import Component from '../../components/tree/tree.component.js'; import { type EventName } from '@lit/react'; import type { SlSelectionChangeEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; export type { SlSelectionChangeEvent } from '../../events/events.js'; /** * @summary Trees allow you to display a hierarchical list of selectable [tree items](/components/tree-item). Items with children can be expanded and collapsed as desired by the user. * @documentation * @status stable * @since 2.0 * * @event {{ selection: SlTreeItem[] }} sl-selection-change - Emitted when a tree item is selected or deselected. * * @slot - The default slot. * @slot expand-icon - The icon to show when the tree item is expanded. Works best with ``. * @slot collapse-icon - The icon to show when the tree item is collapsed. Works best with ``. * * @csspart base - The component's base wrapper. * * @cssproperty [--indent-size=var(--sl-spacing-medium)] - The size of the indentation for nested items. * @cssproperty [--indent-guide-color=var(--sl-color-neutral-200)] - The color of the indentation line. * @cssproperty [--indent-guide-offset=0] - The amount of vertical spacing to leave between the top and bottom of the * indentation line's starting position. * @cssproperty [--indent-guide-style=solid] - The style of the indentation line, e.g. solid, dotted, dashed. * @cssproperty [--indent-guide-width=0] - The width of the indentation line. */ declare const reactWrapper: import("@lit/react").ReactWebComponent; }>; export default reactWrapper;