import Component from '../../components/carousel/carousel.component.js'; import { type EventName } from '@lit/react'; import type { SlSlideChangeEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlSlideChangeEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; /** * @summary Carousels display an arbitrary number of content slides along a horizontal or vertical axis. * * @since 2.2 * @status experimental * * @dependency sl-icon * * @event {{ index: number, slide: SlCarouselItem }} sl-slide-change - Emitted when the active slide changes. * * @slot - The carousel's main content, one or more `` elements. * @slot next-icon - Optional next icon to use instead of the default. Works best with ``. * @slot previous-icon - Optional previous icon to use instead of the default. Works best with ``. * * @csspart base - The carousel's internal wrapper. * @csspart scroll-container - The scroll container that wraps the slides. * @csspart pagination - The pagination indicators wrapper. * @csspart pagination-item - The pagination indicator. * @csspart pagination-item--active - Applied when the item is active. * @csspart navigation - The navigation wrapper. * @csspart navigation-button - The navigation button. * @csspart navigation-button--previous - Applied to the previous button. * @csspart navigation-button--next - Applied to the next button. * * @cssproperty --slide-gap - The space between each slide. * @cssproperty [--aspect-ratio=16/9] - The aspect ratio of each slide. * @cssproperty --scroll-hint - The amount of padding to apply to the scroll area, allowing adjacent slides to become * partially visible as a scroll hint. */ declare const reactWrapper: import("@lit/react").ReactWebComponent; }>; export default reactWrapper;