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Andrei Aaron 77149aa85c
refactor(extensions)!: refactor the extensions URLs and errors (#1636)
BREAKING CHANGE: The functionality provided by the mgmt endpoint has beed redesigned - see details below
BREAKING CHANGE: The API keys endpoint has been moved -  see details below
BREAKING CHANGE: The mgmt extension config has been removed - endpoint is now enabled by having both the search and the ui extensions enabled
BREAKING CHANGE: The API keys configuration has been moved from extensions to http>auth>apikey

mgmt and imagetrust extensions:
- separate the _zot/ext/mgmt into 3 separate endpoints: _zot/ext/auth, _zot/ext/notation, _zot/ext/cosign
- signature verification logic is in a separate `imagetrust` extension
- better hanling or errors in case of signature uploads: logging and error codes (more 400 and less 500 errors)
- add authz on signature uploads (and add a new middleware in common for this purpose)
- remove the mgmt extension configuration - it is now enabled if the UI and the search extensions are enabled

userprefs estension:
- userprefs are enabled if both search and ui extensions are enabled (as opposed to just search)

apikey extension is removed and logic moved into the api folder
- Move apikeys code out of pkg/extensions and into pkg/api
- Remove apikey configuration options from the extensions configuration and move it inside the http auth section
- remove the build label apikeys

other changes:
- move most of the logic adding handlers to the extensions endpoints out of routes.go and into the extensions files.
- add warnings in case the users are still using configurations with the obsolete settings for mgmt and api keys
- add a new function in the extension package which could be a single point of starting backgroud tasks for all extensions
- more clear methods for verifying specific extensions are enabled
- fix http methods paired with the UI handlers
- rebuild swagger docs

Signed-off-by: Andrei Aaron <aaaron@luxoft.com>
2023-08-02 21:58:34 +03:00

113 lines
9.1 KiB

package errors
import "errors"
var (
ErrBadConfig = errors.New("config: invalid config")
ErrCliBadConfig = errors.New("cli: bad config")
ErrRepoNotFound = errors.New("repository: not found")
ErrRepoIsNotDir = errors.New("repository: not a directory")
ErrRepoBadVersion = errors.New("repository: unsupported layout version")
ErrManifestNotFound = errors.New("manifest: not found")
ErrBadManifest = errors.New("manifest: invalid contents")
ErrBadIndex = errors.New("index: invalid contents")
ErrUploadNotFound = errors.New("uploads: not found")
ErrBadUploadRange = errors.New("uploads: bad range")
ErrBlobNotFound = errors.New("blob: not found")
ErrBadBlob = errors.New("blob: bad blob")
ErrBadBlobDigest = errors.New("blob: bad blob digest")
ErrBlobReferenced = errors.New("blob: referenced by manifest")
ErrUnknownCode = errors.New("error: unknown error code")
ErrBadCACert = errors.New("tls: invalid ca cert")
ErrBadUser = errors.New("auth: non-existent user")
ErrEntriesExceeded = errors.New("ldap: too many entries returned")
ErrLDAPEmptyPassphrase = errors.New("ldap: empty passphrase")
ErrLDAPBadConn = errors.New("ldap: bad connection")
ErrLDAPConfig = errors.New("config: invalid LDAP configuration")
ErrCacheRootBucket = errors.New("cache: unable to create/update root bucket")
ErrCacheNoBucket = errors.New("cache: unable to find bucket")
ErrCacheMiss = errors.New("cache: miss")
ErrRequireCred = errors.New("ldap: bind credentials required")
ErrInvalidCred = errors.New("ldap: invalid credentials")
ErrEmptyJSON = errors.New("cli: config json is empty")
ErrInvalidArgs = errors.New("cli: Invalid Arguments")
ErrInvalidFlagsCombination = errors.New("cli: Invalid combination of flags")
ErrInvalidURL = errors.New("cli: invalid URL format")
ErrExtensionNotEnabled = errors.New("cli: functionality is not built in current version")
ErrUnauthorizedAccess = errors.New("auth: unauthorized access. check credentials")
ErrCannotResetConfigKey = errors.New("cli: cannot reset given config key")
ErrConfigNotFound = errors.New("cli: config with the given name does not exist")
ErrNoURLProvided = errors.New("cli: no URL provided in argument or via config")
ErrIllegalConfigKey = errors.New("cli: given config key is not allowed")
ErrScanNotSupported = errors.New("search: scanning of image media type not supported")
ErrCLITimeout = errors.New("cli: Query timed out while waiting for results")
ErrDuplicateConfigName = errors.New("cli: cli config name already added")
ErrInvalidRoute = errors.New("routes: invalid route prefix")
ErrImgStoreNotFound = errors.New("routes: image store not found corresponding to given route")
ErrEmptyValue = errors.New("cache: empty value")
ErrEmptyRepoList = errors.New("search: no repository found")
ErrCVESearchDisabled = errors.New("search: CVE search is disabled")
ErrCVEDBNotFound = errors.New("cve: CVE DB is not present")
ErrInvalidRepositoryName = errors.New("repository: not a valid repository name")
ErrSyncMissingCatalog = errors.New("sync: couldn't fetch upstream registry's catalog")
ErrMethodNotSupported = errors.New("storage: method not supported")
ErrInvalidMetric = errors.New("metrics: invalid metric func")
ErrInjected = errors.New("test: injected failure")
ErrSyncInvalidUpstreamURL = errors.New("sync: upstream url not found in sync config")
ErrRegistryNoContent = errors.New("sync: could not find a Content that matches localRepo")
ErrSyncReferrerNotFound = errors.New("sync: couldn't find upstream referrer")
ErrImageLintAnnotations = errors.New("routes: lint checks failed")
ErrParsingAuthHeader = errors.New("auth: failed parsing authorization header")
ErrBadType = errors.New("core: invalid type")
ErrParsingHTTPHeader = errors.New("routes: invalid HTTP header")
ErrBadRange = errors.New("storage: bad range")
ErrBadLayerCount = errors.New("manifest: layers count doesn't correspond to config history")
ErrManifestConflict = errors.New("manifest: multiple manifests found")
ErrManifestMetaNotFound = errors.New("metadb: image metadata not found for given manifest reference")
ErrManifestDataNotFound = errors.New("metadb: image data not found for given manifest digest")
ErrIndexDataNotFount = errors.New("metadb: index data not found for given digest")
ErrRepoMetaNotFound = errors.New("metadb: repo metadata not found for given repo name")
ErrTagMetaNotFound = errors.New("metadb: tag metadata not found for given repo and tag names")
ErrTypeAssertionFailed = errors.New("storage: failed DatabaseDriver type assertion")
ErrInvalidRequestParams = errors.New("resolver: parameter sent has invalid value")
ErrBadCtxFormat = errors.New("type assertion failed")
ErrEmptyRepoName = errors.New("metadb: repo name can't be empty string")
ErrEmptyTag = errors.New("metadb: tag can't be empty string")
ErrEmptyDigest = errors.New("metadb: digest can't be empty string")
ErrInvalidRepoRefFormat = errors.New("invalid image reference format")
ErrLimitIsNegative = errors.New("pageturner: limit has negative value")
ErrOffsetIsNegative = errors.New("pageturner: offset has negative value")
ErrSortCriteriaNotSupported = errors.New("pageturner: the sort criteria is not supported")
ErrMediaTypeNotSupported = errors.New("metadb: media type is not supported")
ErrTimeout = errors.New("operation timeout")
ErrNotImplemented = errors.New("not implemented")
ErrDedupeRebuild = errors.New("dedupe: couldn't rebuild dedupe index")
ErrMissingAuthHeader = errors.New("auth: required authorization header is missing")
ErrUserAPIKeyNotFound = errors.New("userDB: user info for given API key hash not found")
ErrUserSessionNotFound = errors.New("userDB: user session for given ID not found")
ErrBucketDoesNotExist = errors.New("DB: bucket does not exist")
ErrOpenIDProviderDoesNotExist = errors.New("openID: provider does not exist in given config")
ErrHashKeyNotCreated = errors.New("cookiestore: generated random hash key is nil, not continuing")
ErrFailedTypeAssertion = errors.New("type assertion failed")
ErrInvalidOldUserStarredRepos = errors.New("metadb: invalid old entry for user starred repos")
ErrUnmarshalledRepoListIsNil = errors.New("metadb: list of repos is still nil")
ErrCouldNotMarshalStarredRepos = errors.New("metadb: could not repack entry for user starred repos")
ErrInvalidOldUserBookmarkedRepos = errors.New("metadb: invalid old entry for user bookmarked repos")
ErrCouldNotMarshalBookmarkedRepos = errors.New("metadb: could not repack entry for user bookmarked repos")
ErrUserDataNotFound = errors.New("metadb: user data not found for given user identifier")
ErrUserDataNotAllowed = errors.New("metadb: user data operations are not allowed")
ErrCouldNotPersistData = errors.New("metadb: could not persist to db")
ErrSignConfigDirNotSet = errors.New("signatures: signature config dir not set")
ErrBadManifestDigest = errors.New("signatures: bad manifest digest")
ErrInvalidSignatureType = errors.New("signatures: invalid signature type")
ErrSyncPingRegistry = errors.New("sync: unable to ping any registry URLs")
ErrSyncImageNotSigned = errors.New("sync: image is not signed")
ErrSyncImageFilteredOut = errors.New("sync: image is filtered out by sync config")
ErrCallerInfo = errors.New("runtime: failed to get info regarding the current runtime")
ErrInvalidTruststoreType = errors.New("signatures: invalid truststore type")
ErrInvalidTruststoreName = errors.New("signatures: invalid truststore name")
ErrInvalidCertificateContent = errors.New("signatures: invalid certificate content")
ErrInvalidPublicKeyContent = errors.New("signatures: invalid public key content")
ErrInvalidStateCookie = errors.New("auth: state cookie not present or differs from original state")
ErrSyncNoURLsLeft = errors.New("sync: no valid registry urls left after filtering local ones")