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synced 2025-02-24 23:56:32 -05:00
2082 lines
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2082 lines
52 KiB
package boltdb
import (
godigest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
ispec "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
zerr "zotregistry.dev/zot/errors"
zcommon "zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/common"
mConvert "zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/meta/convert"
proto_go "zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/meta/proto/gen"
mTypes "zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/meta/types"
reqCtx "zotregistry.dev/zot/pkg/requestcontext"
type BoltDB struct {
DB *bbolt.DB
Patches []func(DB *bbolt.DB) error
imgTrustStore mTypes.ImageTrustStore
Log log.Logger
func New(boltDB *bbolt.DB, log log.Logger) (*BoltDB, error) {
err := boltDB.Update(func(transaction *bbolt.Tx) error {
versionBuck, err := transaction.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(VersionBucket))
if err != nil {
return err
err = versionBuck.Put([]byte(version.DBVersionKey), []byte(version.CurrentVersion))
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = transaction.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(UserDataBucket))
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = transaction.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(UserAPIKeysBucket))
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = transaction.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(ImageMetaBuck))
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = transaction.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
if err != nil {
return err
repoBlobsBuck, err := transaction.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(RepoBlobsBuck))
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = repoBlobsBuck.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(RepoLastUpdatedBuck))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &BoltDB{
DB: boltDB,
Patches: version.GetBoltDBPatches(),
imgTrustStore: nil,
Log: log,
}, nil
func (bdw *BoltDB) GetAllRepoNames() ([]string, error) {
repoNames := []string{}
err := bdw.DB.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
repoMetaBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
return repoMetaBuck.ForEach(func(repo, _ []byte) error {
repoNames = append(repoNames, string(repo))
return nil
return repoNames, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) GetRepoLastUpdated(repo string) time.Time {
lastUpdated := time.Time{}
err := bdw.DB.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
repoBlobsBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoBlobsBuck))
lastUpdatedBuck := repoBlobsBuck.Bucket([]byte(RepoLastUpdatedBuck))
lastUpdatedBlob := lastUpdatedBuck.Get([]byte(repo))
if len(lastUpdatedBlob) == 0 {
return zerr.ErrRepoMetaNotFound
protoTime := ×tamppb.Timestamp{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(lastUpdatedBlob, protoTime)
if err != nil {
return err
lastUpdated = *mConvert.GetTime(protoTime)
return nil
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}
return lastUpdated
func (bdw *BoltDB) SetImageMeta(digest godigest.Digest, imageMeta mTypes.ImageMeta) error {
err := bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
buck := tx.Bucket([]byte(ImageMetaBuck))
protoImageMeta := &proto_go.ImageMeta{}
switch imageMeta.MediaType {
case ispec.MediaTypeImageManifest:
manifest := imageMeta.Manifests[0]
protoImageMeta = mConvert.GetProtoImageManifestData(manifest.Manifest, manifest.Config,
manifest.Size, manifest.Digest.String())
case ispec.MediaTypeImageIndex:
protoImageMeta = mConvert.GetProtoImageIndexMeta(*imageMeta.Index, imageMeta.Size, imageMeta.Digest.String())
pImageMetaBlob, err := proto.Marshal(protoImageMeta)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to calculate blob for manifest with digest %s %w", digest, err)
err = buck.Put([]byte(digest), pImageMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set manifest data with for digest %s %w", digest, err)
return nil
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) SetRepoReference(ctx context.Context, repo string, reference string, imageMeta mTypes.ImageMeta,
) error {
if err := common.ValidateRepoReferenceInput(repo, reference, imageMeta.Digest); err != nil {
return err
var userid string
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(ctx)
if err == nil {
userid = userAc.GetUsername()
err = bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
repoBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
repoBlobsBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoBlobsBuck))
repoLastUpdatedBuck := repoBlobsBuck.Bucket([]byte(RepoLastUpdatedBuck))
imageBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(ImageMetaBuck))
// 1. Add image data to db if needed
protoImageMeta := mConvert.GetProtoImageMeta(imageMeta)
imageMetaBlob, err := proto.Marshal(protoImageMeta)
if err != nil {
return err
err = imageBuck.Put([]byte(imageMeta.Digest), imageMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
protoRepoMeta, err := getProtoRepoMeta(repo, repoBuck)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrRepoMetaNotFound) {
return err
// 2. Referrers
if subject := mConvert.GetImageSubject(protoImageMeta); subject != nil {
refInfo := &proto_go.ReferrersInfo{}
if protoRepoMeta.Referrers[subject.Digest.String()] != nil {
refInfo = protoRepoMeta.Referrers[subject.Digest.String()]
foundReferrer := false
for i := range refInfo.List {
if refInfo.List[i].Digest == mConvert.GetImageDigestStr(protoImageMeta) {
foundReferrer = true
refInfo.List[i].Count += 1
if !foundReferrer {
refInfo.List = append(refInfo.List, &proto_go.ReferrerInfo{
Count: 1,
MediaType: protoImageMeta.MediaType,
Digest: mConvert.GetImageDigestStr(protoImageMeta),
ArtifactType: mConvert.GetImageArtifactType(protoImageMeta),
Size: mConvert.GetImageManifestSize(protoImageMeta),
Annotations: mConvert.GetImageAnnotations(protoImageMeta),
protoRepoMeta.Referrers[subject.Digest.String()] = refInfo
// 3. Update tag
if !common.ReferenceIsDigest(reference) {
protoRepoMeta.Tags[reference] = &proto_go.TagDescriptor{
Digest: imageMeta.Digest.String(),
MediaType: imageMeta.MediaType,
if _, ok := protoRepoMeta.Statistics[imageMeta.Digest.String()]; !ok {
protoRepoMeta.Statistics[imageMeta.Digest.String()] = &proto_go.DescriptorStatistics{
DownloadCount: 0,
LastPullTimestamp: ×tamppb.Timestamp{},
PushTimestamp: timestamppb.Now(),
PushedBy: userid,
} else if protoRepoMeta.Statistics[imageMeta.Digest.String()].PushTimestamp.AsTime().IsZero() {
protoRepoMeta.Statistics[imageMeta.Digest.String()].PushTimestamp = timestamppb.Now()
if _, ok := protoRepoMeta.Signatures[imageMeta.Digest.String()]; !ok {
protoRepoMeta.Signatures[imageMeta.Digest.String()] = &proto_go.ManifestSignatures{
Map: map[string]*proto_go.SignaturesInfo{"": {}},
if _, ok := protoRepoMeta.Referrers[imageMeta.Digest.String()]; !ok {
protoRepoMeta.Referrers[imageMeta.Digest.String()] = &proto_go.ReferrersInfo{
List: []*proto_go.ReferrerInfo{},
// 4. Blobs
repoBlobsBytes := repoBlobsBuck.Get([]byte(repo))
repoBlobs, err := unmarshalProtoRepoBlobs(repo, repoBlobsBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
protoRepoMeta, repoBlobs = common.AddImageMetaToRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta, repoBlobs, reference, imageMeta)
err = setRepoLastUpdated(repo, time.Now(), repoLastUpdatedBuck)
if err != nil {
return err
err = setProtoRepoBlobs(repoBlobs, repoBlobsBuck)
if err != nil {
return err
return setProtoRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta, repoBuck)
return err
func setRepoLastUpdated(repo string, lastUpdated time.Time, repoLastUpdatedBuck *bbolt.Bucket) error {
protoTime := timestamppb.New(lastUpdated)
protoTimeBlob, err := proto.Marshal(protoTime)
if err != nil {
return err
return repoLastUpdatedBuck.Put([]byte(repo), protoTimeBlob)
func unmarshalProtoRepoBlobs(repo string, repoBlobsBytes []byte) (*proto_go.RepoBlobs, error) {
repoBlobs := &proto_go.RepoBlobs{
Name: repo,
if len(repoBlobsBytes) > 0 {
err := proto.Unmarshal(repoBlobsBytes, repoBlobs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if repoBlobs.Blobs == nil {
repoBlobs.Blobs = map[string]*proto_go.BlobInfo{"": {}}
return repoBlobs, nil
func setProtoRepoBlobs(repoBlobs *proto_go.RepoBlobs, repoBlobsBuck *bbolt.Bucket) error {
repoBlobsBytes, err := proto.Marshal(repoBlobs)
if err != nil {
return err
return repoBlobsBuck.Put([]byte(repoBlobs.Name), repoBlobsBytes)
func getProtoRepoMeta(repo string, repoMetaBuck *bbolt.Bucket) (*proto_go.RepoMeta, error) {
repoMetaBlob := repoMetaBuck.Get([]byte(repo))
return unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(repo, repoMetaBlob)
// unmarshalProtoRepoMeta will unmarshal the repoMeta blob and initialize nil maps. If the blob is empty
// an empty initialized object is returned.
func unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(repo string, repoMetaBlob []byte) (*proto_go.RepoMeta, error) {
protoRepoMeta := &proto_go.RepoMeta{
Name: repo,
if len(repoMetaBlob) > 0 {
err := proto.Unmarshal(repoMetaBlob, protoRepoMeta)
if err != nil {
return protoRepoMeta, err
if protoRepoMeta.Tags == nil {
protoRepoMeta.Tags = map[string]*proto_go.TagDescriptor{"": {}}
if protoRepoMeta.Statistics == nil {
protoRepoMeta.Statistics = map[string]*proto_go.DescriptorStatistics{"": {}}
if protoRepoMeta.Signatures == nil {
protoRepoMeta.Signatures = map[string]*proto_go.ManifestSignatures{"": {}}
if protoRepoMeta.Referrers == nil {
protoRepoMeta.Referrers = map[string]*proto_go.ReferrersInfo{"": {}}
if len(repoMetaBlob) == 0 {
return protoRepoMeta, zerr.ErrRepoMetaNotFound
return protoRepoMeta, nil
func setProtoRepoMeta(repoMeta *proto_go.RepoMeta, repoBuck *bbolt.Bucket) error {
repoMetaBlob, err := proto.Marshal(repoMeta)
if err != nil {
return err
return repoBuck.Put([]byte(repoMeta.Name), repoMetaBlob)
func (bdw *BoltDB) FilterImageMeta(ctx context.Context, digests []string,
) (map[string]mTypes.ImageMeta, error) {
imageMetaMap := map[string]mTypes.ImageMeta{}
err := bdw.DB.View(func(transaction *bbolt.Tx) error {
imageBuck := transaction.Bucket([]byte(ImageMetaBuck))
for _, digest := range digests {
protoImageMeta, err := getProtoImageMeta(imageBuck, digest)
if err != nil {
return err
if protoImageMeta.MediaType == ispec.MediaTypeImageIndex {
manifestDataList := make([]*proto_go.ManifestMeta, 0, len(protoImageMeta.Index.Index.Manifests))
for _, manifest := range protoImageMeta.Index.Index.Manifests {
imageManifestData, err := getProtoImageMeta(imageBuck, manifest.Digest)
if err != nil {
return err
manifestDataList = append(manifestDataList, imageManifestData.Manifests[0])
protoImageMeta.Manifests = manifestDataList
imageMetaMap[digest] = mConvert.GetImageMeta(protoImageMeta)
return nil
return imageMetaMap, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) SearchRepos(ctx context.Context, searchText string,
) ([]mTypes.RepoMeta, error) {
repos := []mTypes.RepoMeta{}
err := bdw.DB.View(func(transaction *bbolt.Tx) error {
var (
repoBuck = transaction.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
userBookmarks = getUserBookmarks(ctx, transaction)
userStars = getUserStars(ctx, transaction)
cursor := repoBuck.Cursor()
for repoName, repoMetaBlob := cursor.First(); repoName != nil; repoName, repoMetaBlob = cursor.Next() {
if ok, err := reqCtx.RepoIsUserAvailable(ctx, string(repoName)); !ok || err != nil {
rank := common.RankRepoName(searchText, string(repoName))
if rank == -1 {
protoRepoMeta, err := unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(string(repoName), repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
delete(protoRepoMeta.Tags, "")
if len(protoRepoMeta.Tags) == 0 {
protoRepoMeta.Rank = int32(rank)
protoRepoMeta.IsStarred = zcommon.Contains(userStars, protoRepoMeta.Name)
protoRepoMeta.IsBookmarked = zcommon.Contains(userBookmarks, protoRepoMeta.Name)
repos = append(repos, mConvert.GetRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta))
return nil
return repos, err
func getProtoImageMeta(imageBuck *bbolt.Bucket, digest string) (*proto_go.ImageMeta, error) {
imageMetaBlob := imageBuck.Get([]byte(digest))
if len(imageMetaBlob) == 0 {
return nil, zerr.ErrImageMetaNotFound
imageMeta := proto_go.ImageMeta{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(imageMetaBlob, &imageMeta)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &imageMeta, nil
func (bdw *BoltDB) SearchTags(ctx context.Context, searchText string,
) ([]mTypes.FullImageMeta, error) {
images := []mTypes.FullImageMeta{}
searchedRepo, searchedTag, err := common.GetRepoTag(searchText)
if err != nil {
return []mTypes.FullImageMeta{},
fmt.Errorf("failed to parse search text, invalid format %w", err)
err = bdw.DB.View(func(transaction *bbolt.Tx) error {
var (
repoBuck = transaction.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
imageBuck = transaction.Bucket([]byte(ImageMetaBuck))
userBookmarks = getUserBookmarks(ctx, transaction)
userStars = getUserStars(ctx, transaction)
repoName, repoMetaBlob := repoBuck.Cursor().Seek([]byte(searchedRepo))
if string(repoName) != searchedRepo {
return nil
if ok, err := reqCtx.RepoIsUserAvailable(ctx, string(repoName)); !ok || err != nil {
return err
protoRepoMeta, err := unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(string(repoName), repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
delete(protoRepoMeta.Tags, "")
protoRepoMeta.IsBookmarked = zcommon.Contains(userBookmarks, protoRepoMeta.Name)
protoRepoMeta.IsStarred = zcommon.Contains(userStars, protoRepoMeta.Name)
for tag, descriptor := range protoRepoMeta.Tags {
if !strings.HasPrefix(tag, searchedTag) || tag == "" {
var protoImageMeta *proto_go.ImageMeta
switch descriptor.MediaType {
case ispec.MediaTypeImageManifest:
manifestDigest := descriptor.Digest
imageManifestData, err := getProtoImageMeta(imageBuck, manifestDigest)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch manifest meta for manifest with digest %s %w",
manifestDigest, err)
protoImageMeta = imageManifestData
case ispec.MediaTypeImageIndex:
indexDigest := descriptor.Digest
imageIndexData, err := getProtoImageMeta(imageBuck, indexDigest)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch manifest meta for manifest with digest %s %w",
indexDigest, err)
manifestDataList := make([]*proto_go.ManifestMeta, 0, len(imageIndexData.Index.Index.Manifests))
for _, manifest := range imageIndexData.Index.Index.Manifests {
imageManifestData, err := getProtoImageMeta(imageBuck, manifest.Digest)
if err != nil {
return err
manifestDataList = append(manifestDataList, imageManifestData.Manifests[0])
imageIndexData.Manifests = manifestDataList
protoImageMeta = imageIndexData
bdw.Log.Error().Str("mediaType", descriptor.MediaType).Msg("unsupported media type")
images = append(images, mConvert.GetFullImageMetaFromProto(tag, protoRepoMeta, protoImageMeta))
return nil
return images, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) FilterTags(ctx context.Context, filterRepoTag mTypes.FilterRepoTagFunc,
filterFunc mTypes.FilterFunc,
) ([]mTypes.FullImageMeta, error) {
images := []mTypes.FullImageMeta{}
err := bdw.DB.View(func(transaction *bbolt.Tx) error {
var (
repoBuck = transaction.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
imageMetaBuck = transaction.Bucket([]byte(ImageMetaBuck))
userBookmarks = getUserBookmarks(ctx, transaction)
userStars = getUserStars(ctx, transaction)
viewError error
cursor := repoBuck.Cursor()
repoName, repoMetaBlob := cursor.First()
for ; repoName != nil; repoName, repoMetaBlob = cursor.Next() {
if ok, err := reqCtx.RepoIsUserAvailable(ctx, string(repoName)); !ok || err != nil {
protoRepoMeta, err := unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(string(repoName), repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
viewError = errors.Join(viewError, err)
delete(protoRepoMeta.Tags, "")
protoRepoMeta.IsBookmarked = zcommon.Contains(userBookmarks, protoRepoMeta.Name)
protoRepoMeta.IsStarred = zcommon.Contains(userStars, protoRepoMeta.Name)
repoMeta := mConvert.GetRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta)
for tag, descriptor := range protoRepoMeta.Tags {
if !filterRepoTag(string(repoName), tag) {
switch descriptor.MediaType {
case ispec.MediaTypeImageManifest:
manifestDigest := descriptor.Digest
imageManifestData, err := getProtoImageMeta(imageMetaBuck, manifestDigest)
if err != nil {
viewError = errors.Join(viewError, err)
imageMeta := mConvert.GetImageMeta(imageManifestData)
if filterFunc(repoMeta, imageMeta) {
images = append(images, mConvert.GetFullImageMetaFromProto(tag, protoRepoMeta, imageManifestData))
case ispec.MediaTypeImageIndex:
indexDigest := descriptor.Digest
protoImageIndexMeta, err := getProtoImageMeta(imageMetaBuck, indexDigest)
if err != nil {
viewError = errors.Join(viewError, err)
imageIndexMeta := mConvert.GetImageMeta(protoImageIndexMeta)
matchedManifests := []*proto_go.ManifestMeta{}
for _, manifest := range protoImageIndexMeta.Index.Index.Manifests {
manifestDigest := manifest.Digest
imageManifestData, err := getProtoImageMeta(imageMetaBuck, manifestDigest)
if err != nil {
viewError = errors.Join(viewError, err)
imageMeta := mConvert.GetImageMeta(imageManifestData)
partialImageMeta := common.GetPartialImageMeta(imageIndexMeta, imageMeta)
if filterFunc(repoMeta, partialImageMeta) {
matchedManifests = append(matchedManifests, imageManifestData.Manifests[0])
if len(matchedManifests) > 0 {
protoImageIndexMeta.Manifests = matchedManifests
images = append(images, mConvert.GetFullImageMetaFromProto(tag, protoRepoMeta, protoImageIndexMeta))
bdw.Log.Error().Str("mediaType", descriptor.MediaType).Msg("unsupported media type")
return viewError
return images, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) FilterRepos(ctx context.Context, acceptName mTypes.FilterRepoNameFunc,
filter mTypes.FilterFullRepoFunc,
) ([]mTypes.RepoMeta, error) {
repos := []mTypes.RepoMeta{}
err := bdw.DB.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
var (
buck = tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
cursor = buck.Cursor()
userBookmarks = getUserBookmarks(ctx, tx)
userStars = getUserStars(ctx, tx)
for repoName, repoMetaBlob := cursor.First(); repoName != nil; repoName, repoMetaBlob = cursor.Next() {
if ok, err := reqCtx.RepoIsUserAvailable(ctx, string(repoName)); !ok || err != nil {
if !acceptName(string(repoName)) {
repoMeta, err := unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(string(repoName), repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
repoMeta.IsBookmarked = zcommon.Contains(userBookmarks, repoMeta.Name)
repoMeta.IsStarred = zcommon.Contains(userStars, repoMeta.Name)
fullRepoMeta := mConvert.GetRepoMeta(repoMeta)
if filter(fullRepoMeta) {
repos = append(repos, fullRepoMeta)
return nil
if err != nil {
return []mTypes.RepoMeta{}, err
return repos, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) GetRepoMeta(ctx context.Context, repo string) (mTypes.RepoMeta, error) {
var protoRepoMeta *proto_go.RepoMeta
err := bdw.DB.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
buck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
userBookmarks := getUserBookmarks(ctx, tx)
userStars := getUserStars(ctx, tx)
repoMetaBlob := buck.Get([]byte(repo))
var err error
protoRepoMeta, err = unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(repo, repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
delete(protoRepoMeta.Tags, "")
protoRepoMeta.IsBookmarked = zcommon.Contains(userBookmarks, repo)
protoRepoMeta.IsStarred = zcommon.Contains(userStars, repo)
return nil
return mConvert.GetRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta), err
func (bdw *BoltDB) GetFullImageMeta(ctx context.Context, repo string, tag string) (mTypes.FullImageMeta, error) {
protoRepoMeta := &proto_go.RepoMeta{}
protoImageMeta := &proto_go.ImageMeta{}
err := bdw.DB.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
buck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
imageBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(ImageMetaBuck))
userBookmarks := getUserBookmarks(ctx, tx)
userStars := getUserStars(ctx, tx)
repoMetaBlob := buck.Get([]byte(repo))
// object not found
if len(repoMetaBlob) == 0 {
return zerr.ErrRepoMetaNotFound
var err error
protoRepoMeta, err = unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(repo, repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
delete(protoRepoMeta.Tags, "")
protoRepoMeta.IsBookmarked = zcommon.Contains(userBookmarks, repo)
protoRepoMeta.IsStarred = zcommon.Contains(userStars, repo)
descriptor, ok := protoRepoMeta.Tags[tag]
if !ok {
return zerr.ErrImageMetaNotFound
protoImageMeta, err = getProtoImageMeta(imageBuck, descriptor.Digest)
if err != nil {
return err
if protoImageMeta.MediaType == ispec.MediaTypeImageIndex {
manifestDataList := make([]*proto_go.ManifestMeta, 0, len(protoImageMeta.Index.Index.Manifests))
for _, manifest := range protoImageMeta.Index.Index.Manifests {
imageManifestData, err := getProtoImageMeta(imageBuck, manifest.Digest)
if err != nil {
return err
manifestDataList = append(manifestDataList, imageManifestData.Manifests[0])
protoImageMeta.Manifests = manifestDataList
return nil
return mConvert.GetFullImageMetaFromProto(tag, protoRepoMeta, protoImageMeta), err
func (bdw *BoltDB) GetImageMeta(digest godigest.Digest) (mTypes.ImageMeta, error) {
imageMeta := mTypes.ImageMeta{}
err := bdw.DB.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
imageBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(ImageMetaBuck))
protoImageMeta, err := getProtoImageMeta(imageBuck, digest.String())
if err != nil {
return err
if protoImageMeta.MediaType == ispec.MediaTypeImageIndex {
manifestDataList := make([]*proto_go.ManifestMeta, 0, len(protoImageMeta.Index.Index.Manifests))
for _, manifest := range protoImageMeta.Index.Index.Manifests {
imageManifestData, err := getProtoImageMeta(imageBuck, manifest.Digest)
if err != nil {
return err
manifestDataList = append(manifestDataList, imageManifestData.Manifests[0])
protoImageMeta.Manifests = manifestDataList
imageMeta = mConvert.GetImageMeta(protoImageMeta)
return nil
return imageMeta, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) GetMultipleRepoMeta(ctx context.Context, filter func(repoMeta mTypes.RepoMeta) bool,
) ([]mTypes.RepoMeta, error) {
foundRepos := []mTypes.RepoMeta{}
err := bdw.DB.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
buck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
cursor := buck.Cursor()
for repoName, repoMetaBlob := cursor.First(); repoName != nil; repoName, repoMetaBlob = cursor.Next() {
if ok, err := reqCtx.RepoIsUserAvailable(ctx, string(repoName)); !ok || err != nil {
protoRepoMeta, err := unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(string(repoName), repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
delete(protoRepoMeta.Tags, "")
repoMeta := mConvert.GetRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta)
if filter(repoMeta) {
foundRepos = append(foundRepos, repoMeta)
return nil
return foundRepos, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) AddManifestSignature(repo string, signedManifestDigest godigest.Digest,
sigMeta mTypes.SignatureMetadata,
) error {
err := bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
repoMetaBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
repoMetaBlob := repoMetaBuck.Get([]byte(repo))
if len(repoMetaBlob) == 0 {
var err error
// create a new object
repoMeta := proto_go.RepoMeta{
Name: repo,
Tags: map[string]*proto_go.TagDescriptor{"": {}},
Signatures: map[string]*proto_go.ManifestSignatures{
signedManifestDigest.String(): {
Map: map[string]*proto_go.SignaturesInfo{
sigMeta.SignatureType: {
List: []*proto_go.SignatureInfo{
SignatureManifestDigest: sigMeta.SignatureDigest,
LayersInfo: mConvert.GetProtoLayersInfo(sigMeta.LayersInfo),
Referrers: map[string]*proto_go.ReferrersInfo{"": {}},
Statistics: map[string]*proto_go.DescriptorStatistics{"": {}},
repoMetaBlob, err = proto.Marshal(&repoMeta)
if err != nil {
return err
return repoMetaBuck.Put([]byte(repo), repoMetaBlob)
protoRepoMeta, err := unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(repo, repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
var (
manifestSignatures *proto_go.ManifestSignatures
found bool
if manifestSignatures, found = protoRepoMeta.Signatures[signedManifestDigest.String()]; !found {
manifestSignatures = &proto_go.ManifestSignatures{Map: map[string]*proto_go.SignaturesInfo{"": {}}}
signatureSlice := &proto_go.SignaturesInfo{List: []*proto_go.SignatureInfo{}}
if sigSlice, found := manifestSignatures.Map[sigMeta.SignatureType]; found {
signatureSlice = sigSlice
if !common.ProtoSignatureAlreadyExists(signatureSlice.List, sigMeta) {
switch sigMeta.SignatureType {
case zcommon.NotationSignature:
signatureSlice.List = append(signatureSlice.List, &proto_go.SignatureInfo{
SignatureManifestDigest: sigMeta.SignatureDigest,
LayersInfo: mConvert.GetProtoLayersInfo(sigMeta.LayersInfo),
case zcommon.CosignSignature:
newCosignSig := &proto_go.SignatureInfo{
SignatureManifestDigest: sigMeta.SignatureDigest,
LayersInfo: mConvert.GetProtoLayersInfo(sigMeta.LayersInfo),
if zcommon.IsCosignTag(sigMeta.SignatureTag) {
// the entry for "sha256-{digest}.sig" signatures should be overwritten if
// it exists or added on the first position if it doesn't exist
if len(signatureSlice.GetList()) == 0 {
signatureSlice.List = []*proto_go.SignatureInfo{newCosignSig}
} else {
signatureSlice.List[0] = newCosignSig
} else {
// the first position should be reserved for "sha256-{digest}.sig" signatures
if len(signatureSlice.GetList()) == 0 {
signatureSlice.List = []*proto_go.SignatureInfo{{
SignatureManifestDigest: "",
LayersInfo: []*proto_go.LayersInfo{},
signatureSlice.List = append(signatureSlice.List, newCosignSig)
manifestSignatures.Map[sigMeta.SignatureType] = signatureSlice
protoRepoMeta.Signatures[signedManifestDigest.String()] = manifestSignatures
return setProtoRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta, repoMetaBuck)
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) DeleteSignature(repo string, signedManifestDigest godigest.Digest,
sigMeta mTypes.SignatureMetadata,
) error {
err := bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
repoMetaBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
repoMetaBlob := repoMetaBuck.Get([]byte(repo))
if len(repoMetaBlob) == 0 {
return zerr.ErrImageMetaNotFound
protoRepoMeta, err := unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(repo, repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
manifestSignatures, found := protoRepoMeta.Signatures[signedManifestDigest.String()]
if !found {
return zerr.ErrImageMetaNotFound
signatureSlice := manifestSignatures.Map[sigMeta.SignatureType]
newSignatureSlice := make([]*proto_go.SignatureInfo, 0, len(signatureSlice.List))
for _, sigInfo := range signatureSlice.List {
if sigInfo.SignatureManifestDigest != sigMeta.SignatureDigest {
newSignatureSlice = append(newSignatureSlice, sigInfo)
manifestSignatures.Map[sigMeta.SignatureType] = &proto_go.SignaturesInfo{List: newSignatureSlice}
protoRepoMeta.Signatures[signedManifestDigest.String()] = manifestSignatures
return setProtoRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta, repoMetaBuck)
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) IncrementRepoStars(repo string) error {
err := bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
repoMetaBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
repoMetaBlob := repoMetaBuck.Get([]byte(repo))
if len(repoMetaBlob) == 0 {
return zerr.ErrRepoMetaNotFound
protoRepoMeta, err := unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(repo, repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
return setProtoRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta, repoMetaBuck)
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) DecrementRepoStars(repo string) error {
err := bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
repoMetaBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
repoMetaBlob := repoMetaBuck.Get([]byte(repo))
if len(repoMetaBlob) == 0 {
return zerr.ErrRepoMetaNotFound
protoRepoMeta, err := unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(repo, repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
if protoRepoMeta.Stars == 0 {
return nil
return setProtoRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta, repoMetaBuck)
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) SetRepoMeta(repo string, repoMeta mTypes.RepoMeta) error {
err := bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
buck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
repoLastUpdatedBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoBlobsBuck)).Bucket([]byte(RepoLastUpdatedBuck))
repoMeta.Name = repo
repoMetaBlob, err := proto.Marshal(mConvert.GetProtoRepoMeta(repoMeta))
if err != nil {
return err
err = buck.Put([]byte(repo), repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
// The last update time is set to 0 in order to force an update in case of a next storage parsing
return setRepoLastUpdated(repo, time.Time{}, repoLastUpdatedBuck)
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) DeleteRepoMeta(repo string) error {
err := bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
repoBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
repoBlobsBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoBlobsBuck))
repoLastUpdatedBuck := repoBlobsBuck.Bucket([]byte(RepoLastUpdatedBuck))
err := repoBuck.Delete([]byte(repo))
if err != nil {
return err
err = repoBlobsBuck.Delete([]byte(repo))
if err != nil {
return err
return repoLastUpdatedBuck.Delete([]byte(repo))
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) ResetRepoReferences(repo string) error {
err := bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
buck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
repoMetaBlob := buck.Get([]byte(repo))
protoRepoMeta, err := unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(repo, repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrRepoMetaNotFound) {
return err
repoMetaBlob, err = proto.Marshal(&proto_go.RepoMeta{
Name: repo,
Statistics: protoRepoMeta.Statistics,
Stars: protoRepoMeta.Stars,
Tags: map[string]*proto_go.TagDescriptor{"": {}},
Signatures: map[string]*proto_go.ManifestSignatures{"": {Map: map[string]*proto_go.SignaturesInfo{"": {}}}},
Referrers: map[string]*proto_go.ReferrersInfo{"": {}},
if err != nil {
return err
return buck.Put([]byte(repo), repoMetaBlob)
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) GetReferrersInfo(repo string, referredDigest godigest.Digest, artifactTypes []string,
) ([]mTypes.ReferrerInfo, error) {
referrersInfoResult := []mTypes.ReferrerInfo{}
err := bdw.DB.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
buck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
repoMetaBlob := buck.Get([]byte(repo))
protoRepoMeta, err := unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(repo, repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
referrersInfo := protoRepoMeta.Referrers[referredDigest.String()].List
for i := range referrersInfo {
if !common.MatchesArtifactTypes(referrersInfo[i].ArtifactType, artifactTypes) {
referrersInfoResult = append(referrersInfoResult, mTypes.ReferrerInfo{
Digest: referrersInfo[i].Digest,
MediaType: referrersInfo[i].MediaType,
ArtifactType: referrersInfo[i].ArtifactType,
Size: int(referrersInfo[i].Size),
Annotations: referrersInfo[i].Annotations,
return nil
return referrersInfoResult, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) UpdateStatsOnDownload(repo string, reference string) error {
err := bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
repoMetaBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
repoMetaBlob := repoMetaBuck.Get([]byte(repo))
if len(repoMetaBlob) == 0 {
return zerr.ErrRepoMetaNotFound
protoRepoMeta, err := unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(repo, repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
manifestDigest := reference
if common.ReferenceIsTag(reference) {
descriptor, found := protoRepoMeta.Tags[reference]
if !found {
return zerr.ErrImageMetaNotFound
manifestDigest = descriptor.Digest
manifestStatistics, ok := protoRepoMeta.Statistics[manifestDigest]
if !ok {
return zerr.ErrImageMetaNotFound
manifestStatistics.LastPullTimestamp = timestamppb.Now()
protoRepoMeta.Statistics[manifestDigest] = manifestStatistics
return setProtoRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta, repoMetaBuck)
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) UpdateSignaturesValidity(ctx context.Context, repo string, manifestDigest godigest.Digest) error {
err := bdw.DB.Update(func(transaction *bbolt.Tx) error {
imgTrustStore := bdw.ImageTrustStore()
if imgTrustStore == nil {
return nil
// get ManifestData of signed manifest
imageMetaBuck := transaction.Bucket([]byte(ImageMetaBuck))
idBlob := imageMetaBuck.Get([]byte(manifestDigest))
if len(idBlob) == 0 {
// manifest meta not found, updating signatures with details about validity and author will not be performed
return nil
protoImageMeta := proto_go.ImageMeta{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(idBlob, &protoImageMeta)
if err != nil {
return err
// update signatures with details about validity and author
repoBuck := transaction.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
repoMetaBlob := repoBuck.Get([]byte(repo))
if len(repoMetaBlob) == 0 {
return zerr.ErrRepoMetaNotFound
protoRepoMeta, err := unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(repo, repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
manifestSignatures := proto_go.ManifestSignatures{Map: map[string]*proto_go.SignaturesInfo{"": {}}}
for sigType, sigs := range protoRepoMeta.Signatures[manifestDigest.String()].Map {
if zcommon.IsContextDone(ctx) {
return ctx.Err()
signaturesInfo := []*proto_go.SignatureInfo{}
for _, sigInfo := range sigs.List {
layersInfo := []*proto_go.LayersInfo{}
for _, layerInfo := range sigInfo.LayersInfo {
author, date, isTrusted, _ := imgTrustStore.VerifySignature(sigType, layerInfo.LayerContent,
layerInfo.SignatureKey, manifestDigest, mConvert.GetImageMeta(&protoImageMeta), repo)
if isTrusted {
layerInfo.Signer = author
if !date.IsZero() {
layerInfo.Signer = author
layerInfo.Date = timestamppb.New(date)
layersInfo = append(layersInfo, layerInfo)
signaturesInfo = append(signaturesInfo, &proto_go.SignatureInfo{
SignatureManifestDigest: sigInfo.SignatureManifestDigest,
LayersInfo: layersInfo,
manifestSignatures.Map[sigType] = &proto_go.SignaturesInfo{List: signaturesInfo}
protoRepoMeta.Signatures[manifestDigest.String()] = &manifestSignatures
return setProtoRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta, repoBuck)
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) RemoveRepoReference(repo, reference string, manifestDigest godigest.Digest) error {
err := bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
repoMetaBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
imageMetaBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(ImageMetaBuck))
repoBlobsBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoBlobsBuck))
repoLastUpdatedBuck := repoBlobsBuck.Bucket([]byte(RepoLastUpdatedBuck))
protoRepoMeta, err := getProtoRepoMeta(repo, repoMetaBuck)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrRepoMetaNotFound) {
return nil
return err
protoImageMeta, err := getProtoImageMeta(imageMetaBuck, manifestDigest.String())
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrImageMetaNotFound) {
return nil
return err
// Remove Referrers
if subject := mConvert.GetImageSubject(protoImageMeta); subject != nil {
referredDigest := subject.Digest.String()
refInfo := &proto_go.ReferrersInfo{}
if protoRepoMeta.Referrers[referredDigest] != nil {
refInfo = protoRepoMeta.Referrers[referredDigest]
referrers := refInfo.List
for i := range referrers {
if referrers[i].Digest == manifestDigest.String() {
referrers[i].Count -= 1
if referrers[i].Count == 0 || common.ReferenceIsDigest(reference) {
referrers = append(referrers[:i], referrers[i+1:]...)
refInfo.List = referrers
protoRepoMeta.Referrers[referredDigest] = refInfo
if !common.ReferenceIsDigest(reference) {
delete(protoRepoMeta.Tags, reference)
} else {
// remove all tags pointing to this digest
for tag, desc := range protoRepoMeta.Tags {
if desc.Digest == reference {
delete(protoRepoMeta.Tags, tag)
/* try to find at least one tag pointing to manifestDigest
if not found then we can also remove everything related to this digest */
var foundTag bool
for _, desc := range protoRepoMeta.Tags {
if desc.Digest == manifestDigest.String() {
foundTag = true
if !foundTag {
delete(protoRepoMeta.Statistics, manifestDigest.String())
delete(protoRepoMeta.Signatures, manifestDigest.String())
delete(protoRepoMeta.Referrers, manifestDigest.String())
repoBlobsBytes := repoBlobsBuck.Get([]byte(protoRepoMeta.Name))
repoBlobs, err := unmarshalProtoRepoBlobs(repo, repoBlobsBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
err = setRepoLastUpdated(repo, time.Now(), repoLastUpdatedBuck)
if err != nil {
return err
protoRepoMeta, repoBlobs = common.RemoveImageFromRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta, repoBlobs, reference)
repoBlobsBytes, err = proto.Marshal(repoBlobs)
if err != nil {
return err
err = repoBlobsBuck.Put([]byte(protoRepoMeta.Name), repoBlobsBytes)
if err != nil {
return err
return setProtoRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta, repoMetaBuck)
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) ImageTrustStore() mTypes.ImageTrustStore {
return bdw.imgTrustStore
func (bdw *BoltDB) SetImageTrustStore(imgTrustStore mTypes.ImageTrustStore) {
bdw.imgTrustStore = imgTrustStore
func (bdw *BoltDB) ToggleStarRepo(ctx context.Context, repo string) (mTypes.ToggleState, error) {
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return mTypes.NotChanged, err
if userAc.IsAnonymous() || !userAc.Can(constants.ReadPermission, repo) {
return mTypes.NotChanged, zerr.ErrUserDataNotAllowed
userid := userAc.GetUsername()
var res mTypes.ToggleState
if err := bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error { //nolint:varnamelen
var userData mTypes.UserData
err := bdw.getUserData(userid, tx, &userData)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrUserDataNotFound) {
return err
isRepoStarred := zcommon.Contains(userData.StarredRepos, repo)
if isRepoStarred {
res = mTypes.Removed
userData.StarredRepos = zcommon.RemoveFrom(userData.StarredRepos, repo)
} else {
res = mTypes.Added
userData.StarredRepos = append(userData.StarredRepos, repo)
err = bdw.setUserData(userid, tx, userData)
if err != nil {
return err
repoBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoMetaBuck))
repoMetaBlob := repoBuck.Get([]byte(repo))
if len(repoMetaBlob) == 0 {
return zerr.ErrRepoMetaNotFound
protoRepoMeta, err := unmarshalProtoRepoMeta(repo, repoMetaBlob)
if err != nil {
return err
switch res {
case mTypes.Added:
case mTypes.Removed:
return setProtoRepoMeta(protoRepoMeta, repoBuck)
}); err != nil {
return mTypes.NotChanged, err
return res, nil
func (bdw *BoltDB) GetStarredRepos(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
userData, err := bdw.GetUserData(ctx)
if errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrUserDataNotFound) || errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrUserDataNotAllowed) {
return []string{}, nil
return userData.StarredRepos, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) ToggleBookmarkRepo(ctx context.Context, repo string) (mTypes.ToggleState, error) {
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return mTypes.NotChanged, err
if userAc.IsAnonymous() || !userAc.Can(constants.ReadPermission, repo) {
return mTypes.NotChanged, zerr.ErrUserDataNotAllowed
userid := userAc.GetUsername()
var res mTypes.ToggleState
if err := bdw.DB.Update(func(transaction *bbolt.Tx) error { //nolint:dupl
var userData mTypes.UserData
err := bdw.getUserData(userid, transaction, &userData)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrUserDataNotFound) {
return err
isRepoBookmarked := zcommon.Contains(userData.BookmarkedRepos, repo)
if isRepoBookmarked {
res = mTypes.Removed
userData.BookmarkedRepos = zcommon.RemoveFrom(userData.BookmarkedRepos, repo)
} else {
res = mTypes.Added
userData.BookmarkedRepos = append(userData.BookmarkedRepos, repo)
return bdw.setUserData(userid, transaction, userData)
}); err != nil {
return mTypes.NotChanged, err
return res, nil
func (bdw *BoltDB) GetBookmarkedRepos(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
userData, err := bdw.GetUserData(ctx)
if errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrUserDataNotFound) || errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrUserDataNotAllowed) {
return []string{}, nil
return userData.BookmarkedRepos, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) PatchDB() error {
var DBVersion string
err := bdw.DB.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
versionBuck := tx.Bucket([]byte(VersionBucket))
DBVersion = string(versionBuck.Get([]byte(version.DBVersionKey)))
return nil
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("patching the database failed, can't read db version %w", err)
if version.GetVersionIndex(DBVersion) == -1 {
return fmt.Errorf("DB has broken format, no version found %w", err)
for patchIndex, patch := range bdw.Patches {
if patchIndex < version.GetVersionIndex(DBVersion) {
err := patch(bdw.DB)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func getUserStars(ctx context.Context, transaction *bbolt.Tx) []string {
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return []string{}
var (
userData mTypes.UserData
userid = userAc.GetUsername()
userdb = transaction.Bucket([]byte(UserDataBucket))
if userid == "" || userdb == nil {
return []string{}
mdata := userdb.Get([]byte(userid))
if mdata == nil {
return []string{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(mdata, &userData); err != nil {
return []string{}
return userData.StarredRepos
func getUserBookmarks(ctx context.Context, transaction *bbolt.Tx) []string {
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return []string{}
var (
userData mTypes.UserData
userid = userAc.GetUsername()
userdb = transaction.Bucket([]byte(UserDataBucket))
if userid == "" || userdb == nil {
return []string{}
mdata := userdb.Get([]byte(userid))
if mdata == nil {
return []string{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(mdata, &userData); err != nil {
return []string{}
return userData.BookmarkedRepos
func (bdw *BoltDB) SetUserGroups(ctx context.Context, groups []string) error {
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
if userAc.IsAnonymous() {
return zerr.ErrUserDataNotAllowed
userid := userAc.GetUsername()
err = bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error { //nolint:varnamelen
var userData mTypes.UserData
err := bdw.getUserData(userid, tx, &userData)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrUserDataNotFound) {
return err
userData.Groups = append(userData.Groups, groups...)
err = bdw.setUserData(userid, tx, userData)
return err
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) GetUserGroups(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
userData, err := bdw.GetUserData(ctx)
return userData.Groups, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) UpdateUserAPIKeyLastUsed(ctx context.Context, hashedKey string) error {
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
if userAc.IsAnonymous() {
return zerr.ErrUserDataNotAllowed
userid := userAc.GetUsername()
err = bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error { //nolint:varnamelen
var userData mTypes.UserData
err := bdw.getUserData(userid, tx, &userData)
if err != nil {
return err
apiKeyDetails := userData.APIKeys[hashedKey]
apiKeyDetails.LastUsed = time.Now()
userData.APIKeys[hashedKey] = apiKeyDetails
err = bdw.setUserData(userid, tx, userData)
return err
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) IsAPIKeyExpired(ctx context.Context, hashedKey string) (bool, error) {
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if userAc.IsAnonymous() {
return false, zerr.ErrUserDataNotAllowed
userid := userAc.GetUsername()
var isExpired bool
err = bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error { //nolint:varnamelen
var userData mTypes.UserData
err := bdw.getUserData(userid, tx, &userData)
if err != nil {
return err
apiKeyDetails := userData.APIKeys[hashedKey]
if apiKeyDetails.IsExpired {
isExpired = true
return nil
// if expiresAt is not nil value
if !apiKeyDetails.ExpirationDate.Equal(time.Time{}) && time.Now().After(apiKeyDetails.ExpirationDate) {
isExpired = true
apiKeyDetails.IsExpired = true
userData.APIKeys[hashedKey] = apiKeyDetails
err = bdw.setUserData(userid, tx, userData)
return err
return isExpired, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) GetUserAPIKeys(ctx context.Context) ([]mTypes.APIKeyDetails, error) {
apiKeys := make([]mTypes.APIKeyDetails, 0)
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if userAc.IsAnonymous() {
return nil, zerr.ErrUserDataNotAllowed
userid := userAc.GetUsername()
err = bdw.DB.Update(func(transaction *bbolt.Tx) error {
var userData mTypes.UserData
err = bdw.getUserData(userid, transaction, &userData)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrUserDataNotFound) {
return err
for hashedKey, apiKeyDetails := range userData.APIKeys {
// if expiresAt is not nil value
if !apiKeyDetails.ExpirationDate.Equal(time.Time{}) && time.Now().After(apiKeyDetails.ExpirationDate) {
apiKeyDetails.IsExpired = true
userData.APIKeys[hashedKey] = apiKeyDetails
err = bdw.setUserData(userid, transaction, userData)
if err != nil {
return err
apiKeys = append(apiKeys, apiKeyDetails)
return nil
return apiKeys, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) AddUserAPIKey(ctx context.Context, hashedKey string, apiKeyDetails *mTypes.APIKeyDetails) error {
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
if userAc.IsAnonymous() {
return zerr.ErrUserDataNotAllowed
userid := userAc.GetUsername()
err = bdw.DB.Update(func(transaction *bbolt.Tx) error {
var userData mTypes.UserData
apiKeysbuck := transaction.Bucket([]byte(UserAPIKeysBucket))
if apiKeysbuck == nil {
return zerr.ErrBucketDoesNotExist
err := apiKeysbuck.Put([]byte(hashedKey), []byte(userid))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set userData for identity %s %w", userid, err)
err = bdw.getUserData(userid, transaction, &userData)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, zerr.ErrUserDataNotFound) {
return err
if userData.APIKeys == nil {
userData.APIKeys = make(map[string]mTypes.APIKeyDetails)
userData.APIKeys[hashedKey] = *apiKeyDetails
err = bdw.setUserData(userid, transaction, userData)
return err
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) DeleteUserAPIKey(ctx context.Context, keyID string) error {
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
if userAc.IsAnonymous() {
return zerr.ErrUserDataNotAllowed
userid := userAc.GetUsername()
err = bdw.DB.Update(func(transaction *bbolt.Tx) error {
var userData mTypes.UserData
apiKeysbuck := transaction.Bucket([]byte(UserAPIKeysBucket))
if apiKeysbuck == nil {
return zerr.ErrBucketDoesNotExist
err := bdw.getUserData(userid, transaction, &userData)
if err != nil {
return err
for hash, apiKeyDetails := range userData.APIKeys {
if apiKeyDetails.UUID == keyID {
delete(userData.APIKeys, hash)
err := apiKeysbuck.Delete([]byte(hash))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete userAPIKey entry for hash %s %w", hash, err)
return bdw.setUserData(userid, transaction, userData)
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) GetUserAPIKeyInfo(hashedKey string) (string, error) {
var userid string
err := bdw.DB.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
buck := tx.Bucket([]byte(UserAPIKeysBucket))
if buck == nil {
return zerr.ErrBucketDoesNotExist
uiBlob := buck.Get([]byte(hashedKey))
if len(uiBlob) == 0 {
return zerr.ErrUserAPIKeyNotFound
userid = string(uiBlob)
return nil
return userid, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) GetUserData(ctx context.Context) (mTypes.UserData, error) {
var userData mTypes.UserData
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return userData, err
if userAc.IsAnonymous() {
return userData, zerr.ErrUserDataNotAllowed
userid := userAc.GetUsername()
err = bdw.DB.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
return bdw.getUserData(userid, tx, &userData)
return userData, err
func (bdw *BoltDB) getUserData(userid string, transaction *bbolt.Tx, res *mTypes.UserData) error {
buck := transaction.Bucket([]byte(UserDataBucket))
if buck == nil {
return zerr.ErrBucketDoesNotExist
upBlob := buck.Get([]byte(userid))
if len(upBlob) == 0 {
return zerr.ErrUserDataNotFound
err := json.Unmarshal(upBlob, res)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (bdw *BoltDB) SetUserData(ctx context.Context, userData mTypes.UserData) error {
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
if userAc.IsAnonymous() {
return zerr.ErrUserDataNotAllowed
userid := userAc.GetUsername()
err = bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
return bdw.setUserData(userid, tx, userData)
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) setUserData(userid string, transaction *bbolt.Tx, userData mTypes.UserData) error {
buck := transaction.Bucket([]byte(UserDataBucket))
if buck == nil {
return zerr.ErrBucketDoesNotExist
upBlob, err := json.Marshal(userData)
if err != nil {
return err
err = buck.Put([]byte(userid), upBlob)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to set userData for identity %s %w", userid, err)
return nil
func (bdw *BoltDB) DeleteUserData(ctx context.Context) error {
userAc, err := reqCtx.UserAcFromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
if userAc.IsAnonymous() {
return zerr.ErrUserDataNotAllowed
userid := userAc.GetUsername()
err = bdw.DB.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
buck := tx.Bucket([]byte(UserDataBucket))
if buck == nil {
return zerr.ErrBucketDoesNotExist
err := buck.Delete([]byte(userid))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete userData for identity %s %w", userid, err)
return nil
return err
func (bdw *BoltDB) ResetDB() error {
err := bdw.DB.Update(func(transaction *bbolt.Tx) error {
err := resetBucket(transaction, RepoMetaBuck)
if err != nil {
return err
err = resetBucket(transaction, ImageMetaBuck)
if err != nil {
return err
err = resetBucket(transaction, RepoBlobsBuck)
if err != nil {
return err
err = resetBucket(transaction, UserAPIKeysBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
err = resetBucket(transaction, UserDataBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return err
func resetBucket(transaction *bbolt.Tx, bucketName string) error {
bucket := transaction.Bucket([]byte(bucketName))
if bucket == nil {
return nil
// we need to create the sub buckets if they exits, we'll presume the sub-buckets are not nested more than 1 layer
subBuckets := [][]byte{}
err := bucket.ForEachBucket(func(bucketName []byte) error {
subBuckets = append(subBuckets, bucketName)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
err = transaction.DeleteBucket([]byte(bucketName))
if err != nil {
return err
bucket, err = transaction.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(bucketName))
if err != nil {
return err
for _, subBucket := range subBuckets {
_, err := bucket.CreateBucketIfNotExists(subBucket)
if err != nil {
return err
return err