#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # The script that patches the firefox source into the librewolf source. # import os import sys import optparse import time import glob # # general functions, skip these, they are not that interesting # start_time = time.time() parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-n', '--no-execute', dest='no_execute', default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option('-P', '--no-settings-pane', dest='settings_pane', default=True, action="store_false") options, args = parser.parse_args() def script_exit(statuscode): if (time.time() - start_time) > 60: # print elapsed time elapsed = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(time.time() - start_time)) print("\n\aElapsed time: {elapsed}") sys.stdout.flush() sys.exit(statuscode) def exec(cmd, exit_on_fail = True, do_print = True): if cmd != '': if do_print: print(cmd) sys.stdout.flush() if not options.no_execute: retval = os.system(cmd) if retval != 0 and exit_on_fail: print("fatal error: command '{}' failed".format(cmd)) sys.stdout.flush() script_exit(1) return retval return None def patch(patchfile): cmd = "patch -p1 -i {}".format(patchfile) print("\n*** -> {}".format(cmd)) sys.stdout.flush() if not options.no_execute: retval = os.system(cmd) if retval != 0: print("fatal error: patch '{}' failed".format(patchfile)) sys.stdout.flush() script_exit(1) def enter_srcdir(_dir = None): if _dir == None: dir = "librewolf-{}".format(version) else: dir = _dir print("cd {}".format(dir)) sys.stdout.flush() if not options.no_execute: try: os.chdir(dir) except: print("fatal error: can't change to '{}' folder.".format(dir)) sys.stdout.flush() script_exit(1) def leave_srcdir(): print("cd ..") sys.stdout.flush() if not options.no_execute: os.chdir("..") # # This is the only interesting function in this script # def librewolf_patches(): enter_srcdir() # create the right mozconfig file.. exec('cp -v ../assets/mozconfig .') # copy branding files.. exec("cp -vr ../themes/browser .") # copy the right search-config.json file exec('cp -v ../assets/search-config.json services/settings/dumps/main/search-config.json') # read lines of .txt file into 'patches' f = open('../assets/patches.txt'.format(version), "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() patches = [] for line in lines: patches.append('../'+line) for p in patches: patch(p) # # Create the 'lw' folder, it contains the librewolf.cfg and policies.json files. # exec('mkdir -p lw') # insert the settings pane source (experimental) exec('rm -rf librewolf-pref-pane') exec('git clone https://gitlab.com/ohfp/librewolf-pref-pane.git') os.chdir('librewolf-pref-pane') exec('git diff 1fee314adc81000294fc0cf3196a758e4b64dace > ../lw/librewolf-pref-pane.patch') os.chdir('..') exec('rm -rf librewolf-pref-pane') patch('lw/librewolf-pref-pane.patch') exec('rm -f lw/librewolf-pref-pane.patch') ##! This is the moment in time we grab the Settings repo HEAD revision exec('git clone https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community/settings.git') exec("cp -v settings/defaults/pref/local-settings.js lw/") exec("cp -v settings/distribution/policies.json lw/") exec("cp -v settings/librewolf.cfg lw/") exec('rm -rf settings') # provide a script that fetches and bootstraps Nightly exec('cp -v ../scripts/mozfetch.sh lw') leave_srcdir() # # Main functionality in this script.. which is to call librewolf_patches() # if len(args) != 1: sys.stderr.write('error: please specify version of librewolf source') sys.exit(1) version = args[0] if not os.path.exists('librewolf-{}'.format(version) + '/configure.py'): sys.stderr.write('error: folder doesn\'t look like a Firefox folder.') sys.exit(1) librewolf_patches() sys.exit(0) # ensure 0 exit code