import ShoelaceElement from '../../internal/shoelace-element.js'; import type { CSSResultGroup } from 'lit'; import type SlMenuItem from '../menu-item/menu-item.component.js'; export interface MenuSelectEventDetail { item: SlMenuItem; } /** * @summary Menus provide a list of options for the user to choose from. * @documentation * @status stable * @since 2.0 * * @slot - The menu's content, including menu items, menu labels, and dividers. * * @event {{ item: SlMenuItem }} sl-select - Emitted when a menu item is selected. */ export default class SlMenu extends ShoelaceElement { static styles: CSSResultGroup; defaultSlot: HTMLSlotElement; connectedCallback(): void; private handleClick; private handleKeyDown; private handleMouseDown; private handleSlotChange; private isMenuItem; /** @internal Gets all slotted menu items, ignoring dividers, headers, and other elements. */ getAllItems(): SlMenuItem[]; /** * @internal Gets the current menu item, which is the menu item that has `tabindex="0"` within the roving tab index. * The menu item may or may not have focus, but for keyboard interaction purposes it's considered the "active" item. */ getCurrentItem(): SlMenuItem | undefined; /** * @internal Sets the current menu item to the specified element. This sets `tabindex="0"` on the target element and * `tabindex="-1"` to all other items. This method must be called prior to setting focus on a menu item. */ setCurrentItem(item: SlMenuItem): void; render(): import("lit-html").TemplateResult<1>; }