## Building LibreWolf from source: First, let's **[download the latest tarball](https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/source/-/jobs/artifacts/main/raw/librewolf-95.0.2-2.source.tar.gz?job=build-job)**. This tarball is the latest produced by the CI. To download the latest from a script, use wget/curl like this: ``` wget -O librewolf-95.0.2-2.source.tar.gz https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/source/-/jobs/artifacts/main/raw/librewolf-95.0.2-2.source.tar.gz?job=build-job curl -L -o librewolf-95.0.2-2.source.tar.gz https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/source/-/jobs/artifacts/main/raw/librewolf-95.0.2-2.source.tar.gz?job=build-job ``` Next, we create ourselves a build folder and extract the tarball. ``` mkdir build cd build tar xf ../librewolf-95.0.2-2.source.tar.gz ``` Next step, if you have not done so already, you must create the build environment: ``` librewolf-95.0.2/lw/mozfetch.sh ``` It takes about an hour for me to complete, but it needs to be done only once. This step might fail and cause problems. Hack a bit, and if that fails you can ask on our [Gitter](https://gitter.im/librewolf-community/librewolf)/[Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/#librewolf:matrix.org) channels. Now we're ready to actually build LibreWolf: ``` cd librewolf-95.0.2 ./mach build ``` Also takes me an hour. Then, we can run it: ``` ./mach run ``` Or make a package: ``` ./mach package ``` ### I want to keep up to date with the latest, but compile myself 1. To first clone the repo: ``` git clone https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/source.git cd source make librewolf ``` 2. To keep up-to-date: ``` git pull make librewolf ``` ## [dev info] How to use this repo instead of [Common](https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/common): Since the dawn of time, we have used **Common** to get _patches_, _source_files_, including _source_files/{branding}_ This source repo supports all that, because it uses these same things to produce the tarball. As far as I can tell, the mapping from Common to Source would be: * _[patches](https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/common/-/tree/master/patches)_ -> _[patches](https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/source/-/tree/main/patches)_ * _[source\_files](https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/common/-/tree/master/source_files)/search-config.json_ -> _[assets](https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/source/-/tree/main/assets)/search-config.json_ * _source\_files/browser/[branding](https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/common/-/tree/master/source_files/browser/branding)/librewolf_ -> _themes/browser/[branding](https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/source/-/tree/main/themes/browser/branding)/librewolf_ With this mapping, I hope that other builders that can't use our tarball (afterMozilla project, weird distro's), still use the same source/patches as the builders that do use it. ### Another feature The file [assets/patches.txt](https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/source/-/blob/main/assets/patches.txt) defines what patches go in. These are not the only patches a builder will use, weird distro's etc, will use additional patches. those patches can live in the repo of that distro, or in a subfolder here. I hope this gives everybody the freedom to build anyway they please, like in Common, but with the added benefit that we produce a source tarball. ## [dev info] Building the LibreWolf source tarball: Luckly, you don't need the build environment for this. If you don't have write access, just: ``` git clone https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/source.git cd source make all ``` If you **do** have write access, we're first gonna check for a newer version of Firefox: ``` git clone git@gitlab.com:librewolf-community/browser/source.git cd source make check ``` If there is a new version, it's a good time to git commit and trigger a CI build job. ``` git commit -am v$(cat version)-$(cat release) && git push ``` To build the source archive: ``` make all ``` If you have a working build environment, you can build librewolf with: ``` make librewolf ``` This extracts the source, and then tries to `./mach build && ./mach package`. ## FAQ: Common issues when setting up the Mozilla build environment 1. it doesnt find a suitable python. ``` export MACH_USE_SYSTEM_PYTHON=1 make librewolf ``` 2. requires ``` And retry.