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synced 2025-02-03 23:09:41 -05:00
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361 lines
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package sync
import (
syncconf "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/extensions/config/sync"
const (
OrasArtifact = "orasArtifact"
OCIReference = "ociReference"
type syncContextUtils struct {
policyCtx *signature.PolicyContext
localCtx *types.SystemContext
upstreamCtx *types.SystemContext
upstreamAddr string
copyOptions copy.Options
retryOptions *retry.Options
enforceSignatures bool
var demandedImgs demandedImages
type demandedImages struct {
syncedMap sync.Map
func (di *demandedImages) loadOrStoreChan(key string, value chan error) (chan error, bool) {
val, found := di.syncedMap.LoadOrStore(key, value)
errChannel, _ := val.(chan error)
return errChannel, found
func (di *demandedImages) loadOrStoreStr(key, value string) (string, bool) {
val, found := di.syncedMap.LoadOrStore(key, value)
str, _ := val.(string)
return str, found
func (di *demandedImages) delete(key string) {
func OneImage(ctx context.Context, cfg syncconf.Config, repoDB repodb.RepoDB,
storeController storage.StoreController, repo, reference string, artifactType string, log log.Logger,
) error {
// guard against multiple parallel requests
demandedImage := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", repo, reference)
// loadOrStore image-based channel
imageChannel, found := demandedImgs.loadOrStoreChan(demandedImage, make(chan error))
// if value found wait on channel receive or close
if found {
log.Info().Str("demandedImage", demandedImage).
Msg("image already demanded by another client, waiting on imageChannel")
err, ok := <-imageChannel
// if channel closed exit
if !ok {
return nil
return err
defer demandedImgs.delete(demandedImage)
defer close(imageChannel)
go syncOneImage(ctx, imageChannel, cfg, repoDB, storeController, repo, reference, artifactType, log)
err, ok := <-imageChannel
if !ok {
return nil
return err
func syncOneImage(ctx context.Context, imageChannel chan error, cfg syncconf.Config,
repoDB repodb.RepoDB, storeController storage.StoreController,
localRepo, reference string, artifactType string, log log.Logger,
) {
var credentialsFile syncconf.CredentialsFile
if cfg.CredentialsFile != "" {
var err error
credentialsFile, err = getFileCredentials(cfg.CredentialsFile)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Str("errorType", common.TypeOf(err)).
Err(err).Str("credentialsFile", cfg.CredentialsFile).Msg("couldn't get registry credentials from file")
imageChannel <- err
localCtx, policyCtx, err := getLocalContexts(log)
if err != nil {
imageChannel <- err
for _, registryCfg := range cfg.Registries {
regCfg := registryCfg
if !regCfg.OnDemand {
log.Info().Strs("registry", regCfg.URLs).
Msg("skipping syncing on demand from registry, onDemand flag is false")
upstreamRepo := localRepo
// if content config is not specified, then don't filter, just sync demanded image
if len(regCfg.Content) != 0 {
contentID, err := findRepoMatchingContentID(localRepo, regCfg.Content)
if err != nil {
log.Info().Str("localRepo", localRepo).Strs("registry",
regCfg.URLs).Msg("skipping syncing on demand repo from registry because it's filtered out by content config")
upstreamRepo = getRepoSource(localRepo, regCfg.Content[contentID])
retryOptions := &retry.Options{}
if regCfg.MaxRetries != nil {
retryOptions.MaxRetry = *regCfg.MaxRetries
if regCfg.RetryDelay != nil {
retryOptions.Delay = *regCfg.RetryDelay
log.Info().Strs("registry", regCfg.URLs).Msg("syncing on demand with registry")
for _, regCfgURL := range regCfg.URLs {
upstreamURL := regCfgURL
upstreamAddr := StripRegistryTransport(upstreamURL)
var TLSverify bool
if regCfg.TLSVerify != nil && *regCfg.TLSVerify {
TLSverify = true
registryURL, err := url.Parse(upstreamURL)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Str("errorType", common.TypeOf(err)).
Err(err).Str("url", upstreamURL).Msg("couldn't parse url")
imageChannel <- err
httpClient, err := common.CreateHTTPClient(TLSverify, registryURL.Host, regCfg.CertDir)
if err != nil {
imageChannel <- err
sig := newSignaturesCopier(httpClient, credentialsFile[upstreamAddr], *registryURL, repoDB,
storeController, log)
upstreamCtx := getUpstreamContext(®Cfg, credentialsFile[upstreamAddr])
options := getCopyOptions(upstreamCtx, localCtx)
/* demanded object is a signature or artifact
at tis point we already have images synced, but not their signatures. */
if isCosignTag(reference) || artifactType != "" {
//nolint: contextcheck
err = syncSignaturesArtifacts(sig, localRepo, upstreamRepo, reference, artifactType)
if err != nil {
imageChannel <- nil
var enforeSignatures bool
if regCfg.OnlySigned != nil && *regCfg.OnlySigned {
enforeSignatures = true
syncContextUtils := syncContextUtils{
policyCtx: policyCtx,
localCtx: localCtx,
upstreamCtx: upstreamCtx,
upstreamAddr: upstreamAddr,
copyOptions: options,
retryOptions: &retry.Options{}, // we don't want to retry inline
enforceSignatures: enforeSignatures,
skipped, copyErr := syncRun(localRepo, upstreamRepo, reference, syncContextUtils, sig, log)
if skipped {
// key used to check if we already have a go routine syncing this image
demandedImageRef := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s:%s", upstreamAddr, upstreamRepo, reference)
if copyErr != nil {
// don't retry in background if maxretry is 0
if retryOptions.MaxRetry == 0 {
_, found := demandedImgs.loadOrStoreStr(demandedImageRef, "")
if found {
log.Info().Str("demandedImageRef", demandedImageRef).Msg("image already demanded in background")
/* we already have a go routine spawned for this image
or retryOptions is not configured */
// spawn goroutine to later pull the image
go func() {
// remove image after syncing
defer func() {
log.Info().Str("demandedImageRef", demandedImageRef).Msg("sync routine: demanded image exited")
log.Info().Str("demandedImageRef", demandedImageRef).Str("copyErr", copyErr.Error()).
Msg("sync routine: starting routine to copy image, err encountered")
if err = retry.RetryIfNecessary(ctx, func() error {
_, err := syncRun(localRepo, upstreamRepo, reference, syncContextUtils, sig, log)
return err
}, retryOptions); err != nil {
log.Error().Str("errorType", common.TypeOf(err)).Err(err).
Str("demandedImageRef", demandedImageRef).Msg("sync routine: error while copying image")
} else {
imageChannel <- nil
imageChannel <- nil
func syncRun(localRepo, upstreamRepo, reference string, utils syncContextUtils, sig *signaturesCopier,
log log.Logger,
) (bool, error) {
upstreamImageRef, err := getImageRef(utils.upstreamAddr, upstreamRepo, reference)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Str("errorType", common.TypeOf(err)).Err(err).
Str("repository", utils.upstreamAddr+"/"+upstreamRepo+":"+reference).
Msg("error creating docker reference for repository")
return false, err
imageStore := sig.storeController.GetImageStore(localRepo)
localCachePath, err := getLocalCachePath(imageStore, localRepo)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("repository", localRepo).Msg("couldn't get localCachePath for repository")
return false, err
defer os.RemoveAll(localCachePath)
return syncImageWithRefs(context.Background(), localRepo, upstreamRepo, reference, upstreamImageRef,
utils, sig, localCachePath, log)
func syncSignaturesArtifacts(sig *signaturesCopier, localRepo, upstreamRepo, reference, artifactType string) error {
upstreamURL := sig.upstreamURL.String()
switch {
case isCosignTag(reference):
// is cosign signature
cosignManifest, err := sig.getCosignManifest(upstreamRepo, reference)
if err != nil {
sig.log.Error().Str("errorType", common.TypeOf(err)).Err(err).
Str("image", upstreamURL+"/"+upstreamRepo+":"+reference).Msg("couldn't get upstream image cosign manifest")
return err
err = sig.syncCosignSignature(localRepo, upstreamRepo, reference, cosignManifest)
if err != nil {
sig.log.Error().Str("errorType", common.TypeOf(err)).Err(err).
Str("image", upstreamURL+"/"+upstreamRepo+":"+reference).Msg("couldn't copy upstream image cosign signature")
return err
case artifactType == OrasArtifact:
// is oras artifact
refs, err := sig.getORASRefs(upstreamRepo, reference)
if err != nil {
sig.log.Error().Str("errorType", common.TypeOf(err)).Err(err).
Str("image", upstreamURL+"/"+upstreamRepo+":"+reference).Msg("couldn't get upstream image ORAS references")
return err
err = sig.syncORASRefs(localRepo, upstreamRepo, reference, refs)
if err != nil {
sig.log.Error().Str("errorType", common.TypeOf(err)).Err(err).
Str("image", upstreamURL+"/"+upstreamRepo+":"+reference).Msg("couldn't copy image ORAS references")
return err
case artifactType == OCIReference:
// this contains notary signatures
index, err := sig.getOCIRefs(upstreamRepo, reference)
if err != nil {
sig.log.Error().Str("errorType", common.TypeOf(err)).Err(err).
Str("image", upstreamURL+"/"+upstreamRepo+":"+reference).Msg("couldn't get OCI references")
return err
err = sig.syncOCIRefs(localRepo, upstreamRepo, reference, index)
if err != nil {
sig.log.Error().Str("errorType", common.TypeOf(err)).Err(err).
Str("image", upstreamURL+"/"+upstreamRepo+":"+reference).Msg("couldn't copy OCI references")
return err
return nil