# LibreWolf Source Repository This repository contains all the patches and theming that make up LibreWolf, as well as scripts and a Makefile to build LibreWolf. There also is the [Settings repository](https://codeberg.org/librewolf/settings), which contains the LibreWolf preferences. ## LibreWolf overview ```mermaid graph LR FFSRC(Firefox Source) FFSRC--Tarball--->Source subgraph librewolf-community/ Settings(Settings)--"librewolf.cfg<br>policies.json"-->Source Website(Website<br><br>- Documentation<br>- FAQ) subgraph browser/ Source(Source<br><br>- Patches<br>- Theming<br>- Build scripts) bsys6(bsys6<br><br>New Docker building<br>repository) bsys5(bsys5<br><br>Old Docker building<br>repository) AppImage Arch end end Website-->librewolf.net Source--"Source tarball"-->bsys6 & bsys5 AppImage--".appimage"-->librewolf.net bsys6--"Windows setup.exe"--->librewolf.net bsys6--"Windows portable.zip"--->librewolf.net bsys6--"Windows .msix"--->MS("Microsoft Store") bsys6--"Windows .nupkg"--->Chocolatey bsys6--"Linux binary tarball"--->Flathub bsys6--"Linux binary tarball"--> AppImage bsys6--"Linux binary tarball for `librewolf-bin`"--> Arch Source--"Source tarball for `librewolf`"-->Arch Arch-->AUR bsys5--"Linux .deb"--->deb.librewolf.net bsys5--"Linux .rpm"--->rpm.librewolf.net ``` ## Active repositories and projects List of browser build sub projects. These are the locations where people have their repositories and build artifacts. Currently active build repositories: * [Arch](https://codeberg.org/librewolf/arch): Arch Linux package * [Bsys5](https://codeberg.org/librewolf/bsys5): .deb/.rpm for Mint, Fedora, Ubuntu; .dmg for MacOS; portable/setup for Windows. * [Gentoo](https://codeberg.org/librewolf/gentoo): Gentoo package Currently active (and known) forks: * Cachy-Browser: https://github.com/cachyos/cachyos-browser-settings Previous forks: * FireDragon: https://github.com/dr460nf1r3/firedragon-browser ## LibreWolf build instructions There are two ways to build LibreWolf. You can either use the source tarball or compile directly with this repository. ### Building from the Tarball First, let's **[download the latest tarball](https://codeberg.org/librewolf/source/releases)**. This tarball is the latest produced by the [CI](https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/source/-/jobs). You can also check the sha256sum of the tarball there. ```bash tar xf <tarball> cd <folder> ``` Then, you have to bootstrap your system to be able to build LibreWolf. You only have to do this one time. It is done by running the following commands: ```bash ./mach --no-interactive bootstrap --application-choice=browser ./lw/setup-wasi-linux.sh ``` Finally you can build LibreWolf and then package or run it with the following commands: ```bash ./mach build ./mach package # OR ./mach run ``` ### Building with this Repository First, clone this repository with Git: ```bash git clone --recursive https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/browser/source.git librewolf-source cd librewolf-source ``` Next, build the LibreWolf source code with the following command: ```bash make dir ``` After that, you have to bootstrap your system to be able to build LibreWolf. You only have to do this one time. It is done by running the following command: ```bash make bootstrap ``` Finally you can build LibreWolf and then package or run it with the following commands: ```bash make build make package # OR make run ``` ## Development Notes ### How to make a patch The easiest way to make patches is to go to the LibreWolf source folder: ```bash cd librewolf-$(cat version) git init git add <path_to_file_you_changed> git commit -am initial-commit git diff > ../mypatch.patch ``` We have Gitter / Matrix rooms, and on the website we have links to the various issue trackers. ### How to work on an existing patch The easiest way to make patches is to go to the LibreWolf source folder: ```bash make fetch # get the firefox tarball ./scripts/git-patchtree.sh patches/sed-patches/disable-pocket.patch ``` Now change the source tree the way you want, keeping in mind to `git add` new files. When done, you can create the new patch with: ```bash cd firefox-<version> git diff 4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 HEAD > ../my-patch-name.patch ``` This ID is the hash value of the first commit, which is called `initial`. Dont forget to commit changes before doing this diff, or the patch will be incomplete. ### How to create a patch for problems in Mozilla's [Bugzilla](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/). Well, first of all: * [Create an account](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/createaccount.cgi). * Handy link: [Bugs Filed Today](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?cmdtype=dorem&remaction=run&namedcmd=Bugs%20Filed%20Today&sharer_id=1&list_id=15939480). * The essential: [Firefox Source Tree Documentation](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/). Now that you have a patch in LibreWolf, that's not enough to upload to Mozilla. See, Mozilla only accepts patches against Nightly. So here is how to do that: If you have not done already, create the `mozilla-unified` folder and build Firefox with it: ```bash hg clone https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-unified cd mozilla-unified hg update MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH=$HOME/.mozbuild ./mach --no-interactive bootstrap --application-choice=browser ./mach build ./mach run ``` If you skipped the previous step, you could ensure that you're up to date with: ```bash cd mozilla-unified hg pull hg update ``` Now you can apply your patch to Nightly: ```bash patch -p1 -i ../mypatch.patch ``` Now you let Mercurial create the patch: ```bash hg diff > ../my-nightly-patch.patch ``` And it can be uploaded to Bugzilla. ##### *(excerpt from the Mozilla readme)* Now the fun starts Time to start hacking! You should join us on [Matrix](https://chat.mozilla.org/), say hello in the [Introduction channel](https://chat.mozilla.org/#/room/#introduction:mozilla.org), and [find a bug to start working on](https://codetribute.mozilla.org/). See the [Firefox Contributors’ Quick Reference](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/contributing/contribution_quickref.html#firefox-contributors-quick-reference) to learn how to test your changes, send patches to Mozilla, update your source code locally, and more. ## Hey, I'm using MacOS or Windows.. We understand, life isn't always fair 😺. The same steps as above do apply, you'll just have to walk through the beginning part of the guides for: * [MacOS](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/setup/macos_build.html): The cross-compiled Mac .dmg files are somewhat new. They should work, perhaps with the exception of the `make setup-wasi` step. * [Windows](https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/setup/windows_build.html): Building on Windows is not very well tested. Help with testing these targets is always welcome.