import { drawer_styles_default } from "./chunk.YTM7ZJIT.js"; import { Modal } from "./chunk.JEBKOPXW.js"; import { lockBodyScrolling, unlockBodyScrolling } from "./chunk.RK73WSZS.js"; import { SlIconButton } from "./chunk.Y77CZW56.js"; import { getAnimation, setDefaultAnimation } from "./chunk.RCZVQXWP.js"; import { waitForEvent } from "./chunk.B4BZKR24.js"; import { animateTo, stopAnimations } from "./chunk.S7GYYU7Z.js"; import { LocalizeController } from "./chunk.NH3SRVOC.js"; import { o } from "./chunk.2URMUHDY.js"; import { HasSlotController } from "./chunk.NYIIDP5N.js"; import { e } from "./chunk.UZVKBFXH.js"; import { watch } from "./chunk.FA5RT4K4.js"; import { ShoelaceElement, e as e2, n } from "./chunk.SEXBCYCU.js"; import { x } from "./chunk.CXZZ2LVK.js"; import { __decorateClass } from "./chunk.KIILAQWQ.js"; // src/internal/string.ts function uppercaseFirstLetter(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); } // src/components/drawer/drawer.component.ts var SlDrawer = class extends ShoelaceElement { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.hasSlotController = new HasSlotController(this, "footer"); this.localize = new LocalizeController(this); this.modal = new Modal(this); = false; this.label = ""; this.placement = "end"; this.contained = false; this.noHeader = false; this.handleDocumentKeyDown = (event) => { if (this.contained) { return; } if (event.key === "Escape" && this.modal.isActive() && { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); this.requestClose("keyboard"); } }; } firstUpdated() { this.drawer.hidden = !; if ( { this.addOpenListeners(); if (!this.contained) { this.modal.activate(); lockBodyScrolling(this); } } } disconnectedCallback() { var _a; super.disconnectedCallback(); unlockBodyScrolling(this); (_a = this.closeWatcher) == null ? void 0 : _a.destroy(); } requestClose(source) { const slRequestClose = this.emit("sl-request-close", { cancelable: true, detail: { source } }); if (slRequestClose.defaultPrevented) { const animation = getAnimation(this, "drawer.denyClose", { dir: this.localize.dir() }); animateTo(this.panel, animation.keyframes, animation.options); return; } this.hide(); } addOpenListeners() { var _a; if ("CloseWatcher" in window) { (_a = this.closeWatcher) == null ? void 0 : _a.destroy(); if (!this.contained) { this.closeWatcher = new CloseWatcher(); this.closeWatcher.onclose = () => this.requestClose("keyboard"); } } else { document.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleDocumentKeyDown); } } removeOpenListeners() { var _a; document.removeEventListener("keydown", this.handleDocumentKeyDown); (_a = this.closeWatcher) == null ? void 0 : _a.destroy(); } async handleOpenChange() { if ( { this.emit("sl-show"); this.addOpenListeners(); this.originalTrigger = document.activeElement; if (!this.contained) { this.modal.activate(); lockBodyScrolling(this); } const autoFocusTarget = this.querySelector("[autofocus]"); if (autoFocusTarget) { autoFocusTarget.removeAttribute("autofocus"); } await Promise.all([stopAnimations(this.drawer), stopAnimations(this.overlay)]); this.drawer.hidden = false; requestAnimationFrame(() => { const slInitialFocus = this.emit("sl-initial-focus", { cancelable: true }); if (!slInitialFocus.defaultPrevented) { if (autoFocusTarget) { autoFocusTarget.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } else { this.panel.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } } if (autoFocusTarget) { autoFocusTarget.setAttribute("autofocus", ""); } }); const panelAnimation = getAnimation(this, `${uppercaseFirstLetter(this.placement)}`, { dir: this.localize.dir() }); const overlayAnimation = getAnimation(this, "", { dir: this.localize.dir() }); await Promise.all([ animateTo(this.panel, panelAnimation.keyframes, panelAnimation.options), animateTo(this.overlay, overlayAnimation.keyframes, overlayAnimation.options) ]); this.emit("sl-after-show"); } else { this.emit("sl-hide"); this.removeOpenListeners(); if (!this.contained) { this.modal.deactivate(); unlockBodyScrolling(this); } await Promise.all([stopAnimations(this.drawer), stopAnimations(this.overlay)]); const panelAnimation = getAnimation(this, `drawer.hide${uppercaseFirstLetter(this.placement)}`, { dir: this.localize.dir() }); const overlayAnimation = getAnimation(this, "drawer.overlay.hide", { dir: this.localize.dir() }); await Promise.all([ animateTo(this.overlay, overlayAnimation.keyframes, overlayAnimation.options).then(() => { this.overlay.hidden = true; }), animateTo(this.panel, panelAnimation.keyframes, panelAnimation.options).then(() => { this.panel.hidden = true; }) ]); this.drawer.hidden = true; this.overlay.hidden = false; this.panel.hidden = false; const trigger = this.originalTrigger; if (typeof (trigger == null ? void 0 : trigger.focus) === "function") { setTimeout(() => trigger.focus()); } this.emit("sl-after-hide"); } } handleNoModalChange() { if ( && !this.contained) { this.modal.activate(); lockBodyScrolling(this); } if ( && this.contained) { this.modal.deactivate(); unlockBodyScrolling(this); } } /** Shows the drawer. */ async show() { if ( { return void 0; } = true; return waitForEvent(this, "sl-after-show"); } /** Hides the drawer */ async hide() { if (! { return void 0; } = false; return waitForEvent(this, "sl-after-hide"); } render() { return x`
this.requestClose("overlay")} tabindex="-1">
`; } }; SlDrawer.styles = drawer_styles_default; SlDrawer.dependencies = { "sl-icon-button": SlIconButton }; __decorateClass([ e2(".drawer") ], SlDrawer.prototype, "drawer", 2); __decorateClass([ e2(".drawer__panel") ], SlDrawer.prototype, "panel", 2); __decorateClass([ e2(".drawer__overlay") ], SlDrawer.prototype, "overlay", 2); __decorateClass([ n({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) ], SlDrawer.prototype, "open", 2); __decorateClass([ n({ reflect: true }) ], SlDrawer.prototype, "label", 2); __decorateClass([ n({ reflect: true }) ], SlDrawer.prototype, "placement", 2); __decorateClass([ n({ type: Boolean, reflect: true }) ], SlDrawer.prototype, "contained", 2); __decorateClass([ n({ attribute: "no-header", type: Boolean, reflect: true }) ], SlDrawer.prototype, "noHeader", 2); __decorateClass([ watch("open", { waitUntilFirstUpdate: true }) ], SlDrawer.prototype, "handleOpenChange", 1); __decorateClass([ watch("contained", { waitUntilFirstUpdate: true }) ], SlDrawer.prototype, "handleNoModalChange", 1); setDefaultAnimation("drawer.showTop", { keyframes: [ { opacity: 0, translate: "0 -100%" }, { opacity: 1, translate: "0 0" } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: "ease" } }); setDefaultAnimation("drawer.hideTop", { keyframes: [ { opacity: 1, translate: "0 0" }, { opacity: 0, translate: "0 -100%" } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: "ease" } }); setDefaultAnimation("drawer.showEnd", { keyframes: [ { opacity: 0, translate: "100%" }, { opacity: 1, translate: "0" } ], rtlKeyframes: [ { opacity: 0, translate: "-100%" }, { opacity: 1, translate: "0" } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: "ease" } }); setDefaultAnimation("drawer.hideEnd", { keyframes: [ { opacity: 1, translate: "0" }, { opacity: 0, translate: "100%" } ], rtlKeyframes: [ { opacity: 1, translate: "0" }, { opacity: 0, translate: "-100%" } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: "ease" } }); setDefaultAnimation("drawer.showBottom", { keyframes: [ { opacity: 0, translate: "0 100%" }, { opacity: 1, translate: "0 0" } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: "ease" } }); setDefaultAnimation("drawer.hideBottom", { keyframes: [ { opacity: 1, translate: "0 0" }, { opacity: 0, translate: "0 100%" } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: "ease" } }); setDefaultAnimation("drawer.showStart", { keyframes: [ { opacity: 0, translate: "-100%" }, { opacity: 1, translate: "0" } ], rtlKeyframes: [ { opacity: 0, translate: "100%" }, { opacity: 1, translate: "0" } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: "ease" } }); setDefaultAnimation("drawer.hideStart", { keyframes: [ { opacity: 1, translate: "0" }, { opacity: 0, translate: "-100%" } ], rtlKeyframes: [ { opacity: 1, translate: "0" }, { opacity: 0, translate: "100%" } ], options: { duration: 250, easing: "ease" } }); setDefaultAnimation("drawer.denyClose", { keyframes: [{ scale: 1 }, { scale: 1.01 }, { scale: 1 }], options: { duration: 250 } }); setDefaultAnimation("", { keyframes: [{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1 }], options: { duration: 250 } }); setDefaultAnimation("drawer.overlay.hide", { keyframes: [{ opacity: 1 }, { opacity: 0 }], options: { duration: 250 } }); export { SlDrawer };