import { component_styles_default } from "./chunk.K23QWHWK.js"; import { i } from "./chunk.CXZZ2LVK.js"; // src/components/popup/popup.styles.ts var popup_styles_default = i` ${component_styles_default} :host { --arrow-color: var(--sl-color-neutral-1000); --arrow-size: 6px; /* * These properties are computed to account for the arrow's dimensions after being rotated 45ยบ. The constant * 0.7071 is derived from sin(45), which is the diagonal size of the arrow's container after rotating. */ --arrow-size-diagonal: calc(var(--arrow-size) * 0.7071); --arrow-padding-offset: calc(var(--arrow-size-diagonal) - var(--arrow-size)); display: contents; } .popup { position: absolute; isolation: isolate; max-width: var(--auto-size-available-width, none); max-height: var(--auto-size-available-height, none); } .popup--fixed { position: fixed; } .popup:not(.popup--active) { display: none; } .popup__arrow { position: absolute; width: calc(var(--arrow-size-diagonal) * 2); height: calc(var(--arrow-size-diagonal) * 2); rotate: 45deg; background: var(--arrow-color); z-index: -1; } /* Hover bridge */ .popup-hover-bridge:not(.popup-hover-bridge--visible) { display: none; } .popup-hover-bridge { position: fixed; z-index: calc(var(--sl-z-index-dropdown) - 1); top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; clip-path: polygon( var(--hover-bridge-top-left-x, 0) var(--hover-bridge-top-left-y, 0), var(--hover-bridge-top-right-x, 0) var(--hover-bridge-top-right-y, 0), var(--hover-bridge-bottom-right-x, 0) var(--hover-bridge-bottom-right-y, 0), var(--hover-bridge-bottom-left-x, 0) var(--hover-bridge-bottom-left-y, 0) ); } `; export { popup_styles_default };