diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a783491..6b2c06e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ All articles for Flux's support center is located at `/src/content/docs/support/
All documents such as Terms of Service or when polices need to be added, they should be located at `/src/content/docs/`.
-### Writing an Article
+### Articles
All articles are written in Markdown, do make sure you're adding the markdown file to the appropriate category folder.
Articles, at the least, should have a title and last updated:
@@ -19,6 +19,156 @@ lastUpdated: 2024-03-15
+### Feedback
+[Feelback]() has been integrated into each article, this will help us know if an article is doing well or doing not well.
+FluxNodes LLC has a Feelback account, email korbs@sudovanilla.com to get access so you can see how articles are performing.
+### Components
+In articles, you can add built-in components like asides, tabs, code, link cards, and cards.
+> In order to add components to Markdown files, the file extension has to be .mdx
+#### Asides
+Aside Types: `note` | `tip` | `caution` | `danger`
+Asides can be used to let users know of something like tips, warning, and alert of any kind if it needs to be hinted.
+As an exmaple, let's say we provide a tutorial of turning a Java Minecraft server into a crack server. We can use a `danger` aside to alert customers that running a crack server can be risky as they are easier for hackers to get into.
+We can do that like so:
+Running your server with `online-mode` turned off can be risky. Doing this means hackers can log in as an operator and raid and/or destroy your server.
+If you need to add more the message like lists or something, here's an example:
+Your users may be more productive and find your product easier to use thanks to helpful Starlight features.
+- Clear navigation
+- User-configurable colour theme
+- [i18n support](/guides/i18n)
+You can add a custom title as well:
+:::tip[Did you know?]
+Korbs is epic!
+#### Tabs
+Using tabs can be useful in some areas.
+First, add the `Tabs` and `TabItem` component from Starlight:
+import { Tabs, TabItem } from '@astrojs/starlight/components'
+Then, you can add Tabs:
+ Sirius, Vega, Betelgeuse
+ Io, Europa, Ganymede
+This can also be used if you need to provide a different version of the same article. Like providing a version for both Minecraft Java and Bedrock:
+ ## Creating a Minecraft World
+ So, here's how we do that in Minecraft Java.
+ ## Creating a Minecraft World
+ So, here's how we do that in Minecraft Bedrock.
+### Link Cards
+We can use link cards to direct users to another location when it's needed.
+First, add the `LinkCard` and `CardGrid` component from Starlight:
+import { LinkCard, CardGrid } from '@astrojs/starlight/components'
+Then, we can add a link card:
+The `description` is not required.
+If you add two, have them side by side with `CardGrid`:
+#### Code
+When it comes to provides configuration and other code we can provide to customers, we can do so with the Code component.
+First, add the `Code` component from Starlight:
+import { Code } from '@astrojs/starlight/components'
+Then, write the code you'll be supplying. As an example, let's do __server.properties__ from Minecraft Java.
+export const CustomNameForCode =
+motd=A Minecraft Server
+Optionally, you can provide the file name, this will help customers know which file we are referring to.
+You'll use `title` to apply the file name. Which in this example will be `title={CustomFileName}`.
+export const CustomFileName = `server.properties`
+You can also highlight text in the code using the `mark` variable in the code. Which in this example will be `mark={CustomHighlightText}`.
+export const CustomHighlightText = ['=20', '25565']
+Now, to add the actual code into the article. Make sure to set the language to colors are set correctly.
### Frontmatter
In each article, there are plenty of options to add to the frontmatter which can be used to add stuff such as banners, table of contents, and other variables.