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mirror of https://github.com/project-zot/zot.git synced 2025-01-27 23:01:43 -05:00
Alex Stan ada21ed842 Manage builds with different combinations of extensions
Files were added to be built whether an extension is on or off.
New build tags were added for each extension, while minimal and extended disappeared.

added custom binary naming depending on extensions used and changed references from binary to binary-extended

added automated blackbox tests for sync, search, scrub, metrics

added contributor guidelines

Signed-off-by: Alex Stan <alexandrustan96@yahoo.ro>
2022-06-30 09:53:52 -07:00

533 lines
13 KiB

//go:build !metrics
// +build !metrics
// nolint: varnamelen,forcetypeassert
package monitoring
import (
const (
metricsNamespace = "zot"
// Counters.
httpConnRequests = metricsNamespace + ".http.requests"
repoDownloads = metricsNamespace + ".repo.downloads"
repoUploads = metricsNamespace + ".repo.uploads"
// Gauge.
repoStorageBytes = metricsNamespace + ".repo.storage.bytes"
serverInfo = metricsNamespace + ".info"
// Summary.
httpRepoLatencySeconds = metricsNamespace + ".http.repo.latency.seconds"
// Histogram.
httpMethodLatencySeconds = metricsNamespace + ".http.method.latency.seconds"
storageLockLatencySeconds = metricsNamespace + ".storage.lock.latency.seconds"
metricsScrapeTimeout = 2 * time.Minute
metricsScrapeCheckInterval = 30 * time.Second
type metricServer struct {
enabled bool
lastCheck time.Time
reqChan chan interface{}
cache *MetricsInfo
cacheChan chan *MetricsInfo
bucketsF2S map[float64]string // float64 to string conversion of buckets label
log log.Logger
type MetricsInfo struct {
Counters []*CounterValue
Gauges []*GaugeValue
Summaries []*SummaryValue
Histograms []*HistogramValue
// CounterValue stores info about a metric that is incremented over time,
// such as the number of requests to an HTTP endpoint.
type CounterValue struct {
Name string
Count int
LabelNames []string
LabelValues []string
// GaugeValue stores one value that is updated as time goes on, such as
// the amount of memory allocated.
type GaugeValue struct {
Name string
Value float64
LabelNames []string
LabelValues []string
// SummaryValue stores info about a metric that is incremented over time,
// such as the number of requests to an HTTP endpoint.
type SummaryValue struct {
Name string
Count int
Sum float64
LabelNames []string
LabelValues []string
type HistogramValue struct {
Name string
Count int
Sum float64
Buckets map[string]int
LabelNames []string
LabelValues []string
func GetDefaultBuckets() []float64 {
return []float64{.05, .5, 1, 5, 30, 60, 600, math.MaxFloat64}
func GetStorageLatencyBuckets() []float64 {
return []float64{.001, .01, 0.1, 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, math.MaxFloat64}
// implements the MetricServer interface.
func (ms *metricServer) SendMetric(metric interface{}) {
if ms.enabled {
ms.reqChan <- metric
func (ms *metricServer) ForceSendMetric(metric interface{}) {
ms.reqChan <- metric
func (ms *metricServer) ReceiveMetrics() interface{} {
if !ms.enabled {
ms.enabled = true
ms.cacheChan <- &MetricsInfo{}
return <-ms.cacheChan
func (ms *metricServer) IsEnabled() bool {
b := false
// send a bool value on the request channel to avoid data race
ms.reqChan <- b
return (<-ms.reqChan).(bool)
func (ms *metricServer) Run() {
sendAfter := make(chan time.Duration, 1)
// periodically send a notification to the metric server to check if we can disable metrics
go func() {
for {
t := metricsScrapeCheckInterval
sendAfter <- t
for {
select {
case <-ms.cacheChan:
ms.lastCheck = time.Now()
ms.cacheChan <- ms.cache
case m := <-ms.reqChan:
switch v := m.(type) {
case CounterValue:
cv := m.(CounterValue)
case GaugeValue:
gv := m.(GaugeValue)
case SummaryValue:
sv := m.(SummaryValue)
case HistogramValue:
hv := m.(HistogramValue)
case bool:
ms.reqChan <- ms.enabled
ms.log.Error().Msgf("unexpected type %T", v)
case <-sendAfter:
// Check if we didn't receive a metrics scrape in a while and if so,
// disable metrics (possible node exporter down/crashed)
if ms.enabled {
lastCheckInterval := time.Since(ms.lastCheck)
if lastCheckInterval > metricsScrapeTimeout {
ms.enabled = false
func NewMetricsServer(enabled bool, log log.Logger) MetricServer {
mi := &MetricsInfo{
Counters: make([]*CounterValue, 0),
Gauges: make([]*GaugeValue, 0),
Summaries: make([]*SummaryValue, 0),
Histograms: make([]*HistogramValue, 0),
// convert to a map for returning easily the string corresponding to a bucket
bucketsFloat2String := map[float64]string{}
for _, fvalue := range append(GetDefaultBuckets(), GetStorageLatencyBuckets()...) {
if fvalue == math.MaxFloat64 {
bucketsFloat2String[fvalue] = "+Inf"
} else {
s := strconv.FormatFloat(fvalue, 'f', -1, 64)
bucketsFloat2String[fvalue] = s
ms := &metricServer{
enabled: enabled,
reqChan: make(chan interface{}),
cacheChan: make(chan *MetricsInfo),
cache: mi,
bucketsF2S: bucketsFloat2String,
log: log,
go ms.Run()
return ms
// contains a map with key=CounterName and value=CounterLabels.
func GetCounters() map[string][]string {
return map[string][]string{
httpConnRequests: {"method", "code"},
repoDownloads: {"repo"},
repoUploads: {"repo"},
func GetGauges() map[string][]string {
return map[string][]string{
repoStorageBytes: {"repo"},
serverInfo: {"commit", "binaryType", "goVersion", "version"},
func GetSummaries() map[string][]string {
return map[string][]string{
httpRepoLatencySeconds: {"repo"},
func GetHistograms() map[string][]string {
return map[string][]string{
httpMethodLatencySeconds: {"method"},
storageLockLatencySeconds: {"storageName", "lockType"},
// return true if a metric does not have any labels or if the label
// values for searched metric corresponds to the one in the cached slice.
func isMetricMatch(lValues, metricValues []string) bool {
if len(lValues) == len(metricValues) {
for i, v := range metricValues {
if v != lValues[i] {
return false
return true
// returns {-1, false} in case metric was not found in the slice.
func findCounterValueIndex(metricSlice []*CounterValue, name string, labelValues []string) (int, bool) {
for i, m := range metricSlice {
if m.Name == name {
if isMetricMatch(labelValues, m.LabelValues) {
return i, true
return -1, false
// returns {-1, false} in case metric was not found in the slice.
func findGaugeValueIndex(metricSlice []*GaugeValue, name string, labelValues []string) (int, bool) {
for i, m := range metricSlice {
if m.Name == name {
if isMetricMatch(labelValues, m.LabelValues) {
return i, true
return -1, false
// returns {-1, false} in case metric was not found in the slice.
func findSummaryValueIndex(metricSlice []*SummaryValue, name string, labelValues []string) (int, bool) {
for i, m := range metricSlice {
if m.Name == name {
if isMetricMatch(labelValues, m.LabelValues) {
return i, true
return -1, false
// returns {-1, false} in case metric was not found in the slice.
func findHistogramValueIndex(metricSlice []*HistogramValue, name string, labelValues []string) (int, bool) {
for i, m := range metricSlice {
if m.Name == name {
if isMetricMatch(labelValues, m.LabelValues) {
return i, true
return -1, false
func (ms *metricServer) CounterInc(cv *CounterValue) {
labels, ok := GetCounters()[cv.Name] // known label names for the 'name' counter
err := sanityChecks(cv.Name, labels, ok, cv.LabelNames, cv.LabelValues)
if err != nil {
// The last thing we want is to panic/stop the server due to instrumentation
// thus log a message (should be detected during development of new metrics)
ms.log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Instrumentation error")
index, ok := findCounterValueIndex(ms.cache.Counters, cv.Name, cv.LabelValues)
if !ok {
// cv not found in cache: add it
cv.Count = 1
ms.cache.Counters = append(ms.cache.Counters, cv)
} else {
func (ms *metricServer) GaugeSet(gv *GaugeValue) {
labels, ok := GetGauges()[gv.Name] // known label names for the 'name' counter
err := sanityChecks(gv.Name, labels, ok, gv.LabelNames, gv.LabelValues)
if err != nil {
ms.log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Instrumentation error")
index, ok := findGaugeValueIndex(ms.cache.Gauges, gv.Name, gv.LabelValues)
if !ok {
// gv not found in cache: add it
ms.cache.Gauges = append(ms.cache.Gauges, gv)
} else {
ms.cache.Gauges[index].Value = gv.Value
func (ms *metricServer) SummaryObserve(sv *SummaryValue) {
labels, ok := GetSummaries()[sv.Name] // known label names for the 'name' summary
err := sanityChecks(sv.Name, labels, ok, sv.LabelNames, sv.LabelValues)
if err != nil {
ms.log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Instrumentation error")
index, ok := findSummaryValueIndex(ms.cache.Summaries, sv.Name, sv.LabelValues)
if !ok {
// The SampledValue not found: add it
sv.Count = 1 // First value, no need to increment
ms.cache.Summaries = append(ms.cache.Summaries, sv)
} else {
ms.cache.Summaries[index].Sum += sv.Sum
func (ms *metricServer) HistogramObserve(hv *HistogramValue) {
labels, ok := GetHistograms()[hv.Name] // known label names for the 'name' counter
err := sanityChecks(hv.Name, labels, ok, hv.LabelNames, hv.LabelValues)
if err != nil {
ms.log.Error().Err(err).Msg("Instrumentation error")
index, ok := findHistogramValueIndex(ms.cache.Histograms, hv.Name, hv.LabelValues)
if !ok {
// The HistogramValue not found: add it
buckets := make(map[string]int)
for _, fvalue := range GetBuckets(hv.Name) {
if hv.Sum <= fvalue {
buckets[ms.bucketsF2S[fvalue]] = 1
} else {
buckets[ms.bucketsF2S[fvalue]] = 0
hv.Count = 1 // First value, no need to increment
hv.Buckets = buckets
ms.cache.Histograms = append(ms.cache.Histograms, hv)
} else {
cachedH := ms.cache.Histograms[index]
cachedH.Sum += hv.Sum
for _, fvalue := range GetBuckets(hv.Name) {
if hv.Sum <= fvalue {
// nolint: goerr113
func sanityChecks(name string, knownLabels []string, found bool, labelNames, labelValues []string) error {
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("metric %s: not found", name)
if len(labelNames) != len(labelValues) ||
len(labelNames) != len(knownLabels) {
return fmt.Errorf("metric %s: label size mismatch", name)
// The list of label names defined in init() for the counter must match what was provided in labelNames
for i, label := range labelNames {
if label != knownLabels[i] {
return fmt.Errorf("metric %s: label size mismatch", name)
return nil
func IncHTTPConnRequests(ms MetricServer, lvs ...string) {
req := CounterValue{
Name: httpConnRequests,
LabelNames: []string{"method", "code"},
LabelValues: lvs,
func ObserveHTTPRepoLatency(ms MetricServer, path string, latency time.Duration) {
if ms.(*metricServer).enabled {
var lvs []string
re := regexp.MustCompile(`\/v2\/(.*?)\/(blobs|tags|manifests)\/(.*)$`)
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(path)
if len(match) > 1 {
lvs = []string{match[1]}
} else {
lvs = []string{"N/A"}
sv := SummaryValue{
Name: httpRepoLatencySeconds,
Sum: latency.Seconds(),
LabelNames: []string{"repo"},
LabelValues: lvs,
func ObserveHTTPMethodLatency(ms MetricServer, method string, latency time.Duration) {
h := HistogramValue{
Name: httpMethodLatencySeconds,
Sum: latency.Seconds(), // convenient temporary store for Histogram latency value
LabelNames: []string{"method"},
LabelValues: []string{method},
func IncDownloadCounter(ms MetricServer, repo string) {
dCounter := CounterValue{
Name: repoDownloads,
LabelNames: []string{"repo"},
LabelValues: []string{repo},
func IncUploadCounter(ms MetricServer, repo string) {
uCounter := CounterValue{
Name: repoUploads,
LabelNames: []string{"repo"},
LabelValues: []string{repo},
func SetStorageUsage(ms MetricServer, rootDir, repo string) {
dir := path.Join(rootDir, repo)
repoSize, err := getDirSize(dir)
if err != nil {
ms.(*metricServer).log.Error().Err(err).Msg("failed to set storage usage")
storage := GaugeValue{
Name: repoStorageBytes,
Value: float64(repoSize),
LabelNames: []string{"repo"},
LabelValues: []string{repo},
func SetServerInfo(ms MetricServer, lvs ...string) {
info := GaugeValue{
Name: serverInfo,
Value: 0,
LabelNames: []string{"commit", "binaryType", "goVersion", "version"},
LabelValues: lvs,
// This metric is set once at zot startup (set it regardless of metrics enabled)
func ObserveStorageLockLatency(ms MetricServer, latency time.Duration, storageName, lockType string) {
h := HistogramValue{
Name: storageLockLatencySeconds,
Sum: latency.Seconds(), // convenient temporary store for Histogram latency value
LabelNames: []string{"storageName", "lockType"},
LabelValues: []string{storageName, lockType},
func GetMaxIdleScrapeInterval() time.Duration {
return metricsScrapeTimeout + metricsScrapeCheckInterval
func GetBuckets(metricName string) []float64 {
switch metricName {
case storageLockLatencySeconds:
return GetStorageLatencyBuckets()
return GetDefaultBuckets()