import Component from '../../components/drawer/drawer.component.js'; import { type EventName } from '@lit/react'; import type { SlShowEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; import type { SlAfterShowEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; import type { SlHideEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; import type { SlAfterHideEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; import type { SlInitialFocusEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; import type { SlRequestCloseEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlShowEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlAfterShowEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlHideEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlAfterHideEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlInitialFocusEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlRequestCloseEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; /** * @summary Drawers slide in from a container to expose additional options and information. * @documentation * @status stable * @since 2.0 * * @dependency sl-icon-button * * @slot - The drawer's main content. * @slot label - The drawer's label. Alternatively, you can use the `label` attribute. * @slot header-actions - Optional actions to add to the header. Works best with ``. * @slot footer - The drawer's footer, usually one or more buttons representing various options. * * @event sl-show - Emitted when the drawer opens. * @event sl-after-show - Emitted after the drawer opens and all animations are complete. * @event sl-hide - Emitted when the drawer closes. * @event sl-after-hide - Emitted after the drawer closes and all animations are complete. * @event sl-initial-focus - Emitted when the drawer opens and is ready to receive focus. Calling * `event.preventDefault()` will prevent focusing and allow you to set it on a different element, such as an input. * @event {{ source: 'close-button' | 'keyboard' | 'overlay' }} sl-request-close - Emitted when the user attempts to * close the drawer by clicking the close button, clicking the overlay, or pressing escape. Calling * `event.preventDefault()` will keep the drawer open. Avoid using this unless closing the drawer will result in * destructive behavior such as data loss. * * @csspart base - The component's base wrapper. * @csspart overlay - The overlay that covers the screen behind the drawer. * @csspart panel - The drawer's panel (where the drawer and its content are rendered). * @csspart header - The drawer's header. This element wraps the title and header actions. * @csspart header-actions - Optional actions to add to the header. Works best with ``. * @csspart title - The drawer's title. * @csspart close-button - The close button, an ``. * @csspart close-button__base - The close button's exported `base` part. * @csspart body - The drawer's body. * @csspart footer - The drawer's footer. * * @cssproperty --size - The preferred size of the drawer. This will be applied to the drawer's width or height * depending on its `placement`. Note that the drawer will shrink to accommodate smaller screens. * @cssproperty --header-spacing - The amount of padding to use for the header. * @cssproperty --body-spacing - The amount of padding to use for the body. * @cssproperty --footer-spacing - The amount of padding to use for the footer. * * @animation drawer.showTop - The animation to use when showing a drawer with `top` placement. * @animation drawer.showEnd - The animation to use when showing a drawer with `end` placement. * @animation drawer.showBottom - The animation to use when showing a drawer with `bottom` placement. * @animation drawer.showStart - The animation to use when showing a drawer with `start` placement. * @animation drawer.hideTop - The animation to use when hiding a drawer with `top` placement. * @animation drawer.hideEnd - The animation to use when hiding a drawer with `end` placement. * @animation drawer.hideBottom - The animation to use when hiding a drawer with `bottom` placement. * @animation drawer.hideStart - The animation to use when hiding a drawer with `start` placement. * @animation drawer.denyClose - The animation to use when a request to close the drawer is denied. * @animation - The animation to use when showing the drawer's overlay. * @animation drawer.overlay.hide - The animation to use when hiding the drawer's overlay. * * @property modal - Exposes the internal modal utility that controls focus trapping. To temporarily disable focus * trapping and allow third-party modals spawned from an active Shoelace modal, call `modal.activateExternal()` when * the third-party modal opens. Upon closing, call `modal.deactivateExternal()` to restore Shoelace's focus trapping. */ declare const reactWrapper: import("@lit/react").ReactWebComponent; onSlAfterShow: EventName; onSlHide: EventName; onSlAfterHide: EventName; onSlInitialFocus: EventName; onSlRequestClose: EventName; }>; export default reactWrapper;