/* Copyright © 2011 by Neil Jenkins. Licensed under the MIT license. */ ( function () { /*global Node, Text, Element, window, document */ "use strict"; var implement = function ( constructor, props ) { var proto = constructor.prototype, prop; for ( prop in props ) { proto[ prop ] = props[ prop ]; } }; var every = function ( nodeList, fn ) { var l = nodeList.length; while ( l-- ) { if ( !fn( nodeList[l] ) ) { return false; } } return true; }; var $False = function () { return false; }; var $True = function () { return true; }; var inlineNodeNames = /^(?:A(?:BBR|CRONYM)?|B(?:R|D[IO])?|C(?:ITE|ODE)|D(?:FN|EL)|EM|HR|I(?:NPUT|MG|NS)?|KBD|Q|R(?:P|T|UBY)|S(?:U[BP]|PAN|TRONG|AMP)|U)$/; var leafNodeNames = { BR: 1, IMG: 1, INPUT: 1 }; var swap = function( node, node2 ) { var parent = node2.parentNode; if ( parent ) { parent.replaceChild( node, node2 ); } return node; }; var ELEMENT_NODE = 1, // Node.ELEMENT_NODE, TEXT_NODE = 3, // Node.TEXT_NODE, SHOW_ELEMENT = 1, // NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, FILTER_ACCEPT = 1, // NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT, FILTER_SKIP = 3; // NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP; var isBlock = function ( el ) { return el.isBlock() ? FILTER_ACCEPT : FILTER_SKIP; }; var useTextFixer = !!( window.opera || window.ie ); implement( Node, { isInline: $False, isBlock: $False, isContainer: $False, getPath: function () { var parent = this.parentNode; return parent ? parent.getPath() : ''; }, detach: function () { var parent = this.parentNode; if ( parent ) { parent.removeChild( this ); } return this; }, replaceWith: function ( node ) { swap( node, this ); return this; }, replaces: function ( node ) { swap( this, node ); return this; }, nearest: function ( tag, attributes ) { var parent = this.parentNode; return parent ? parent.nearest( tag, attributes ) : null; }, getPreviousBlock: function () { var doc = this.ownerDocument, walker = doc.createTreeWalker( doc.body, SHOW_ELEMENT, isBlock, false ); walker.currentNode = this; return walker.previousNode(); }, getNextBlock: function () { var doc = this.ownerDocument, walker = doc.createTreeWalker( doc.body, SHOW_ELEMENT, isBlock, false ); walker.currentNode = this; return walker.nextNode(); }, split: function ( node, stopCondition ) { return node; }, mergeContainers: function () {} }); implement( Text, { isInline: $True, isLeaf: $True, getLength: function () { return this.length; }, isLike: function ( node ) { return node.nodeType === TEXT_NODE; }, split: function ( offset, stopCondition ) { var node = this; if ( stopCondition( node ) ) { return offset; } return node.parentNode.split( node.splitText( offset ), stopCondition ); } }); implement( Element, { isLeaf: function () { return !!leafNodeNames[ this.nodeName ]; }, isInline: function () { return inlineNodeNames.test( this.nodeName ); }, isBlock: function () { return !this.isInline() && every( this.childNodes, function ( child ) { return child.isInline(); }); }, isContainer: function () { return !this.isInline() && !this.isBlock(); }, getLength: function () { return this.childNodes.length; }, getPath: function() { var tag = this.nodeName; if ( tag === 'BODY' ) { return tag; } var path = this.parentNode.getPath(), id = this.id, className = this.className.trim(); path += '>' + tag; if ( id ) { path += '#' + id; } if ( className ) { className = className.split( /\s\s*/ ); className.sort(); path += '.'; path += className.join( '.' ); } return path; }, wraps: function ( node ) { swap( this, node ).appendChild( node ); return this; }, empty: function () { var frag = this.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment(), l = this.childNodes.length; while ( l-- ) { frag.appendChild( this.firstChild ); } return frag; }, is: function ( tag, attributes ) { if ( this.nodeName !== tag ) { return false; } var attr; for ( attr in attributes ) { if ( this.getAttribute( attr ) !== attributes[ attr ] ) { return false; } } return true; }, nearest: function ( tag, attributes ) { var el = this; do { if ( el.is( tag, attributes ) ) { return el; } } while ( ( el = el.parentNode ) && ( el.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE ) ); return null; }, isLike: function ( node ) { return ( node.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE && node.nodeName === this.nodeName && node.className === this.className && node.style.cssText === this.style.cssText ); }, mergeInlines: function ( range ) { var children = this.childNodes, l = children.length, frags = [], child, prev, len; while ( l-- ) { child = children[l]; prev = l && children[ l - 1 ]; if ( l && child.isInline() && child.isLike( prev ) && !leafNodeNames[ child.nodeName ] ) { if ( range.startContainer === child ) { range.startContainer = prev; range.startOffset += prev.getLength(); } if ( range.endContainer === child ) { range.endContainer = prev; range.endOffset += prev.getLength(); } if ( range.startContainer === this ) { if ( range.startOffset > l ) { range.startOffset -= 1; } else if ( range.startOffset === l ) { range.startContainer = prev; range.startOffset = prev.getLength(); } } if ( range.endContainer === this ) { if ( range.endOffset > l ) { range.endOffset -= 1; } else if ( range.endOffset === l ) { range.endContainer = prev; range.endOffset = prev.getLength(); } } child.detach(); if ( child.nodeType === TEXT_NODE ) { prev.appendData( child.data ); } else { frags.push( child.empty() ); } } else if ( child.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE ) { len = frags.length; while ( len-- ) { child.appendChild( frags.pop() ); } child.mergeInlines( range ); } } }, mergeWithBlock: function ( next, range ) { var block = this, container = next, last, offset, _range; while ( container.parentNode.childNodes.length === 1 ) { container = container.parentNode; } container.detach(); offset = block.childNodes.length; // Remove extra
fixer if present. last = block.lastChild; if ( last && last.nodeName === 'BR' ) { block.removeChild( last ); offset -= 1; } _range = { startContainer: block, startOffset: offset, endContainer: block, endOffset: offset }; block.appendChild( next.empty() ); block.mergeInlines( _range ); range.setStart( _range.startContainer, _range.startOffset ); range.collapse( true ); // Opera inserts a BR if you delete the last piece of text // in a block-level element. Unfortunately, it then gets // confused when setting the selection subsequently and // refuses to accept the range that finishes just before the // BR. Removing the BR fixes the bug. // Steps to reproduce bug: Type "a-b-c" (where - is return) // then backspace twice. The cursor goes to the top instead // of after "b". if ( window.opera && ( last = block.lastChild ) && last.nodeName === 'BR' ) { block.removeChild( last ); } }, mergeContainers: function () { var prev = this.previousSibling, first = this.firstChild; if ( prev && prev.isLike( this ) && prev.isContainer() ) { prev.appendChild( this.detach().empty() ); if ( first ) { first.mergeContainers(); } } }, split: function ( childNodeToSplitBefore, stopCondition ) { var node = this; if ( typeof( childNodeToSplitBefore ) === 'number' ) { childNodeToSplitBefore = node.childNodes[ childNodeToSplitBefore ]; } if ( stopCondition( node ) ) { return childNodeToSplitBefore; } // Clone node without children var parent = node.parentNode, clone = node.cloneNode( false ), next; // Add right-hand siblings to the clone while ( childNodeToSplitBefore ) { next = childNodeToSplitBefore.nextSibling; clone.appendChild( childNodeToSplitBefore ); childNodeToSplitBefore = next; } // DO NOT NORMALISE. This may undo the fixCursor() call // of a node lower down the tree! // We need something in the element in order for the cursor to appear. node.fixCursor(); clone.fixCursor(); // Inject clone after original node if ( next = node.nextSibling ) { parent.insertBefore( clone, next ); } else { parent.appendChild( clone ); } // Keep on splitting up the tree return parent.split( clone, stopCondition ); }, fixCursor: function () { // In Webkit and Gecko, block level elements are collapsed and // unfocussable if they have no content. To remedy this, a
must be // inserted. In Opera and IE, we just need a textnode in order for the // cursor to appear. var el = this, doc = el.ownerDocument, fixer, child; if ( el.nodeName === 'BODY' ) { if ( !el.firstChild ) { fixer = doc.createElement( 'DIV' ); el.appendChild( fixer ); el = fixer; fixer = null; } } if ( el.isInline() ) { if ( !el.firstChild ) { fixer = doc.createTextNode( /* isWebkit ? '\u200B' :*/ '' ); } } else { if ( useTextFixer ) { while ( !el.isLeaf() ) { child = el.firstChild; if ( !child ) { fixer = doc.createTextNode( '' ); break; } el = child; } if ( el.isLeaf() && el.nodeType !== TEXT_NODE ) { el.parentNode.insertBefore( doc.createTextNode( '' ), el ); } } else if ( !el.textContent && !el.querySelector( 'BR' ) ) { fixer = doc.createElement( 'BR' ); while ( ( child = el.lastElementChild ) && !child.isInline() ) { el = child; } } } if ( fixer ) { el.appendChild( fixer ); } return this; } }); // Fix IE9's buggy implementation of Text#splitText. // If the split is at the end of the node, it doesn't insert the newly split // node into the document, and sets its value to undefined rather than ''. // And even if the split is not at the end, the original node is removed from // the document and replaced by another, rather than just having its data // shortened. if ( function () { var div = document.createElement( 'div' ), text = document.createTextNode( '12' ); div.appendChild( text ); text.splitText( 2 ); return div.childNodes.length !== 2; }() ) { Text.prototype.splitText = function ( offset ) { var afterSplit = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode( this.data.slice( offset ) ), next = this.nextSibling, parent = this.parentNode, toDelete = this.length - offset; if ( next ) { parent.insertBefore( afterSplit, next ); } else { parent.appendChild( afterSplit ); } if ( toDelete ) { this.deleteData( offset, toDelete ); } return afterSplit; }; } }() );