mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 23:09:41 -05:00
unified both local and s3 ImageStore logic into a single ImageStore added a new driver interface for common file/dirs manipulations to be implemented by different storage types refactor(gc): drop umoci dependency, implemented internal gc added retentionDelay config option that specifies the garbage collect delay for images without tags this will also clean manifests which are part of an index image (multiarch) that no longer exist. fix(dedupe): skip blobs under .sync/ directory if startup dedupe is running while also syncing is running ignore blobs under sync's temporary storage fix(storage): do not allow image indexes modifications when deleting a manifest verify that it is not part of a multiarch image and throw a MethodNotAllowed error to the client if it is. we don't want to modify multiarch images Signed-off-by: Petu Eusebiu <peusebiu@cisco.com>
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package cache
import (
godigest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
zerr "zotregistry.io/zot/errors"
zlog "zotregistry.io/zot/pkg/log"
type DynamoDBDriver struct {
client *dynamodb.Client
log zlog.Logger
tableName string
type DynamoDBDriverParameters struct {
Endpoint, Region, TableName string
type Blob struct {
Digest string `dynamodbav:"Digest,string"`
BlobPath []string `dynamodbav:"BlobPath,stringset"`
// Use ONLY for tests.
func (d *DynamoDBDriver) NewTable(tableName string) error {
_, err := d.client.CreateTable(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.CreateTableInput{
TableName: &tableName,
AttributeDefinitions: []types.AttributeDefinition{
AttributeName: aws.String("Digest"),
AttributeType: types.ScalarAttributeTypeS,
KeySchema: []types.KeySchemaElement{
AttributeName: aws.String("Digest"),
KeyType: types.KeyTypeHash,
ProvisionedThroughput: &types.ProvisionedThroughput{
ReadCapacityUnits: aws.Int64(10),
WriteCapacityUnits: aws.Int64(5),
if err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Table already exists") {
return err
d.tableName = tableName
return nil
func NewDynamoDBCache(parameters interface{}, log zlog.Logger) Cache {
properParameters, ok := parameters.(DynamoDBDriverParameters)
if !ok {
panic("Failed type assertion!")
// custom endpoint resolver to point to localhost
customResolver := aws.EndpointResolverWithOptionsFunc(
func(service, region string, options ...interface{}) (aws.Endpoint, error) {
return aws.Endpoint{
PartitionID: "aws",
URL: properParameters.Endpoint,
SigningRegion: region,
}, nil
// Using the SDK's default configuration, loading additional config
// and credentials values from the environment variables, shared
// credentials, and shared configuration files
cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.Background(), config.WithRegion(properParameters.Region),
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("unable to load AWS SDK config for dynamodb")
return nil
driver := &DynamoDBDriver{client: dynamodb.NewFromConfig(cfg), tableName: properParameters.TableName, log: log}
err = driver.NewTable(driver.tableName)
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("tableName", driver.tableName).Msg("unable to create table for cache")
// Using the Config value, create the DynamoDB client
return driver
func (d *DynamoDBDriver) UsesRelativePaths() bool {
return false
func (d *DynamoDBDriver) Name() string {
return "dynamodb"
// Returns the first path of the blob if it exists.
func (d *DynamoDBDriver) GetBlob(digest godigest.Digest) (string, error) {
resp, err := d.client.GetItem(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.GetItemInput{
TableName: aws.String(d.tableName),
Key: map[string]types.AttributeValue{
"Digest": &types.AttributeValueMemberS{Value: digest.String()},
if err != nil {
d.log.Error().Err(err).Str("tableName", d.tableName).Msg("failed to get blob")
return "", err
out := Blob{}
if resp.Item == nil {
return "", zerr.ErrCacheMiss
_ = attributevalue.UnmarshalMap(resp.Item, &out)
if len(out.BlobPath) == 0 {
return "", nil
return out.BlobPath[0], nil
func (d *DynamoDBDriver) PutBlob(digest godigest.Digest, path string) error {
if path == "" {
d.log.Error().Err(zerr.ErrEmptyValue).Str("digest", digest.String()).Msg("empty path provided")
return zerr.ErrEmptyValue
marshaledKey, _ := attributevalue.MarshalMap(map[string]interface{}{"Digest": digest.String()})
expression := "ADD BlobPath :i"
attrPath := types.AttributeValueMemberSS{Value: []string{path}}
if _, err := d.client.UpdateItem(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.UpdateItemInput{
Key: marshaledKey,
TableName: &d.tableName,
UpdateExpression: &expression,
ExpressionAttributeValues: map[string]types.AttributeValue{":i": &attrPath},
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (d *DynamoDBDriver) HasBlob(digest godigest.Digest, path string) bool {
resp, err := d.client.GetItem(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.GetItemInput{
TableName: aws.String(d.tableName),
Key: map[string]types.AttributeValue{
"Digest": &types.AttributeValueMemberS{Value: digest.String()},
if err != nil {
d.log.Error().Err(err).Str("tableName", d.tableName).Msg("failed to get blob")
return false
out := Blob{}
if resp.Item == nil {
d.log.Debug().Err(zerr.ErrCacheMiss).Str("digest", string(digest)).Msg("unable to find blob in cache")
return false
_ = attributevalue.UnmarshalMap(resp.Item, &out)
for _, item := range out.BlobPath {
if item == path {
return true
d.log.Debug().Err(zerr.ErrCacheMiss).Str("digest", string(digest)).Msg("unable to find blob in cache")
return false
func (d *DynamoDBDriver) DeleteBlob(digest godigest.Digest, path string) error {
marshaledKey, _ := attributevalue.MarshalMap(map[string]interface{}{"Digest": digest.String()})
expression := "DELETE BlobPath :i"
attrPath := types.AttributeValueMemberSS{Value: []string{path}}
_, err := d.client.UpdateItem(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.UpdateItemInput{
Key: marshaledKey,
TableName: &d.tableName,
UpdateExpression: &expression,
ExpressionAttributeValues: map[string]types.AttributeValue{":i": &attrPath},
if err != nil {
d.log.Error().Err(err).Str("digest", digest.String()).Str("path", path).Msg("unable to delete")
return err
result, _ := d.GetBlob(digest)
if result == "" {
d.log.Debug().Str("digest", digest.String()).Str("path", path).Msg("deleting empty bucket")
_, _ = d.client.DeleteItem(context.TODO(), &dynamodb.DeleteItemInput{
Key: marshaledKey,
TableName: &d.tableName,
return nil