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synced 2025-03-25 02:32:57 -05:00
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392 lines
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package common
import (
godigest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
ispec "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
zerr "zotregistry.io/zot/errors"
func UpdateManifestMeta(repoMeta repodb.RepoMetadata, manifestDigest godigest.Digest,
manifestMeta repodb.ManifestMetadata,
) repodb.RepoMetadata {
updatedRepoMeta := repoMeta
updatedStatistics := repoMeta.Statistics[manifestDigest.String()]
updatedStatistics.DownloadCount = manifestMeta.DownloadCount
updatedRepoMeta.Statistics[manifestDigest.String()] = updatedStatistics
if manifestMeta.Signatures == nil {
manifestMeta.Signatures = repodb.ManifestSignatures{}
updatedRepoMeta.Signatures[manifestDigest.String()] = manifestMeta.Signatures
return updatedRepoMeta
func SignatureAlreadyExists(signatureSlice []repodb.SignatureInfo, sm repodb.SignatureMetadata) bool {
for _, sigInfo := range signatureSlice {
if sm.SignatureDigest == sigInfo.SignatureManifestDigest {
return true
return false
func ReferenceIsDigest(reference string) bool {
_, err := godigest.Parse(reference)
return err == nil
func ValidateRepoReferenceInput(repo, reference string, manifestDigest godigest.Digest) error {
if repo == "" {
return zerr.ErrEmptyRepoName
if reference == "" {
return zerr.ErrEmptyTag
if manifestDigest == "" {
return zerr.ErrEmptyDigest
return nil
// These constants are meant used to describe how high or low in rank a match is.
// Note that the "higher rank" relates to a lower number so ranks are sorted in a
// ascending order.
const (
lowPriority = 100
mediumPriority = 10
highPriority = 1
perfectMatchPriority = 0
// RankRepoName associates a rank to a given repoName given a searchText.
// The imporance of the value grows inversly proportional to the int value it has.
// For example: rank(1) > rank(10) > rank(100)...
func RankRepoName(searchText string, repoName string) int {
searchText = strings.Trim(searchText, "/")
searchTextSlice := strings.Split(searchText, "/")
repoNameSlice := strings.Split(repoName, "/")
if len(searchTextSlice) > len(repoNameSlice) {
return -1
if searchText == repoName {
return perfectMatchPriority
// searchText containst just 1 diretory name
if len(searchTextSlice) == 1 {
lastNameInRepoPath := repoNameSlice[len(repoNameSlice)-1]
// searchText: "bar" | repoName: "foo/bar" lastNameInRepoPath: "bar"
if index := strings.Index(lastNameInRepoPath, searchText); index != -1 {
return (index + 1) * highPriority
firstNameInRepoPath := repoNameSlice[0]
// searchText: "foo" | repoName: "foo/bar" firstNameInRepoPath: "foo"
if index := strings.Index(firstNameInRepoPath, searchText); index != -1 {
return (index + 1) * mediumPriority
foundPrefixInRepoName := true
// searchText: "foo/bar/rep" | repoName: "foo/bar/baz/repo" foundPrefixInRepoName: true
// searchText: "foo/baz/rep" | repoName: "foo/bar/baz/repo" foundPrefixInRepoName: false
for i := 0; i < len(searchTextSlice)-1; i++ {
if searchTextSlice[i] != repoNameSlice[i] {
foundPrefixInRepoName = false
if foundPrefixInRepoName {
lastNameInRepoPath := repoNameSlice[len(repoNameSlice)-1]
lastNameInSearchText := searchTextSlice[len(searchTextSlice)-1]
// searchText: "foo/bar/epo" | repoName: "foo/bar/baz/repo" -> Index(repo, epo) = 1
if index := strings.Index(lastNameInRepoPath, lastNameInSearchText); index != -1 {
return (index + 1) * highPriority
// searchText: "foo/bar/b" | repoName: "foo/bar/baz/repo"
if strings.HasPrefix(repoName, searchText) {
return mediumPriority
// searchText: "bar/ba" | repoName: "foo/bar/baz/repo"
if index := strings.Index(repoName, searchText); index != -1 {
return (index + 1) * lowPriority
// no match
return -1
func GetImageLastUpdatedTimestamp(configContent ispec.Image) time.Time {
var timeStamp *time.Time
if configContent.Created != nil && !configContent.Created.IsZero() {
return *configContent.Created
if len(configContent.History) != 0 {
timeStamp = configContent.History[len(configContent.History)-1].Created
if timeStamp == nil {
timeStamp = &time.Time{}
return *timeStamp
func CheckIsSigned(signatures repodb.ManifestSignatures) bool {
for _, signatures := range signatures {
if len(signatures) > 0 {
return true
return false
func GetRepoTag(searchText string) (string, string, error) {
const repoTagCount = 2
splitSlice := strings.Split(searchText, ":")
if len(splitSlice) != repoTagCount {
return "", "", zerr.ErrInvalidRepoTagFormat
repo := strings.TrimSpace(splitSlice[0])
tag := strings.TrimSpace(splitSlice[1])
return repo, tag, nil
func GetMapKeys[K comparable, V any](genericMap map[K]V) []K {
keys := make([]K, 0, len(genericMap))
for k := range genericMap {
keys = append(keys, k)
return keys
// acceptedByFilter checks that data contains at least 1 element of each filter
// criteria(os, arch) present in filter.
func AcceptedByFilter(filter repodb.Filter, data repodb.FilterData) bool {
if filter.Arch != nil {
foundArch := false
for _, arch := range filter.Arch {
foundArch = foundArch || containsString(data.ArchList, *arch)
if !foundArch {
return false
if filter.Os != nil {
foundOs := false
for _, os := range filter.Os {
foundOs = foundOs || containsString(data.OsList, *os)
if !foundOs {
return false
if filter.HasToBeSigned != nil && *filter.HasToBeSigned != data.IsSigned {
return false
if filter.IsBookmarked != nil && *filter.IsBookmarked != data.IsBookmarked {
return false
if filter.IsStarred != nil && *filter.IsStarred != data.IsStarred {
return false
return true
func containsString(strSlice []string, str string) bool {
for _, val := range strSlice {
if strings.EqualFold(val, str) {
return true
return false
func GetReferredSubject(descriptorBlob []byte) (godigest.Digest, bool) {
var manifest ispec.Manifest
err := json.Unmarshal(descriptorBlob, &manifest)
if err != nil {
return "", false
if manifest.Subject == nil || manifest.Subject.Digest.String() == "" {
return "", false
return manifest.Subject.Digest, true
func MatchesArtifactTypes(descriptorMediaType string, artifactTypes []string) bool {
if len(artifactTypes) == 0 {
return true
found := false
for _, artifactType := range artifactTypes {
if artifactType != "" && descriptorMediaType != artifactType {
found = true
return found
// CheckImageLastUpdated check if the given image is updated earlier than the current repoLastUpdated value
// It returns updated values for: repoLastUpdated, noImageChecked, isSigned.
func CheckImageLastUpdated(repoLastUpdated time.Time, isSigned bool, noImageChecked bool,
manifestFilterData repodb.FilterData,
) (time.Time, bool, bool) {
if noImageChecked || repoLastUpdated.Before(manifestFilterData.LastUpdated) {
repoLastUpdated = manifestFilterData.LastUpdated
noImageChecked = false
isSigned = manifestFilterData.IsSigned
return repoLastUpdated, noImageChecked, isSigned
func FilterDataByRepo(foundRepos []repodb.RepoMetadata, manifestMetadataMap map[string]repodb.ManifestMetadata,
indexDataMap map[string]repodb.IndexData,
) (map[string]repodb.ManifestMetadata, map[string]repodb.IndexData, error) {
var (
foundManifestMetadataMap = make(map[string]repodb.ManifestMetadata)
foundindexDataMap = make(map[string]repodb.IndexData)
// keep just the manifestMeta we need
for _, repoMeta := range foundRepos {
for _, descriptor := range repoMeta.Tags {
switch descriptor.MediaType {
case ispec.MediaTypeImageManifest:
foundManifestMetadataMap[descriptor.Digest] = manifestMetadataMap[descriptor.Digest]
case ispec.MediaTypeImageIndex:
indexData := indexDataMap[descriptor.Digest]
var indexContent ispec.Index
err := json.Unmarshal(indexData.IndexBlob, &indexContent)
if err != nil {
return map[string]repodb.ManifestMetadata{}, map[string]repodb.IndexData{},
fmt.Errorf("repodb: error while getting manifest data for digest %s %w", descriptor.Digest, err)
for _, manifestDescriptor := range indexContent.Manifests {
manifestDigest := manifestDescriptor.Digest.String()
foundManifestMetadataMap[manifestDigest] = manifestMetadataMap[manifestDigest]
foundindexDataMap[descriptor.Digest] = indexData
return foundManifestMetadataMap, foundindexDataMap, nil
func FetchDataForRepos(repoDB repodb.RepoDB, foundRepos []repodb.RepoMetadata,
) (map[string]repodb.ManifestMetadata, map[string]repodb.IndexData, error) {
foundManifestMetadataMap := map[string]repodb.ManifestMetadata{}
foundIndexDataMap := map[string]repodb.IndexData{}
for idx := range foundRepos {
for _, descriptor := range foundRepos[idx].Tags {
switch descriptor.MediaType {
case ispec.MediaTypeImageManifest:
manifestData, err := repoDB.GetManifestData(godigest.Digest(descriptor.Digest))
if err != nil {
return map[string]repodb.ManifestMetadata{}, map[string]repodb.IndexData{}, err
foundManifestMetadataMap[descriptor.Digest] = repodb.ManifestMetadata{
ManifestBlob: manifestData.ManifestBlob,
ConfigBlob: manifestData.ConfigBlob,
case ispec.MediaTypeImageIndex:
indexData, err := repoDB.GetIndexData(godigest.Digest(descriptor.Digest))
if err != nil {
return map[string]repodb.ManifestMetadata{}, map[string]repodb.IndexData{}, err
var indexContent ispec.Index
err = json.Unmarshal(indexData.IndexBlob, &indexContent)
if err != nil {
return map[string]repodb.ManifestMetadata{},
fmt.Errorf("repodb: error while getting index data for digest %s %w", descriptor.Digest, err)
for _, manifestDescriptor := range indexContent.Manifests {
manifestDigest := manifestDescriptor.Digest.String()
manifestData, err := repoDB.GetManifestData(manifestDescriptor.Digest)
if err != nil {
return map[string]repodb.ManifestMetadata{}, map[string]repodb.IndexData{}, err
foundManifestMetadataMap[manifestDigest] = repodb.ManifestMetadata{
ManifestBlob: manifestData.ManifestBlob,
ConfigBlob: manifestData.ConfigBlob,
foundIndexDataMap[descriptor.Digest] = indexData
return foundManifestMetadataMap, foundIndexDataMap, nil