import Component from '../../components/tree-item/tree-item.component.js'; import { type EventName } from '@lit/react'; import type { SlExpandEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; import type { SlAfterExpandEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; import type { SlCollapseEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; import type { SlAfterCollapseEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; import type { SlLazyChangeEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; import type { SlLazyLoadEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlExpandEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlAfterExpandEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlCollapseEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlAfterCollapseEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlLazyChangeEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlLazyLoadEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; /** * @summary A tree item serves as a hierarchical node that lives inside a [tree](/components/tree). * @documentation * @status stable * @since 2.0 * * @dependency sl-checkbox * @dependency sl-icon * @dependency sl-spinner * * @event sl-expand - Emitted when the tree item expands. * @event sl-after-expand - Emitted after the tree item expands and all animations are complete. * @event sl-collapse - Emitted when the tree item collapses. * @event sl-after-collapse - Emitted after the tree item collapses and all animations are complete. * @event sl-lazy-change - Emitted when the tree item's lazy state changes. * @event sl-lazy-load - Emitted when a lazy item is selected. Use this event to asynchronously load data and append * items to the tree before expanding. After appending new items, remove the `lazy` attribute to remove the loading * state and update the tree. * * @slot - The default slot. * @slot expand-icon - The icon to show when the tree item is expanded. * @slot collapse-icon - The icon to show when the tree item is collapsed. * * @csspart base - The component's base wrapper. * @csspart item - The tree item's container. This element wraps everything except slotted tree item children. * @csspart item--disabled - Applied when the tree item is disabled. * @csspart item--expanded - Applied when the tree item is expanded. * @csspart item--indeterminate - Applied when the selection is indeterminate. * @csspart item--selected - Applied when the tree item is selected. * @csspart indentation - The tree item's indentation container. * @csspart expand-button - The container that wraps the tree item's expand button and spinner. * @csspart label - The tree item's label. * @csspart children - The container that wraps the tree item's nested children. * @csspart checkbox - The checkbox that shows when using multiselect. * @csspart checkbox__base - The checkbox's exported `base` part. * @csspart checkbox__control - The checkbox's exported `control` part. * @csspart checkbox__control--checked - The checkbox's exported `control--checked` part. * @csspart checkbox__control--indeterminate - The checkbox's exported `control--indeterminate` part. * @csspart checkbox__checked-icon - The checkbox's exported `checked-icon` part. * @csspart checkbox__indeterminate-icon - The checkbox's exported `indeterminate-icon` part. * @csspart checkbox__label - The checkbox's exported `label` part. */ declare const reactWrapper: import("@lit/react").ReactWebComponent; onSlAfterExpand: EventName; onSlCollapse: EventName; onSlAfterCollapse: EventName; onSlLazyChange: EventName; onSlLazyLoad: EventName; }>; export default reactWrapper;