Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/project-zot/zot.git synced 2025-03-18 02:22:53 -05:00
Andrei Aaron 1d9c88c313
fix(cli): do not show signatures and fix tls verification client side (#904)
Issues fixed:
- the cli calls reaching out to the catalog endpoint used to request signature manifests
- resty was used instead of the cli http client to check if the discovery api was available
but it did not take into account TLS verification configuration
(testing locally withself-signed certificates did not work)

(cherry picked from commit ca42031ae9b1ceb459f5cd4f86cb82b3c9f78157)
Signed-off-by: Andrei Aaron <andaaron@cisco.com>
2022-10-22 23:44:20 -07:00

161 lines
3.9 KiB

//go:build search
// +build search
package cli
import (
zotErrors "zotregistry.io/zot/errors"
func NewCveCommand(searchService SearchService) *cobra.Command {
searchCveParams := make(map[string]*string)
var servURL, user, outputFormat string
var isSpinner, verifyTLS, fixedFlag, verbose, debug bool
cveCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "cve [config-name]",
Short: "Lookup CVEs in images hosted on the zot registry",
Long: `List CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) of images hosted on the zot registry`,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
home, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
configPath := path.Join(home + "/.zot")
if servURL == "" {
if len(args) > 0 {
urlFromConfig, err := getConfigValue(configPath, args[0], "url")
if err != nil {
cmd.SilenceUsage = true
return err
if urlFromConfig == "" {
return zotErrors.ErrNoURLProvided
servURL = urlFromConfig
} else {
return zotErrors.ErrNoURLProvided
if len(args) > 0 {
var err error
isSpinner, err = parseBooleanConfig(configPath, args[0], showspinnerConfig)
if err != nil {
cmd.SilenceUsage = true
return err
verifyTLS, err = parseBooleanConfig(configPath, args[0], verifyTLSConfig)
if err != nil {
cmd.SilenceUsage = true
return err
spin := spinner.New(spinner.CharSets[39], spinnerDuration, spinner.WithWriter(cmd.ErrOrStderr()))
spin.Prefix = fmt.Sprintf("Fetching from %s..", servURL)
spin.Suffix = "\n\b"
verbose = false
searchConfig := searchConfig{
params: searchCveParams,
searchService: searchService,
servURL: &servURL,
user: &user,
outputFormat: &outputFormat,
fixedFlag: &fixedFlag,
verifyTLS: &verifyTLS,
verbose: &verbose,
debug: &debug,
resultWriter: cmd.OutOrStdout(),
spinner: spinnerState{spin, isSpinner},
err = searchCve(searchConfig)
if err != nil {
cmd.SilenceUsage = true
return err
return nil
vars := cveFlagVariables{
searchCveParams: searchCveParams,
servURL: &servURL,
user: &user,
outputFormat: &outputFormat,
fixedFlag: &fixedFlag,
debug: &debug,
setupCveFlags(cveCmd, vars)
return cveCmd
func setupCveFlags(cveCmd *cobra.Command, variables cveFlagVariables) {
variables.searchCveParams["imageName"] = cveCmd.Flags().StringP("image", "I", "", "List CVEs by IMAGENAME[:TAG]")
variables.searchCveParams["cveID"] = cveCmd.Flags().StringP("cve-id", "i", "", "List images affected by a CVE")
cveCmd.Flags().StringVar(variables.servURL, "url", "", "Specify zot server URL if config-name is not mentioned")
cveCmd.Flags().StringVarP(variables.user, "user", "u", "", `User Credentials of `+
`zot server in USERNAME:PASSWORD format`)
cveCmd.Flags().StringVarP(variables.outputFormat, "output", "o", "", "Specify output format [text/json/yaml]."+
" JSON and YAML format return all info for CVEs")
cveCmd.Flags().BoolVar(variables.fixedFlag, "fixed", false, "List tags which have fixed a CVE")
cveCmd.Flags().BoolVar(variables.debug, "debug", false, "Show debug output")
type cveFlagVariables struct {
searchCveParams map[string]*string
servURL *string
user *string
outputFormat *string
fixedFlag *bool
debug *bool
func searchCve(searchConfig searchConfig) error {
var searchers []searcher
if checkExtEndPoint(searchConfig) {
searchers = getCveSearchersGQL()
} else {
searchers = getCveSearchers()
for _, searcher := range searchers {
found, err := searcher.search(searchConfig)
if found {
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return zotErrors.ErrInvalidFlagsCombination