProperties = null; if (!splitTag) { splitTag = config.blockTag; splitProperties = config.blockAttributes; } if (!hasTagAttributes(nodeAfterSplit, splitTag, splitProperties)) { block = createElement(splitTag, splitProperties); if (nodeAfterSplit.dir) { block.dir = nodeAfterSplit.dir; } replaceWith(nodeAfterSplit, block); block.appendChild(empty(nodeAfterSplit)); nodeAfterSplit = block; } removeZWS(block); removeEmptyInlines(block); fixCursor(block); while (nodeAfterSplit instanceof Element) { let child = nodeAfterSplit.firstChild; let next; if (nodeAfterSplit.nodeName === "A" && (!nodeAfterSplit.textContent || nodeAfterSplit.textContent === ZWS)) { child = document.createTextNode(""); replaceWith(nodeAfterSplit, child); nodeAfterSplit = child; break; } while (child && child instanceof Text && !child.data) { next = child.nextSibling; if (!next || next.nodeName === "BR") { break; } detach(child); child = next; } if (!child || child.nodeName === "BR" || child instanceof Text) { break; } nodeAfterSplit = child; } range = createRange(nodeAfterSplit, 0); this.setSelection(range); this._updatePath(range, true); return this; } forEachBlock(fn, mutates, range) { if (!range) { range = this.getSelection(); } if (mutates) { this.saveUndoState(range); } const root = this._root; let start = getStartBlockOfRange(range, root); const end = getEndBlockOfRange(range, root); if (start && end) { do { if (fn(start) || start === end) { break; } } while (start = getNextBlock(start, root)); } if (mutates) { this.setSelection(range); this._updatePath(range, true); } return this; } modifyBlocks(modify, range) { if (!range) { range = this.getSelection(); } this._recordUndoState(range, this._isInUndoState); const root = this._root; expandRangeToBlockBoundaries(range, root); moveRangeBoundariesUpTree(range, root, root, root); const frag = extractContentsOfRange(range, root, root); if (!range.collapsed) { let node = range.endContainer; if (node === root) { range.collapse(false); } else { while (node.parentNode !== root) { node = node.parentNode; } range.setStartBefore(node); range.collapse(true); } } insertNodeInRange(range, modify.call(this, frag)); if (range.endOffset < range.endContainer.childNodes.length) { mergeContainers( range.endContainer.childNodes[range.endOffset], root ); } mergeContainers( range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset], root ); this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark(range); this.setSelection(range); this._updatePath(range, true); return this; } // --- setTextAlignment(alignment) { this.forEachBlock((block) => { const className = block.className.split(/\s+/).filter((klass) => { return !!klass && !/^align/.test(klass); }).join(" "); if (alignment) { block.className = className + " align-" + alignment; block.style.textAlign = alignment; } else { block.className = className; block.style.textAlign = ""; } }, true); return this.focus(); } setTextDirection(direction) { this.forEachBlock((block) => { if (direction) { block.dir = direction; } else { block.removeAttribute("dir"); } }, true); return this.focus(); } // --- _getListSelection(range, root) { let list = range.commonAncestorContainer; let startLi = range.startContainer; let endLi = range.endContainer; while (list && list !== root && !/^[OU]L$/.test(list.nodeName)) { list = list.parentNode; } if (!list || list === root) { return null; } if (startLi === list) { startLi = startLi.childNodes[range.startOffset]; } if (endLi === list) { endLi = endLi.childNodes[range.endOffset]; } while (startLi && startLi.parentNode !== list) { startLi = startLi.parentNode; } while (endLi && endLi.parentNode !== list) { endLi = endLi.parentNode; } return [list, startLi, endLi]; } increaseListLevel(range) { if (!range) { range = this.getSelection(); } const root = this._root; const listSelection = this._getListSelection(range, root); if (!listSelection) { return this.focus(); } let [list, startLi, endLi] = listSelection; if (!startLi || startLi === list.firstChild) { return this.focus(); } this._recordUndoState(range, this._isInUndoState); const type = list.nodeName; let newParent = startLi.previousSibling; let listAttrs; let next; if (newParent.nodeName !== type) { listAttrs = this._config.tagAttributes[type.toLowerCase()]; newParent = createElement(type, listAttrs); list.insertBefore(newParent, startLi); } do { next = startLi === endLi ? null : startLi.nextSibling; newParent.appendChild(startLi); } while (startLi = next); next = newParent.nextSibling; if (next) { mergeContainers(next, root); } this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark(range); this.setSelection(range); this._updatePath(range, true); return this.focus(); } decreaseListLevel(range) { if (!range) { range = this.getSelection(); } const root = this._root; const listSelection = this._getListSelection(range, root); if (!listSelection) { return this.focus(); } let [list, startLi, endLi] = listSelection; if (!startLi) { startLi = list.firstChild; } if (!endLi) { endLi = list.lastChild; } this._recordUndoState(range, this._isInUndoState); let next; let insertBefore = null; if (startLi) { let newParent = list.parentNode; insertBefore = !endLi.nextSibling ? list.nextSibling : split(list, endLi.nextSibling, newParent, root); if (newParent !== root && newParent.nodeName === "LI") { newParent = newParent.parentNode; while (insertBefore) { next = insertBefore.nextSibling; endLi.appendChild(insertBefore); insertBefore = next; } insertBefore = list.parentNode.nextSibling; } const makeNotList = !/^[OU]L$/.test(newParent.nodeName); do { next = startLi === endLi ? null : startLi.nextSibling; list.removeChild(startLi); if (makeNotList && startLi.nodeName === "LI") { startLi = this.createDefaultBlock([empty(startLi)]); } newParent.insertBefore(startLi, insertBefore); } while (startLi = next); } if (!list.firstChild) { detach(list); } if (insertBefore) { mergeContainers(insertBefore, root); } this._getRangeAndRemoveBookmark(range); this.setSelection(range); this._updatePath(range, true); return this.focus(); } _makeList(frag, type) { const walker = getBlockWalker(frag, this._root); const tagAttributes = this._config.tagAttributes; const listAttrs = tagAttributes[type.toLowerCase()]; const listItemAttrs = tagAttributes.li; let node; while (node = walker.nextNode()) { if (node.parentNode instanceof HTMLLIElement) { node = node.parentNode; walker.currentNode = node.lastChild; } if (!(node instanceof HTMLLIElement)) { const newLi = createElement("LI", listItemAttrs); if (node.dir) { newLi.dir = node.dir; } const prev = node.previousSibling; if (prev && prev.nodeName === type) { prev.appendChild(newLi); detach(node); } else { replaceWith(node, createElement(type, listAttrs, [newLi])); } newLi.appendChild(empty(node)); walker.currentNode = newLi; } else { node = node.parentNode; const tag = node.nodeName; if (tag !== type && /^[OU]L$/.test(tag)) { replaceWith( node, createElement(type, listAttrs, [empty(node)]) ); } } } return frag; } makeUnorderedList() { this.modifyBlocks((frag) => this._makeList(frag, "UL")); return this.focus(); } makeOrderedList() { this.modifyBlocks((frag) => this._makeList(frag, "OL")); return this.focus(); } removeList() { this.modifyBlocks((frag) => { const lists = frag.querySelectorAll("UL, OL"); const items = frag.querySelectorAll("LI"); const root = this._root; for (let i = 0, l = lists.length; i < l; i += 1) { const list = lists[i]; const listFrag = empty(list); fixContainer(listFrag, root); replaceWith(list, listFrag); } for (let i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i += 1) { const item = items[i]; if (isBlock(item)) { replaceWith(item, this.createDefaultBlock([empty(item)])); } else { fixContainer(item, root); replaceWith(item, empty(item)); } } return frag; }); return this.focus(); } // --- increaseQuoteLevel(range) { this.modifyBlocks( (frag) => createElement( "BLOCKQUOTE", this._config.tagAttributes.blockquote, [frag] ), range ); return this.focus(); } decreaseQuoteLevel(range) { this.modifyBlocks((frag) => { Array.from(frag.querySelectorAll("blockquote")).filter((el) => { return !getNearest(el.parentNode, frag, "BLOCKQUOTE"); }).forEach((el) => { replaceWith(el, empty(el)); }); return frag; }, range); return this.focus(); } removeQuote(range) { this.modifyBlocks( () => this.createDefaultBlock([ createElement("INPUT", { id: this.startSelectionId, type: "hidden" }), createElement("INPUT", { id: this.endSelectionId, type: "hidden" }) ]), range ); return this.focus(); } // --- code() { const range = this.getSelection(); if (range.collapsed || isContainer(range.commonAncestorContainer)) { this.modifyBlocks((frag) => { const root = this._root; const output = document.createDocumentFragment(); const blockWalker = getBlockWalker(frag, root); let node; while (node = blockWalker.nextNode()) { let nodes = node.querySelectorAll("BR"); const brBreaksLine = []; let l = nodes.length; for (let i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { brBreaksLine[i] = isLineBreak(nodes[i], false); } while (l--) { const br = nodes[l]; if (!brBreaksLine[l]) { detach(br); } else { replaceWith(br, document.createTextNode("\n")); } } nodes = node.querySelectorAll("CODE"); l = nodes.length; while (l--) { replaceWith(nodes[l], empty(nodes[l])); } if (output.childNodes.length) { output.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\n")); } output.appendChild(empty(node)); } const textWalker = new TreeIterator(output, SHOW_TEXT); while (node = textWalker.nextNode()) { node.data = node.data.replace(/ /g, " "); } output.normalize(); return fixCursor( createElement("PRE", this._config.tagAttributes.pre, [ output ]) ); }, range); this.focus(); } else { this.changeFormat( { tag: "CODE", attributes: this._config.tagAttributes.code }, null, range ); } return this; } removeCode() { const range = this.getSelection(); const ancestor = range.commonAncestorContainer; const inPre = getNearest(ancestor, this._root, "PRE"); if (inPre) { this.modifyBlocks((frag) => { const root = this._root; const pres = frag.querySelectorAll("PRE"); let l = pres.length; while (l--) { const pre = pres[l]; const walker = new TreeIterator(pre, SHOW_TEXT); let node; while (node = walker.nextNode()) { let value = node.data; value = value.replace(/ (?= )/g, "\xA0"); const contents = document.createDocumentFragment(); let index; while ((index = value.indexOf("\n")) > -1) { contents.appendChild( document.createTextNode(value.slice(0, index)) ); contents.appendChild(createElement("BR")); value = value.slice(index + 1); } node.parentNode.insertBefore(contents, node); node.data = value; } fixContainer(pre, root); replaceWith(pre, empty(pre)); } return frag; }, range); this.focus(); } else { this.changeFormat(null, { tag: "CODE" }, range); } return this; } toggleCode() { if (this.hasFormat("PRE") || this.hasFormat("CODE")) { this.removeCode(); } else { this.code(); } return this; } // --- _removeFormatting(root, clean) { for (let node = root.firstChild, next; node; node = next) { next = node.nextSibling; if (isInline(node)) { if (node instanceof Text || node.nodeName === "BR" || node.nodeName === "IMG") { clean.appendChild(node); continue; } } else if (isBlock(node)) { clean.appendChild( this.createDefaultBlock([ this._removeFormatting( node, document.createDocumentFragment() ) ]) ); continue; } this._removeFormatting(node, clean); } return clean; } removeAllFormatting(range) { if (!range) { range = this.getSelection(); } if (range.collapsed) { return this.focus(); } const root = this._root; let stopNode = range.commonAncestorContainer; while (stopNode && !isBlock(stopNode)) { stopNode = stopNode.parentNode; } if (!stopNode) { expandRangeToBlockBoundaries(range, root); stopNode = root; } if (stopNode instanceof Text) { return this.focus(); } this.saveUndoState(range); moveRangeBoundariesUpTree(range, stopNode, stopNode, root); const startContainer = range.startContainer; let startOffset = range.startOffset; const endContainer = range.endContainer; let endOffset = range.endOffset; const formattedNodes = document.createDocumentFragment(); const cleanNodes = document.createDocumentFragment(); const nodeAfterSplit = split(endContainer, endOffset, stopNode, root); let nodeInSplit = split(startContainer, startOffset, stopNode, root); let nextNode; while (nodeInSplit !== nodeAfterSplit) { nextNode = nodeInSplit.nextSibling; formattedNodes.appendChild(nodeInSplit); nodeInSplit = nextNode; } this._removeFormatting(formattedNodes, cleanNodes); cleanNodes.normalize(); nodeInSplit = cleanNodes.firstChild; nextNode = cleanNodes.lastChild; if (nodeInSplit) { stopNode.insertBefore(cleanNodes, nodeAfterSplit); const childNodes = Array.from(stopNode.childNodes); startOffset = childNodes.indexOf(nodeInSplit); endOffset = nextNode ? childNodes.indexOf(nextNode) + 1 : 0; } else if (nodeAfterSplit) { const childNodes = Array.from(stopNode.childNodes); startOffset = childNodes.indexOf(nodeAfterSplit); endOffset = startOffset; } range.setStart(stopNode, startOffset); range.setEnd(stopNode, endOffset); mergeInlines(stopNode, range); moveRangeBoundariesDownTree(range); this.setSelection(range); this._updatePath(range, true); return this.focus(); } }; // source/Squire.ts var Squire_default = Squire; export { Squire_default as default };