import Component from '../../components/switch/switch.component.js'; import { type EventName } from '@lit/react'; import type { SlBlurEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; import type { SlChangeEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; import type { SlInputEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; import type { SlFocusEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; import type { SlInvalidEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlBlurEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlChangeEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlInputEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlFocusEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlInvalidEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; /** * @summary Switches allow the user to toggle an option on or off. * @documentation * @status stable * @since 2.0 * * @slot - The switch's label. * * @event sl-blur - Emitted when the control loses focus. * @event sl-change - Emitted when the control's checked state changes. * @event sl-input - Emitted when the control receives input. * @event sl-focus - Emitted when the control gains focus. * @event sl-invalid - Emitted when the form control has been checked for validity and its constraints aren't satisfied. * * @csspart base - The component's base wrapper. * @csspart control - The control that houses the switch's thumb. * @csspart thumb - The switch's thumb. * @csspart label - The switch's label. * * @cssproperty --width - The width of the switch. * @cssproperty --height - The height of the switch. * @cssproperty --thumb-size - The size of the thumb. */ declare const reactWrapper: import("@lit/react").ReactWebComponent; onSlChange: EventName; onSlInput: EventName; onSlFocus: EventName; onSlInvalid: EventName; }>; export default reactWrapper;