mirror of
synced 2025-01-27 23:01:43 -05:00
Which could be imported independently. See more details: 1. "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/common" - currently used as tcommon "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/common" - inside pkg/test test "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/common" - in tests . "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/common" - in tests Decouple zb from code in test/pkg in order to keep the size small. 2. "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/image-utils" - curently used as . "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/image-utils" 3. "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/deprecated" - curently used as "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/deprecated" This one will bre replaced gradually by image-utils in the future. 4. "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/signature" - (cosign + notation) use as "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/signature" 5. "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/auth" - (bearer + oidc) curently used as authutils "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/auth" 6. "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/oci-utils" - curently used as ociutils "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/oci-utils" Some unused functions were removed, some were replaced, and in a few cases specific funtions were moved to the files they were used in. Added an interface for the StoreController, this reduces the number of imports of the entire image store, decreasing binary size for tests. If the zb code was still coupled with pkg/test, this would have reflected in zb size. Signed-off-by: Andrei Aaron <aaaron@luxoft.com>
230 lines
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230 lines
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//go:build search
package trivy_test
import (
godigest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
ispec "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
zerr "zotregistry.io/zot/errors"
extconf "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/extensions/config"
mTypes "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/meta/types"
. "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/common"
. "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/test/image-utils"
func TestScanBigTestFile(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Scan zot-test", t, func() {
projRootDir, err := GetProjectRootDir()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
testImage := filepath.Join(projRootDir, "test/data/zot-test")
tempDir := t.TempDir()
port := GetFreePort()
conf := config.New()
conf.HTTP.Port = port
defaultVal := true
conf.Storage.RootDirectory = tempDir
conf.Extensions = &extconf.ExtensionConfig{
Search: &extconf.SearchConfig{
BaseConfig: extconf.BaseConfig{Enable: &defaultVal},
ctlr := api.NewController(conf)
So(ctlr, ShouldNotBeNil)
err = CopyFiles(testImage, filepath.Join(tempDir, "zot-test"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
cm := NewControllerManager(ctlr)
defer cm.StopServer()
// scan
scanner := trivy.NewScanner(ctlr.StoreController, ctlr.MetaDB, "ghcr.io/project-zot/trivy-db", "", ctlr.Log)
err = scanner.UpdateDB()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
cveMap, err := scanner.ScanImage("zot-test:0.0.1")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(cveMap, ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestScanningByDigest(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Scan the individual manifests inside an index", t, func() {
// start server
tempDir := t.TempDir()
port := GetFreePort()
baseURL := GetBaseURL(port)
conf := config.New()
conf.HTTP.Port = port
defaultVal := true
conf.Storage.RootDirectory = tempDir
conf.Extensions = &extconf.ExtensionConfig{
Search: &extconf.SearchConfig{
BaseConfig: extconf.BaseConfig{Enable: &defaultVal},
ctlr := api.NewController(conf)
So(ctlr, ShouldNotBeNil)
cm := NewControllerManager(ctlr)
defer cm.StopServer()
// push index with 2 manifests: one with vulns and one without
vulnImage := CreateDefaultVulnerableImage()
simpleImage := CreateRandomImage()
multiArch := deprecated.GetMultiarchImageForImages([]Image{simpleImage, //nolint:staticcheck
err := UploadMultiarchImage(multiArch, baseURL, "multi-arch", "multi-arch-tag")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
// scan
scanner := trivy.NewScanner(ctlr.StoreController, ctlr.MetaDB, "ghcr.io/project-zot/trivy-db", "", ctlr.Log)
err = scanner.UpdateDB()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
cveMap, err := scanner.ScanImage("multi-arch@" + vulnImage.DigestStr())
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(cveMap, ShouldContainKey, Vulnerability1ID)
So(cveMap, ShouldContainKey, Vulnerability2ID)
So(cveMap, ShouldContainKey, Vulnerability3ID)
cveMap, err = scanner.ScanImage("multi-arch@" + simpleImage.DigestStr())
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(cveMap, ShouldBeEmpty)
cveMap, err = scanner.ScanImage("multi-arch@" + multiArch.DigestStr())
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(cveMap, ShouldContainKey, Vulnerability1ID)
So(cveMap, ShouldContainKey, Vulnerability2ID)
So(cveMap, ShouldContainKey, Vulnerability3ID)
cveMap, err = scanner.ScanImage("multi-arch:multi-arch-tag")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(cveMap, ShouldContainKey, Vulnerability1ID)
So(cveMap, ShouldContainKey, Vulnerability2ID)
So(cveMap, ShouldContainKey, Vulnerability3ID)
func TestScannerErrors(t *testing.T) {
digest := godigest.FromString("dig")
Convey("Errors", t, func() {
storeController := storage.StoreController{}
storeController.DefaultStore = mocks.MockedImageStore{}
metaDB := mocks.MetaDBMock{}
log := log.NewLogger("debug", "")
Convey("IsImageFormatSanable", func() {
metaDB.GetManifestDataFn = func(manifestDigest godigest.Digest) (mTypes.ManifestData, error) {
return mTypes.ManifestData{}, zerr.ErrManifestDataNotFound
metaDB.GetIndexDataFn = func(indexDigest godigest.Digest) (mTypes.IndexData, error) {
return mTypes.IndexData{}, zerr.ErrManifestDataNotFound
scanner := trivy.NewScanner(storeController, metaDB, "", "", log)
_, err := scanner.ScanImage("repo@" + digest.String())
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
func TestVulnerableLayer(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Vulnerable layer", t, func() {
vulnerableLayer, err := GetLayerWithVulnerability()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
created, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2023-03-29T18:19:24Z")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
config := ispec.Image{
Created: &created,
Platform: ispec.Platform{
Architecture: "amd64",
OS: "linux",
Config: ispec.ImageConfig{
Env: []string{"PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"},
Cmd: []string{"/bin/sh"},
RootFS: ispec.RootFS{
Type: "layers",
DiffIDs: []godigest.Digest{"sha256:f1417ff83b319fbdae6dd9cd6d8c9c88002dcd75ecf6ec201c8c6894681cf2b5"},
img := CreateImageWith().
tempDir := t.TempDir()
log := log.NewLogger("debug", "")
imageStore := local.NewImageStore(tempDir, false, false,
log, monitoring.NewMetricsServer(false, log), nil, nil)
storeController := storage.StoreController{
DefaultStore: imageStore,
err = WriteImageToFileSystem(img, "repo", img.DigestStr(), storeController)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
params := boltdb.DBParameters{
RootDir: tempDir,
boltDriver, err := boltdb.GetBoltDriver(params)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
metaDB, err := boltdb.New(boltDriver, log)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
err = meta.ParseStorage(metaDB, storeController, log)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
scanner := trivy.NewScanner(storeController, metaDB, "ghcr.io/project-zot/trivy-db", "", log)
err = scanner.UpdateDB()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
cveMap, err := scanner.ScanImage("repo@" + img.DigestStr())
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
t.Logf("cveMap: %v", cveMap)
// As of September 17 2023 there are 5 CVEs:
// CVE-2023-1255, CVE-2023-2650, CVE-2023-2975, CVE-2023-3817, CVE-2023-3446
// There may be more discovered in the future
So(len(cveMap), ShouldBeGreaterThanOrEqualTo, 5)
So(cveMap, ShouldContainKey, "CVE-2023-1255")
So(cveMap, ShouldContainKey, "CVE-2023-2650")
So(cveMap, ShouldContainKey, "CVE-2023-2975")
So(cveMap, ShouldContainKey, "CVE-2023-3817")
So(cveMap, ShouldContainKey, "CVE-2023-3446")